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Maman on ee em me Cem eerie Sentotionel UPPER BODY Muscle Builder ‘The Lotest Exerciser — The WSIDER “ERCULEAN TORSO" TENSION DEVELOPER ‘Perform ail rhe Croshing and ‘rating exercises With only ONE exerciser— Add Change to Your Rovtin Th ers ped eg Pi Me Bae mate Sai og Aa et Order today from: eee ma erat rian ey sean ting pun up tte weg ee a ace te for the Bigger Tay tom terveut © wort few uch com Thy ar et Gorn sca hee oul eculy xm yd not ww. one eps eee: thea i, ther ‘Arms Tl deppetel ton trae in a Woo ol oy airy taps aed Jarek cee ata oye es reg tae En ee The bat pag c os ncleliewe ces ee eT (Continued from page 18) tine with confidence. vou ean be cern... in other words exercises 1 and 2 are tuted and approved by Weider... now of cnusul rsa ‘nepal, eres 8 and are another pair these can rv oul about ite smasing Avery pleasant feature of the super seta S74 5 and 6 « third pai. fects when intelizently appied when applied to the arm i that any body. Now, you perform one set of exercise num ‘The sory behind the Super Suse Sytem idee wha hee hoon treining for aren wre. berone and then WITHOUT ANY REST vou Sha ie ei re jes in his sal month cn cosdr hall aeacad_ Sede ero xt of erie mem manner the deeply seated muacle fbres re: enough to pracce it, The total beyiner 2. then with no rst vou go back an tdve ge and shal simolaon Tose nur. not fal kha afr several Pe sex of eee number one aay Sle" fre are not completely exploited by onthe f taining he ina an hemi fom it DAGK YO exeeie number two and Sally a ther methods, thoogh they are srongly jn> I suggest that you start off your body. thet set of each exereie number one and Aoenced by ine regular” set system, the building program With the exercises ‘hw ono again In other ere you alternate Shohing, meds and cheating. exercise, in thn ance. Then, alter they are com. “7% of « lpn ail cep exrcie [Now here i reen ane sip frher. the pltdy go through the Inlanes of your rege, BKIME no rat between the sete, When you fete «sand once you try them you lar workout. ‘Thee i+ only one word of ve completed three sets ofeach, you have sill bea ss with seas dt yous only caution.» do NOT suck to thi program camniced ane SUPER SET. Vow ptform concer willbe "WHY—dide'tsrmeone tell for more than afew weeks a atime, Follow THY ome superset of cach yk of cin ‘me about this before?” 3 thros woke and then tako « esse read this over several times until you As the readers ofthis magatne may know, vation from the super sts for a meek ux yiacrnd full. Fo you do not follow San Hes Gate yoy Jee wT Yocom cv Dek fo ec « ‘he ettenbne seat 6 lioed yn 4 testing grounds for many of the ideas un- while, etc. The renson for this is that the “Mwet hope fox fullest senate, sored by the Wider Syaem Clie, Ho. thaws gruth which seas fom the appli lt he fit Super Se you tke sor ‘ut one new member on the saive Super Set tion of this principle takes place 20 FAST "ett tnd then you altemately perform frm roe Il later online and in two += Ut you have to take arse tom tie "tt ch of exesnes 3 and 6 fm exactly ‘workouts this man gained HALF AN INCH © time to permit the arms to become ai: {Mt HE manner you did numbers one and nba sm Arter felled. ih Sar ta Stn ther new mn Urge so to, And nally you wind up your arm ‘weeks and gained 194"... and Barton hime T say without any doubt that the super omit dicey Gpege gy Se 1 Ge sumbers 5 ad 6 Br ay our sms A se thn IT po -tpper rm sce wi mee ae he merge ane Say AMDT § and 6. on inj ve day eh ere the est cans df he a ofthe appr arm thea. ue” Pee ma fal hn oe tetas utc as a Stem tae ad th fe i wth ecko Sh and ls oy op tL ra oop wee cease ray ov it ar abe et {irises dae ue mabe To sn hak an oy eagles so ea ee Thon or rp awe ctnand satel Sak at ese ag get he eat ded i ELE heh re withthe seporcotnypetoularly when wed 107 hwgrr and here b the reuine or Then, you wil ay, op. the eee cred in arm taining. glen you such pycho- 704 t0 use ax PROOF. MORE . -. and they will say lager even logical it that you Took forward to every The actual manner in which vou perform LONGER”. -- uml nally th tuo. mecke orkut with enthusiaam, You can actualy the super sets ix simple. T have listed 6 when you pass the ape around that upper yor srme CROW... dung a werk oreriae Three of these caccine tse fon mim ‘you wil see a fll entra neh, You vant fa rela? Well uy to bea thie fr faction! And here ate the exercises EXERCISE No, 