Effect of Nanoclay On The Physical and Rheological Properties of Binder

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Effect of Nanoclay on Physical and Rheological Properties

of Waste Cooking Oil–Modified Asphalt Binder

Nikhil Saboo 1; Mayank Sukhija 2; and Gaurav Singh 3
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Abstract: The use of waste cooking oil (WCO) and nanoclay (NC) in the modification of asphalt binder can produce sustainable material for
paving applications. This study evaluated the change in physical and rheological properties attained by modification of a conventional asphalt
binder using varying percentages of WCO and NC; 0%, 2.5%, and 5% WCO was used to modify a VG 30 binder, followed by reinforcement
using four different dosages of montmorillonite NC (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%). A total of 12 combinations of asphalt binders were produced
(VG30, 2NC, 4NC, 6NC, 2.5WCO, 5WCO, 2.5WCO2NC, 2.5WCO4NC, 2.5WCO6NC, 5WCO2NC, 5WCO4NC, and 5WCO6NC) and
subjected to physical (penetration, softening point, viscosity, and temperature susceptibility) and rheological [high-temperature performance
grading (PG), multiple stress creep and recovery (MSCR), and linear amplitude sweep test (LAS)] measurements. The physical and rheo-
logical measurements showed that the use of NC in WCO-modified asphalt binder could reverse the softening effect caused by the inclusion
of WCO in VG 30. At 50°C and 60°C, 2.5WCO with 4% and 6% NC had higher values of percentage recovery (R) compared with VG 30.
It was found that the use of NC insignificantly increased the strain susceptibility of the asphalt binders at intermediate temperatures for all
WCO levels. Statistical analysis revealed that the effect of modification on unrecoverable creep compliance is less significant than the change
in R for a temperature range of 40°C–70°C. The significance of modification at intermediate temperatures was not consistent and clear.
A simple cost–benefit analysis was proposed, which indicated that 2.5WCO6NC is the optimum combined blend for obtaining higher bene-
fits relative to the cost of modification. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003598. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Waste cooking oil (WCO); Nanoclay (NC); Asphalt binder; Multiple stress creep and recovery (MSCR); Linear
amplitude sweep test (LAS).

Introduction and waste cooking oil (WCO), has proved to be a useful alternative
to conventional asphalt binder (Warith and Khedr 2013; Fini et al.
Hot-mix asphalt (HMA), which acts as the surface layer in flexible 2010; Maniruzzaman et al. 2016; Wen et al. 2013; You et al.
pavements, is a combination of mineral aggregates and asphalt 2011a).
binder mixed in a certain proportion and compacted to the required WCO, obtained from households, restaurants, and other food in-
density (Choudhary et al. 2019; Pouranian and Haddock 2019). dustry sources, is in abundance (Asli et al. 2012). About 15 million
Asphalt binder, which comprises approximately 10%–12% of the tons WCO is generated annually (Gui et al. 2008). Out of the total
total volume, is the most important and costliest component of available WCO, the US produces approximately 10 million tons/
HMA. It is a viscoelastic material obtained through the frac- year. European countries, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan
tional distillation of crude oil, a nonrenewable source of energy generate about 0.7–1 million tons, 0.135 million tons, 0.2 million
(Whiteoak 1990). Environmental regulations and economic con- tons, and 0.45–0.57 million tons/year WCO, respectively. On the
cerns have compelled researchers to explore alternative and sustain- other hand, China, a country with high population density, generates
able sources of binder in HMA (Aziz et al. 2015; Pouranian and about 4.5 million tons/year. The lowest annual production of WCO
Shishehbor 2019). The result of this search for an alternate material is recorded in Ireland, about 0.153 million tons. In India, the exact
has led to the development of an ecologically viable binder called amount of generated WCO is not available. According to reports of
bioasphalt (BA). BA produced from biowaste and biomass has been 2009–2010 oil consumption, about 0.167 million tons WCO is an-
studied by various researchers (Al-Sabaeei et al. 2019; Fini et al.
ticipated (Panadare and Rathod 2015). Such a huge production of
2010; Ingrassia et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2018). BA
WCO is presumed to increase at a rate of 2% per year, which can
derived from multiple sources, including manure, swine, oakwood,
create problems related to its collection, treatment, and disposal
1 (Azahar et al. 2016a). In general, the use of waste cooking oil in
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005, India. Email: nikhilsaboo HMA has been explored through two different utilities: as a BA after
.civ@iitbhu.ac.in polymerization, or as a softening agent for reclaimed asphalt pave-
Research Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of ment (RAP) (Behnood 2019; Zargar et al. 2012). Previous works
Technology, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005, India (corresponding author). have reported that WCO-modified asphalt binders are softer and
Email: mayanksukhija.rs.civ18@itbhu.ac.in exhibit lower viscosity (Bilema et al. 2019; Chen et al. 2014;
M.Tech. Student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Cong et al. 2020). The quality of the WCO also influences the per-
Technology, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005, India, Email: gauravsingh formance of the modified blend (Adesina and Dahunsi 2020).
Azahar et al. (2016b), studied the effect of the use of untreated
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 18, 2020; approved on
August 3, 2020; published online on December 23, 2020. Discussion per- and treated WCO on the properties of asphalt binder and reported
iod open until May 23, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted for that the acid content of WCO is critical in affecting the performance
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil of HMA. The use of untreated WCO has been found to reduce
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561. the viscosity of base asphalt binder and can be detrimental to the

