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Chapter II.

Petroleum Economics
Analysis of Decline Curves
By J. J. ARPs, * MEMBER A.I.M.E.
(Houston Meeting. May 1944)

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ABSTRACT While production-decline curves were
thus losing in importance for estimating
SINCE production curtailment for other than
engineering reasons is gradually disappearing, reserves, an increasing reservoir conscious-
and more and more wells are now producing at ness and a better understa~ding of reservoir
capacity and showing declining production performance developed among petroleum
rates, it was considered timely to present a brief engineers. This fact, together with intelli-
review of the development of decline-curve gent interpretation and use of electric
analysis during the past three or four decades. logs, core-analysis data, bottom-hole pres-
Several of the commoner types of decline sure behavior and physical characteristics
curves were discussed in detail and the mathe- of reservoir fluids, eliminated a considerable
matical relationships between production rate, part of the guesswork in previous volu-
time, cumulative production and decline per-
metric methods and put reserve estimates,
centage for each case were studied.
The well-known loss-ratio method was found based on this method, on a sound scientific
to be an extremely valuable tool for statistical basis. At the same time, a number of
analysis and extrapolation of various types of ingenious substitutes were developed for
curves. A tentative classification of decline the regular production-decline curve, which
curves, based on their loss ratios, was suggested. made it possible to obtain an independent
Some new graphical methods were introduced check on volumetric estimates in appraisal
to facilitate estimation of the future life and work, even though the production rates
the future. production of producing properties were constant.
where curves are plotted on semilogarithmic With the now steadily increasing demand
for oil to supply the huge requirements
To facilitate graphical extrapolation of
of this global war, proration for reasons
hyperbolic-type decline curves, a series of
decline charts was proposed, which will make other than prevention of underground
straight-line extrapolation of both rate-time waste is gradually disappearing. More and
and rate-cumulative curves possible. more wells are, or will be, producing at
capacity o~ at their optimum rates, as
INTRODUCTION determined by sound engineering practice.
During the period of severe production With this trend, the character of
curtailment, which is now behind us, producing wells seems to regain, more or
production-decline curves lost most of less, its" individuality," and the old and
their usefulness and popularity in prorated familiar decline curve appears to have had
areas because the production rates of all a comeback as a valuable tool in the hands
wells, except those in the stripper class, of the petroleum engineer. It may be
were constant or almost constant. timely, therefore, to retrace the develop-
ment of decline-curve analysis in the past
Manuscript received at the office of the
Institute May 9. 1944. Issued as T.P. 1758 in by presenting a brief chronological review
PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY. September 1-944. of bulletins and papers published during
• Chief Engineer. The British-American Oil
Producing Co .• Tulsa. Oklahoma. the past three or four decades, which have

contributed to our present knowledge of disrupt the continuity of a production-

this subject. Such a review will, at the decline curve, and for mathematical or
same time, serve as a good basis for further statistical treatment some preliminary
analysis of the production-decline curve smoothing out is often necessary.
and its possibilities in this paper. The first and most obvious mathematical
approach to a declining production curve
DEVELOPMENT OF DECLINE-CURVE is to assume that the production rate at
ANALYSIS any time is a constant fraction of its rate
The two basic problems in appraisal at a preceding date or, in other words, that

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work are the determination of a well's the production rates during equal time
most probable future life and the estimate intervals form a geometric series. This also
of its future production. Sometimes one implies that the production drop over a
or both problems can be solved by volu- given constant interval is a fixed fraction
metric calculations, but sufficient data or percentage of the preceding production
are not always available to eliminate all rate. The earliest reference in the literature
guesswork. In those cases, the possibility of· this type of decline was made by Arnold
of extrapolating the trend of some variable and Anderson 1 in 1908. This production
characteristic of such a producing well drop, as a fraction, usually expressed in
may be of considerable help. The simplest per cent per month, is called the decline.
and most readily available variable charac- A considerable number of the decline
teristic of a producing well is its production curves encountered in appraisal work
rate, and the logical way to find an answer show this decline percentage to be approxi-
to the two problems mentioned above, by mately constant, at least over limited
extrapolation, is to plot this variable periods. A decline curve showing this
production rate either against time or characteristic is easy to extrapolate, since
against cumulative production, extending the rate-time curve will be a straight line
the curves thus obtained to the economic on semilog paper and the rate-cumulative
limit. The point of intersection of the curve on coordinate paper.
extrapolated curve with the economic The literature between 1915 and 1921
limit then indicates the possible future shows a considerable amount of research
life or the future oil recovery. The basis and study of production curves. 2- 6 Much
of such an estimate is the assumption information from various sources was
that the future behavior of a well will accumulated in the Manual for the Oil
be governed by whatever trend or mathe- and Gas Industry.7 J. O. Lewis and C. N.
matical relationship is apparent in its Beal, of the Bureau of Mines, Ii recom-
past performance. This assumption puts mended the use of the percentage decline
the extrapolation method on a strictly curve, which is an empirical rate-time
empirical basis and it must be realized curve, whereby the production rates during
that this may make the results s.ometimes successive units of time are expressed as
inferior to the more exact volumetric percentages of production during the first
methods. unit of time. This makes it possible to
The production rate of a capacity well, bring individual well or lease data to a
plotted against time on coordinate paper, comparable basis. The results can then be
generally shows a rapid drop in the grouped together, either on regular coordi-
beginning, which tends to decrease as time nate or log-log paper. From such data
goes on. Changes in method of production, on wells in the same area an empirical
loss in efficiency of lifting equipment, shut- appraisal curve may be constructed to
downs for work-over or pulling jobs, usually I References are at the end of the paper.

show the possible ultimate production as certain minerals by states or nations. Such
a function of the initial production rate. a curve will rise from zero value at the
W. W. Cutler,S in 1924, pointed out, after time of first production to a maximum
an intensive investigation of a large and then slowly decline, presumably to
number of oil-field decline curves, that zero value. The possibilities of various
the assumption of constant percentage mathematical relationships and different
decline and a straight-line relationship methods of curve fitting are described in
on semilog paper generally gave results this paper. The best results were obtained
that were too conservative in the final with a curve of the type:

