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Champions are NOT bors. They are ‘made from ‘sect, determination and KNOWLEDGE. COMPARE tht phere 1} the famous author, Reg Park Taken daring’ Rs frst wat to America ‘out one peur age wth any of Bis prtent Dhotor and you wil be ASTOUNDED lt his improvement. Herein he tells on an important Weider discovery Siper'Sts = which will make You to grees min. Pomer by Reg Park, Mr. Europe, Muscle Wonder Man! Let’s go! Get your share of bulging muscles and super power. FORGET about those stubborn muscles. NOW — everyone ean look like a champion. Read these sensational facts. COULD hardly believe my eyes as Joe Weider held the tap: snug around my tensed upper arm and the tape said. 10.2 inches, blown-up. This was the largest my upper arm hat lever measured. I was filled with a feeling of gratitude and sat isfaction ... [had cracked the 19 inch mark ... the high pol ‘which had kept me deadlocked for a full month, Thea my ches «a full 54 inches expanded!!! Another great increase 0) well over an inch. Here it was again... right before my owr eyes Twas GROWING... more massive, more powerful, loses day by day to the complete maximum of my physical possi bilities Joe Weider then took the measurement of Barton Horvath’t ‘upper arm... 183, hot, was what the tape showed!!! Bigger by a quarter of an inch than it had ever been before . . . one of the truly HUGE arms on a man of medium height today Barton had been stuck at 18" for some time ... now he too wat growing again... larger, stronger and impressively muscled, Abe Goldberg was next. WOW! His arm was a full half inch bigger than it had even been before, and it definitely stood out as an arm which will go down as one of the trly great ones of alltime... 1 ‘Not only had our arms and chests shown sensational growth, but all the other parts of our bodies showed similar gains... now and sensational gains, thanks to our practicing enother exclusive Weider SECRET . .. the super set series. There may be some who will laugh and say... . “What a lot of nonsense, There is nothing new in exercise, This new principle will not work.” BUT—those who laugh will not grow the muscle, while those who believe will soon join the ranks of the hest in the world. ‘The super ses, like every type of advanced training, ia NOT for the beginner. Neither is it for the semi-advanced body- builder. It is only for the FAR ADVANCED man . . . the one who is knocking on the door of physical supremacy . . . pound: ‘ng witha lusty fist... but finding the door locked and unyield- {ng to his request for entry into the exclusive land of Physical Greats, ‘To reach the top... EVERYONE must start at the bottom, Clancy Ross, Leo Robert, Joffre L'Heureux, Ed Theriault, Nor- man Marks, Armand Tenny, Floyd Page .. et ete of these men were BORN champions, They were just average ‘guys, exactly like you, before they began weight training, It was only through CORRECT training that they reached the top. (Continued on page 38) ressive contour Here he weigh jst 195 pounds: doy he ‘hts 250 pounda of "mane. mus lary. soi recognize this piysieal ‘Remy Steve of de. George Eifermon ina erly hota COMPARE wih to WEIDER SAVES YOU 10%!! ON BARBELL PARTS AND EQUIPMENT ‘DUMB RELL AND BARBELL PLATES, S He, et at le em ae ‘EEmESY dines (eu fo afb me sae Seles ae olan wear 2 pronany—eak ‘tot cold rll abe se! bar omip—eaeh 258 Saag piri cot oe Teas Cisrrme coland Fela the wrt Bone DpMmELE Pala shromiam, jolene gown at ‘Alvar, rameter iat WEIDER SAVES YOU tern th it pres re ueyatlicaliy “essen oem ot ooeye WEIDER BARBELL CO. 16 Hopkins Ave cmadion Order: WEIDER BARBELL CO. te, Jersey City, N. J, ‘4 an who had told me to present $800.0 his prize money to the American AAU eihuliting fund, ook this lap in the face nd accepted it rather than todo. America fan injustice, Here ix 8 Teson for ue ALL to ea 1 perconally want to apologie to EVERY ldybuilder the wosld over forthe etions a the Mr, World coatet. PLEASE—do not ‘ink that this is representative of the Ameri ‘an spirit of Frit play. Tkoow tht T should have been there alng with Reg Park in Pas He is my personal fend . . but T never Aeamed that he would get the trestment that he dh T could have PROVED Farhotnit’s pro fessonalism, 1 eould have shown them the cancelled check «my payment to him for a article he wrote forme. T would have routed out discrimination... show how others to whom no complaint was made were EVEN MORE professional than Reg Park... and this ineludes the winner. T should have guessed what was to take piace. For just before the contest, I learned that Hofman had gotten my priater «+. ye, ‘same printers who produce Your Physigue tnd Muscle Power Magazines... Helden Tad gotten them 9 accept the SXHC. for them to tan off his mapasine om the yery sume presses whieh tara my own out. Natur ally Chad to stay behind at the very last minute, faced wit this new development, A look atthe cutteat issue of SXH. proves how brazenly he has imitated me, So fom al den itis evident tha the whole plot was cleverly conceived. . everything done to keep Reg Park from winnlag the Mr. World te, 1 think we cam all ake Ieson frm the words of Me. Johneon ..