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Summer Holiday Home Work and Assignment

Class – X

Subject – English Language and Literature (Code – 184)


1. Utilize your summer vacation constructively. Read good books /

English newspaper daily. Obey your parents & help them. Be in
touch with your subjects. Learn 5 new words with meaning daily.
2.All summer holiday home works / assignments must be
done in a separate note book.
3. All the tasks must be attempted.
4. Stay home, stay safe.
5. Stay positive. Avoid alarmist news.
Q1. Select three poems from the syllabus of English Language and
Literature and highlight the presence of listed literary devices. Explain the
literary devices and cite suitable examples from the selected poems in a
thin notebook. Given below is a list of literary devices that you can look for
in your poem. Personification Metaphor  Simile  Alliteration
Repetition Oxymoron Refrain Allusion Hyperbole  Irony Apostrophe
 Paradox Onomatopoeia

Q2. Modern life has paved the way for a mechanical and a dependent life
on gadgets. They play a significant role in day to day life of every human
being, thus occupying major part of their house. Write an article on “The
Useful Aspects of Gadgets and Their Service to Mankind”.


In a meeting of World Water Forum at

Kyoto the 24,000 delegates from 182
countries focused on the escalating
global water crisis. Global water
consumption has increased tenfold in the last century, largely due to
growing population, industrial development, and expansion of irrigated
farming. The speakers said that water or Blue Gold ‘will be the next object
of conquest by the year 2020’.

You are Head Girl / Head Boy of Acharyakulam, Haridwar. Now write an
article in not more than 150 words on the need to conserve water.

Q3. Students are instructed to watch any one of the following movies and
write about any one of the characters that impresses them the most.

1. Mangal Pandey: The Rising

2. Saheed
3. The Legend of Bhawat Singh
4. Sardar
5. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero
Q4. UPSC 2014 Topper Ira Singhal, despite being differently abled
achieved great success. Watch her interview on Youtube and write an
article on how the person inspires you.

Q5. Write a letter in about 120

– 150 words to the Editor of a
national daily expressing your
views on the issue ‘Dangers of
Using Headphones on Roads and
Railway Tracks’. Sign yourself as
Himani / Hitesh Sabharwal of
69/7B, Lok Vihar, Rothek. You
can take help from the newspaper
clipping given below.

Q6. The pie chart below shows the

number of deaths in road accidents
in a city according to the category
of users. Study the information
carefully and then summarize it in
an analytical paragraph of about
100 – 120 words highlighting the
main features.
Q7.The number of tigers,
the biggest cats in the world
is gradually decreasing. Given
here is a data which reveals
the number of Royal Bengal
Tiger in different countries.
Write an analytical paragraph
by interpreting the data.

Multi-Disciplinary Project:-

Q8. Describe any one monument of India and its architectural splendour.

Art Integrated Project:-

Q9. Prepare an advertisement on Rafting in Zanskar River.

Q1. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the passage.
You do not need to be (i) __________ victim of worry, (ii) _________ to its simplest form,
what is worry? It is simply an unhealthy and (iii) __________ mental habit. You were not
born with the worry habit. You acquired it. And because you can change any habit and any
acquired attitude, you can cast worry from your mind.
(i) (a) any (b) some (c) a (d) an
(ii) reduce (b) reduction (c) reducing (d) reduced
(iii) destruction (b) destroy (c) destructive (d) destruct

Q2. Read the comic strip and complete the passage given below. Write the correct
answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers. Do not copy the whole
Two friends Sumit and Rahul
were going home after school.
Taking a bite at his bar of
chocolate, Sumit said (i)
_________ to go to Harvard.
Rahul was duly impressed to
hear this and said (ii)
__________. In his typical style
Sumit replied that his (iii) ___________.
(i) (a) when he grown up, he wants
(b) when he grew up, he wanted
(c) when I grow up, I want
(d) when he grew up, he wants
(ii) (a) that he would have to study hard
(b) that would had to study hard
(c) he would have to study hard
(d) you would have to study hard
(iii) (a) father will have to work hard
(b) father would had to work hard
(c) father had to work hard
(d) father would have to work hard
Q3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six sentences
given below. i.
_________ makes up these language rules anyway?
(a) Who (b) Whom (c) Whose (d) Where
ii. I am asking if you ________ to rollerblade together tomorrow.
(a) will like to (b) would like to (c) have like to (d) can like to
iii. Who do you think you are, to give me _________ about studying?
(a) advising (b) advised (c) advice (d) advised
iv. Select the sentence that models correct Pronoun-antecedent agreement.
(a) Everyone must carry their own bags at the airport.
(b) The woman finished his lunch.
(c) The football team celebrated its victory.
(d) Every mother loves their children.
v. Complete the sentence.
What sports do you practice_______ cricket?
(a) apart from (b) more over (c) in addition (d) added with
vi. The longer a candle burns, the _________it becomes.
(a) shorter (b) short (c) long (d) small


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