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stage. In his opinion, a better and more
reliable straight-line relationship could
be obtained on log-log paper, although some
horizontal shifting usually was necessary. R. H. Johnson and A. L. Bollens,12
This implied that the decline curves show- in 1927, introduced a novel statistical
ing such characteristics were of the hyper- method for extrapolation of oil-well decline
bolic rather than the exponential or curves. With their so-called "loss-ratio
geometric type. He also recommended the method," the production rates are tabu-
use of the family decline curve, either lated for equal time intervals, then the
graphically constructed or statistically drop in production is listed in a second
determined, which is a representative column and the ratio of the two, or "loss
average decline curve for a given area ratio," is listed in a third. A curve to be
based on a combination of the actual rate- investigated with this method usually
time data from a number of wells in the shows, after proper smoothing out, either
area. a constant loss ratio or a constancy in the
C. S. Larkey,9 in 1925, showed how the differences of successive loss ratios. Some-
method of least squares could be applied times it may be necessary to take these
successfully to decline curves belonging to differences two or three times before
both the exponential and the hyperbolic constancy is reached, and often additional
types. He also demonstrated that the smoothing out of the data is required. This
application of this well-known statistical procedure furnishes an easy and convenient
method makes a strict mathematical method for extrapolation. It is only neces-
extrapolation of a given decline trend sary to continue the coh1mn with the
possible. constant figures in the same manner and
H. M. Roeser,lO in 1925, showed that then work backward to the production-
equally reliable results can be obtained rate column.
when, instead of the rigorous method of H. N. Marsh,13 in 1928, introduced
least squares, a somewhat simpler method the rate-cumulative curve plotted on
of trial and error to determine the neces- coordinate paper and pointed out that
sary constants is followed. He illustrated this relationship generally appears to be
his method with examples of both the or approaches a straight line. Although
exponential and the hyperbolic types of this is only mathematically exact for
decline curves. In his paper was also the decline curves of the exponential type, as
first reference to the matliematical relation- will be shown later, it was pointed out
ship between cumulative and time for in his paper that the errors in estimating
hyperbolic type of decline. ultimate recovery with this method in
C. E. Van Orstrand,ll in 1925, investi- most other cases were generally small or
gated the empirical relationship of produc- negligible. A distinct advantage of this
tion curves representing the <1utput of type of curve is its simplicity in appraising
J. J. ARPS 23 1
t he effect of differell t methods of production method, originated by A. F _ van Ever-
control on the same well. dingen in Houston, proved particularly
R. E. Allen,14 in 1931, mentioned four valuable for prorated Gulf Coast water-
types of decline and classified them accord- drive production.
ing to a simple mathematical relationship. For depletion-type or gas-drive-type
The decline types were: pools without water encroachment, how-
1. Arithmetic, or constant decrement ever, a parameter other than oil or water
decline. percentage had to be found to replace
2. Geometric, constant rate or expo- the production rate.

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nential decline W. W. Cutler and H. R. Johnson,17 in
3. Harmonic, or isothermal decline. 1940, showed how potential tests, taken
4. Basic, or fractional power decline. periodically on prorated wells (or calcu-
Type I is of little practical value for lated from bottom-hole pressure and
production-decline curves. Type 2 is productivity-index data) can be used to
the well-known straight-line relationship reconstruct or calculate the production-
on semilog paper, and type 3 is the special decline curve, which the well would have
case of hyperbolic decline where the decline followed if it had been permitted to produce
is proportional to the production rate. at capacity.
It was not possible to reconcile the equa- H. C. Miller,18 of the Bureau of Mines,
tion given for the type 4 decline, as the introduced in 1942 the pressure-drop
nominator and the denominator were of cumulative relationship on log-log paper
the same order, indicating a possible and showed how changes in reservoir
misprint. performance may be detected by abrupt
S. J. Pirson,15 in 1935, investigated the changes in the slope of such a curve.
mathematical basis of the loss-ratio method C. H. Rankin,19 in 1943, showed how
and arrived at the rate-time relationships the bottom-hole pressure can sometimes
for production-decline curves having a be used to advantage as a substitute for
constant loss ratio, constant first differences the rate of production of the rate-cumula-
and constant second differences. Those of tive curve on prorated leases. Apparently,
the· first type appeared to be identical this method applies only in pools where
with the simple exponential or constant water drive is absent or negligible and
percentage decline curves, which straighten where productivity indexes are constant.
out on semilog paper; those of the second In the Oklahoma City field, which is
type were the hyperbolic type of decline well known as a typical example of gravity
curves, which can be straightened on drainage, a plot of fluid level against the
log-log paper and those of the third type cumulative production has been used
appeared to have such complicated mathe- successfully to estimate the reserves of
matical equations as to be unsuitable for wells with constant production rates.
practical purposes. P. J. Jones,21 in 1942, suggested for
During the period of production curtail- wells declining at variable rates an approxi-
ment, interest centered upon suitable mation whereby the decline-time relation-
curves for reserve estimates that did not ship follows a straight line on log-log paper.
require the usually constant or almost This corresponds to an equation:
constant actual rate of production.
H. E. Gross,16 in 1938, showed the log D = log Do - m log t
advantages of substituting oil percentage
in gross fluid for the production rate in in which Do designates the initial decline
the Marsh rate-cumulative curve. This and m is a positive constant. Integration

of this relationship will lead to a rate-time In most actual pools, however, the
equation of the general form: aforementioned idealized conditions do
Dot 1- - not occur. Pressures usually are not
P = P.eIOo(m I) proportional to the remaining oil, but seem
to decline at a gradually slower rate as
It may be noted that this relationship the amount of remaining oil diminishes.
will not straighten out on semilog or At the same time the productivity indexes
log-log paper, but shows the interesting are generally not constant, but show a
characteristic of straightening out when tendency to decline as the reservoir is

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the log-log of the production rate is plotted being depleted and the gas-oil ratios
against the log of the time. increase. The combined result of these
F. K. Beach,20 in 1943, showed, with two tendencies is a rate-cumulative re-
examples from the Turner Valley field, lationship, which, instead· of being a
Canada, how cumulative-time curves some- straight line on coordinate paper, shows
times can be extrapolated as straight lines up as a gentle curve, convex toward the
in their last stage by plotting the antilog origin.
of the cumulative production against time. If the curvature is very pronounced,
Such a straight-line relationship is mathe- the curve can sometimes be represented
matically correct only for the case of by an exponential equation and the rate-
harmonic decline, where the decline itself cumulative relationship straightened out
is proportional to the production rate, as on semilog paper. This type is called
will be discussed later. harmonic decline, and its equation is
identical with Eq. 14, derived on page 12.
By differentiation, it can be shown that
in this case the decline percen tage is
In order to analyze what influence directly proportional to the production
certain reservoir characteristics may have rate.
on the type of decline curves, it was first When the curvature of the rate-cumula-
assumed that we are dealing with the tive relationship is not pronounced enough
idealized case of a reservoir, where water to straighten out on semilog paper, it can
drive is absent and where the pressure is usually be represented as a straight line
proportional to the amo'unt of remammg on log-log paper after some shifting. This
oil. It was further assumed that the identifies it as a hyperbola and it can be
productivity indexes of the wells are shown that it will fit Eq. 13 (p. 12) for
constant throughout their life, so that the the general case of hyperbolic or log-log
production rates are always proportional decline.
to the reservoir pressure. From this general discussion, it is evident
In such a hypothetical case, the relation- that the hyperbolic type of decline curve
ship between cumulative oil produced should be the most common and that
and pressure would have to be linear and, harmonic decline ~s a special case, which
consequently, also the relationship between occurs less frequeptly.
production rate and cumulative production. The exponential or semilog decline,
This linear relationship between rate however, although less accurate, is so
and cumulative is typical of exponential much-simpler to handle than the other two
or semilog decline, as· will be shown later that it is still quite popular for quick
(Eq. 4), and simple differentiation will appraisals and approximate estimates;
lead to the basic equation for this type of particularly since a large number of decline
decline in Eq. I. curves actually show an apparent constant
J. J. ARPS 233
decline over limited intervals. The decline The average value over the period from
percentage in such calculations is then July 1940 to January 1944 is 86.8 and this
usually taken somewhat lower than the value was used to extrapolate the produc-
actually observed value in order to evaluate tion rate to January 1947 .in the lower
the possibility of a smaller decline in the half of the tabulation. The procedure
final stage.
TABLE I.-Loss Ratio on a Lease in the
Cutbank Field, Montana
Exponential decline, which is also called

