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Rizal was sent to study in Manila by his parents in 1872. And he did just that. He enrolled at
Ateneo Municipal. Rizal was discriminated against by his classmates and professors, primarily
because he had little knowledge of Spain and also because he was from Calamba, Laguna. He
was also a late enrolee, which made things even worse. Despite the negative events that occurred
during this time, he also had positive experiences. The Jesuits taught them about the educational
system, including things like discipline, character development, and religious instruction. As a
result, he learned the true value of education in a person's life, as well as the importance of
remaining strong in the face of adversity. He also went through hispanization, which improved
his Spanish skills over using his native Filipino language. "To the Filipino Youth," he wrote. In
his poem, he enlightened the readers about the truth - that Filipinos must stand and be proud of
who they are, rather than being slaves to someone else. He also mentioned the famous quote that
our nation's youth are its hope. Finally, he expressed his gratitude to God and praise for our
country's youth, saying that no matter where he goes, he will always be proud of Filipino youth.

(Camilla Guting N.D) RIZAL IN ATENEO


JUNE 10, 1872 - Jose, accompanied by Paciano, went to Manila. Jose took and passed the
examination in COLLEGE OF SAN JUAN DE LETRAN but he enrolled in ATENEO when he
came back to Manila. FATHER MAGIN FERRANDO (college registrar) refused to admit Jose
Rizal because He was late for registration, He was sickly and undersized for his age. Rizal was
then eleven years old. However, upon the intercession of him, Jose was admitted at RIZAL
Surname used by Jose Rizal because MERCADO became under suspicion by the Spanish
authorities. At the time Jose studied in Ateneo, this college was located in Intramuros, within the
walls of Manila. He first boarded in a house outside Intramuros, on Caraballo street, a 25
minute walk from college. TITAY – owner of the boarding house where Rizal boarded to settle
the bill owed by Titay by about Php300.00. The first professor of Jose was Fr. Jose Bech, three
of Jose's classmates intrigued his attention and they are Francisco G. Olivia, Joaquin Garrido,
and Gonzalo Marzano because of their different skills when it comes to studies and physical
activity.Jose get promoted so that at the end of the month he attained to the rank of emperor. He
obtained marks of excellent in all subj. And in examination. He returned home for vacation that
year and he visited his mother in prison to tell the good news. In second year he decide to resided
at no. 6 calle magallanes, at the end of the term he obtaind a medal and upon returning to his
town he again visit his mother in prison. When he found out that his mother was about to be
released, this inspired him for his third year studies. The family who saw in Jose great aptitude
for study, decided to place him as intern in the college, and jose passed his two years of
internship. In the 4th year of his course he had Fr. Francisco Sanchez, at the end of the year he
obtain five medals. In fifth year Jose had other professor, Frs. Villaclara and Mineves. Jose had
written a short story ( Leyenda), he applied himself regualarly to gymnastics in the college, he
also engaged in other physical exercise such as fencing. He also devoted time to painting and
sculpture, his instructor in painting and drawing is the peninsula Don Augustine Saez, in
sculpture his instructor was a filipino, Romualdo De Jesus.

(Mar Carlo B. Lesula, October 08, 2014)

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