- and FORGET that the trent ever took place. In fact, in reality NO CONTEST took place... was a FARCE ‘and the winner weary «synthetic crown Which was tarished BEFORE he donned it, [Now you know the facts Bare, naked gar Ingly aevealing TRUTHS about the ful play st Pars I you are ashamed, you are jot fo... for every AMERICAN will glow a mion red in the fae, when he recalls the ‘using reception given Reeves and Grimek Jn London, How Park, Stepan, Ross and ‘hers who appeared in Canada were trested ROYALLY. How Theriault, Robert, Pero, LHeureoe and other Caaadian gree are sven wheleearted receptions in the USA 'BUT—it was an American who stirred ‘op this Imernational Stench which we are all ashamed of, ‘This brings t0 mind «here i «aman in the vival organisation who's very fond of ‘toting poetry. Tam to, and take thie op- portnity Por when the One Grest Scorer Comes ‘To write against your name He jeites ot that you won or Tost Bat how you pled the game, THINK THAT ONE OVER, BOYS ... 1 Stubborn Muscles (Comineed from page 24) None of these mea wasted tne with obsolete and useless instruction .. atleast not after they read. about and’ practiced the new MIRACLE methods of the Weider Sytem they all boost and recommend the Weider System as being the best. They have gond reason to, and here's why To begin wih, muscler and power will never grow from old fashioned and static ex: tise practices. Imagine if you can, Rost ot ‘Stephan or Reeves or ANY ofthe champs gor ing throogh a dead workeut ofa doten or 0 fundamental exercises.» sow, tify military siyle in each exctese. Nobody bend, no Ineaves, no cheating, no two exercises in a tow for any single part of the body, only one tet of each exercises «ete, ete. Why they ‘would LAUGH at you if you arked them to tain that way and you eax take my word for [that i they did they would not remain great ‘hampions for any length of time Sil, despite allthis, there are sill some satems who avocate jus this sore of thing Thare absoltey no fight with anyone. 1 am ‘ot intereted in ereonlite, or in knocking ‘anyone: live that al instrvtors are doing the best job that they are capable af. How. ter, T coulda’ look any of you inthe face i 1 dida't give you FACTS . a8 I know them to be. regatdless WHO may beoome of- faded st me. Sl, static and lifeleas exerci movements © for BEGINNERS ONLY. The fist few months of your training you will make some progres regardless what you do. You can do Jast for dips and chine everyday like Abe Galaberg, Marvin Eder and Felix Gedcaitis Aid when they began ther ening programs and show some improvement, just like they Ai, the est fee month. But then u CHANGE, tat be made... these men went on to mike ‘a change - «they went Into modern weight taining and now all ate famous, Others who never went beyond the elementary sages ate STILL there. dippig and chinning util they grow blue ia the face and NEVER get- ting beyond the point sat they were in after aly few months of trai In weight training it isthe same «fist you ean make good progzes with «few major feerines, each petformed one wey in atic style Your muscles will GROW because xen these base movements are diferent than you re-used to day by day... and your body ill develop larger and stronger to acca Ate the new masclae stimslation However, even atthe very start some varity J necenny. You oon gro tired ofthe same ‘ld exercises workout after workout Ib Jnad the opportunity to watch Barton Horvath train his pupils in hs Bayonne, N. J. gym. ‘arton keeps changing thelr routines several times in the very fst month, This keeps their Interest live. everyone likes to fee that he fe Tearing something new. It ais at 10 the orkut. and Barton's pails make great, Drogrse erase of this. kee inthe regs: lar Welder Sytem .. the beginners ratines that ig you don't get just one routine to fol tow for several months... you get THREE. ‘aiflernt one for each training day a {he week. THIS is one great secret why Wei der Papils get results There is no chance from the very start for sate workouts, The fethasann stays high always and results Sera However, in a few months the body grows eed to this siagle set series. Now another change thus be made, The moses mist be made to work harder, and a it diferetly if ‘ontnied improvement eo be seen IIs ere there other aptems fall down. You get only fone course from these satems and thie ap Sparel i expec to lo yo or We. Tha Fethe BUNK. have changed my teining foutine a alfa dowenvimes in the las year ‘lone. 40 how can