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Laroya, Vynz Joshua C.

ME 2112



There are many lessons to be learned from the film. The value of excellence,

friendship, education, and passion. These are the key skills you need to develop in order

to succeed after high school. You require a trustworthy friend who you can turn to in times of

need. A quality education that teaches you everything you need to know to be a student. You

must be passionate about what you do in order to reach your goals without hesitating. You

must strive for perfection in whatever you do and perform at your utmost best when assigned

tasks. Schooling is nothing to be terrified of given the current state of affairs. Similarly to how

the movies usually tell us. All is well, or "AAL IZZ WELL." There is always a solution to an

issue, so do not be afraid of what you do.


On Friendship. Rancho considers a friend as a man’s greatest treasure. There were

a couple of scenes in the movie where he put his friends’ needs before his needs. Like a true

friend, he would go out of his way to help his friends and his friends’ families, even if this could

endanger his life. Despite his super bubbly nature, he touched his friends in a very deep way,

it made Farhan and Raju cry. It made me cry as well. And I bet if you watched the movie, it

made you cry too. He taught Farjan to pursue his real passion in Wildlife photography and

Raju to face his fear of failure.

On Success.

“If you pursue excellence, success will come after you.”

"Turn your passion into a career."

"Study hard, not only to get good grades."

"Study to be successful, not wealthy."

These were a few of Rancho's all-time favorite sayings, and he lived by them. The

exams are always won by Rancho. Rancho's response to his friend Farhan's question on how

he consistently does well was short and sweet: "I love engineering. I'm passionate about it."

He continued, "Follow your talent. Give up engineering”. Farhan was extremely skilled at

wildlife photography, yet he chose to major in engineering because it was his parents' hope

that he would become an engineer. Raju then enquired as to Rancho's lack of success despite

his diligent study habits. Because you're a coward, Rancho said. anxious about the future.

How will you live today if you have such anxiety for the future? How will you concentrate on

your studies? Rancho put it really well; his comments cut straight to the core of my being. Very

true. Consequently, I made the decision to accept his maxim, "Follow greatness and success

will chase you," and every day I make modest steps in that direction.

On Education. Rancho studied because he loved it, as opposed to Chatur, his rival.

He didn't even consider Chatur to be a rival. He raised issues with the school system. His

professor was not pleased when we used basic language to design the machine when he first

started college. Rancho confronted his lecturer, but the professor became enraged and

reprimanded Rancho before asking him to leave the room. Chatur, on the other hand, was

pleased when Rancho understood it in a more difficult and academic manner. Rancho

informed the professor that he had forgotten something just as he was about to leave. The

lecturer asked Rancho for it because he was interested in what we had leftover. As Chatur
defined a machine, Rancho responded in a convoluted or academic manner. Rancho said,

"Books," when the professor asked what he was talking about and became perplexed. The

professor asked him why he hadn't explained it previously in a clearer manner as he said he

had tried it when speaking about machines. The professor became so enraged that he yelled

at Rancho to leave the room and forbade him from returning to the debate. Just goes to show

how flawed the educational system is. Rancho once remarked that the system emphasizes

employment and grades rather than innovations and ideas. Prof. Virus was furious about this.

There was a situation where Professor Virus brought Rancho to a class that was already in

session and confronted him. Rancho stood in front of two instructors, his classmates, and

everyone was waiting for him to make a move. He scrawled two words on the chalkboard after

taking a glance at the large book the class professor was using. He then gave each person a

30-second time limit to define the words. Nobody could respond. Rancho then said,

"Were you intrigued or thrilled when asked to define the two words? You're excited to learn

something new, aren't you? No. You all entered a frenzied race.

“What good are such tactics even if you win the race? Will you gain more knowledge? No.

simply the pressure This is not a pressure cooker—this is college.”

Once more, Prof. Virus was enraged by this. He asked Rancho to explain the meaning of the

two terms.

Rancho was so intelligent. "I just made up the words," he claimed. I wasn't attempting

to instruct in engineering. You were learning from me about teaching”.

Rancho is of the opinion that we can change the world by altering the educational

system. He demonstrated this in his own unique way, as was evident in the film's later half.

Rancho questioned the grading scheme as well. He claimed that grades cause a split, with A

student being treated as masters and C students as slaves. He made this statement because
their class would take a picture at the end of the term, and those who performed best would

sit up front while those who received the worse scores sat in the back.

I concur with Rancho's stance on education. This was only one of the numerous factors

that kept me riveted to the film. Learning should, in fact, be enjoyable and motivating! Rancho's

ways and ideas were unconventional, and Prof. Virus constantly reprimanded him. However,

Rancho's enthusiasm and good disposition were so contagious that, toward the end of the

term, Prof. Virus gave Rancho the "pen." Even Chatur, who fought Rancho ferociously,

submitted to him near the film's conclusion.

Follow your passion: By caving in to the pressures of those around us rather than

listening to what our minds are telling us to do, we frequently trick ourselves. We adhere to

the norms set out by society while ignoring our true passions. Dual losses come from this. In

the field we choose, we wind up being mediocre professionals, and meanwhile, the field in

which we are truly interested loses a potential talent. When a passionate cook enrolled in an

engineering program, the hotel business loses a good chef and instead gets a poor engineer.

Finding one's passion might be challenging. We'll face a lot of obstacles. Always say, "All is

well," with your palm over your heart when something bothers you.

Strive for Excellence: By examining the individuals who are seen as successful in life,

we frequently create particular criteria for success. Then, rather than concentrating on

brilliance in our individual fields of expertise, we direct all of our energies into pursuing this

perceived notion of success. I've observed a lot of competent technologists change their focus

in order to pursue their ambition of becoming managers through people management. We

ultimately lose a talented techie and gain a poor personnel manager. The same technologist

would likely have achieved success if he had concentrated on honing his technological talents

and on being an integral member of the team. Strive for excellence, as Rancho advises, and

success will pursue you.


The movie emphasizes the value of education and friendship. We require close

friends or other influential figures in our lives if we are to achieve in life. most importantly,

education. But not just any education—education that makes us proud. mostly because we

enjoy what we do. If we are passionate about technology, we should go toward a degree that

will educate us more about it. If we have a passion for cooking, we should pursue it and aim

for excellence. Once we reach this level of excellence, we will be able to say to ourselves

that our lives have improved. We have always desired to be "SUCCESSFUL" in our lives,

and this has been our ultimate objective. Therefore, in order to achieve this ultimate result,

we need put up our best effort and pursue our passions. And don't be scared to make errors

because, as the movie always assures us, "ALL'S WELL," no matter what the issue,

everything will work out as long as we are passionate about what we are doing. Similarly to

how other successful people are. Because they are passionate about what they do, they

consistently outperform. Anything cannot stop them. "ALL IS WELL"

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