© ASCE 04020490-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(3): 04020490

rutting performance. Sun et al. (2016) revealed that physical inter- The results of this study can be used by researchers and practi-
action occurs upon mixing WCO with the asphalt binder. They tioners to understand and assess the suitability of NC in improving
found that the intermixing of WCO decreases the deformation re- the performance of WCO-modified asphalt binder.
sistance of control asphalt binder. Owing to the improved low-
temperature performance of WCO-inclusive asphalt binder, it can
be utilized as an asphalt alternative for cold regions (Al-omari Materials
et al. 2018; Joni et al. 2020). Similar results were reported by
Maharaj et al. (2015b) and Wen et al. (2013), who found increased Asphalt Binder
resistance to fatigue distress at low temperatures. Those studies also
concluded that intermixing of WCO in the asphalt binder results in One viscosity-graded (VG) asphalt binder, VG 30, was used in this
low rutting resistance at elevated temperatures. Analogous results research work as the control binder for fabricating all the modified
were reported in a few other studies (Gong et al. 2016; Ji et al. asphalt blends. The number 30 in VG 30 indicates that the dynamic
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2017; Maharaj et al. 2015a; Xinxin et al. 2018). It is expected that viscosity of the binder at 60°C ranges from [30 × 100 ± 80 Pa·s to
the use of viscosity enhancers, in addition to WCO, can improve the 30 × 100 ± 60 Pa·s (30 × 100 ± 800 Poise to 30 × 100 ± 600
performance of WCO-modified asphalt binder. Poise)]. VG 30 was collected from a single source to certify the
Although many state-of-the-art technologies have evolved for consistency of original binder characteristics.
the modification of asphalt binders, the use of nanotechnology-
based modification is very effective (Fang et al. 2013; Jamshidi Waste Cooking Oil
et al. 2015; Yao et al. 2013a, b). Nanotechnology has the capability Generally, the disposal of WCO into landfills or nearby rivers has a
to reinforce and improve the properties of asphalt binder at the mi- negative impact on the environment. Hence, proper management of
crolevel as well as the macrolevel (Mills-Beale and You 2011; disposal activities has become a question of great concern world-
Azahar et al. 2015; Yang and Tighe 2013). Nanoclay (NC), a subset wide. WCO used in this study was obtained from a roadside res-
of nanotechnology, has been accepted widely for ameliorating the taurant at no cost. It was a typical unsaturated plant-based oil that is
performance of asphalt binders. NC has a low production cost and liquid at ambient temperatures. The procured raw WCO contained
is abundantly available in nature. Its efficiency in alleviating the various suspended waste particles that were screened using a sim-
mechanical response of asphalt binders makes NC a productive ple filtering procedure. WCO was allowed to pass through a filter
modifier (Ezzat et al. 2016; Hossain et al. 2015; Zilg et al. 2001). paper to remove undesirable fried particles.
Ghanoon et al. (2020) found that the addition of NC in asphalt
binder improves the temperature susceptibility and reduces the
stress sensitivity at the tolerance temperature (64°C). Wu et al. Nanoclay
(2010) found that the use of NC is an effective way to ameliorate This study used a powdered form of montmorillonite NC, com-
the overall performance of asphalt binder. You et al. (2011b) posed of organically modified phyllosilicates. In general, montmo-
explored different types of NC and found that irrespective of NC rillonite is a member of the smectite family, with a 2∶1 layered
type, its addition in asphalt binders influences the rheological per- structure with one octahedral sheet intercalated between two tetra-
formance with an increase in viscosity. Various types of NCs are hedral sheets (Liu et al. 2011). The NC used in this study was pur-
available for modifying asphalt binder, e.g., kaolinite (Zhu et al. chased from a private manufacturer. Table 1 presents the typical
2014), vermiculite, montmorillonite (Bonati et al. 2013), hectorite properties of NC used in this study.
(Silvestre et al. 2016), and saponite (Ray and Okamoto 2003).
Among the aforementioned types of NC, montmorillonite com-
Fabrication of Modified Blends
monly has been used in practice due to its nontoxicity and excellent
biocompatibility (Lakshmi et al. 2010). To prepare the modified asphalt binder, the mixing process was
Although the use of WCO can help in replacing the quantity of performed in two phases. VG 30 was heated using a temperature-
asphalt binder for paving applications, there are concerns regarding controlled heating mantle until it was fluid enough to be poured.
reduction in stiffness, which may lead to the occurrence of perma- Subsequently, 500 g binder was put in a separate container and
nent deformation. The use of modification to compensate for the stirred properly to eliminate air bubbles. Predetermined dosage of
loss of stiffness is an interesting area of study. Although the use WCO (2.5% and 5% by weight of binder) were added to the pre-
of WCO has been explored previously, its use as a direct replace- heated asphalt binder. Initially, manual mixing was performed us-
ment for asphalt binders has not been explored with enough rigor. ing a glass rod for 20 min, followed by mixing with a low-shear
This forms the motivation for the present work. This study had two stirrer. The stirrer was operated at a speed of 500 rpm for 30 min
objectives: (1) to study the effect of direct replacement of WCO in to attain homogeneous dispersal of WCO in the base asphalt binder.
asphalt binder, and (2) to find a suitable NC dosage to add to WCO- In the second phase, predefined contents of NC (2%, 4%, and
modified asphalt binders to obtain satisfactory performance in 6% by weight of binder) were added to the control asphalt binder
terms of rutting and fatigue. To achieve these objectives, different and WCO-modified asphalt binder. Mixing was done using a
combinations of WCO- and NC-modified asphalt binders were
studied using physical and rheological measurements in a temper-
Table 1. Typical properties of NC
ature range of 10°C–70°C. To the best knowledge of the authors, no
previous studies have reported the use of NC in combination with Serial number Property Specified value
WCO in asphalt binders. It is expected that this combination will 1 Composition Organophyllosilicates
lead to the development of a sustainable alternate binder with better 2 Bulk density (kg=m3 ) 130
performance in terms of rutting and fatigue. This also will lead 3 Water content (%) <6
to the replacement of crude oil–derived asphalt binder using an 4 Specific weight (g=cm3 ) 1.5–1.7
ecologically sound approach and environmentally friendly technol- 5 Particle size (μm) <10
ogy. A cost–benefit study, in addition to statistical analysis, proved 6 Platelet thickness (nm) <80
7 Color Off-white
the efficiency of NC-inclusive WCO-modified asphalt binder.

