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1 Father John

Brings the light

Thank you for your interest in the patern of father John.

I hope you have lots of fun crocheting this little man.

I used the following stitches:

Magic Ring, chain , single crochet, half double crochet and double
Hook size 3
Phildar Coton little bit black , little bit white, little bit yellow, 1 x color
gold, 1x off white, 3 x skincolor (= Phildar cotton poudre), 1 x brown, 3
x khaki

2 black glassbeads 10 mm
Textile glue

We start with the head skin color

1. 6 sc Magic Ring (6)

2. each sc inc (12)
3. each 2 sc inc (18)
4. each 3 sc inc (24)
5. each 4 sc inc (30)
6. each 5 sc inc (36)
7. each 6 sc inc (42)
8. each 7 sc inc (48)
9. each 8 sc inc (54)
10. each 9 sc inc (60)
11. each 10 sc inc (66)
12. - 23. each 66 sc (66) = 12 x
24. each 10 and 11 sc dec (60)
25. each 9 and 10 sc dec (54)
26. each 8 and 9 sc dec (48)
27. each 7 and 8 sc dec (42)
28. each 6 and 7 sc dec (36)
29. each 5 and 6 sc dec (30)
30. each 4 and 5 sc dec (24)
31. each 3 and 4 sc dec (18)

Fasten off and fill the head .

Nose skincolor

1. 6 sc in Magic Ring (6)

2. each sc inc (12)
3. each 2 sc inc (18)
4. 18 sc (18)
5. each 2 and 3 dec (12)
6. 12 sc (12)
7. each sc dec (6)
stuff nose, fasten of

Eyes white 2 x
1. 6 sc in Magic Ring (6)
2. each sc inc (12)
Fasten of

Ear, skincolor 2x
1. 6 sc in Magic Ring (6)
2. each sc inc (12)
3. each 2 sc inc (18)
4. and 5 . 18 sc (18)
6. each 2 and 3 dec
e e

Fasten off, leave thread


Give Father John a face, then you can exchange wisdoms 

Sew ears to head

Hair, color brown

Cut threads of about 10 cm, beginning on top of the head with

fastening. Fasten 3 rows.

Cut to length.

Put a little rouge on the cheeks, nose and edge of the ears. Please note,
not to much !!

Eyelid, 2 x skincolor

Crochet chain of 7
Crochet on chain : 1 sc, 1 half double crochet, 2 double crochet, 1 half
double crochet, 1 sc
Fasten off

Sew or glue eyelids on the eyes

Continue with the body, start with underpants, color off white
1. 6 sc in Magic Ring (6)
2. each sc inc (12)
3. each 2 sc inc (18)
4. each 3 sc inc (24)
5. each 4 sc inc (30)
6. each 5 sc inc (36)
7. each 6 sc inc (42)
8. each 7 sc inc (48)
9. each 8 sc inc (54)
10. each 9 sc inc (60)
11. each 10 sc inc (66)
12. - 20 66 sc (66)=9x
Make a fat belly
21. each 4 sc inc (7x) plus 38 sc (73)
22. 73 sc (73)
23. each 5 sc inc (7x) plus 38 sc (80)
Continue with skin color
24. in back loops 80 sc (80)
25. both loops 80 sc (80)
26. - 28. 80 sc (80)=3x
29. each 5 and 6 dec (8x) plus 32 sc (72)
30. each 4 and 5 dec (6x) plus 42 sc (66)
31. - 37. 66 sc (66)= 7x
38. each 10 and 11 dec (60)
39. 60 sc (60)
40. each 9 and 10 dec (54)
41. 54 sc (54)
42. each 8 and 9 dec (48)
43. 48 sc (48)
44. each 7 and 8 dec (42)
45. 42 sc (42)
46. each 6 and 7 dec (36)
Stuff the body and the belly firmly
47. each 5 and 6 dec (30)
48. each 4 and 5 dec (24)
49. each 3 and 4 dec (18)

Fingers, hand and arm, 2 x skin color

1. 4 sc in Magic Ring (4)
2. each sc inc (8)
3. - 8 8 sc (8)=6x
fasten off, leave thread

1st, 2nd en 3rd finger

1. 4 sc in Magic Ring (4)
2. each sc inc (8)
3. - 10. 8 sc (8)=8x
fasten off, leave thread
Little finger
1. 3 sc in Magic Ring (3)
2. each sc inc (6)
3. - 7. 6 sc (6)=5x

Do not fasten off

Sew the fingers with two stitches together (not the thumb!)

