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Podding Support Team Podding Assurance Review for BPs

Please note that completion of the Camp Podding Checklist shall be completed at times when majority of
employees are at the camp (i.e., prior to and after returning from work).
Checklist shall be completed for Sub Contractor accommodation also.

Camp Name:
Facility Representative:  
List Companies Renting
Accommodation (clients)

# Question Yes No N/A Comments

Camp POD Policy

1 Do services staff at the camp
have an understanding of Pod
rules and what restrictions
2 Is there evidence of an active
Podding behavioral change
program such as
posters/bulletins around the
3 Do security staff have
awareness of Pod rules and
what role they play in
managing Podding?
4 Are accommodation blocks
assigned for individual Pods,
and if not is alternative
mitigation in place to prevent
contamination between pods?
5 Are roommates from the same
Pod (confirmation they use
same transport and worksite)?
6 Does the accommodation
block have the signage
indicating the appropriate
7 Is there a designated area for
smoking for each Pod near the
accommodation block and is it
8 Are camp cleaning staff living
in the same accommodation
block as the Pod they are
# Question Yes No N/A Comments
servicing? If not, is there
alternative mitigation in place
to minimize the risk of
9 Is the canteen designed and
operated to enable Pods to eat
or collect take-away that
prevents close interaction with
multiple Pods?
10 Is there evidence of different
Pods interacting in proximity?
11 Are all residents displaying
their Pod identification while
outside of the accommodation
12 Review any additional controls
identified in Business Partners
Management System for Pod
interfaces at camps and verify
they are in place

Transportation Pod Checklist

At least one Bus and one LDV shall be reviewed (chosen at random)

Business Partner Name:
Vehicles Inspected:  

# Question Yes No N/A Comments

1 Does the Bus have signage
indicating Pod number or is
there alternative method for
employees to understand
which bus they travel on?
2 Are all employees on the bus
part of the same Pod or is
alternative mitigation (FFP2)
3 Are all passengers clearly
displaying their Pod
4 Review any additional controls
identified in Business Partners
Management System for Pod
interfaces during transportation
and verify they are in place
# Question Yes No N/A Comments
5 Review any additional controls
identified in Business Partners
Management System for Pod
interfaces during transportation
and verify they are in place

6 Is the driver in the LDV from

the same Pod as the
passenger? If the driver and
passenger in the LDV are not
from the same Pod, are FFP2
masks being worn?

Worksite Podding Checklist

At least one worksite (including Sub Contractor worksites) shall be reviewed (chosen at random)

Facility Representative:  

# Question Yes No N/A Comments

1 Are all workers clearly
displaying their Pod
2 Are dedicated containers/tea
rooms available for Pods and
is social distancing maintained
at the tea rooms?

3 Are smoking shelters assigned

to Pods with identification and
is social distance maintained?
4 Are desks arranged to provide
separation between multiple
5 Are dedicated toilets assigned
to Pods with identification?

6 Are staff aware of Pod rules for

shared facilities?
7 Is the canteens
designed/operated to enable
separation of Pods including
tables at canteens dedicated
for Pods with at least 2m
separation from other Pod
# Question Yes No N/A Comments
8 Are podding posters, signage
and pamphlets available on
construction sites?

Management System Podding Checklist

The documentation can be requested prior to the assurance visit and reviewed remotely.

Date of review:  

# Question Yes No N/A Comments

1 Are records of camp residents’
agreements (signed forms) to
Pod rules available and signed
by each resident prior to
arriving at the camp?
2 Is there an up to date
database listing all employees
with their worksite, transport,
accommodation documented
into Pods?
3 Are there records of employee
violation of Podding rules?
4 Is evidence in place that
documents the management of
change process for Podding
being implemented (including
movement of employees
between pods and changing
5 Are there records of toolbox
talks conducted which focus
on Podding protocol?
6 Are the resources that were
identified for podding on site
and aware of their roles and
7 Are copies of the V&V
checklists completed for each
Business Partner Facility
8 Is the Action Tracker recording
findings from V&V inspections
available and up to date?

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