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Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof.

Verónica Ferrari
Unit 1
Class 1: The Interview (Part 1)
Tell me about yourself
• A summary of your personal details
• Give your Name
• Let me introduce myself. My name´s
• Good Morning/afternoon. I am
• Hello. I am…
• Tell the interviewer where you are from
• I’m from… but I live in…
• I come from…

Some advice:
• Keep the information Crisp and Relevant
• Few Key Points about yourself
• Answer the questions Concisely
• Try not to repeat phrases from your resume

How would you describe yourself?

Describe yourself in one sentence or five words.

Use positive words
• Diligent
• Loyal
• Quick learner
• Efficient
• Reliable
• Self-motivated
Useful Vocabulary

Positive words Negative or General words

Ambitious Authoritative
Confident Committed
Conscientious Curator
Dependable Extensive experience
Diligent Guru
Enthusiastic Independent
Ethical Intelligent
Extrovert Obsessive
Flexible Outside-the-box-thinker
Friendly Outspoken
Honest Passionate
Imaginative Punctual
inspirational Results-driven
Leader Straight-forward
Loyal Unique
Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari

Words that are good but overused:
creative driven
hard-working innovative
motivated team-player

What are your strengths

Some advice:
Read the job description and write down the skills/abilities/traits for the position

• If they are not detailed enough, think about the ones you must have for your area/industry

• Key Strengths examples

• Adaptive to change
• Natural Leader
• Hardworking
• Team player
• Communication skills (friendly/loyal)
• Self-motivated and determined
• Learning agility

What are your weaknesses?

Some Advice
• Describe ambiguous weaknesses
• A Weakness which is not related to the job
• A Weakness the interviewer already knows
• A Weakness that can be considered as a positive attitude

➢ Getting Nervous around people

➢ Sensitive person
➢ I haven’t finished my studies

• I am studying…
• I am studying in this university because
• I chose this university because

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari

In a job interview
• I graduated from business school in…
• I hold a BA in … (Economy)
• I’m finishing a BA
Some Advice
• Try not to repeat information from your CV.
• Your CV should only contain the necessary information. You can add other information
when you are in the interview:
o I am studying Chinese
o I am doing an online course on…

What are your hobbies and interests?

How to communicate that
Check this: I like reading …
I have only one hobby. I enjoy reading and have always been a voracious
• I absolutely love… (reading)
• My hobbies are …
• I am an avid …. I picked up this hobby
• What are your hobbies? is a question I love answering! It’s because there is usually
someone who enjoys the same thing as me and it’s great to share interests. I am a

• I love learning new languages.

• My hobbies are …, ….and ….
• I am highly creative person and find it relaxing to indulge in craft activities. There is a
new modern term for this; ‘Do-It-Yourself’ or DIY.
• I take pleasure in listening to music.
• There are two activities that I am fond of, yoga and crochet.
• I am highly influenced by art. My favourite painter is Vincent Van Gogh. His artwork
inspires me, and I admire his painting style.
• I am fond of dancing, it is both my hobby and passion.
• I practise Yoga
• I enjoy listening to music

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari

1) Which words have similar meanings and which words have opposite meanings?
Shy, bad-tempered, friendly, out-going, fun, selfish, childish, thoughtless, mean, affectionate, good-
tempered, thoughtful, easy-going, mature, honest, sociable, patient, generous, nice, caring, kind
Similar Meaning Opposite Meaning

2) Which of the words above would you use to describe the people below? Sometimes there is
more than one possible answer.
a. She gives a lot of money to charity, and she likes to share everything she has with others
b. He’s great to go work with. He makes me laugh.
c. He never gets angry. He’s always calm and relaxed.
d. She never thinks about how other people may feel.
e. He’s very loving. He likes to show that he cares about me.
f. Sometimes he does stupid things. He should grow up!
g. He doesn’t like spending his money.
h. She is only interested in herself.