© ASCE 04020490-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(3): 04020490

Jnr= ur/ 0 ; R = [ r/( ur+ r)].100
similar protocol, with a high-shear mixer operated at 4,000 rpm. 0.012
A total of 12 combinations were prepared and the samples were
named as follows: VG30 (base asphalt binder), 2NC (2% NC þ 0.01

VG30), 4NC (4% NC þ VG30), 6NC (6% NC þ VG30), 2.5WCO

Strain, mm/mm
(2.5% WCO þ VG30), 5WCO (5% WCO þ VG30), 2.5WCO2NC
(2.5% WCO þ 2% NC þ VG30), 2.5WCO4NC (2.5% WCO þ 4% 0.006
NC þ VG30), 2.5WCO6NC (2.5% WCO þ 6% NC þ VG30),
5WCO2NC (5% WCO þ 2% NC þ VG30), 5WCO4NC (5% WCO þ
4% NC þ VG30), and 5WCO6NC (5% WCO þ 6% NC þ VG30). 0.002
A small amount of asphalt binder from each combination was
subjected to short-term aging (STA) and long-term aging (LTA) 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
using the Universal Simple Aging Test (USAT) procedure devel-
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Time, Sec
oped by Western Research Institute (WRI) (Farrar et al. 2012).
USAT uses a draft oven to age the asphalt binder, and has been Fig. 1. Schematic representation of creep and recovery. (Data from
successfully adopted and reviewed in various other studies (Kriz Saboo and Kumar 2016.)
et al. 2017; Saboo and Sukhija 2020; Wang et al. 2015, 2016).
Asphalt binders in the unaged condition, STA condition, and
LTA condition were stored in separate containers for supplementary
investigation. All the tests were performed three times, and the (AASHTO 2014c). STA samples were used with a 25-mm spindle
average of the obtained results are presented in this study. It was and a 1-mm gap setting in the DSR. As per the standard specifi-
found that the coefficient of variation for all the measurements was cation, the asphalt binder is subjected to a consecutive cycle of 1-s
less than 10%. creep and 9-s recovery at stress levels of 0.1 and 3.2 kPa, respec-
tively. The cycles are continuous, with 10 cycles at each stress level.
The measurements are recorded after 10 conditioning cycles at
Experiment 0.1 kPa. This is done to obtain stable readings during the test.
MSCR tests in this study were conducted at 40°C, 50°C, 60°C,
Conventional Tests of Asphalt Binders and 70°C on all the asphalt binders. The measured response was
used to calculate the nonrecoverable creep compliance (J nr ) and
To assess the effect of WCO and NC on the physical properties of percentage recovery (R) averaged over the 10 cycles; J nr and R
VG 30, conventional tests, including penetration (pen), softening can be used to quantify the rutting susceptibility of asphalt binders.
point, and viscosity, were carried out. The results of the physical A typical schematic response obtained in MSCR test along with the
tests were used to calculate the temperature susceptibility (TS) of calculation of J nr and R is presented in Fig. 1.
the asphalt binders. Penetration index (PI) was used to evaluate TS
for different combinations of WCO-NC–modified binders. The PI
Linear Amplitude Sweep
is a quantitative measure of the response of bitumen to variation in
temperature. The best known method is that developed by Pfeiffer The fatigue life of asphalt binders can be evaluated using linear
and Van Doormaal (Whiteoak 1990), which can be mathematically amplitude sweep (LAS) test in a very short period. The viscoelastic
written as follows: continuum damage (VECD) principle is used to derive the damage
characteristics of binders subjected to continuous increasing strain
20ð1 − 50TSÞ amplitude. A DSR was used with LTA samples to perform the LAS
PI ¼ ð1Þ
1 þ 50TS test using an 8-mm-diameter spindle with a 2-mm gap setting. The
experiment was performed as per AASHTO TP 101-14 (AASHTO
where TS = temperature susceptibility, which is the slope of the
2014a) to determine parameters A and B, in the asphalt binder
graph of the logarithm of penetration to temperature. Assuming that
fatigue equation
the penetration of most asphalt binders is 800 dmm at its softening
point, TS can be calculated as follows: N F ¼ Aðγ max ÞB ð4Þ
log penT 1 − log 800
TS ¼ ð2Þ First, a frequency sweep test is conducted at a low strain am-
T 1 − softening point
plitude of about 0.1%, to obtain an undamaged material property,
Taking the penetration value at 25°C, Eqs. (1) and (2) can be α, which is used to calculate parameter B in Eq. (4) (B ¼ −2α).
combined as: This is followed by an amplitude/strain sweep test conducted at
a frequency of 10 Hz, with a linearly increasing load amplitude
1952 − 500 log pen − 20 softening point from 0.1% to 30% in 300 s. The amplitude is increased at a rate
PI ¼ ð3Þ
50 log pen − softening point − 120 of 1%, subjecting the binder to 100 cycles at each strain value. This
step is used as an input in viscoelastic continuum damage analysis
This study used Eq. (3) to assess the temperature sensitivity of to determine A.
the asphalt binders.
Results and Analysis
Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery
Physical Test Results
The high-temperature performance of asphalt binders can be
studied using the multiple stress creep and recovery (MSCR) Table 2 presents the results of physical tests done on various asphalt
test. This study conducted MSCR tests using a dynamic shear binders along with the value of temperature susceptibility and
rheometer (DSR) as per the details outlined in AASHTO T 350 penetration index. The inclusion of NC in VG 30 increased its