1. The prev down on the lt machine, The it maine i » MUST. feo y estate vies ee just at standard cavioment a+ dumbbell, hatbells and exereie Benches Yon cxnnat hope for falet reelts without wing one. Frew gym fll to have Tat sachine, and if you train ata gym you will have no prob Tem. I fou train at home, then either buy fone, or f you ean ford st MAKE ONE. ‘bur get It machine Stand in front of the lat machine, with tanma elon te the dey bent atthe lb. Now, without moving the arms fom the side, pest down on the Int icine bar wis st nat the thighs. Return oaly as far asthe staring position, Perform 8 2eps EXERCISE No.2... The ehesting en with ¢ barbell ie nexisStart with the weight tthe thighs Now, with « bit of body me ion, curl the weight to the shoulder and fone pair and should be pertormed alternately thes sete aash a8 presounly arsine wth sey litle set Between. Natrally pon) cate rot hope tose very heavy weights in this fxercse syle, Use ae mich ae you can Ino ase a weight which permite you to cxctine with spocd, and one which can be EXERCISE No. 8... Tvicepa raise 10 fxerise will give you lots of tition, The faring position is holding a light barbell, lchind the body with «wide grip. Now, sithent moving the bods, move the seme to {he roar ae far ae posible, When they have ten forced hack afar as they ean go, Hold them there and bend torward at the ‘ait, Keeping the arme ail, until the weight held dvetly above the head, Return to the arting postion and repeat for 10 reps EXERCISE No... Lying bench ol is the next tovement. Lie on your stomach ‘on a fairly high bench, permitng the arms to exend over the beach, Now, grasping a hurl, cul the weight to the chin. Lower snd repent 8 reps These to above execies tleo form a pair Hike the previous two did id shouldbe practiced as explained be- fore EXEKUISE No, 8... The tleeps eur comes next. Holding «weight above head while ying on a beneh, herp the upper arms in a fixed postion and bend ouly at the Retur to the startin postion and repeat 10 rep. [EXERCISE No, 6... The sltemate dumb. bell eae ie your final exert. Take a dumb. ‘el in each hand. Now eur one dumbbell e the shoulder. While lowering this dumbbell, ‘unt the other one tothe shoulder. Perfo 10 reps each arm. These last two exereaee ‘mate up ane pair end should be per formed ay explained. prevouly for all the other exercises, ‘There Is no need for me to tell yon shat ‘hie routine will pump sp your etme like fever before 1 kaow that from Just Teading the exercises and visualixing how you will perform them has already filled you with So T mont hold you any Tomger «but you just femember some day, not to far of, When Your arm bis that 18" matk that it wae the SUPER SETS that did i.» an ther Weider waclnive . «another cote which Iam glad to pass om io you a5 part Gf my job of MAKING CHAMPIONS. Editorial (Continued from pogo 5) readers would take ths. After all, my very fret duty i to them. Pervonalls, I fle that everyone would prefer to pay Just nickel ‘more each month to continue to ge the BEST ther than permit the cuaitv of the ‘publications to be reduced. You don't boy the Your Physique and tusele Power Magazines every day «only fence « month and thie incase representa nly an additional $10 each month to you CCertalaly i is woth while vo contaue 1 get the very highest quality for this small adai- anal sm ot Tam potting i ap eqnarely te YOU... Tims hate your opinion. Look cover this present Isue, Not some of the new Improvements T have already made. It it seorh in you to pay x fw cent n math mar for this high type polation. OR should T reduce my price again to 8.25 and fe you the bes he I cam for this lower fost. Remember this is an emergency meat: tute, brought about by conditions beyand our contra. If at any future date the government eee lar ee this new staggering increase, I will immedi ely rece my one prices Tn the meswlul, please let ate have your pinion. Write to me and tell me i 1 have Sei ot les eat ae To hope that have =. for YOU, are and vill always continue tobe the only one who Counts 10 me. Wete me todsy and let me nose howe po Fel While ow the subjoct of ineeared pce, everything in my line has been dratialy aileced during the past months. EVERY- Ht ET intsat and “adjustable” squat racks! Weider “plain’ peor steams oe. Hace perc Weider dab Co Sone ert ne ttt ti oe tat cee ss MeL SSSR Sh CfDER FROM: TE heptin Ave Seay iy, NJ

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