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Loss in Loss Ratio
" geometric," "semilog" or "constant Monthly Production (on
Rate dur-
percentage" decline, is characterized by Month Year Produc-
tion ing6
the fact that the drop in production rate Rate. P Interval. a = 6.!'...
M' M'
per unit of time is proportional to the
production rate.
July ...... 1940 460
January .. 1941 431 -29 -89.2
Statistical A nalysis and Extrapolation July ...... 1941 403 -28 -86.4
January .. 1942 377 -26 -87.0
July ...... 1942 352 -25 -84.5
The simplest method' to recognize January .. 1943 330 -22
July ...... 1943 309 -88.3
exponential decline by statistical means is ~nuary .. 1944 288 -21 -82.3
the loss-ratio procedure. 12 With this July ...... 1944 269.4 -I8.6 -86.8
January .. 1945 252.0 -17·4 -86.8
method the production rates P at equal July ...... 1945 235.7 -16.3 -86.8
January .. 1946 220.4 -I5.3 -86.8
time intervals are tabulated in one column, July ...... 1946 206.1 -I4·3 -86.8
the production drop per unit of time, tlP in January .. 1947 192.7 -13·4 -86.8

a second column and the ratio of the two Average loss ratio July 1940 to January 1944. 86.8.
(a = loss ratio) in a third. If this loss ·
n ccI me IOO
percentage 86.8 = LIS per cent.
ratio is constant or nearly constant, the Extrapolation until January 1947 by means of
curve can be assumed to be of the expo- average loss ratio. 86.8.
nential type. The mathematical basis for followed in this extrapolation is self-
this will be discussed hereafter. explanatory; the same method that was
It will often be found, if time intervals used to arrive at the loss ratio from the
of one month are used and when the decline known production rates in the upper half
percentage is small, that' the general trend of the tabulation is used in reverse to find
is disturbed considerably by irregularities the unknown future production rates from
in the monthly figures, and in such cases the constant loss-ratio values.
it is better to take the production rates
further apart. As an example, Table I Mathematical A nalysis 16
shows the data from a lease in the Cutbank Rate-time Relationship.-The rate-time
field, Montana, where the monthly produc- curve for the case of exponential decline
tion rates are taken at six-month intervals. has a constant loss ratio, as shown in the
Since the loss ratio is defined as the preceding section, which leads to the follow-
production rate per unit of time divided ing differential equation (see list of symbols
by. the first derivative of the rate-time on page 20):
curve, it is necessary in this case to intro-
duce a 'factor 6 in the last column to correct dPjdt = -a [I}
the drop in production rate during the six
months interval back to a monthly basis. IIIwhich a is a positive constant. After
The loss ratios in the fifth column of the integration of this equation, and after
table appear to be approximately constant. elimination of the integration-constant by

setting P = Po for t = 0, the following The rate-cumulative curve shows a very

rate-time relationship is obtained: simple linear equation (Eq. 4) and can,
P = Poe-d. therefore, be represented by a straight-line
relationship on regular coordinate paper.
This expression obviously is of the In addition to these methods, some
exponential type and explains why such a practical shortcuts have been developed
rate-time curve can be represented as a recently, which were made possible by the
straight line on semilog paper. fact that rate-time curves for exponential
Rate-cumulative Relationship.-The ex- decline are usually plotted on semilog

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pression for the rate-cumulative curve can graph paper.
be found by simple integration of the rate- The gradient of the rate-time curve
time relationship, as follows: on semilog paper is constant and equal
C = J
Pdt = J POe-'/'d' [3] to _!.. Since the decline percentage is a
which, after integration, and after elimina- simple function of a (see Eq. 6), it is
tion of the constant by setting C = 0 possible to make a calculator for standard
for t = 0, leads to: semilog paper by plotting the constant
drop in production rate per year for a
C a(Po - P) (Po - P) [4] given decline on a strip of pap~r or trans-
= 100 D
parent film. This can be used, then, as a
This simple linear relationship indicates yardstick to read off' the decline per-
that the production rate plotted against centage immediately from the production
the cumulative production should be a drop over a one-year interval. By making
straight line on regular coordinate paper. 13 the width of the calculator equal to one
Monthly Decline Percentage.-The year on the horizontal time scale, the
monthly decline percentage as per defini- procedure can be simplified even more.
tion can be represented by: Fig. I shows how such a calculator can
be used for the purpose of determining
D = - 100 ----p- per cent [5] the monthly decline percentage.
The relationship between cumulative
or, with the use of Eqs. I and 4: production C and production drop (Po - P)
in Eq. 4 is a simple multiplication. Since
D = 100
= 100
Po - P
--C-- per cent [6] we are already working on paper with a
vertical logarithmic scale, it is easy to see
In other words, the decline percentage that we can apply the slide-rule principle
can be found directly from the loss-ratio by using the paper on which the curve is
tabulation (100/86.8 = LIS per cent in plotted as one scale and a graduated strip
the example shown in Table I) and also
with a similar logarithmic division as the
from the slope of the rate-cumulative
curve. . t h e va Iue 0 f
other scale. By plottmg Don

Graphical Extrapolation and Practical this strip for various values of the decline
Shortcuts percentage D, it is possible to carry the
As pointed out before, the rate-time multiplication out on the same graph paper
curve for exponential decline will show used for the curves, and read the answer
a straight-line relationship on semilog on its vertical log scale. Figs. I and 2 show
paper and can, therefore, be extrapolated how such a calculator, designed for deter-
by continuing the straight line. mination of both decline percentage and
J. J. ARPS 235

nll- Exponential

tOO,OI!,g - r'" ______y_.,..,......
,..~,..,.',...,~"":r..'"""""'.L_' __ ...........
~'= ~~<>1I .:;

9/),000 -.. c.~ ___ ~~'" ____ .,-...