1. Crochet on little finger 2 sc, 1st finger 3 sc, 2nd finger 3 sc, 3rd finger
(round) 6sc, again other side 2nd finger 3 sc, 1st finger 3 sc and finally
little finger 2 sc (22)

2. and 3. 22 sc (22)
4. each 10 and 11 sc together (20)
5. 20 sc (20)
6. each 4 and 5 sc together (16)
7. 16 sc (16)
8. each 7 and 8 sc together (14)
stuff the hand and Thumb. Sew thumb on hand
9. each 6 and 7 sc together (12)

10. - 31. 12 sc (12)=22x

Stuff the arm while crocheting

fold and crochet with sc togethet , leave thread

Foot and toes , 2 x skin color

Big toe
1. 4 sc in Magic Ring (4)
2. each sc inc (8)
3. - 7. 8 sc (8) =5x
Fasten off, leave thread

2nd toe
1. 3 sc in Magic Ring (3)
2. each sc inc (6)
3. - 7. 6 sc (6) =5x
Fasten off, leave thread
3rd and 4 th toe
1. 3 sc in Magic Ring (3)
2. each sc inc (6)
3. - 6. 6 sc (6)=4x
Fasten off, leave thread

Little toe
1. 3 sc in Magic Ring (3)
2. each sc inc (6)
3. - 5. 6 sc (6)=3x
do not fasten off

Sew big toe, 2., 3., and 4 . toe (in this order) together with 1 stitch .
Take the little toe and crochet as follows :
1. 2 sc little toe, 3 sc 4. toe, 3 sc 3. toe , 3 sc 2 toe and 8 sc
big toe, continue with 3 sc 2 toe, 3 sc 3. toe, 3 sc 4. toe and
2 sc little toe. (30)
2. 30 sc (30)
3. each 9 and 10 sc together (27)
4. 27 sc (27)
5. each 8 and 9 sc together (24)
6. each 7 and 8 sc together (21)
7. 21 sc (21)
8. each 4 sc inc, end with 1 sc (26)
9. each 4 and 5 sc together , end with 1 sc (21)
10. 21 sc (21)
Stuff toes
11. each 3 and 4 sc together , end with 1 sc (16)
12. and 13. 16 sc (16)
14. each 2 and 3 sc together end with 1 sc (11)
Stuff foot
15. each 1 and 2 sc together end with 1 sc (6)
Fasten off

Continue with leg, skincolor

1. take the heel and crochet 16 sc (16)

2. - 32. 16 sc (16)=31x
While crocheting stuff the leg

Fold and sew together, leave thread


Sew head, arms and legs on body and gove him a belly button 

He is ashamed to be so exposed, so we'll just move on quickly 

Cowl color khaki

Crochet a chain of 90 , make a ring and crochet the cowl with half
double crochets (=hdc)
1.- 29. 90 hdc (90) =29x
30. each 9 and 10 hdc dec (81)
31. - 33. 81 hdc (81)=3x
34. each 8 and 9 hdc dec (72)
35.- 38. 72 hdc (72)=4x

Divide the crocheted part in two (= 2 x 36, front and back).

Start with front:
1. 36 hdc, turn (36)
2. 2 hdc dec (2x) =armhole plus 32 hdc (34)
3. 2 hdc dec (2x) plus 30 hdc (32)
4. -5. 32 hdc (32) =2x
6. crochet 10 hdc (=start neck) turn (10)
7. - 10. 10 hdc (10)=4x
Fasten of.
Start armhole at other side.
11. - 14. 10 hdc (10)=4x
Fasten of.
Start neck and armhole back
1. 2 hdc dec (2x) =start armhole plus 32 hdc (34)
2. 2 hdc dec (2x) plus 30 hdc (32)
3. - 7. 32 hdc (32)=5x
8. 10 hdc (start neck) turn (10)
9. 10 hdc (10)
Fasten of
Go to the other side:
10. 10 hdc turn (10)
11. 10 hdc (10)

Fasten of, sew shoulders togeter

Crochet sc along the neckhole, fasten of.

Sleeves 2x
1.crochet 36 hdc along the armhole (36)
2. -14. 36 hdc (36) =13x

Crochet a chain of 70
1. - 19. 70 hdc (70)=19x
20. - 36. at each beginning 2 hdc dec (2x) and at each ending 2 hdc
dec(2x)so you have to decrease 4 stitches each round. End with 2 hdc.
Fold and sew together.

