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The Simpleton

“I’m just a simpleton”, he say’s,

rising through hardship and honest ways
From a small village in UP to the city that gleams
To sail the high oceans is what the simpleton dreams

With great pride he tells his stories

With extra Maggi masala all those glories
He boasts of how he solved a math problem
And in the Guinness book he deserves a column

Fondly he recalls the days of navy

Where he took electric shocks just to be called crazy
So he could get an early discharge
And in international waters could sail at large

From here starts the rise of this serpent

A story that I have since come to repent
In the city of Navi Mumbai he buys a house
And also invites his pious villager spouse

A naive young woman with 2 children by her side

I was one of them and she was my guide
Whilst the serpent of around 43 attracted to city strobe
Visiting dance bars in Mumbai & strip clubs around the globe

Then coming back home drunk to his children and spouse

Beating her up like a tyrant she felt trapped like a mouse
And then he hides these stories from every other one
Because He’s the saint in UP, so how could he be a demon!!

Life goes on and the control freak does his boastful best
To interfere in everyone’s life so that no one is at rest
If not’s the cup of hot tea that he has thrown at his spouse
Or gossiping with everyone how she destroyed his brothers house

This poor lady in his absence, 2 children she has raised

Tried her level best to provide them fighting the odds unfazed
But even war takes its toll and now she is tired
To a mental asylum of her own she has retired

But the serpent as he is can’t let anyone be happy

They have to do as he says or he will make them feel crappy
He will go around gossiping to all his Navy friends & kin
That his family is the worst and is sucking blood thru his skin

And a personal dislike he took to me, who happens to be his son

Because I decided to quit the sea and sore towards the sun
So I started my own business and was rising with my peers
The serpent couldn’t hate me directly so filled my ex-wife’s ears

He rebuked me for buying a camera and learning how to shoot

He hated me for buying a motorcycle and a pair of leather boots
He reads my personal diaries like a thief entering my room
He tells the world how useless I am cause I gave up my Merchant Navy costume
And when I still rebelled that I won’t follow his chosen course
So he pays some goons to thrash me up without a shred of remorse
And then he locks me up for 3 months in his house until I comply
And that is the day which I lived but my soul began to die

He threw me on the roads as for 5 days I struggled for food

But I still believe that in the end everything happens for good
For only after that does my journey begin
Now I see thru his conniving ways and deceitful skin

I find peace in my own ways thru yoga and reading

I have bled all these years now I need some healing
Enough of this serpent who calls himself my father
I would’ve honestly been happier being born to a robber

The serpent now silenced cause he understood that I see thru his wily ways
I tried to empower my mother but she is trapped in her minds maze
He knows I see thru his bullshit so says he feels threatened
He thinks I’m after his will when my soul he has deadened

Now it came to my notice that he slept with his dead brothers wife
A tyrant who has played so many mind games with strife
Mountain of lies takes its toll and his heart has once died
Everytime confronted playing the victim card he tried

If anything I want today is for justice to be served

For everyone to see thru his game and her story to be heard
I honestly don’t give a fuck even if I die hungry on the roads
My moksh I have seen and it is only thru self inroads

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