~ ~,-~------ C

SO,ooo - f---"-~-"- - . - - - - , - - - ~
70,00" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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&0,000 - t- - - - - - - - - - --,---------- ~
5 0 ,000 - : : 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - -------i~

$ t,ooo --11""---

~ - ~~"'I"<
-'1"''''< ~~ : /
.-g -vj ~IQ ~
9 <> ~~
.., ',000___ ---1+'10--- • :; / ----,---",- - , -
~ :~: - ;- V "" ~~ __ ~~ j / ---------+----t
II 700 -j--------Fr~==::i!!~~;;;;::-g 0 -,---,----+----i
D. Iloo--lf--------\ MonthllJ ~ ,-~Icl: / ' 0,5-t---------+---..-
500-::11--·-------\ Dec:line ~ ~ P"..... t----------- - - -
400_:t_ _ _ _ _ _ -L!:i=::4-='1o=O==::J-I---_~?~ ............
r-------..- - -

zoo -1--------+-----------;.--------- --.--------1----1

- Calculator Strip
= One Year



--I--- . 90,;000
f-. 80,000
------~.------ '---.<~-----I-~-----+--..-,'F, 70.000
---~-.'''~" -.~~.~ ,~--,,---I-, ___ ~~ __ -+-_,_____ .~-+ __ '.- -::


- 40,00':'

<I) - lO}OCeJ

; " t~,Ooo

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022


r-----------+----------~ -- I- 6,000

~--------4--,-------- SIO Gb
E 4,~OO 0
~,coo '"


- 1.,000




J. J. ARPS 237
future production, is used. The monthly m.atched with this production rate of
decline percentage was read off from scale 190 bbl. per month and the future recovt:ry
Be in :Fig. 1 as 4 per cent and the constant is read off opposite arrow E as 4750 ban:els.


~O.OO 0

40,011 0-:
" ...0-: 'J


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tCpO 0-:

.. 't ~:;

rJ1'. t
- - --- - -- .... +:.,, , ,

, ,
, , ,
c: ',00 0-: .:. OrnU",
... I

! .5 ~,..~
---- - -- ~~

~.00i'J 0_ - -t--
1_ ",00 o~ I '-
I '-

: :'1,000 - I
r' '.
.... "\.~
'- ,
:. 't,OO 0-:
,," ~i ,
(i '- I '-

~ --
I '- ,,
I '- ,,
I :c~ ~.
.. ....··...,
"'0 t.O~ 0

, '"J
I T, ,
! ::• , , I"
• , '- , I
, ,, ,,•
II '"

,,- I
4. ...~-
..• .. _, - - - ,,»\

-- -- .. --~



,0 ~
IUS 195& IU7 .9311 I'~~ 19,,0 1541 194't "4~ 1944 1945 1S4i iS4? I!i<'>l)
t:; Tim.e

Type of curve: P = p. (I +}. t) - i

Smooth out the given curve A.B.
Draw a vertical line CD midway between A and B.
3. Project A and B horizontally 011 this middle line and find points C and D.
4. Draw CG and DF parallcl to ED.
s. Project G back horizontally on the curve and find point H.
6. Draw GX parallel to HF and find the unknown extrapolated point X at the intersection
with the horizontal line through F.

for 4 per cent decline on scale AD was used HYPE~OLIC DECLINE

to find the future production in Fig. 2.
The economic limit was assumed to be Statistical Analysis aM Extrapolalion
150 bbl. per month and the production drop The hyperbolic or "log~log" type of
from January 1944 until this economic decline, which occurs most frequently, can
limit will be reached is, therefore, 340 - be recognized by the fact that the loss
ISO = 190 bbL per month. The constant ratios sbow an arithmetic series and that,
for 4 per cent decline on scale AD is therefore, the first differences of the 1<*

ratios ue constant or n~arly um::;tant I2 ,1i> to find the proper'ld.lues. The loss ratios
As an e;;:a;~lple, Table 2 shows the loss ratio thus ol.,tained indicated a fairly uniform
for production data frum a lease producing arithmetic series and consequently the
from the Arbuckle lime in Kansas. This differenCes between successive loss ratio
lease had been producing under conditions values b are reasonably constant. The
of capacity production since the completion average is 0.508.
of dtilling and shows a rate·time curve on These differences represent the d.:riva-
sel.llilog f!::tper, curvIng steadily to the tives of the loss ratios with respect to
right (Fig. 3). To eliminate ineg,.llarities, time; and since six·moIith intervals are
it waJ nece;sary to smooth out the origh,al used, a cOirectioll factor of 76 was intro-
data (see curve J B on Fig, 3). The p,.'oduc- duced to find the proper values of b. The

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

tion rates listed in Table 2 are identical average value for b was used to extrapolate
with the circles on the cur,'e in Fig. 3. the curve to July 1948 by reversing the
TARLE 2.-Loss Ratio for Lease Producing process used in the upper part of the
frvm Arbuckle Lime in Kt!nsas tabulation. From these data, it is evident
(TYPICAL CASE OF HYPEkBOLIC DECLINE) that the lease can be expected to reach
- - - - · - - - - - - ' - - · - - - / - - - - ; : s t ~: its economic limit of 400 bbl. per month
Monthly .LOSS In Loss rivative
during the second half of 1947.
Pr~duc- ~rod:lc. "Ratio on of Loss As will be shown later, the mathematical
bon tlOn.Rakl Monthly Ratio,
Monti. Y car Rate, P dunng 6 Basis b = equations of the rate-time and rate-
(Cune Months
J B, InterVal.\a = 6 Mi
P {6P}
!J. ::iP cumu1ative curves for hyperbolic decline
hg. 3 ) ! J . P -6- are essentidly of the same type and it is
therefore also possible to use the loss-ratio
Jan ... 1937 28,200 method for extrapolation of rate-cumula-
July .. 1937 15.680 -12,520 - '7. 5~
Jan ... 1938 9,,/00 5.980 - 9··i2 '-0·37 tive dat",. The only difference from the
July .. 1938 6.635 3.065 --12·97 --0·54
Jan ... 1939 4,775 1,860 - IS. 39 -0·40 procedure in Table 2 is that the time
July .. 1939 3,628 1,147 - 18.96 -0.59
Jan ... 1940 2.850 778 -21.96 -0.50 column is replaced by cumulative produc-
July .. 1940 2,300 550 -25.08 -0.52 tion figure", and that the intervals therefore
Jd.n ... 1941 1,905 395 -28·95 -0.64
July .. 1941 1,6ro 295 -32.76 -0.63 may not be constant. The loss ratio in that
Jan ... 1942 1.365 245 --34·43 -0.28
July. 1942 I 177 188 - 36·97 -0.42 case is the production rate at a given point
Jan ... 1943 1,027 ISO -41. IS -0·70
divided by the ratio of the drop in produc-
July .. 1943 904 123 -44·20 --0·508
Jan ... 1944 802 102 -47·25 -0·508 tion rate to the total production during
July .. 1944 717 85 - 50·30 -0·50S
Jan .. 1945 644 73 -53·35 -0·50S the preceding interval. In a similar way,
July .. 1945 582 62 -56·40 -0·50S
Jan ... 1946 529 53 -- 59. 45 -0.50S
the first derivative should be determined
July .. 1946 4 83 46 -62 50 -0 50S as the increase in lo:>s ratio over the given
Jan ... 1947 442 41 -·65.55 -0·508
July .. 1947 406 36 -68.60 - o. 508 interval divided by the total production
Jan ... 19i18 375 31 -?I.65 -0 50S
July .. £94S 347 28 -74·70 -0.508 during the same interval. In hyperbolic
decline, the first derivative should be
First derivative of loss ratios approxiInately con-
stant; a.verage b = - 0.508. approximately constant. To extrapolate
Extrapolation until July 1948 by means of this
average b value of -- 0.50S. the data and find the ultimate recovery
As in the case of exponential decline, the for a given economic limit, the average
production rates were posted at six-month first derivative can be used to extrapolate
interval~ to eliminate monthly fluctuations the tabulation in a manner similar to
and to embrace the general trend of the that of Table 2.
curve without too much work. Sir,ce the
loss ratio a is defined as the production Mathematical Analysis
rate divided by the first derivative of the I. Rate-time Relationship.-When the
rate-time curve, a factor 6 was introduced first differences of the loss ratios are