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J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(3): 04020490

Table 2. Physical properties of asphalt binders NC in WCO-modified asphalt binders, the temperature susceptibil-
Penetration Softening ity decreased. The rate of decrease in temperature susceptibility
value point Viscosity at with increase in the dosage of NC was higher in 5% WCO–
Binder type (dmm) (°C) 60°C [Pa·s (P)] TS PI modified binders than in 2.5% WCO–modified asphalt binders.
VG 30 68 50 271.2 (2,712) 0.0428 −0.449 This indicates a thermomechanical interaction between WCO and
2NC 40 56 290.6 (2,906) 0.0419 −0.317 NC which is more significant at higher dosage of WCO. Further-
4NC 35 60 369.6 (3,696) 0.0388 0.199 more, 2.5% WCO–modified binder with 6% NC (2.5WCO6NC)
6NC 31 65 463.9 (4,639) 0.0352 0.851 had physical behavior similar to that of the control binder (Table 2).
2.5WCO 97 46 145.4 (1,454) 0.0436 −0.571 Thus, the use of WCO in combination with NC can be effective for
2.5WCO2NC 85 50 188.2 (1,882) 0.0389 0.178 use in paving applications.
2.5WCO4NC 74 54 230.0 (2,300) 0.0356 0.781 An attempt was made to correlate the physical properties. The
2.5WCO6NC 66 59 258.0 (2,580) 0.0318 1.567
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best-fit equation with the corresponding coefficient of correlation

5WCO 134 40 81.2 (812) 0.0517 −1.635
5WCO2NC 125 44 106.6 (1,066) 0.0424 −0.389
(R2 ) is presented in Figs. 2(a–d). The horizontal and vertical error
5WCO4NC 109 50 179.5 (1,795) 0.0346 0.983 bars indicate reasonable repeatability of the test results. It was
5WCO6NC 98 54 243.2 (2,432) 0.0314 1.663 found that penetration, viscosity, and softening point had appreci-
able intercorrelations, whereas the temperature susceptibility could
not be correlated with any physical parameter [e.g., the graph of
viscosity versus TS is presented in Fig. 2(d)].
viscosity and softening point, and decreased its penetration. NC
modification also led to a reduction in temperature susceptibility
High-Temperature PG Grading
with the increase in the value of PI. This indicates a positive impact
of NC modification. Inclusion of WCO in VG 30 had the opposite AASHTO M 320 (AASHTO 2017) was used to obtain the high-
effect. The percentage reduction in viscosity and softening point temperature performance grade (PG) of all the asphalt binders.
for 2.5WCO was 46% and 8%, respectively, whereas for 5WCO The high temperature PG grade is the maximum temperature at
it was 70% and 20%. The corresponding increase in penetration which the value of G=sin δ in unaged and STA conditions is more
was 42% and 97%, respectively. The inclusion of NC in WCO- than 1 and 2.2 kPa, respectively. The value of the PG tempera-
modified binders compensated for this loss in viscosity. The high ture usually is checked at a difference of 6°C. In addition to the
specific surface area of nanoclay can improve the physical network high-temperature PG grade, the true fail temperature (the actual
within the asphalt matrix, which leads to an increase in stiffness temperature beyond which the asphalt binders fails to meet the de-
(Abdelrahman et al. 2014). The addition of WCO increased the sired criteria) was evaluated. Table 3 presents the corresponding
temperature susceptibility of VG 30 by 2% and 20% for 2.5% values for all the asphalt binders. With an increase in the percentage
and 5% WCO, respectively. With an increase in the dosage of of NC for different WCO dosages, the PG grading increased.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 2. Correlations between different physical parameters of WCO and NC modified asphalt binders: (a) penetration value and viscosity;
(b) softening point and viscosity; (c) softening point and penetration value; and (d) temperature susceptibility and viscosity.

