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Symboles Trafic - Météo

Climb to FL 210 110 Maintain FL 110
238 Climb on heading 238° to FL 070 nsr No speed restriction

Climb after take-off Turn right after take-off

Continue to climb Turn right heading 338°

Climb straight ahead Climb on course

Climb and maintain FL 310 Expedite descend to FL 190
SID Standard Instrument Departure
310 Expedite descend until passing FL 310
Descend to FL 70 on heading 132°
turn left 30° Cross RBT FL 140 or below
RBT 140
AMB 200
Cross AMB FL 200 or above 20 kt Reduce speed by 20 kts

250 kt Reduce speed 250 kts 195 kt Maintain IAS 195 kt

S 4256 i Squawk 4256 Ident Maintain 5000 ft until TBO and
5’ climb to FL290

4’ H1004 FJR
Go around and climb to 4000 ft 190 Maintain FL 190 until FJR and
QNH 1004 descent to 5000 ft

V> 10 Visibility over 10km V1,2 / 27 Visibility 1200m on runway 27

V4,5 Visibility 4500 m V100 Visibility 100 m

V300 / 28 Visibility 300m on runway 28 OK CAVOK

V800 Vertical visibility 800ft Hz Haze

HL Hail Thunderstorm

MI Mist rR Recent rain

Symboles Trafic - Météo

Showers S Snow

R Rain Moderate turbulence

F This is information "F" Severe turbulence

B 1430 This is information "B" recorded at 1430

Fg Fog 150/15/G25 Wind 150°/15kt gusting 25 kt

F 2,5’ Few 2500 ft Sct 1,5’ Scatered 1500 ft

Bkn 600 Broken 600 ft Ovc 13’ Overcast 13000 ft

H 1016 QNH 1016 FE 996 QFE 996

+5 / -1 Temp. +5, Dew point -1 Ovc 200' Overcast 200 ft

Windshear ! Caution

RY 23 Runway in use 23 Th Threshold

on final approach

! C ILS RY12 Caution winshear on final approach course of ILS runway 12

))))) Slippery

Flocks of birds Numerous flocks of birds

Mod Sev CAT Moderate to severe clear air turbulence

R800/08R RVR 800m on runway 08R 07L Runway in use for departure 07L

13R Runway in use for arrival 13R

! 14L Caution windshear reported on short final runway 14 L

! rR TY ))))) Caution due to recent rain the taxiways are slippery

This is information D recorded at 1030, runway in use 12 left for landing and 12 right for departure,
surface wind 250 degrees 14 knots gusting 25 kts. Visibility 3 kilometers, ceiling few 3500ft, sct
7500 ft, BKN 15000ft, temperature +9, dew point +4. QNH 1020 millibars, for start call 118,7.
Report aircraft type and information D received on first contact

D 1030 12L 12R 250/14/G25 V3km F3,5’ SCT7,5’ BKN15’ +9/+4

H1020 for start 118,7 R Type

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