Important Questions

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1 What are the basic elements of a generalized measurement system?
2 Describe the significance of calibration,
3 Define the dynamic response and distinguish between steady state and transient response.
4 Illustrate the difference between accuracy and precision.
5 Enumerate the advantages of digital meters over analog meters.
6 Define Calibration
7 Classify the sources of errors in DC voltage measurement?
8 Define resolution.
9 The expected value of the voltage across a resistor is 40V. However the measurement gives a value of 39V.
Calculate the absolute error.
10 Define gross and random errors.
11 A voltmeter reads 152 volts for a particular measurement. If the true value of the measurement is 154 volts,
determine the percentage static relative error and static correction.
12 What is average deviation? What does it indicate on a measurement instrument?
13 Write any four types of analog ammeter used for instrumentation.
14 How does one can extend the range of ammeter and voltmeter?
15 What are the sources of errors in DC voltage measurement?

1 (i) Explain the functional elements of instruments with neat diagram. (8)
(ii) Explain the dynamic characteristics of an instrument in detail. (5)
2 (i)What is standard? And explain the different types of standards (8)
(ii) A voltmeter reads 152 volts for a particular measurement. If the true value of the measurement is 154
volts, determine the percentage static relative error and static correction
3 Describe the construction and working of permanent magnet moving coil instrument. Also derive the
expression for deflection
4 Discuss in detail the types of errors and sources of errors in measurement techniques.
5 With Neat sketch explain the operation of moving iron type instrument.
6 with a neat sketch explain the working principle of any one type of a digital voltmeter.
7 i)Explain the concept of static evaluation of measurement data (5)
ii)Describe primary and secondary standards in instruments (6)
8 Describe about various methods of Calibration and explain with suitable example
9 Explain the static characteristics of measuring instruments.
10 (i). The table given below lists a sample of experimental data
Value 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
f 1 2 3 6 7 6 4 2 1
Calculate: a) Arithmetic mean b) Median c)Standard deviation d) Variance
(ii).If a set of six observations are as follows: 1.5V, 3V, 1V, 5V, 2V, 4V
Calculate the arithmetic mean, average deviation and standard deviation
11 In a test, temperature is measured 100 times with variations in apparatus and procedures. After applying
the corrections, the results are:
Temp0c 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405
FOC 1 3 12 23 37 16 4 2 2
Clculate:1)Arithmetic mean 2)Mean deviation 3)Standard Deviation
Part - A
1 Define transformation ratio of an instrument transformer.
2 What is meant by creeping in energy meter?
3 Write the various torques in analog indicating instruments.
4 Compare moving coil with moving iron instruments.
5 List the type of frequency meter is used over a wide range of voltage?
6 State the reason for the two types of errors in a potential transformer
7 List out various causes which incur errors in a dynamometer wattmeter.
8 How does one can extend the range of ammeter and voltmeter?
9 Illustrate the importance of iron loss measurement.
10 Which type of frequency meter is used over a wide range of voltage? Why?
11 State the applications of CT and PT.
12 What is phase meter? Mention the types of phase meter.
13 Brief the principle of digital phase meter.

Part – B&C
1 Explain the working principle of Analog multimeter With a neat block diagram
2 Explain the use of C.T and P.T in energy and power measurement.
3 What are the different methods of measurement of frequency? Explain any one method.
4 How do you determine the B-H curve with various methods?
5 Discuss With circuit and phasor diagram, explain the working of single phase AC energy meter
6 Explain the measurement of iron losses through wattmeter method with test setup and derive the expression
for total iron loss
7 Describe the construction and working of an induction type wattmeter. Also derive an expression for the
average torque which is proportional to power
8 Explain with neat sketch the classification and principle of operation of instrument transformers.
9 Explain the working principle of digital multimeter With a neat block diagram
10 Explain the phase meter principles employed in measuring equipment
11 Write a short notes on:
i)Current transformer (7)
ii) Weston frequency meter. (8)
12 Describe the construction and working principle of digital frequency meter.

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