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Table 3. High-temperature PG grade of asphalt binders
0% 2% 4% 6%
True fail True fail True fail True fail
temperature High-temperature temperature High-temperature temperature High-temperature temperature High-temperature
WCO (%) (°C) PG grade (°C) PG grade (°C) PG grade (°C) PG grade
0 74.3 PG 70 76.5 PG 76 77.5 PG 76 80.4 PG 76
2.5 72.6 PG 70 75.8 PG 70 77.0 PG 76 79.8 PG 76
5 61.9 PG 58 65.6 PG 64 67.7 PG 64 70.6 PG 70
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Although 2NC, 4NC, and 6NC had the same high-temperature PG Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Asphalt
grade (for example, in case of 0% WCO), the true fail temperature Binders
(Table 3) increased with an increase in NC. With an increase
in the percentage of WCO, the high-temperature PG grade de- As mentioned previously, MSCR tests are carried out at stress lev-
creased, and so did the true fail temperature. This is attributed els of 0.1 and 3.2 kPa. Previous studies compared the values of J nr
to the lower viscosity of the waste cooking oil. Addition of and R of asphalt binders at a stress level of 3.2 kPa (Saboo et al.
NC to the WCO-modified asphalt binders reversed the decrease 2018; Saboo and Kumar 2015). This is due to the better correlation
of viscosity. The rate of increase in the true fail temperature with obtained between the observed rut depth in pavement and the afore-
the increase in NC at both WCO levels was higher than that mentioned parameters obtained from MSCR tests at 3.2 kPa
corresponding to 0% WCO. This agrees with the results obtained (D’Angelo 2009; Narayan et al. 2019; Saboo and Kumar 2016).
for the TS characteristics of the modified asphalt binders. For The present study also compared the rutting performance of asphalt
5WCO, a NC dosage of 6% produced a high-temperature PG binders only at 3.2 kPa. However, the discussions for 3.2 kPa are
grade similar to that of VG 30. For 2.5WCO, the high-temperature applicable for 0.1 kPa as well. For brevity, the results and discus-
PG grade of the base binder (i.e., VG 30) improved from PG 70 to sion of the 0.1-kPa stress level are not provided.
PG 76 with of 4% and 6% NC. This demonstrates the stiffening Fig. 3 shows the variation of J nr at each temperature correspond-
effect of NC, which can be beneficial for WCO-modified asphalt ing to the change in the percentage of WCO and NC. In general, it
binders. was found that, irrespective of temperature, the unrecoverable creep

Fig. 3. Variation of Jnr for asphalt binders at (a) 40°C; (b) 50°C; (c) 60°C; and (d) 70°C.

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 4. Variation of R for asphalt binders at (a) 40°C; (b) 50°C; (c) 60°C; and (d) 70°C.

compliance increased with an increase in the proportion of WCO, 2.5WCO6NC, the value of R for was 0. Asphalt binder, being
which is attributed to the softening of the binder caused by the ad- viscoelastic, loses viscosity with an increase in temperature. At
dition of waste cooking oil. With an increase in the percentage of higher temperatures, the binder phase in the NC-modified binder
NC, the value of J nr decreased at all the WCO contents. The hori- softens, but the NC phase retains the elasticity, improving the
zontal line in Fig. 3 compares the value of unrecoverable creep rutting resistance of the binder. WCO, which is liquid even at
compliance of the base binder with those of the modified binders. ambient temperatures, softens the base asphalt binder in general
This helps to find the appropriate combination of WCO and NC but does not impact its rheological response with an increase in
with similar rutting resistance to that of VG 30. Mixture 2.5WCO temperature.
when modified with 6NC had identical or better rutting perfor- Fig. 5 shows the effect of temperature on the rutting resistance
mance at all temperatures above 40°C. With an increase in temper- of asphalt binders. With an increase in temperature, J nr decreased
ature, the difference between J nr of VG 30 and 2.5WCO6NC for all combinations of NC and WCO. In general, no significant
increased, with the latter having better performance. This is difference in temperature susceptibility was observed between
attributed to the reduction in viscosity of VG 30 with the increase unmodified and WCO/NC-modified binders. However, with the in-
in temperature and the reinforcing effect of NC at higher crease in the percentage of NC, the values of J nr for WCO-modified
temperatures. binders were closer to that of VG 30. This behavior was more
The analysis of percentage recovery (Fig. 4) produced interest- prominent at 70°C, especially for 2.5WCO6NC binder. This is
ing results. It was found that the change in values of R with an attributed to the softening of VG 30 and the stiffening effect of NC
increase in the percentage of NC and WCO was more pronounced at higher temperatures.
compared with that of J nr . The value of R for VG 30 decreased AASHTO M 332 (AASHTO 2014b) outlines the suitability of
steeply with the rise in temperature. NC modification (both with asphalt binders for different traffic conditions based on the maxi-
and without WCO) imparted elasticity to the binder, as is evident mum value of J nr at 3.2 kPa. Traffic is categorized as standard (S),
from the increase in values of R (even at 70°C). At 50°C and 60°C, heavy (H), very heavy (V), and extremely heavy (E). The corre-
2.5WCO with 4% and 6% NC had higher values of percentage sponding maximum desirable values of J nr are 4.5, 2, 1, and
recovery than did VG 30. At 70°C except for 4NC, 6NC, and 0.5 kPa−1 , respectively. To adjudge the applicability of the asphalt

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 5. Effect of temperature on J nr values for asphalt binders (a) 0% NC; (b) 2% NC; (c) 4% NC; and (d) 6% NC.