3) Match the expressions to the adjectives they describe.

a) She’s full of energy. ____thoughtful
b) He likes to be the centre of attention. ____honest
c) She thinks of others. ____mean
d) He’s tight-fisted. ____lively
e) She would never tell a lie. ____out-going

4) Match the descriptions to the jobs.

sales rep - police officer - nurse - computer programmer
a. _________You have to be patient and caring, good-tempered most of the time, and kind and
friendly. It’s hard work. Sometimes ill people are very impatient.
b. _________You need to be patient and honest with people, and you shouldn’t be unfriendly. But
you also have to be very hard on people who are breaking the law.
c. ________You have to be very out-going and friendly. You have to be good at talking, too. You
should also be honest, especially when describing your product.
d. ________You have to be patient and good at your job. But, it doesn’t really matter if you are shy,
selfish or thoughtless – just don’t break the machine!

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari
5) Choose adjectives from above to describe yourself and give reasons for that.

The Interview (Part 2)

More tips
Interview Strategy
 Have advance knowledge of the company and the answers to the “Fear Factor” questions.
 Know what the interviewer is asking and trying to discover
about you.
 Be prepared to convince the interviewer you can accomplish
his three goals:
you can do the job,
you will do the job,
you will get along with other employees.
 Most interviews are pleasant and friendly. Try to enjoy it.

Body Language
 Always offer your hand; use a firm, but not
crushing handshake.
 Use eye contact without staring; avoiding contact is a sign of
deception, disinterest, or lack of confidence.
 If a place of sitting is not indicated, choose a chair closest to the
 Sit relaxed, but do not slouch. Leaning slightly forward shows interest, but do not lean on
desk or knees.
 Use hands naturally to emphasize a point.
 do not cover your mouth,
 do not hold your head or twist hands.
Knock their socks off
 You only have seconds to make your best impression.
 It’s all about connecting; bond with people in order to put them at
ease. You’ll be more socially desirable.
 It starts from the time you first see someone (30 seconds).
 A first impression is an emotional, not a rational reaction.
➢ Make eye contact at least half to 2/3 of the time. Nod every so often
➢ Smile even if not in the mood.

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari
➢ Be careful about oversharing, for example: disclosing too

➢ Check your impulse to use the interviewer’s first name.

➢ Radiate accessibility. Show interest in others.
➢ Listen closely.

• Bathe and use deodorant-antiperspirant before the interview.
• Bring only essential items to the interview (resume, references, portfolio, datebook, transcripts
of college work, licenses, etc.). Organize items so can refer to them readily in interview.
• Know location of office and how to get there. Make a trial trip getting to the interview.
• Link what you can do with the needs of the employer.
• Arrive 15 minutes early for actual interview.
• Be pleasant, polite, and friendly but business-like to everyone you meet, including office staff.
• Check your appearance before going in

• Arrive late for the interview.
• Indicate you are late because the directions given were not good.
• Look dishevelled and inappropriately dressed.
• Slouch in your seat.
• Maintain good eye contact with interviewer.
• Assume you will find out about the company in the interview. (Ask interviewer “What do you
do here?”)
• Brag about how great you are but you cite no evidence.

• seem disorganized and rambling.

• Be low-key; project enthusiasm nor appear to want the job; what are you going to do for me
• Answer most questions with short “yes” and “no”.
• Appear desperate for a job – any job.
• Call the interviewer by his first name repeatedly or uses the wrong name.
• Criticise your former boss and the company.
• Give memorized responses and forgets parts.
• Ask “How am I doing? Are you going to hire me?”

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari

Job Requirements
Job requirements are the skills, experience, and attributes an employer expects to find in a candidate
who is hired for a position. The employer deems those qualifications as essential to satisfactory
performance in that job.
• Job requirements include the skills, education, and experience employers are looking for in
employees they hire.
• Employers generally seek candidates who are the closest match to the job requirements they
have set for the position.
• When applying for jobs, candidates should match their qualifications to the job requirements
to demonstrate that they're the right fit for the job.