one ratine be expected to ast you indebnitely? This them thatthe et series, in which you perform more than one act of each exereine ives you that lift again and Keeps the muscles feroing strong and mamsive, The oe series is ‘enuational and often cootinued improvement vill be made fr # year or more. but you an bet your lat doar that fn time you will slow up again. ‘When you do... ite proof that you need another change | another forvard step in our taining programs. Unlike the piaion assed by many that » sticking point shows that you are training wrong =~ T Believe that # sticking point in your training proves that you have gotten every single bit of good fut of the previous routine and have takes all eantoge of all poeple Th Sa GOOD sign se meane that you are ready for more advanced training! a the regular Welder Sytem, Becidesthe Dreginne’s routines, you ato recive the set series program and. ADVANCED exercises ‘hich show you bow to perform cheating, foshing, omer, concentration exercies, te This information i included inthe NEW ed tion «Just hot of the press ‘These avanced exercises get you ready for fhe soper at series T mentioned a the start of his ectce You canwot beset ell fer hest tiles you frst theoogh the condoning [ADVANCED exerctes You need the CHEAT. ING cxercies 0 get you wed to POWER FUL exertion. You need a free exercise nl to prevent dead and slow morcls. Cheating ners ill give you that EXPLOSIVE. ower. power which will spark your train Ing progiame to « hew, glorious height. If you ever saw Clarence Ross perform 10 cheat Ing curls with 20 pounds, ike I did and wit tess with your own eyes the surge of impres sive power each reption pumped into his farms «you would wonder, a8 Ido, WHY ome sill iit that the strict style the It. The test js in the PRODUCT «and there ARE NO finished products ofthe strict exercise syle. they never get beyond the Degiane’s elas ‘Now, if you have fllowed the Welder Sy. tem of ning though the beginners stages tnd right up tothe advanced programs, you Wil be seady for the super set system. Here FS how i goes The theory ofthe super sts system hasbeen previously explained to you by both Joe Wei fer and Darton Horvath in articles writen by them some ime back, Tam not going te go fate thls at thls tine, Tam valher ing to tell you exscly how to follow it for fell workout. and then you can be the judge Site hove tnd king dbody cle's reed for. Dott t3ly om bat others my iy rosea See Oe wary fo fe lew weed. Then fomembe that as WET: DER ‘who browght it to your attention and remenlice that always as you werk after were put that tape meauce around lager and larger miles, Nothing new in rsining? Jur tay thi workout and ses And dont forget what T have said, The ‘super ste is NOT forthe beginner ts oly for the really advanced man. Therefore Tam NOT going to llusttate this article, T am [NOT going to go into detlled exereine der scription. TE you don't sow how to do the fexctiss then you ere not advanerd enoorh to follow the routine, Weider Pupils have get ten them ALL in thelr reglst courts, 0 THEY won' have any questions ‘To besa with, Iams going to Ist 10 exer ines? each pettcalarly forthe same major part ofthe body. Now fllow this very closely ‘You do one set ofthe fit exercise and then WITHOUT ANY REST AT ALL you per form ase of the second exercise. Now, again mithout any ret you go back to the fist ex cise and perform another set. Back agin the second exerise for the send oct end fnelly without any rest back tothe fst e cei forthe third snd Gal et, and then the second exerle forthe tied nd Bal at TTHEN ... and only then do you take «short, rest All the other eaeteloes af uo be treted the atte way cc exeriten Sand 4, «eam ‘aes § and 6 and on wight up tothe let ti cxtelect «savers 9 wad 19 5 com slternatly periorm frst one and then the ‘ther three ets ach, This i the SECRET ‘ofthe super set serie If this i not perfethy ‘lear and if you do not follow i exact in "he manner outlined you will FAIL... 1 Each tno reece, the order listed form a com Linstion uit.» and fst eet of one and ther a set of the other ix performed, til Ure sete are done of each, at which time ‘you avon othe net to exercies and 19 on. Now here ate the exercises for you to fal: low, and ase a weight you can complete 6 to 8 reps each exercise, enh se (See nest page) INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY CO. A Ghat of + Crney in Phy Core BOE Sonoita we ap sy 1 eee [Exercise No. 1—Cheat curl with a barbell only way t0 succes eto uae sete AND with sing & body motion Ineay poundage, working up inthe number of [Baers No. 2-—Tvices ue hing om x at repe and increasing the weight as soon ast | exeveise bench... wing » barbell Iecomes cary to ose the lower poundage. Exercise No. 3—Bent arm laterals on « at 1 am. giving. some special barbell and exercise bench el