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1 Everyone admires him ___________his wisdom and common sense.

2 I agree ________you that it was an awful programme.

3 Dick apologized ________ not sending us a thank-you letter.
4 I don't approve ________their bad behavior.
5 We all started to argue ________ him ________his political ideas.
6 I believe ________government support for the movie industry.
7 Everyone can benefit ________a better road system.
8 You can't blame me _______your own mistakes.
9 Peter's always boasting ________his own achievements.
10 Would you like to borrow a pen f________me?
11 Max is capable ________doing much better work than this.
12 We would like to congratulate you ________getting engaged.
13 Water consists ________hydrogen and oxygen.
14 There is no simple cure ________ high fever.
15 The salesman tried to convince me ________the advantages of buying the car.
1 She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ________being lazy.
2 Who's going to look ________your children while you're at work?
3 The problem is becoming serious. We have to discuss ________it.
4 The problem is becoming serious. We have to do something ________ it.
5 I prefer this chair ________ the other one. It's more comfortable.
6 I must phone ________the office to tell them I won't be at work today.
7 The river divides the city ________two parts.
8 'What do you think ________the new manager?' 'She's all right, I suppose.'
9 Can somebody please explain ________me what I have to do?
10 'Do you like staying at hotels?' 'It depends ________the hotel.'
11 'Have you ever been to Boria?' 'No, I've never heard ________it. Where is it?'
12 You remind me ________somebody I knew a long time ago. You look just like her.
13 What's funny? What are you laughing ________?
14 What have you done with all the money you had? What did you spend it ________?
1 Eric quarrelled ________ Louise ________ the preparations ________the party. I couldn't go because I was suffering ________ flu.
But I thanked them ________inviting me.
2 Sarah reminds me ________Julia Roberts, but they aren't related ________each other!
3 You can never rely ________Jim to provide you ________ useful information. And I'm tired ________waiting ________him to
make up his mind when he has to make a decision.
4 The store detective suspected the man ________ stealing the goods ________the shop, but the receipt proved that they had been
paid ________
5 I've got plenty of sandwiches. Would you like to share them ________ me?
6 On behalf of the students and staff, I'd like to welcome you ________our school.
7 You can only succeed i________an exam if you revise carefully ________it.
8 Helen worked ________ACME pie, where she was responsible ________dealing with complaints f________ customers. But the
work was so unrewarding that she has just resigned ________the job.
1. The relationship _______________ the two boys has changed significantly over the past few years.
2. In India, many girls get married _______________ an early age.
3. I’m not _______________ the mood for such silly games.
4. There were no security personnel _______________ duty at that time.
5. The new smartphone is similar _______________ the one I bought a few years ago.
6. My dad insisted _______________ taking the later train.
7. People ____________ ambition always try to achieve their goals, no matter what happens.
8. Mr Jenkins has been disabled all his life as a result _______________ a childhood illness.
9. We bought the TV because it was _______________ sale.
10.She has no understanding _______________ how computers really work.
11.I gave him my new T-shirt in exchange _______________ a few cigarettes.
12.The company is run _______________ two people who hardly ever meet.
13.All the celebrations and parties were called ______________ because of the tragic accident.
14.There was a great need _______________ volunteers at the site of the crash.
15.Maria is not sure _______________ her new job offer. She is still undecided.
16.She was disgusted with her weight problem, so she decided to go _______________ a diet.
17.Requests for additional seats must be made _______________ writing.
18.We’ve been waiting for over half an hour. She’s never _______________ time.
19.I can always count _______________ him to help me when I’m in trouble.
20._______________ now on, nobody will be allowed to go out during the test.
21.He succeeded _______________ convincing his boss that it was the right thing to do.
22.It’s difficult to see the moon _______________ day.
23.The world population will have reached over 8 billion _______________ the year 2050.
24.She apologised _______________ not telling me the whole truth about her affair.
25.The maths test was a great challenge. It took me _______________ an hour to finish.

