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Introduction of Guests

EMCEE: Good afternoon to all of us. We are glad you could join us to honor and
celebrate with Liza Torres Cajepe as she marks her sixty years of sojourn in this world.
This 60th birthday heralds the rebirth of a wonderful person who has fulfilled her
obligations. Therefore, this party is a good time to say “Thank you” to everyone for
finding room in her heart for us everyday. It’s our way of reminding her that we’ll always
be here for her. It’s also an avenue of saying “We love you very much”. Above all, a
great way to say “Thank you Lord for your blessings and life”.


EMCEE: To spiritually open the program, may I request everybody to stand for the
Lord’s Moment for our guidance and blessings to be led by Atty. Arman Laurito


You may now be seated

Entrance of Family

EMCEE: But before we go on, it is my great honor to introduce our celebrator’s most
special guests this afternoon. Without them, her life would be empty and unhappy. Let
us all give a big round of applause to welcome and acknowledge the ever-supportive
and loving family of our celebrator.
Mr. Oscar Cajepe
Carliza and Miguel
Carla and MJ
And Carlo

Grand Entrance of Debutant

EMCEE: This afternoon is a celebration and thanksgiving of the life God has given to
our LOVELY celebrator. And now … guests, friends, ladies, and gentlemen, let us all
stand and put our hands together as we welcome the main highlight of this celebration,
the celebrator as a woman of magnificence, escorted by her husband. Ladies and
gentlemen, Liza Torres Cajepe

EMCEE: Wow, (adlib) Evidently, before this afternoon _Mam Uchie__ has had happy
years in a very happy home. The love of a family will always be God’s greatest blessing.
In life, we can have several friends and social circles but, there is only one family who is
always willing and ready to welcome us no matter what. Ladies and gentlemen, to
welcome us all, we have here of course, her handsome husband, _Mr. Oscar


EMCEE: At this part of the program, our lovable _______________ will blow the
candles on her birthday cake. And to complete that customary practice, let us all sing
joyfully a song I am very sure everybody is familiar with, the happy birthday song!

Celebrator makes a wish and blows the candles

EMCEE: Once again, a splendid afternoon to all you.


Flowers often symbolize degrees of love and affection, but they can also send a variety of
messages. Messages of forgiveness, purity, modesty, hope, beauty and love. The 6 roses
signify 6 very special gentlemen in the life of the debutant, like her friends, relatives, brothers
and husband
           To begin with, let us call all the gents to gather on the side for the smooth flow of the
program. As your name is called, it is your chance to offer a flower and to dance with the
debutant. So the first dance goes to her escort


It doesn’t matter how expensive, how elegant or how precious the gift is, what matters most is
the thought, the value and the essence that the gift contains. These gifts are significant to the
debutant and that she will truly treasure these for the rest of her life. 

                      As you hear your name, please be on stage, give your gift for Mam Uchie and
short birthday message.
                    To start, let us have





6 bills


EMCEE: At this part of the program, our lovable _______________ will blow the
candles on her birthday cake. And to complete that customary practice, let us all sing
joyfully a song I am very sure everybody is familiar with, the happy birthday song!

Celebrator makes a wish and blows the candles


This afternoon’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in

response to a wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming
thank you. Maraming salamat po for making me a part of this memorable occasion. And
if there’s one person here this afternoon who is more than grateful to see all of you, that
would be our beloved celebrator, ______________. I’m giving the floor to our dear
celebrator to give her message for all of us.

EMCEE: The night is young, and so are we, diba? Again, thank you for having me here
to celebrate with all of you. This is your host, ANNE CURTIS SMITH HEUSAFF. Enjoy
the rest of the night everyone!

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