exercises in this ale, but there Exercise No. 4Parallel bar dips... use gre other exellent method of improving fore: 4 weight If bodyweight too Hah frm sae and power. Cleaning from a hang ot Exercise No. S—Bent over rowing with & hung snatching is ery good, and a4 bole, Barbell. Use body mien the Olyiapic Lifters have better forearm de Exercite No, 6—Shrogs with « barbell. lopment than any ether group of athletes, Exercise No. 7—Sauate. “Tous the Eayptan lifter has forearms which Exercise No. &Standing thigh curl with gre positively MASSIVE, Mac Batchelor has iron boot ‘unusual method of increasing the strength Exercise No, 9—Leg Kaiser of his hands, He Keeps two small rubber balls Exercise No, 10Side bends In his coat pocket: shear he squeetee 10 tether at imtervals during the day. He le alo fn adept at bending beer bot cap ta As explained... perform one ast of exe: ‘ise No.1, the cheating eur, and then without arrest ace of exerdneszerdne Noc2, they 8¢% at FINGERS length rather then at i CET Thee theca ead agfnge oot ke mot of ws do, Leverage belle { 1. Noonan Touley 2, tl Va third set of cack. without any reat bee 2 alo ply a productive part and perso 1 83 Rey Eralhardh 4 Neel fore” || tncen. Now you can take a few minutes vet,» 1 think they are beter than anything 4 Joey Holden 6 Evra Von tao || and go into eaersise Now 3, the bent arm ‘lst: The caring of thick handled dumbbell | Tnterals No rest anda net of parallel ar dpe, ‘0 stonely affects the loner atm. Frank No.4 back to the ben acm Taterals, again to Sttanahan ose the leverage bell to atrenathen AERES 16 Conon of $0 Ditornt riial | | Syuyiark 10 the ben arm Mra ane a hae ben ening with ene du Petegrarhyofered We he Publi for heft || nore and eneries 5 and 6 handled the wame M6 een months in Miami, Florida, Strang i fine Are peel ee dipe s ed na ee dame ban Knows tbe value of thee partielar ten THE PRICES: The Set of Six 4x5 tach (Dovble | | way. Then numbers 7 and @ and finally 9 °f apparatus and in his sport—golf—power: Wek) Pote $200 | | ad 10 tt rg, Puyo fe veo ae roid een va || vant Tobe postely cern tae EVERY, fred by the ald time Vann, Vaal Prove $1.00 feck || ONE knows exacly how the superset aytem Artis who was adveried as Venstar, The panne || works, You wl fel x NEW typeof lonhnecs Ma with the ron Grip. It was any for him tnd power surging thoagh your body from 0 {6 tennis ball in half with hs bare hands ven avery few workouts with thi new eye He wold place champagne bttle—wrapped tem, In a week oF 50 your measurements wil 124 torch in the band of hs elbow and with Snbmit ot Orders tox cat Pat. || be larger than ever Defoe, ‘They wil be te ewatracion of the forearm and biceps 5377 sow st fall = . more impresive and have more ules. amash the Bole t splinter. Hig OaKiaND t,t eas Janda finger stength was bvautely ra ins he es se ee they arc now my favorite training system. I tbley was to place the bowls of clap pipes ‘have only given you a few of the combinations: ae a Pie and crashing the ai possible. In time there will be more schedules to#Fther, at the same time smash the pipe wat Tia Mee Sine AN {Sistas geno ou Try gre hn Deh ho performed te in Your Owe Homa! || ran. ct me know how sou Ue There Tie fat of epping power by earring vo Ley Al Sete, AEN so Peery ia ea Ge cpvend teabbels tere lengh and aA eerily MME iets le oe eR aie cus eae you eat miss, Bretyne can now hope to Well now I bape you ae miablyinopired income a SUPERMAN. now is the tine and fled with enthusiaun, 2 I's get down for you to sta. to work. Here are some of the beter nova forearm exces for Jou 1 build wp «ap of mel and wit of power The Bt exer Developing isthe reverse cu Hold the babel fn front of the thie with the pls facing in. Dont The Forearms have too wide rip abd, thi ts IMPOR TANT, DONT. allow the upper arms to ‘Continued from page 28) MOVE. Keep them gd, immovable, held me that wll elp-you make GENERAL gine tighly again the side Cal the weight to 1 well ab specialized gains A course MUST — th shoukiers and lower wy, baling fr imulate the ete imternal process of thes sort peiod when the forearms are Tye body for a single ection to obtain mote ith the ground. Lower to starting. poston power and sis Set youl a regular sched. and repeat. Dont try and we toe bey & ice’ ume | | sl, one that will enable you to team pro- _cght unl you are accomed tothe move! Rernteeiateeehnd ie welok ot | | eey and agnnat a wubtanialrestanee, et. Start off wth a weight you can handle ALAN STEPHAN HEALTH | | Ifyou want to get those bulky aeetiikelowee comfortably and for reasonable amount of ‘STUDIO arm, then you mist ise heavy feaanee. ep From my own yerional experience and from The second foresem movement je with « Whe experience of ohers Ihave istucted, the dumblell Set yourself on a bench with the

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