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21/ JUNE 2004



(Abu Raihan Mohammad Ibn Ahmad Al Biruni)
(973 -1048 A.D.)

A b u Raihan Mohammad Ibn "Siamese" twins. He observed

Ahmad Al Biruni was one of the that flowers have 3,4,5,6, or 18
well-known figures associated petals, but never 7or 9.
with the court of King Mahmood Al Biruni wrote his famous
Ghaznawi, a famous Muslim book Qanun-iMasoodi (Al Qanun
kings of the 11th century AD. Al AlMasudi,fiAl Hai'a waAlNujum).
Biruni was a versatile scholar and The book discusses several theo-
scientist who had equal facility in rems of astronomy, trigonometry,
physics, metaphysics, mathemat- solar, lunar, and planetary motions
ics, geography and history. Born and relative topics. In another
in the city of Kheva near "Ural" well-known book Al Athar Al
Turkey in 973 AD, he was a con- Baqia, he has attempted a con-
temporary of the well-known phy- nected account of ancient history
sician Ibn Sina. He died in 1048 of nations and the related geo-
AD at the age of 75, after having graphical knowledge. In this book,
spent 40 years in thus gathering he has discussed the rotation of the
knowledge and making his own earth and has given correct values
original contributions to it. of latitudes and longitudes of vari-
He recorded observations of ous places. His other scientific
his travels through India in his contributions include the accurate
well-known book Kitab Al Hind determination of the densities of
which gives a graphic account of 18 different stones. He also wrote
the historical and social condi- the Kitab Al Saidana, which is an
tions of the sub-continent. At the extensive materia medica that
end of this book he makes a mention of having translated two combines the then existing Arabic knowledge on the subject
Sanskrit books into Arabic, one called Sakaya, which deals with the Indian medicine. His book the Kitab Al Jamahir
with the creation of things and their types, and the second, deals with the properties of various precious stones. He was
Patanjal dealing with what happens after the spirit leaves the also an astrologer and is reputed to have astonished people
body. by the accuracy of his predictions. He gave a clear account of
Hindu numerals, elaborating the principle of position. Sum-
He developed a method for trisection of angle and other
mation of a geometric progression appropos of the chess game
problems which cannot be solved with a ruler and a compass
led to establishment of complex formulas for the first time
alone. Al-Biruni discussed, centuries before the rest of the
such as: 1616°- 1 = 18, 446, 144, 073, 709, 551, 619.
world, the question whether the earth rotates around its axis
or not. He was the first to undertake experiments related to He has been considered as one of the greatest scientists of
astronomical phenomena. His scientific method, taken to- Islam, and, all considered, one of the greatest of all times. His
gether with that of other Muslim scientists, such as Ibn Al critical spirit, love of truth, and scientific approach were com-
Haitham, laid down the early foundation of modern science. bined with a sense of toleration. His enthusiasm for knowl-
He ascertained that as compared with the speed of sound the edge may be judged from his claim that the phrase "Allah is
speed of light is immense. He explained the working of natu- Omniscient does not justify ignorance
ral springs and artesian wells by the hydrostatic principle of
communicating vessels. His investigations included descrip-
tion of various monstrosities, including that known as Editor-in-Chief

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