approximately mnstant, as in Table 2, the production C = 0 at time t = 0, the follow-

following differential equation can be set ing relationship is obtained:
aoPo {( 1+--
c=-- I-Vb
-'1 } [IZ]
" P ) b -- I ao
d (dP/de
-----, ~~ -" b
dt or after eliminating t with the rate-time
relationship in Eq. lO:
in which b is a positive constimt. Integra-
t;on of Eq. 7 leads to:

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

dP/at = -bt -- ao [8) In the special case, where b = I, the
integration results in the expression for
in which ao is a positive constal).t, represent·· harmonic decline as can be easily verified:
ing the loss ratio for t ,= o. Eq. 8 can he
simplified to:
c= aoP o (log Po - log P) [14]

The rate-cumulative relationship in Eq. 13

can apparently also be straightened on
This second differential equation can be
log-log paper after horizontal shifting
integrated and the constants eliminated
on the cumulative scale, while the relation-
by setting P = Po for t = 0, which results
ship in Eq. 14 can be represented by a
in the rate-time relationship for hyperbolic
straight line on semilog paper with the
production rate plotted on the log scale.
bt) -Jib
P = Po ( I + an [10] Monthly Decline Percentage.--Frnm Eq.
8, it can be found that the monthly decline
for this case is:
This expres3ion, which is obviously of
the hyperbolic type, explains why such a dP/dt 100
curve can be str.aightened on log-log paper. D = - IOO--
p - = a~ +-"bt per cent [IS]
It also shows that horizontal shifting to
. h t over a (Istance ao IS
. necessary After elimination of t with Eq. 10, it is
t he ng b
found that:
for such straightening. The slope of the
straight line on log-log paper thus obtained D = -100
- pb per cent [16 J
will be - i· or, in other words, that in the case of
Rate-cumulative Relationship .--To find hyperbolic decline, the decline percentage
the rll-te-cumulative relationship for this is proportional to the power b of the
case, the above rate-time curve can be production rate. This is a very interesting
integrated as was done flJr tbe exponential result. It means that if a hyperbolic decline
decline curve: curve has a first difference in the loss ratio
of say -;-0.5, the decline percentage Js
proportional to the Rquare root of the
production rate. This means that if mch
After carrying nut the integration for a well has a Ie per cent decline when the
the case where b is not equal to unity, and production rate was 10,000 bb1. per month,
keeping in mind that the cumulative it will slow down to I per cent by the time

the production rate has dropped to lOO bbl. tion construction for the hyperbolic-type
per month. decline curve on semilog paper as illustrated
Three-point Rule.-The hyperbolic de- hy Fig. 3 and discussed hereafter.
dine curve shows another interesting
Graphical Extrapolation .~reth(ds
feature, which can sometimes be used to
advrmtage. It can be expressed as: "For Log-log Paper.--As pointed out before,
;my tviO points on a hyperbolic rate-time both the rate-time and rate·-cumulative
\;urve, of which the production rates are in curves for hyperbolic decline can be repre~,
'l given ratio, the point midway between sen ted and extrapolated as straight lines

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

.viii have a production rate which is a on log-log paper after some shifting. The
fL'I'ed number of times the rate of either rate-cumulative curve for the special case
the first or last point, regardless of where of harmonic decline where b = I, however,
~he first two points are chosen." can be straightened only on semilog paper.
In other words, if on a curve with an Log-log paper extrapolation has the
exponent b = 0.$, the first point has a disadvantage of giving the least accuracy
production rate of ?A bbl. and the last at the point where the answer is required;
point a rate of A bbl., the pOint midway it is also somewhRt laborious on account
between will have a value of I.374A bbl., of the e:N:tra work involved in shifting until
egarJlcss <If where the first "et of points the best straight-line relationship is found"
's selected on the curve and regardless of Semilog Paper.--Although log-log paper
the time interv~l. The validity of this is used to a large extent for production
::tatement can be shown as follows: curves of the hyperbolic type, there are
According to Eq. 10, the production still some companies that continue to plot
rates at time t -- v, t Zl'.nd t 'II Will be: their production curves on semilog paper,

Pi - o = PI) { 1 + Ii;b (# - VI)

}-l/b cr P,_.-b = PD~b {I + ~ (t - v)} [171

9, = Po ( ! + !!... e)-1I6
or P,-b = Po-b (I + ~ e) [181
" aD
P.+. = Po { I + ~ (t + v) } -lib or

By adding together the right sides of even though the decline may be of the
~qs. 11 and 19. the time interval 'II is hyperbolic type. The reason seems to be
.Jiminated and %1I.n cl!pression is obtained that this procedure allows a wide range
tb~t i!' twice t.he value of the right side of in small space on the vertical log scale
F~q. xlt Therefore: and at the same time has a simple linear
2P,-t = P,_.-b + p,{.•-'J; [-zo] horizontal time scale. The curvature in the
rate-timl': relationship for this case, how-
If the rate at the first point is n times ever. makes extrapolation difficult and
the rate at the last point, the value of the uncertain.
rate at the middle point (P,) can be With the help of the" three-p";':C!; rule"
c:<tpre!!sed as: for hyperbolic decline. it is now possible
to extrapolate such a curved hyperbolic
PI = (t'-I> ~t- 1) - b PH> [nJ rate-time curve on semilog paper with a
fair degree of accuracy by simple graphica.l
This relationship was used advan- construction. This procedure is shown on
tageously for a simple graphical extrapola- Fig, 3. Three points, A, E and B, are
tlJO 400 S!vG f>C)Q GQO SOC IpOO

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

U ,

,! II +
600 I ".§
.. .. .. 15 40,000

~ s.. I I 0

\0,000 II:
. i If)

lSI 1
ell ~
til III 'tI
! ~
!( !(

cr: .0,000
z0 8.~OQ
i= 0
u &,000
Q "',ClOO. ::l
0 0
cr: ',000 0
'&.,000 Il.

