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what is the ethic code and give some example

1. Jujur

2. Bersikap dewasa

3. Bertingkah laku baik

4. Menggunakan pakaian rapi

5. Menyebutkan nama

6. Menggunakan bahasa yang baik

7. Bersikap sopan

8. Berdiri saat berkenalan

9. Selalu mengucapkan terima kasih

10. Tuan rumah yang membayar people that who was doing the ethic code but they still make the environment broken

Answer :

1. Going concern anda nggak bisa selamanya hidup tanpa kode etik karena perusahaan harus
dianggap bahwasanya perusahaan ini harus selamanya hidup dan di kenal masyarakat
2. Green washing and blue washing
1. What do you understand by social responsibility of business? How is it different from legal

2. What is environmental pollution?

3. Build up arguments for and against social responsibilities

4. ‘Business is essentially, a social institution and not merely a profit making activity.’ Explain.

5. What steps can an enterprise take to protect the environment from the dangers of pollution?

6. What is the relation between ethics and moral values?

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