binders used in this study, a suitability chart was produced at each with 6% NC (i.e., 2.5WCO6NC) met the requirement for extremely
temperature using Table 4. The suitability pertains to different high traffic loadings. At 50°C, the modified asphalt binder with
traffic levels for which the respective binders can be used based on 5WCO6NC was found to be suitable for the V traffic category,
the specifications proposed in AASHTO M 332. At 40°C and 50°C, whereas other NC combination with 5WCO (at any other temper-
VG 30, with all combinations of NC (0%–6%) was found to be ature) satisfied the requirement for heavy traffic conditions. At
suitable for extremely heavy traffic conditions. At 40°C, all the 60°C and 70°C, none of the asphalt binders was found to be suitable
combinations of WCO also were found to be appropriate for E for extremely heavy loading conditions. At 70°C, VG 30 reinforced
traffic levels. However, at 50°C, only 2.5% WCO in combination with 2%, 4%, and 6% NC met the criterion required for standard
loading. The use of WCO at 70°C for <10 million standard axle
(msa) traffic is possible only with 2.5WCO6NC. Hence 2.5%
Table 4. Suitability of various binder combination for different traffic
WCO is the optimum dosage when combined with 6% NC for lo-
levels cations with high temperatures and standard loading conditions.
Temperature (°C)
Fatigue Resistance of Asphalt Binders
Oil (%) 40 50 60 70
The values of A and B (−2α) are used to quantify the fatigue behav-
0% NC
0 E E H NS ior for the asphalt binders using a linear amplitude sweep test,
2.5 E V S NS where A is a function of damage, and B represents the undamaged
5 E H S NS material property. The evolution of stress versus strain in the am-
plitude sweep test can be used as an essential tool to study the dam-
2% NC age induced in asphalt binders. Fig. 6 presents the variation of shear
0 E E H S
stress versus shear strain for 2.5WCO at different NC contents.
2.5 E V H NS
5 E H NS NS With the increase in temperature, irrespective of NC dosage, the
peak stress decreased, and the strain at failure increased. The re-
4% NC duction in stress peak is attributed to the decrease in stiffness of
0 E E H S the binder, whereas the increase in failure strain indicates an im-
2.5 E V H NS provement of strain tolerance in the binder with an increase in tem-
perature. This observation was found to be applicable for all the
6% NC asphalt binders used in this study, irrespective of WCO and NC
0 E E V S percentage. The change in value of peak strain or failure strain
2.5 E E H S did not follow any specific trend with the increase in rate of NC
5 E V S NS or with the shift in WCO content. Table 5 lists the values of A
Note: E > 30 msa (standing); V > 30 msa (slow-moving); H ¼ 10–30 msa; and B obtained for all the asphalt binders. With the increase in tem-
S < 10 msa; and NS = not suitable. perature, the value of A increased and the value of B decreased for

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 6. Variation of shear stress and shear strain for 2.5% WCO at (a) 0% NC; (b) 2% NC; (c) 4% NC; and (d) 6% NC.

Table 5. Values of A and B obtained in LAS test

0% WCO 2.5% WCO 5% WCO
parameter NC (%) 10°C 20°C 30°C 10°C 20°C 30°C 10°C 20°C 30°C
A 0 1.67 × 104 2.66 × 104 3.21 × 104 2.23 × 104 3.49 ×104 3.70 × 104 2.97 × 104 3.86 × 104 3.14 × 104
2 1.29 × 104 1.93 × 104 3.12 × 104 1.90 × 104 3.82 × 104 4.03 × 104 1.84 × 104 3.61 × 104 5.12 × 104
4 5.26 × 103 1.47 × 104 2.60 × 104 2.19 × 104 3.03 × 104 4.21 × 104 2.26 × 104 3.71 × 104 5.27 × 104
6 7.33 × 103 1.23 × 104 2.63 × 104 9.76 × 103 1.89 × 104 2.55 × 104 1.68 × 104 2.29 × 104 3.25 × 104
B 0 −2.09 −1.91 −1.83 −2.03 −1.97 −1.76 −2.15 −1.99 −1.72
2 −2.06 −1.96 −1.86 −2.17 −2.05 −1.97 −1.99 −1.96 −1.92
4 −2.14 −2.05 −1.98 −2.33 −2.17 −2.15 −2.16 −2.09 −1.98
6 −2.33 −2.20 −2.25 −2.47 −2.30 −2.24 −2.25 −2.04 −1.95

all the asphalt binders, indicating an improvement in fatigue life. out to quantify the influence of WCO and its corresponding
No reliable conclusions could be drawn from the change in values NC dosages. The results indicate not only that temperature
of A with the increase in WCO and/or NC. At a particular temper- has a significant effect on R, but that NC influences the behavior
ature, no significant decrease or increase was observed in the values of both unmodified and WCO-modified asphalt binders. How-
of A between different binders. Hence it can be concluded that ever, the effect of NC on the values of J nr was found to be
WCO/NC modification has no substantial effect on the damage insignificant (Fcalculated < Fcritical ).As far as R value is concerned,
characteristics of the base asphalt binder at intermediate tempera- the addition of NC in 5WCO modified asphalt binder led to an
tures. The change in WCO dosage had no significant impact on the insignificant effect as indicated by the lower value of Fcalculated
values of B (Table 5). However, an increase in NC percentage led to (3.31) in comparison with Fcritical value (3.86). Although the
an increase in the value of B at all test temperatures. This can be impact of WCO reduces the effect of NC, it had a significant
attributed to the increase in stiffness of the binder, increasing its effect (Fcalculated ¼ 8.00) on the elastic response of 2.5WCO-
strain susceptibility. Nevertheless, this small increment will not af- modified asphalt binder. The composite WCO-NC–modified
fect the fatigue life of the asphalt binders significantly. asphalt binder altered the rutting behavior of VG 30 asphalt
The results of two-way ANOVA to examine the impact of WCO
Statistical Analysis and their corresponding NC dosage on LAS test parameters are
Table 6 lists the results of a two-way ANOVA calculated corre- listed in Table 7. Analysis of LAS tests confirmed that both NC
sponding to MSCR test parameters. This analysis was carried and temperature had a significant effect on the fatigue behavior