19~5 19~6 19~7 mtl 1'~9 1940 1941 \942. 1943 1944 1945 1946 1945 190;,0 1951
Tll\AE"I t:
To be l:sed f('\"( production curves wh~:re rle<:line is proportiona- t<> 1(,,. "O'lare root of the pO~l1ctiOJl late.
:n~~<.~;<;,:\,l,;t~1 ~~<~b iiac., ir!,\ttl ~~~ ;;,~,::,s ".:,:. i:r.\;~~~, !}j<!dllC'n~ ::.:""6°/U ~}u·}' '\.':~ j~ Ur·"··~,

~elected at equal time intervals on the

TABU;: 3.-- ValUI! oj b A (Cording 10 Cutler's
smoothed-out curve A.1J. Then, according
to the three--point rule the relative value
of the middle point E is a simple function Exponent b Number Exponent b Number
Between <)£ Cases Between of Cases
of th~ r3.tio of the first and third points A
and B, regHrdless of the time interval and 0.1., •.•. 0.4 and 0.5 ....
0.0 19 IS
or the location on the .curve. Transfer 0_1 and 0.2 •••••. 41 0.5 and 0.6., .. 9
0.2 and 0_3 ••••• , 27 0.6 and 0.7 .•.. 4
of the value of these ratios is possible by 0.3 and 0.4 ...... 34 Above 0.7 ..... None

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

drawing simple parallel lines, because the -------------,------'
vertical scale is logarithmic. In the con-
The rate-time and rate-cumulative re-
struction, the third point B is used l1S the
lationship in Eqs. !O and I3 can be re-
middle point of a new set of three eqni-
written as:
distant points whose ratios are identical
with those originally seJected. The third
point of this new set cf three is found by
the construction shown on Fig. ,3, which is
self-explanatory, and it represents a new and
extrapolated point of the curve. The
method can be 'lsed for both rate-time In both equations the right:ha.nd side is
and rate-cumulative curves, provided they linear iu either time or cumulative while
are of the hyperbolic type, and provided the left-hand side is an exponential func-
the construction is carried out on 3emUog tion of the prodnction rate P. The exponent'
paper. in Eq. 22 is -b; in Eq. :23 it is I-b.
SPecial Straight--line Charts.---It may be In other words, if a vertical scale could be
noted from Eq. 10 and I3 that the behavior arranged in ~mch It manner that the ordinate
of the hyperbolic-type decline curve is for P would represent a d.lstance p--b for
governed primarily by the value of the the rate-time curve and Pl-b for the rate-
exponent b, the first differenti:tl of the loss cumulative curve, a straight-line rehl.tion-
ratio. 'Nhen the value of b is zero, the ship should result for both. The horizontal
decline curve is of the simple exponential scale could remain linear and no shifting
or constant p.:rcentage type. Some mention would be necessary. At the same time, the
is found in the literature of hyperbolic accuracy of reading the extrapolated
declinfC with a value of b = I, which was remaining life or the ultimate recovery
called harmonic decline. on the linear scale would be better than
To find the practical range of this with the log-log method.
exponent b from actual production curves, Since most decline curves seem to be
the data assembled by W'. W. Cutler 8 characterized by b values between 0 and I,
was used. He published the coordinates with the majority between 0 and 0.4, a
of a large number of hyperbolic field- set of so-called "straight-line decline
decline curves. From his data the exponent charts" was prepared for successive values
b was calculated for each case. The results of b. The vertical scales were prepared
are _shown in Table 3. According to this simply by calculating and plotting a series
tabulation, the value of b in the majority of values for P--/> and PI-b. It was found
of cases appear" to be between 0.0 and that a highly accurate determination of b
0.4. The b value equal to unity is, according is usually unnecessary for most practical
to Cutler's data, very rare. In the writer's purposes and that for ordinary appraisal
experience, however, this type decline does work a set of charts for b v?Jues of 0, 0, z 5,
occur occasionally. 0.5 and 1.0 is sufficient.
J. J. ARPS 243

The chart for b ,,- 0.5 is shown in Fig. 4 right should be used in conjunction with
and the data from Table 2 are plotted on the linear cumulative scale on the top of
this chart to show the straight-line extra- the chart,'while the scale on the left should
polation procedure. The scale on the right be used in combination with the linear

C=CumulCltive oil production 100,000

100,00 I ToT 100,000
80,000- 50,000

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

30,000 '10,000
50,000..., qO,OOO 20,000
40,000-.: ~
30,000- ~ 10,000
'E 80,000
{I),OOO- ~ 5000 70,000
o 4000
70,000 3000
~ 10,000· Q)
., ...:>
~ 9000- :>
~ 2000
" 8000-
s.. "
u 7000-
If ...
50,DOO ....
"': 6000· Q,
~ SO()D..., Q,
... ...
~ ~
~ ~ .e
~ 4000 ~
~ 3000- 50,000 ec 40,000 B
c a ~
~ 2000-
'<S e"

Q. 40,OOO~ 30,000Ci.

Q. Cl.,

800 - . 30,000
700 - 20,000
500 -:
400- 20,000
300- 10,000

200- -10,000 5000

100 ~.J...J....'--'-L_~':-'-:::'
1000 1000
a 100
a = constant; b = o. HYPERBOLIC DECLINE.
(For curves with constant decline,) b = 0.25.
(To be used.if decline is proportional to the
is designed to match the b value of the one ~ power of the production rate.)

on the left, so that it will fit the rate- time scale on the bottom. Both curves
cumulative relationship. The scale on the can then be plotted and extrapolated as

-;traight lines, simultaneously. Vertical points are selected on the available curve
scales for similar charts, designed for in such a manner that the production rate
b values of 0, '0.25 and 1.0 are shown of the first point is twice the rate at the last
In Figs .. 5,6 and 7, respectively. point. The production rate at the midway
point is then read off and its ratio to the
c= Cumulotive 0"11 production 100000
iOO,OOO last point determined. If this ratio has a
5000- I I qO;OOO
r- 80,000 value between 1.414 and 1.396, the chart
2000 -: t-. 70,000 for b = ° should be used; if it is between

