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Safety Integrity Level Selection: Systematic Methods Including Layer of Protection Analysis

About this Book

The material for this book was developed from a series of training courses
and seminars we have written and delivered over the past few years. The
Exida training course (which bears the same name as this book and is
co-sponsored by ISA under the catalog number EX-01) and numerous
related on-line courses provided a major source of material for this book
and also provided an outline for organizing its contents.
Much of the material in this book is based on the application of the
safety life cycle as it is described in the international standards ANSI/ISA-
84.01-1996-Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process
Industry and IEC 61508/61511. This book expands upon the framework
developed in these standards. In addition to describing the tasks that
users should perform during the safety life cycle, this book also provides
detailed procedures for accomplishing these tasks. These procedures are
based on risk analysis and reliability engineering principles from a variety
of disciplines.
This book is intended to demonstrate the application of quantitative
risk analysis techniques and tools to the problem of selecting SILs. Its
goal is to bring this topic down to earth and explain it in a clear and
approachable way, distilling the essential theory into a format that the
practicing control systems engineer can apply quickly and effectively in
everyday work. This book is not intended to be a generic theoretical dis-
sertation, nor a comprehensive treatment of the topic of quantitative risk
analysis. It presents a focused process for applying simple, yet powerful,
tools of quantitative risk analysis specifically to the problem of selecting
SILs for safety instrumented systems.

About the Authors

Edward M. Marszal, P.E., C.F.S.E., and Dr. Eric W. Scharpf, MIPENZ, are
principal engineers and partners in Exida, an engineering consulting firm
that helps users and vendors of automation systems develop safety-criti-
cal and high-availability automation solutions. At Exida, both authors
are responsible for safety life cycle services for end users, including pro-
cess hazards analysis, SIL selection and verification, and functional safety
assessment of safety critical systems.
Mr. Marszal started his career with UOP, a licensor of process units
to the petroleum and petrochemical industries, where he performed
functional assessments of control and safety instrumented systems at
customer sites worldwide. At UOP, he designed and managed the devel-
opment of custom control and SIS projects. After leaving UOP, he joined
the Environmental Resource Management companies in their Business
Risk Solutions consulting group. In this position, he specialized in finan-

cial risk analysis and process safety management. He performed and

managed risk assessment projects that involved quantitative risk analysis,
including preparing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Risk Man-
agement Plans with off-site consequence analysis for over one hundred
facilities. Companies used his recommendations from these projects to
ensure regulatory compliance, justify risk reduction expenditures, and
optimize insurance coverage.
Mr. Marszal holds a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from
Ohio State University and is a registered professional engineer in the
states of Illinois and Ohio. He has developed and taught safety instru-
mented system engineering courses for ISA, for whose local chapters in
Columbus, Ohio, he holds several executive positions. He is also a mem-
ber of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Mr. Marszal was
among the first group of engineers to be awarded the status of Certified
Functional Safety Expert (C.F.S.E.) by TÜV Product Services.
Dr. Scharpf has worked as a process chemical engineer in the petro-
leum and chemicals industries for both Mobil and Air Products and
Chemicals in the United States and Europe. In these roles he has
designed and developed several new processes and published numerous
patents and papers on his work. He has focused much of his career on
process optimization, new process design, safety and risk analysis in vari-
ous segments of the chemical processing industry. This work has
included hazard, risk, and consequence analysis as well as safety system
work. Because of Dr. Scharpf’s increasing responsibility level and per-
sonal interest in the safety and risk-related aspects of these systems and
processes, in 2000 he joined Mr. Marszal in forming Exida to pursue this
work more directly. At Exida, he now leads the consulting, training, and
support for safety-critical and high-availability process automation in the
Asia-Pacific region. In this role, he has authored and reviewed numerous
Exida safety training courses and related material focusing primarily on
IEC 61508, 61511, and 62061 safety life cycle applications.
Dr. Scharpf has a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from
the University of Delaware and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from
Princeton University. Dr. Scharpf is a registered engineer and member of
the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand and is a member of
the New Zealand Society for Risk Management. He also serves as a mem-
ber of the Board of Directors of the Certified Functional Safety Expert
Governance Board. Dr. Scharpf is currently based near Dunedin, New
Zealand, and teaches courses in safety, process engineering, and related
subjects at the University of Otago in addition to his responsibilities at


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