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4/JKAN April 12th, 2021

Ressu upper secondary school

Maximum mark for this exam is 61. Time: 2h 45 minutes

Show your working steps properly. Correct answers shown without any working steps nor
explanations will not be awarded with full points. Convert all taken pictures to one
PDF-file. Unless otherwise stated, all answers should be given exactly or correct to two
decimal places. Good luck!

1. Solve the following questions.

a) F(5,1), G(x,7) and H(8,2) are the vertices of a triangle. Given that the length of the
side FG is twice the length of the side FH, calculate the possible values of x.
b) A triangle has vertices A(4,4), B(7,6) and C(5,3). Prove that the triangle ABC is
isosceles. Given that P is the mid-point of AB, Q is the mid-point of BC and R is
the mid-point of CA, prove that the triangle PQR is also isosceles. [6p]

2. A quadrilateral has vertices A(-2,1), B(0,4), C(3,2) and D(1,-1).

a) Prove that AB is parallel to DC. [4p]

b) Prove that AB is perpendicular to BC. [4p]
3. Find the equations of the illustrated lines:

a) [4p]

b) [4p]

4. Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the following pair of straight lines. In
addition, find also the acute angle between the following pair of straight lines:

2x + 5y + 6 = 0 and 3x + 4y - 2 = 0. [4p]

The formula of the angle between two straight lines is: 𝑡𝑎𝑛 θ = 1+𝑚2𝑚1
5. Find domains of the following functions:

1 1
a) 𝑓(𝑥) = + [3p]
𝑥 𝑥+2
b) 𝑓(𝑥) = [3p]
𝑥 4−𝑥

6. Solve the following inequalities.

a) |2x + 3| ≤ |2x - 1| [3p]

b) |4x - 1| > |3x + 1| [4p]

7. The function f is defined by 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 , 𝑥 ϵ 𝑅.The graph of g(x) is obtained by
reflecting the graph of f(x) in the x-axis, and the graph of h(x) is obtained by translating the
graph of g(x) by +3 units parallel to the y-axis.

a) Sketch the graphs of f(x), g(x) and h(x) on the same set of axes. [4p]
b) Find the equations of g(x) and h(x). [2p]

8. Functions f and g are defined by

f: x → 2x + 3, x ∈ R and g: x → , x ∈ R, x ≠ 1.

a) Find an expression for the inverse function 𝑓 (𝑥). [4p]
b) Find an expression for the composite function 𝑔𝑓(𝑥). [4p]
c) Solve the equation 𝑓 (𝑥) = 𝑔𝑓(𝑥) − 1. [4p]

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