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

r- 60.000 1.396 and 1.383, the chart for b = 0.25
100 8-: ., I:- 50000
90 - "is will be better; if it is betw6Cn 1.383 and
800- ~ ::- 40,000
100-, "is u
1.352, the chart for b = 0.50 should be
600--' VI
'" E f-- 30,000 preferred, and if the ratio is between 1.352
<l> ::E
500.., ~ ·c and 1.333 the chart for harmonic decline
c Sf-- 20,000 (b = I) will give the best results. If these
ratios are too close together, other values
f-- can be calculated with the help of Eq. 21.
~ A simpler method is to plot the rate-time
-300- f--IO,OOO a curve on semilog paper (b = 0) and if it
... C:- 9000 ~
:l f-- 8000 I shows a persistent curvature three repre-
t-- 1000 ~ sentative points should be replotted on the
r 6000 ~ chart for b = 0.5. If the three points do
... 5000 'i not lie on a straight line, but show curva-
~ t--4000 ~
~ !:
ture to the right, the chart for b = I
E 200- should be selected; if the curvature is
t--3000 ~
.§ jqO-
~ downward, the chart for b = c.25 should
~ 180- ....
a. give better results.
t--2000 h
£ no- Q,. Another method is to set up a loss-ratio
" 160-
~ tabulation and actually determine the
average value of the first differential b.
150- The chart with the closest b value should
800 then be chosen. This method was followed
140- - 100 in Table 2, and since the b value obtained
- 600
(0.508) was very close to 0.50, the chart
130- =- 500
for this latter value was used (Fig. 4).
:c.. 400
- 300 In additi.on to the exponential type of
decline, which is the simplest empirical
110- - 200 relationship and has found widespread

m I
application for approximate estimates
because of its simplicity, and the hyperbolic
type of decline, which is more complicated,
but-also generally more accurate, there are
FIG. 7.-STRAIGHT-LINE DECLINE CHART FOR several empirical equations that can
b = I. sometimes be used to represent production-
(To be used if decline is proportional to the decline curves if the simpler types are
production rate.) inadequate. Three of the more important
To determine which chart should! be used, types are discussed in the following
the three-point rule c~.'l b~ used: Two pages.
J. J. ARPS 245

Loss Ratios Form a Geometric Series TABI.E 4.-Loss Ratio for the Family
(Ratio Decline) Decline Cur~e of a Field Producing from
the Wilcox Sand in Oklahoma
A curve of this type has the charac- (TYPICAL CASE OF RATIO DECLINE)
teristic that the decline percentage-time
relationship is similar to the rate-time ] Loos In Loos Ratio of
Monthly tion Rate Ratio. on Succes c

relationship for exponential decline and M onth Year Pr'!duc- during 6 Monthly sive L05~
Basis, Ratios,
can be plotted as a straight line on semilog tI~n Months p
RatIO. P Interval. a=6t.P r • =a~ -

- - - - - - - - ._--- _.__
paper. In other words, the decline fraction t.P an_I
itself is declining at a constant percentage

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

an ... 1 20.360
per month. The differential equation for uly .. 1 13.260 -7.100 -11.206
an ... 2 8.990 -4. 270 -12.63' 1.127
the rate-time curve is: July ..
Jan ...
•3 6.390
July .. 3 3.490 - 1.160 -18.052 1. 126
- ... _-- = aorl Jan ...
uly ..
4 2.700
-- 790
- 20. 506
1. 136
dPldt -
I Jan ... S 1.740 400 - 26. 100 1. 138
July .. 5 1.440 - 300 -28.800 1.103
Jan ... 6 1,220 - 220
- 170
-33. 2 73 1. 15~
in which r is the constant ratio of two July .. 6 1,050 -37·059 1.114
successive values of the loss ratio a. After Jan ... 7 918 - 13' -41. 769 1. >27
July .. 7 81 4 - 10 4 -47. 0 78 1.127
'ntegration this leads to: Jan ...
July ..
664 -
- 83
1. 127
1. 127
Jan ... 9 610 - 54 -67·407 1.127
- 1.127

July .. 9 565 45 -75·974
P = Poe a.logr an .. . 10 528 37 -85.631 • I. 127
July .. 10 497 31 -96.5 14 1. 127

The simplest way to recognize this type The ratio of successive loss ratios is approximately
constant; average value, 1.127.
d decline, and to extrapolate it, is by Extrapolation until the tenth year. in the lower
half of the tabulation. by means of this average value
means of the loss-ratio tabulation. The
equation for the rate-cumulative curve, First Derivatives of Loss Ratios Form
which can be found by integration of Eq. an Arithmetic Series
25, is too complicated for practical use. The first derivatives of the loss ratios
As an example of the statistical treatment form an arithmetic series and the second
(,f production curves of this type, Table 4 derivatives are constant. S. T. Pirson 16
shows a loss-ratio tabulation of the family worked out the three possible mathematical
decline curve from a Wilcox sand pool in solutions for the rate-time equations, and
Oklahoma. As before, the per well produc- complete details may be found in his paper.
tion rates at equal time intervals are It has been found that these equatiom
t.abulated in column 3, the drop in produc- are generally too complicated for practical
tion rate in column 4 and the loss ratio usc. The simplest way to extrapolate a
in column 5. In this case the loss ratios curve, showing these characteristics, is by
form approximately a geometric series. means of the loss-ratio method.
This is evidenced by the fact that the
figures in column 6, which represent the Straight-line Relationship between
ratios of successive loss-ratio values, are Decline Percentage a.nd Time on Log-log
approximatel)C constant. Their average Paper
value is 1.127 and this figure was used This type of decline was discussed in a
for the extrapolation of column 6 in thc general way on pages 4 ~,) 5, and for
lower half of the table. The extrapolated more details we refer to the orieinal artick
values for the production rate were then by P. J. Jones. 21
found by reversing the process used in the Aside from the fact that there is a
upper part of the tabulation. straight-line relationship between decline

and time on log-log paper, this type of If the loss ratio is COllstan t, the decline
curve can l':lso be extrapolated as a straight curve must be of the exponential type.
line by plotting. the log-log of the produc- If the loss-rf!.tio figures are not constant,
tion rate against the log of the time. but form an arithmetic series, the decline
Statistical extrapolation by means of the will be of the hyperbolic or' harmonic type,
loss-ratio method is possible but too com- depending on the value of the increment b.
plicated for practical use. If the loss-ratio figures indicate a geometric
series, the curve must be of the ra.tio-
decline type.