Take the short open side and sew it to the neck of the aconite, sew as
shown on the picture below

front back
Cut 3 threads and crochet a chain of 120

Put the Cowl on by gently pulling/pushing the legs through the


Sandal Brown 2 x
1. chain of 11
2. in the 2 chain from hook 4 double crochet, 8 double crochet , in the
last 6 double crochet, at the bottom 8 double crochet and in de last 1
double crochet ( = already 4 double crochet) (27)
3. 4 x 2 double crochet inc, 8 double crochet, 6 x 2 double crochet inc
9 double crochet (37)
4. 6 x 2 double crochet inc, 30 sc (42)
5. 12 X 2 double crochet inc, 1 half double crochet, 28 sc,
1 half double crochet (54)
6. 24 sc and end with 1 half sc, this is not a hole row (24)

3 straps for the sandals

Strap 1: chain of 16, start from the 2 chain from hook 15 half double
crochet (=strap forefoot)
Strap 2: chain of 15, start from the 2 chain from hook 14 half double
crochet (=strap heel)
Strap 3: chain of 10, start from the 2 chain from hook 9 half double
crochet (=strap instep)

Hold the shoe against the foot and sew the strings.

Candle and candlestick , color off-white and gold

Cup, color gold

1. 8 sc in Magic Ring (8)
2. each sc inc (16)

3. each 2 sc inc (24)

4. back loops 24 sc (24)
5. - 8. both loops 24 sc (24)=4x
9. back loops 24 sc (24)
10. both loops 24 sc (24)
Fasten off

Saucer color gold

Hold the cup with open end towards you and work in free loops
of round 4

1. *2 sc , 2 sc in next sc* (* till * x 5) (30)

2. 1 sc , * 2 sc in next sc, 4 x 1 sc* ( * till *x 5) end with 2 sc
in 1 sc, 3 sc (36)
3. 5 x 1 sc, 2 sc in 1 sc (* till * x6) (42)
4. 2 sc * 2 sc in next sc, 6 sc *(* till * x 5)
end with 2 sc in 1 sc, 4 x 1 sc (48)
5. 48 sc (48)
6. * 11 sc, 2 sc in next sc * (* till * x 4) (52)
7. and 8. backloops only (52)
9. * 11 sc , 2 sc together * ( * till * x 4) (48)
Fasten off, leave thread

Fold edge and sew together on round 4


Handle color gold

Chain of 10 , form ring
Crochet 22 sc in hole, close together
Sew handle on saucer

Candle tube, color off white

chain of 21, form ring
1. - 9. 21 sc (21)=x9
Sew candle tube with color gold in cup

10. - 19. 21 sc (21)=x9

Make drips
15 sc , turn,
skip 1 sc, 12 sc, half sc in next 2 sc, chain of 10, (start 1st drip) * start in
the 2 chain from hook, 3 sc in 1 sc , crochet half sc till end chain ,
crochet 1 half sc where you started the chain*
half sc in next sc , chain of 8 (start 2nd drip),
repeat * till *
6 half sc, chain of 5, (start 3rd drip), repeat * till *
Fasten off
Untwist a strand ( color off white) and sew with 2 ply strands drips to
side of candle

Flame, color yellow

chain of 6, 2 sc in the 2 chain of hook, 1 half double crochet, 1 double
crochet, 1 sc, 1 half sc in last sc
Continue on other side of chain:
1 half sc, 1 sc, 1 half double crochet, 2 double crochet, 1 sc in last sc,
fasten off with 1 half sc

Cande top off white

Chain of 2
1. start in the 2 chain from hook 7 sc (7)
2. each sc inc (14)
3. *1 sc, 2 sc in next sc * (repeat * till * ) (21)
Fasten off, leave thread

Place flame in center of candle top, and sew in place.

Sew in both loops of candletop but only in 1 loop (=the inner loop) from

Chain with cross

Start with cross color gold, 2 bars

1st bar
1. 6 sc in Magic Ring (6)
2. - 12. 6 sc (6)=x12
fasten off

2nd bar
1. 6 sc in Magic Ring (6)
2. - 10. 6 sc (6)=x9
fasten off

Attach ,with color brown (see picture) fasten off

chain color brown

Chain of 80, close to ring, from here crochet a little chain from 6
Fasten cross

Hang the chain around John’s neck and put the candle in his hands.
Now he can bring you the light 

Thank you for not copy my pattern!

Copyright Lena's Hobby (Lena Delva).

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