© ASCE 04020490-8 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(3): 04020490

Table 6. Two-way ANOVA results for MSCR test parameters
Binder type Parameter Source of variation SS df MS Fcalculated P-value Fcritical
VG30 R NC 79.35 3 26.45 10.16 0.00 3.86
Temperature 826.14 3 275.38 105.74 0.00 3.86
Error 23.44 9 2.60 — — —
Total 928.93 15 — — — —
J nr NC 0.32 3 0.11 3.09 0.08 3.86
Temperature 41.11 3 13.70 393.12 0.00 3.86
Error 0.31 9 0.03 — — —
Total 41.74 15 — — — —
2.5WCO R NC 110.52 3 36.84 8.00 0.01 3.86
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Temperature 479.64 3 159.88 34.70 0.00 3.86

Error 41.47 9 4.61 — — —
Total 631.62 15 — — — —
J nr NC 4.85 3 1.62 2.62 0.12 3.86
Temperature 83.97 3 27.99 45.29 0.00 3.86
Error 5.56 9 0.62 — — —
Total 94.38 15 — — — —
5WCO R NC 17.70 3 5.90 3.31 0.07 3.86
Temperature 136.94 3 45.65 25.60 0.00 3.86
Error 16.05 9 1.78 — — —
Total 170.68 15 — — — —
J nr NC 7.27 3 2.42 2.68 0.11 3.86
Temperature 316.91 3 105.64 117.04 0.00 3.86
Error 8.12 9 0.90 — — —
Total 332.30 15 — — — —

Table 7. Two-way ANOVA results for LAS test parameters

Binder type Parameter Source of variation SS df MS Fcalculated P-value Fcritical
VG30 A NC 207,379,158 3 69,126,386 17.39 0.00 4.76
Temperature 679,618,517 2 339,809,258 85.50 0.00 5.14
Error 23,845,817 6 3,974,303 — — —
Total 910,843,492 11 — — — —
B NC 0.19 3 0.06 31.94 0.00 4.76
Temperature 0.06 2 0.03 16.34 0.00 5.14
Error 0.01 6 0.00 — — —
Total 0.27 11 — — — —
2.5WCO A NC 426,159,733 3 142,053,244 15.17 0.00 4.76
Temperature 676,713,267 2 338,356,633 36.13 0.00 5.14
Error 56,182,467 6 9,363,744 — — —
Total 1,159,055,467 11 — — — —
B NC 0.30 3 0.10 54.92 0.00 4.76
Temperature 0.10 2 0.05 27.16 0.00 5.14
Error 0.01 6 0.00 — — —
Total 0.40 11 — — — —
5WCO A NC 311,393,333 3 103,797,778 1.79 0.25 4.76
Temperature 814,295,000 2 407,147,500 7.02 0.03 5.14
Error 347,891,667 6 57,981,944 — — —
Total 1,473,580,000 11 — — — —
B NC 0.05 3 0.02 2.24 0.18 4.76
Temperature 0.12 2 0.06 8.86 0.02 5.14
Error 0.04 6 0.01 — — —
Total 0.21 11 — — — —

of asphalt binder. However, the influence of NC was insignificant 7.02 for 5WCO-modified asphalt binder. This indicates that the
(Fcalculated < Fcritical ) for 5% WCO–modified asphalt binder. In ad- presence of WCO improves the resistance against the damage
dition, the presence of NC in 2.5WCO-modified asphalt binder had due to a change in temperature. For B, no such trend of a change
a significant impact on both A and B parameters. On the other hand, in Fcalculated was observed. Hence, this confirms the efficacy of
for A, an increase in the dosage of WCO reduced the effect of WCO- and WCO-NC–modified asphalt binder to change the
temperature, because Fcalculated decreased from 85.50 (VG 30) to fatigue behavior of VG 30 asphalt binder.

© ASCE 04020490-9 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(3): 04020490

Cost–Benefit Analysis
In addition to producing better performance, any modification tech-
5WCO6NC nique must be economically viable. The aforementioned results in-
dicate that NC modification offers benefits in terms of rutting and
fatigue characteristics of WCO-modified asphalt binders. However,
the higher cost of NC may not provide an economical solution. There-
fore, a simple cost–benefit study was conducted to determine the eco-
nomic gain or loss obtained for various modified asphalt blends.

The MSCR test parameters were used to calculate R=J nr from

40°C to 70°C, whereas the A=B ratio obtained from LAS test data
was used from 10°C to 30°C. Evidently, these ratios should be as
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high as possible for improved performance in terms of rutting and

fatigue, respectively. Because all the parameters have different units

and ranges of magnitude, normalization using Eq. (5) was carried

out to remove value biases
V − minðV 0 sÞ
NV ¼ ð5Þ
maxðV 0 sÞ − minðV 0 sÞ
where NV = normalized value for elected parameter (J nr , R, A,
and B); V = true value of corresponding parameter obtained from
the respective test; and minðV 0 sÞ and maxðV 0 sÞ = minima and

maxima among all values at a particular temperature, respectively.


