Placement Test - ĐHN

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LISTENING (around 20 minutes)

Questions 1-5: You will hear a woman asking for some information about a job. Listen
and complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER
for each blank. You will hear the conversation twice. 

At Jones Department Store
To sell: (1) coats
Begin work at: (2) eight forty a.m
Days: Tuesday to (3) Friday
Pay: £ (4) 5.27 per hour
Write to: Mrs (5)

Questions 6-10: You will hear some tourist information about a town called Langley.
Listen and complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each blank. You will hear the conversation twice. 

Tourists stop here for: 3 hours
Town Hall
See the: (6) the pictures
Cost of ticket: (7) seventy pence
Langley Park
Café is near: (8) the lake
Tour of town
Meet guide in: (9) Fawcett street
Leave Langley at: (10) four fifteen p.m

Questions 11-15: Listen to a conversation about a birthday party. Choose the correct
answer A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. 
11. Which ice cream will they have at the party? 
A coffee 
B lemon 
C apple 
12. What is broken? 
A the CD player 
B the cassette recorder 
C the guitar 
13. Whose birthday is it? 
A Emma's 
B Joan's 
C Amanda's sister's 
14. What present has Amanda bought? 
A a camera 
B a video 
C a football 
15. What time should people arrive at the party? 
A 8 p.m. 
B 8.30 p.m. 
C 9.30 p.m. 

Questions 16-20: Listen to a conversation about a hotel. Choose the correct answer A,
B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. 
16. The hotel is 
A in a town.
B on a mountain.
C near the sea. 
17. At the hotel, Grace could  
   A play golf.
B play tennis.
C use the swimming pool. 
18. In Grace's room, there was 
A a fridge.
B a video player.
C a coffee machine. 
19. In the restaurant, Grace had 
A too few vegetables.
B a lot of fried food.
C chips with every meal. 
20. Grace says the hotel was  
A cheap.
B boring.
C noisy. 
READING  (25 minutes)
PASSAGE 1. Answer questions 1-7, which are based on Passage 1 below. 

Cave Homes

For people looking for a different type of home, a cave house in Spain may be the
answer. People lived in these caves in ancient times but for many years after that they
sat empty. In the 19th century, poor people started living in the caves again as they
couldn’t afford to live anywhere else. Life was hard for these people, who worked on the
land. During the 20th century, many of them left their cave homes and moved to the
coast or city in the hope of a better life. It was then that the homes were modernized
and put up for sale.
To buy a modern cave today costs anything from €40,000 to €250,000. They all have
modern conveniences such as electricity, running water, bathrooms with showers, and
telephones. Some of them even have satellite TV and Internet. These homes are very
cool in summer and warm in winter. There’s usually no need for air conditioning or
central heating. This is an advantage because you save lots of money on bills. One of
the disadvantages is that indoors it’s rather dark as the windows are small and don’t let
a lot of light in.

The caves are very popular with people from other countries who want to live in Spain’s
sunny climate. Some people retire there or buy a cave as a summer home. Most people
who buy houses in Spain prefer being on the coast where there is more to do. These
caves are perfect for people who like a quieter life and want to live as the locals do.
Most of the cave homes are around small villages, which are very peaceful. However,
they do have shops, schools, restaurants, and cafés and some even have a cinema.

Take a look at some of the homes on the Internet, to see how amazing these cave
homes are. You will see that no two homes are the same but they are all in beautiful
surroundings. These homes may not suit everyone but they are certainly different. If you
want a life in the sun that isn’t going to cost you a lot, a cave house may be the thing
you’re looking for!

Questions 1-4. Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

1.  Before the 20th century, 
A.  cave homes were modernized.
B.  it was cheap to buy a cave home.
C.  no one lived in the caves.
D.  cave dwellers worked on the land. 
2. All modern cave homes today
A. have Internet.
B. have satellite TVs.
C. have modern conveniences such as electricity.
D. have large rooms and windows.
3. Most people who buy houses in Spain
A. prefer to live in a village.
B. only go there during the summer.
C. want to buy something cheap.
D. want to live near the sea. 
4. Paragraph 4 suggests that cave homes 
A. could be ideal for everyone. 
B. can only be bought via the Internet.
C. are all different in some way. 
D. are only on sale in Spain.