1. The headmaster is ______________ good terms with his whole teaching staff.
2. She was completely ______________ breath when she crossed the finish line.
3. All of the carpets on display were made ______________ hand.
4. After we passed the last bend the city finally came ______________ sight.
5. The teacher handed ______________ the test sheets and the students started to work.
6. The sign says: “Beware ______________ the dog!”
7. Every day millions of people travel ______________ plane.
8. The doctor told me to give ______________ smoking, otherwise I would have serious health problems.
9. My sister is suffering ______________ cancer. She’s only got a few more months.
10.The old man died ______________ a heart attack.
11.The ski resort lies 1600 metres ______________ sea level.
12.They couldn’t walk ______________ the bridge because it had been completely destroyed.
13.A really good friend never lets you ______________ .
14.It’s ridiculous to wear such clothes. They’ve been ______________ fashion for a long time.
15.I wanted to speak to the person ______________ charge of security matters.
16. Why are you so mad ______________ me? I haven’t done anything wrong.
17.Those paintings ______________ the wall date back to the 16th century.
18.When I saw how disappointed he was after the game I felt sorry ______________ him.
19.The group of men were rescued ______________ the flood with the help of helicopters.
20. It’s freezing. It must be 20° ______________ zero.
21.It was called the greatest show ______________ earth.
22.The doctor pointed ______________ that there might be complications during such an operation.
23.She never cared ______________ her father. Now she doesn’t want to see him anymore.
24.The lawyer accused him ______________ stealing all the money.
25.She was surprised ______________ the girl’s aggressive behavior

1. Smoking in public places is _________________ the law in many countrie

. 2. The boss looked _________________ on him arrogantly.
3. Many products sold at the market have been carefully manufactured _________________ hand.
4. Many of the trains leaving London are currently running _________________ schedule.
5. We were terrified _________________ fear when we saw what had happened.
6. They can't afford very much because they must live _________________ the father's small pension.
7. Many species in the Amazon rain forest are _________________ risk of becoming extinct.
8. A large part of the Netherlands lies _________________ sea level.
9. My sister has been suffering _________________ a nervous breakdown over the past few weeks.
10.When the interview was over the journalist asked the politician a few things _________________ the record.
11.Strawberries are not _________________ season at the moment, so we'll have to use other fruits.
12.You'll have to call an ambulance. There are no doctors _________________ duty right now.
13.There are a few islands just miles _________________ the coast.
14.If global warming continues _________________ the present rate sea levels will rise very quickly.
15.I'm sorry. I lost the documents _________________ accident. I didn't do it _________________ purpose.
1. Those trousers went ______________ fashion many years ago.
2. We heard about the natural disaster ______________ the news.
3. I was ______________ the impression that we didn't want to offend him .
4. Unemployment is _________________ the increase in many European countries.
5. I don't know ______________ certain , but I think she's on leave at the moment.
6. There was nothing there anymore , so we had to start ______________ scratch.
7. I ran ______________ my old teacher the other day. It was nice to meet him again.
8. The unexpected success of the company took us ______________ surprise.
9. All trains leaving from platform 4 are ______________ time.
10.______________ my opinion, she must be the greatest athlete of all times.
11.There is a big ceremony being held ______________ honour of the killed soldiers.
12.I'm sorry. I must have done it ______________ mistake.
13.She waved me good-bye until our car was ______________ sight.
14.I am not allowed to give them any alcohol. They are all ______________ age.
15.He told us ______________ brief what he wanted to do , but didn't go into much detail.
16.Jack has gone to New York ______________ business.
17.You must be tired . Why don't you take a break ______________ a change.
18.We have to be there ______________ ten at the latest. Otherwise, they won't let us in.
19.My mother is suffering ______________ cancer and there is not much hope for her.
20.They had to translate the document from English ______________ Spanish.

1. I am very grateful ____________ou.
2. I hope you are familiar ________this subject.
3. He is accustomed _______his professor.
4. That student always disagrees ________me. A. for ;B. to ;C. with
5. I assume that you are acquainted _____ this subject since you are responsible
____writing the accompanying materials. 
6. Our school is associated ________hat organization.
7. It is difficult to contribute __________ this fund when we are not committed
______ its mission. 
8. We have been very satisfied _______his results.
9. The teacher was upset _______the student's behaviour.
10. I am interested ________your analysis.
11. We all object ________the use of this money for personal purposes.
12. I apologize ________our mistake.

13. We do not approve _______ such trivial questions and are not willing to take
responsibility ________them. 
14. Now that we are finished ________ the hard subjects, we look forward
________next year.
15. Our lab is equipped ________the latest state-of-the-art computers.
16. The product is made ________pure gold.
17. Never become involved ________a questionable deal.
18. It is important that we coordinate our efforts ________ each other.
19. We are not limited ________our approach.
20. I hope you succeed ________this research.
21. We want to thank you ________your cooperation.
22. Our university is prohibited ________doing business ________ that country.
23. I want everyone to participate ________the discussion group.
24. You would be wise to take advantage________this free tutoring.

25. Are you aware ________the cost?

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