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Contribution of Technology in Education

In our era today in which we live in digital era, technology plays a significant role. Each day that
passes in our lives, new inventions are introduced to the digital market which will help our daily routines
more easy. But how does technology affect our education?
You know and I know that education of today was never been the same from the past. It has
advanced faster than we thought. During our grandfather’s time of education, there were no books nor
notebooks, they learn on whatever their teacher teach to their class. Then the paper and pencil are
invented and slowly changed the process of learning, and advanced even more when technology was
But in our time today, especially during this pandemic where technology became a very
important part of education. Technology of today made multiple options to the students to answer
questions. Today’s technology provides multiple platforms on mobile, tablet or personal computers which
they can use to learn while they are at home. These platforms can be used for live interactions between
students and teacher in an online condition.
Technology has made the education easier in just a simple search and click on the internet.
Students like you and me can research in advance of a certain topic without having to wait for our
teachers. Today, each student can learn whatever they want through different online platforms or
education applications that can help them study.
Now a day, technology creation like mobile phones, laptops are readily available in the market
which can be used for online education. This technology helped me on day-to-day basis as I can easily
switch on my phone and internet access to attend my classes online or even have my exams online. These
technologies help me a lot as a student since the schools switch to online classes because of this pandemic
situation we are experiencing. Technology save the students from being less-educated to a well-educated
student of this pandemic season.
Technology also save a student like me to carry bags with lots of books; now I just have to open
my phone or laptop and open my electronic book. Technology promoted digital education which made
education available to every student there. Distance can no longer be a problem to gain knowledge.
Technology also help the education sector on the researches to further develop learning.

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