Questions 5-7. Complete the sentences below. Use NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS from the reading passage for each answer. 
5. Cave dwellers wanted a better life so they moved away.
6. An advantage of living in a cave is that you don't spend lots of money on bills .
7. A not so good thing about cave homes is that they are quite dark and little light .

PASSAGE 2. Answer questions 8-15, which are based on Passage 2 below.

TV Chefs

In the TV guide, we see that almost every channel has a cooking show. Many of these
shows are hosted by celebrity chefs. They show us how difficult it is to become world-
famous, and how much work they need to prepare mouth-watering dishes. Some of the
chefs simply teach viewers how to prepare and cook simple dishes from the beginning.
Whatever the shows are about, they all want people to see cooking in a different light.

TV chefs not only show us how to make the dishes but also give us hints and tips on
which ingredients are in season and where to buy them. These shows are great for
people with not a lot of money or busy people with just a little time to spend in the
kitchen. Even those who normally buy ready-made food are now trying to create tasty
food at home. It's because it is healthier and cheaper that way. Chefs also encourage
viewers to try cooking dishes from other countries.

Most food stores and markets today sell a lot of unusual ingredients from countries all
around the world. You can find fresh olives, cheese, and pickles from Greece and
Turkey, as well as Italian olive oil and delicious hand-made pasta. You can even buy all
the ingredients you need to make yourself Japanese sushi or an Indian curry dish. With
a few hints from your favorite TV chef you’re ready to impress most of your friends with
your international cooking skills.

These shows have helped to change the eating habits of people. Because of them, we
now understand the importance of healthy eating and how easy it is to do this. They’ve
also given us the confidence to try new dishes and actually enjoy cooking instead of
seeing it as a boring chore. The next time you see a cooking show on TV, why not take
time out to watch it? You’ll always learn something from it, even if you can't be a 5-star
Michelin chef!

Questions 8-11. Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

8. Paragraph 1 suggests that TV chefs 
A. only make difficult dishes.
B. are all well-known celebrities.
C. have made people more interested in cooking. 
D. never show viewers how to make simple dishes.
9. Many viewers of these shows who normally eat ready-made food
A. have a lot of money.
B. have no time to cook.
C. don’t like food from other countries.
D. now try to cook more home-made dishes. 
10. People who want to cook international dishes
A. only buy olive oil from Turkey.
B. can find tips on how to do it in these shows. 
C. find it difficult to buy the ingredients. 
D. only do it to impress others.
11. According to paragraph 4, TV cooking shows 
A. are only useful to expert chefs. 
B. help people to become professional chefs.
C. have shown us how important healthy food is. 
D. are boring to most people. 

Questions 12-15. Read the statements. Write T (True) or F (False).

12. F TV chefs do not tell people where and when they can buy vegetables and meat
to make dishes.
13. __T__ You can find ingredients to make Indian curry at stores and markets even
when you do not live in India.
14. __T__ TV chefs help people believe that they can cook new dishes.
15. __F__ Sometimes you don't learn anything from some TV cooking shows.
WRITING (25 minutes) 
Write a short paragraph (about 80 words) about your favorite room in your house.
In my house, my favorite is the dining room where there are happy
meals. First of all, what makes me like this room is its design. The color
of a room will significantly affect everyone's mood, so my family chose
a gentle milky white color to create a warm and close feeling. Similar to
color, light also plays an important role in decorating the dining room.
Specifically, my family took advantage of natural light by arranging the
dining room near the window. This helps the dining room become
spacious, and airy and creates a comfortable feeling for family members.
The whole family carefully selects the set of tables and chairs placed at
the dining table before ordering, so the color and design are very
harmonious with the room. Next, it's not just the furniture, I like this
room because of the family moments here. Technology advances, so we
are further apart, but the meals bring us together. I like the fun and warm
atmosphere of every family meal, and the lively conversations here.
That's why I like the family dining room the most.
SPEAKING (6 minutes)

Part 1 - Introduction and interview (3 minutes)

Do you work or are you a student?
Let’s talk about your health habits
• Do you play any sports?
• What time do you go to bed?
• What kinds of food do you often eat?

Let’s move on to talk about your city

• What's your favorite thing about your city?
• What do you not like about your city?
• What are some changes in your city in the last 5 years?

Part 2 - Individual long turn (3 minutes)

Describe an important event in your life.
You should say:
          when it happened
          where it happened
          what happened
and explain why it is important to you.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 minute.

You have one minute to think about what you're going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

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