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Processing: (Write your answer on the space provided in the Activity sheet)

1. What is the importance of considering three factors in choosing your future professions and
how it can affect your future career development?

Activity Worksheet
This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
Name: _Nikka Abawag____________ Date: _1/27/2021_________________

Grade and Section: _11- St. Thomas Aquinas

Road to the Right Choice

1. What kind of careers you think you can pursue through your current strand? Also, what skills
do you need to develop in order to pursue the kinds of career in your strand?

__I am considering taking a nursing career and communication skill is essential in taking nursing
career. I may not be good in terms of communication however there is still a room for
improvement and development. There’s still a lot of time to improve and develop my skill in
order to perform my chosen career efficiently in the future.

2. What kind of careers you may pursue given these following factors in choosing your future

a. Personal

__I want to take astronaut as my career. I want to venture outside the earth, I want to
experience the life in the space. I have this urge to see and check if there’s a life outside earth, I
want to fly and reach the sky, to discover and witness extraordinary things and phenomenon
that only happen outside the earth.

b. Family

__I chose nursing as my career mainly becaus of my family. My mother and sister are prone to
diseases so i decided to take nursing to provide aid for them in the future.

c. Social

_I want to take psychology as my career.


Those three factors a guide in choosing a future professions, I am honest to say that I am
still struggling in choosing my future profession. I can’t decide what to take for my future career
but when I stumble upon the three factors I am enlightened and made me slowly realize what to
take and why. It's like it paved a way for me to choose my future profession with easiness and

Processing: (Write your answer on the space provided in the Activity sheet)


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
1. What do you think are the factors that you have to consider in career planning?
2. How did this lesson help you in implementing your life and career goal?


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
Activity Worksheet

Name: __Nikka Abawag_______________________________ Date: 1/27/2021___________

Grade and Section: _11- St. Thomas Aquinas ______________

Factors in Choosing a Career

Which has greater weight?

Factors Advantages (what are Disadvantages (what
those) are those)

1. Employment opportunity. There is a high chance of The rate of

Availability of job in the locality and/or getting a job due to the competition may
nearby areas opportunity for possibly increase in
employment. getting a job.

2. Financial capability of parents The child will not struggle

Availability of financial resources to for the tuition fee anymore
sustain the needs to finish the and there’s a great
preferred course possibility for the child to
finish his study.

3. Global opportunity High probability The advantage is that a It’s a disadvantage if a

to work in other countries person can go to different person don’t know
places and experience how to adapt to a
working to a different new environment.
environment. The salary
can be high if the work
place is wealthy city or

4. Health - Enjoy good physical and Allowing a person to

mental health and vitality; enjoy perform his duty at its
physical and mental well-being; be free finest. The workers can
from disease or pain give their best service.

5. High paying job/profession/income High salary is guaranteed.

generating career Compensation is far You can save money.
above the regular received salary of


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.
common workers.

6. Interest Preference for certain kinds You can develop and

of activities improve your skills through
different activities.

7. Mental capacity - Sufficient You can make your own

understanding and memory to decision. The advantage is
comprehend in a general way the that you can make
situation in which one finds oneself decisions on your own.
and the nature, purpose, and
consequence of any act or transaction
into which one proposes to enter

8. Personality- The characteristic You can be unique based

patterns of behavior, thought, and on your personality.
emotion that determine a person’s
adjustment to environment

9. Prestige Become well-known; gain A lot of offer and Some may doubt you
the respect of others; be opportunity may come. and try to bring you
acknowledged by others as being down.

10. Social responsibility Social and One is the personal But it can give you a
humanitarian values satisfaction where a person lot of responsibility,
feel a great amount of you might not handle
satisfaction knowing that it well leading you to
he contribute something to commit a mistake.
the society. It can also give
you a good reputation in
the community by helping
other people.

1. The factors need to consider are your skills, interest, your capability to perform your
career efficiently in the future.
2. The lessons did a god job in helping my career goal as it helps me to plan and make
my main priority.


This document is a property of University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao. It must not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without
expressed written permission.

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