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

On this table is shown also a summary
of the graphical and other methods that
To summarize the discussions in this can be used to extrapolate the different
paper, a tabulation was prepared (Table 5) types of curves.
showing the mathematical interrelationship
between the commoner types of decline
curves. At the same time, it is shown how Most production-decline curves can be
these decline curves can be classified classified into a few simple types, which
according to the loss-ratio method. can be recognized by graphical, statistical

TABLE 5.-Tentative Classification of Decline Curves, Based on Loss Ratios

Time, t; production rate, P; drop in production rate, ll.P
------------------------ Ratio of Successi"le
Loss Ratio p Differential of Loss Rat!\), LOGS Ratio~.
P aft
a =- b = Lla = Ll (;;, ) r=--
AP tln-l

Loss ratios or Conshnt Arithmetic Series Geometric Series

a values
-------.------- ---------------- -_._._---
a = ~
= Constant b = Aa = Constant o=Lla=I r ~-"'" ~~ ,"= Constant
(0 < b < I) an_l

Type of decline Then:

Exponential or Con-
stant Percentage Then: Then: Then:
Decline Hyperbolic Decline Harmonic Decline Ratio Decline
b )-1/. P = __ Po_ (I-Y'-')
P = portia P = Po ( 1+ a;t
Rate-time relation-
sllip (P, t)
(I +~) P = po.a, log ;:

(Straight line on (Straight line on, special decline charts.

semilog paper)

C = alP, - P)
:t:i~~_~:::;~~:g_logi;a~e:;:e;::::ng)_ - To=plica~ed ._-
Cumulative-rate re- - PH) -logP)
lationship (C, Pl (Straight line on special decline charts)
(Straight line on co- (Straight line on log- (Straight line on
ordinate paper log paper after shift- semilog paper)

D = roo D=~Pb D = roo P D = 100 r-t

a aoPob aoFo a
(Straight line on log- (Straight line on co- (Straight line on
Decline percentage log paper) ordinate paper) semilog paper)
(D) Decline constant Decline proportional Decline prol?ortional Decline diminishing
to power b of pro- to prodttctlOn rate with time at con-
duction rate stant percentage
(geometric series)
---------. ---------------·----1 ----. - ------_.-
Graphical short- Special decline Graphical extrapolation construction
cuts on semilog calculator based on u three-point rule or
J. J. ARPS 247

or mathematicalllleans. There is a distinct 5. J. O. Lewis and C. H. Beal: Some New

Methods for Estimating the Future
interrelationship between these types and Production of Oil Wells. Trans. A.I.M.E.
a detailed study revealed some new charac- (1918) 59,49".
6. C. H. Beal: Decline and Ultimate Recovery
teristics and possibilities for simplification of Oil Lands. U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 177
of the extrapolation procedure. Among 7. R. Arnold and Others: Manual for the Oil
these, the most important are: and Gas Industry. Bur. Internal Rev-
tJUue. 1919.
1. A decline calculator to be used for 8. W. W. Cutler. Jr.: Estimation of Under-
exponential decline curves plotted on ground Oil Reserves by Well Production
Curves. U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 228
semilog paper. This calculator, which is (19 2 4).

Downloaded from by guest on 29 August 2022

9. C. S. Larkey: Mathematical Determination
based on the slide-rule principle, makes of Production Decline Curves. Trans.
it possible to read off the monthly decline A.I.M.E. (1925) 71, 1322.
10. H. M. Roeser: Determining the Constants
percentage and the future reserve directly of Oil-production Decline Curves. Trans.
from the original curve. A.I.M.E. (1925) 71,1315.
II. C. E. Van Orstrand: On the Mathematical
2. The mathematical relationship be- Representation of Certain Production
tween rate-time, rate-cumulative and rate .. Curves. Jnl. Washington Acad. Sciences
(Jan. 1925) IS, 19·
dedine percentage for hyperbolic and 12. R. H. Johnson and A. L. Bollens: The Loss-
ratio Method of Extrapolating Oil Well
harmonic decline. Decline Curves. Trans. A.I.M.E. (1927)
3. A graphical construction method for 27, 77 I.
13. H. N. Marsh: Method of Appraising
extrapolation of hyperbolic-type decline Results of Production Control of Oil
curves, plotted on semilog paper. This Wells. Amer. Petro rust. and Prod. Eng.
Bull. 202 (1928).
method is based on the three-point rule, 14. R. E. Allen: Control of California Oil Cur-
which is a mathematical connection be- tailment. Trans. A.I.M.E. (1931) 92,47.
IS. S. J. Pirson: Production Decline Curve of
tween the production rates of three equi- Oil Well May Be Extrapolated by Loss-
distant points on the curve. Ratio. Oil and Gas Jnl. (Nov. 14. 1935).
16. H. E. Gross: Decline CUl'V,e Analysis. Oil
4. The introduction of straight-line and Gas Jnl. (Sept. IS. 1938).
17. W. W. Cutler and H. R. Johnson: Estimat-
declille charts for hyperbolic decline. These ing Recoverable Oil of Curtailed Wells.
charts have vertical scales arranged in such Oil Weekly (May 27. 1940).
18. H. C. Miller: Oil-Reservoir Behavior
a manner as to make straight lines out of Based upon Pressure-Production Data.
both rate-time and rate-cumulative curves, U. S. Bur. Mines R.I. 3634 (1942).
19. C. H. Rankin: Estimating Ultimate Re-
belonging to the hyperbolic type. Use of covery. Petro Eng. (Nov. 1943).
20. F. K. Beach: Well Histories Aid in Esti-
these charts facilitates extrapolation of mating Oil Reserves. Petro Eng. (Sept.
this type of production curves considerably. 1943) 69.
2 1. P. J. Jones: Estimating Oil Reserves from
Production-decline Rates. Oil and Gas
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Jnl. (Aug. 20. 1942) 43·
The author wishes to express his appre-
p. production rate. bbl. per month.
ciation to Mr. C. D. Miller, Vice-President Po. initial production rate. bbl.per
in Charge of Production for The British- month.
t. time elapsed since first production.
American Oil Producing Co., for permission months.
fl. constant time interval.
to publish this paper. C. cumulative production from com-
pletion until time t. bbl.
REFERENCES a, positive number. representing loss
ratio on a monthly basis.
I. R. Arnold and R. Anderson: Preliminary ao. positive number. representing loss-
Report on Coalinga Oil District. U. S. ratio during first month.
Geol. Survey Bull. 357 (1908) 79. b. positive number. representing first
2. M. E. Lombardi: The Valuation of Oil derivative of loss ratio.
Lands and Properties. Wes,ern Engineer- D. decline, per cent per month.
ing 153. 6, (Oct. 1915). Do. initial decline. per cent per month.
3. R. W. Pack: The Estimation of Oil Re- A. B. n. m. various constants.
serves. Trans. A.I.M.E. (1917) 57,968. r. ratio of successive loss ratios.
4. M. L. Requa: Methods of Valuing Oil log. natural logarithm.
Sands. Trans. A.I.M.E. (I9I8J 1S9, 526. e. base of natural logarithm.

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