This normalization technique yielded values from 0 to 1. The use of

0 in the denominator of a ratio yields undefined values. To remove
this constraint, a hypothetical binder (HB) was chosen with
J nr ¼ 0, R ¼ 0, A ¼ 0, and B ¼ 0. For this HB, nonzero values
of NV were generated for actual asphalt binders. NVs obtained

for all the asphalt binders corresponding to different parameters


are presented in Table 8.

The NV ratio of all the modified asphalt blends was calculated
relative to VG 30. HB was neglected during this calculation. The
NV ratios obtained were averaged over different temperatures

(Table 9). The undefined values at 70°C were due to 0% recovery

obtained for a few modified asphalt blends. The NC ratio thus was

averaged to 60°C.
Finally, a combined benefit (CB) value for all the modified as-
phalt binders was calculated by calculating the weighted mean of
the averages corresponding to rutting and fatigue criteria. A weight

of 50% was given to each performance criterion. The obtained


results are presented in the third column of Table 10

CB ¼ 0.5 × Average 1 þ 0.5 × Average 2 ð6Þ
Table 8. NV of different asphalt binders at various temperatures

The cost per kilogram of all the asphalt binders was calculated
(Table 10). The cost of WCO was considered to be 0 because it was
obtained for free in this study. An approximate cost of Rs 50=kg

was assumed for VG 30. The per kilogram price of NC obtained

from a private company was Rs 3,000. The unit cost may vary de-
pending on the source and supplier, and the calculations presented

in this study would change accordingly. The combined cost (C) per
kilogram of all the modified asphalt binder blends was calculated as
VG 30

1 y%
C¼ × 50 þ × 3000 ð7Þ
ð1 þ x%Þð1 þ y%Þ ð1 þ y%Þ

where x% = percentage of WCO by weight of VG 30; and y% =


amount of NC by weight of WCO-modified asphalt binder.

Table 10 lists the cost–benefit (C=B) ratio obtained for different
levels of WCO and NC modification. Only 2.5% WCO in combi-
nation with 6% NC had a C/B of less than 1 (as shown in bold

value), indicating a higher benefit relative to the cost of the blend.

It is thus concluded that 2.5WCO6NC is the optimum dosage for

J nr



© ASCE 04020490-10 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(3): 04020490


Table 10. Cost–benefit analysis of NC-modified binders


Binder Cost (=kg) Cost ratio Benefit ratio C=B
VG 30 50 —
2NC 107.82 2.15 1.70 1.26
4NC 163.45 3.26 2.40 1.36

6NC 216.97 4.33 4.09 1.06

2.5WCO 48.78 0.97 0.71 1.36
2.5WCO2NC 67.43 1.34 0.80 1.66
2.5WCO4NC 85.36 1.70 1.12 1.51
2.5WCO6NC 102.62 2.05 2.86 0.71
5WCO 47.61 0.95 0.71 1.33

Undefined 5WCO2NC 66.29 1.32 0.68 1.94

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5WCO4NC 84.24 1.68 0.71 2.36


5WCO6NC 101.52 2.03 0.63 3.19
Note: Bold value signifies the value of C/B lower than 1. It indicates that
only 2.5% WCO in combination with 6% NC has a C/B of less than 1. All
other binders have C/B greater than 1.


The preceding C=B analysis did not consider low-temperature

cracking in the calculations. Although the framework proposed is
applicable to any performance study, the current analysis was lim-
ited to the results obtained corresponding to the rutting and fatigue


performance of NC-inclusive WCO-modified asphalt binders.




This study assessed the suitability of using NC to enhance the



physical and rheological properties of waste cooking oil modified



asphalt binder. In addition to the study of physical and rheological

properties of various asphalt blends, statistical analysis and cost–
benefit calculations were conducted to determine the efficacy of
modification. Overall, the study concluded that 2.5% of WCO in
combination with 6% NC gives the best results in terms of both


performance and economic benefits. Specific conclusions of this



study are as follows:

a. Addition of NC to WCO-modified asphalt binders improves
the physical and rheological properties. For high-temperature
PG grading and resistance to rutting, 2.5WCO in combina-
tion with 4% and 6% NC is recommended.

b. LAS tests gave mixed results, with no conclusive effect of



adding NC to WCO-modified asphalt binders on the fatigue

resistance of asphalt binders. The use of NC increased the
strain susceptibility of the WCO-modified blends.
c. The use of NC had an insignificant effect on the values of J nr

according to the statistical analysis. However, the percentage



recovery was highly influenced by the modification. The stat-

istical analysis revealed that modification had a significant
effect at higher temperatures compared with that at inter-
mediate temperatures.
Table 9. NV ratios at different temperatures


d. A simple cost–benefit analysis was conducted. The analysis



concluded that 2.5% WCO with 6% NC gives the best results

with a higher benefit relative to the cost of modification.
e. Microstructural analysis of the modified asphalt binder
blends was not performed in this study. The physical and

rheological test results indicated possible morphological in-



teractions between the base asphalt binder, WCO, and NC.

The results of this study can be explained better by con-
ducting a detailed microstructural examination.

Data Availability Statement

Average 1

Average 2

All data, models, and code generated or used during the study


appear in the published article.

© ASCE 04020490-11 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2021, 33(3): 04020490

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