Skills: Skill requirements can include both hard and soft skills.
Hard skills are generally teachable, measurable abilities, such as the ability to do use specific
software programs, analyze data, code, implement social media campaigns, and draw blood.

Soft skills usually refer to traits that are hard to quantify, such as critical thinking, active listening,
creative problem-solving, and communicating effectively.

What do required, preferred and desired skills mean?

Ideally, you need: If you don't have them, should you still apply?

All, or at least most, of them No. Don't apply if you lack the required skills. Focus on
Required Skills
jobs you're more qualified for.

Yes. As long as you have the required skills, it's worth

At least half
Preferred Skills a try.
of them

Yes. These are not a big deal, but it's a bonus if you
Desired Skills have them.
If you have at least one

Recognizing that workforce needs are continually evolving, many employers now include a line in job
postings noting that while they prefer certain qualifications, they are willing to consider the
experience that is the equivalent of those skills.

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari
Add Practice
Position Type:
Licensed – Instructional
Teacher certification is the process used in all 50 states to ensure that prospective teachers
are adequately prepared to teach at the level(s) and in the subject(s) they wish to teach.
Because education in the US is typically viewed as a state and local responsibility rather than
a federal one, each state sets its own requirements for prospective teachers.

Emotional Growth Center
Manages the total instructional program for emotionally disturbed students in individual and group behavior
skills and social-emotional growth. Teacher works with individual teachers, counselors, support personnel,
parents, teaching assistants, volunteers, community agencies, and referring school personnel. (a esto le elegí
decir que era a team-player)
QUALIFICATION: Valid Oregon Teaching License with Special Education endorsement appropriate for
assigned level(s)
Video interview required (email invitation to follow)
We are most interested in finding the best candidate for the job, and that candidate may be one who comes from
a less traditional background. We would encourage you to apply, even if you don't believe you meet every one
of the requirements described. If you are unsure whether you meet the requirements of this position, or how this
would be determined, please feel free to contact Human Resources to discuss your application. Preference will
be given to those applicants with work or lived experience with culturally, linguistically and racially diverse

Practice: Here we are going to do some practice, but I will upload the links some other time, don’t

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari

Job Interviews
Audio 1
Listen and complete with the following words. There’s one you don’t need.
strengths – changing- good morning – weakness – down – nice to meet you – good to meet you –
economy – tend to – are interested -

A: _______________________, I am here for my interview.

B: Hello, ______________. I'm Mr. Gotcha. Have any trouble finding the place?
A: No problem.
B: So why don't you tell me why you _______________ in _________________ positions?
A: Unfortunately, our company is shutting _______ due to the ____________
B: What would you consider your _________?
A: I am probably best at researching for marketing purposes.
B: What is your biggest __________________?
A: I _______________ get bored easily and so love to keep myself challenged.
B: We have a position where that could work out well.

Audio 2
Listen and complete

A: Hello. Thank you for _________________ the time to interview me.

B: Hi there, I'm Bill Gotcha, the owner of Gotcha Enterprises. Did you find your
_______________ here OK?

A: Your assistant gave wonderful _________________.

B: Why are you ________________ jobs at this point in your career?

A: Our company is ____________overseas and I wish to stay in the United States.

B: What are you best at?

A: I am good at _______________systems that have been having problems.

B: What is your biggest challenge in terms of skills?

A: I don't like to sit around and so like to always find things to do to keep myself busy.

B: That is good to hear!

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari

Audio 3
Listen and put the dialogue in the correct order

A: Actually, I am very familiar with the area so there was absolutely no problem.

A: Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity to interview for this position.

B: Hello, have a seat. I'm Bill Gotcha. I am assuming you found your way here with no

A: I am good at pulling together teams of people to accomplish a task.

B: I am curious as to why you want to leave your current employer.

A: I am interested in switching fields.

B: Do you feel that you are exceptionally good at anything in particular?

B: What are you not good at?

B: We appreciate hearing that about you!

A: I am impatient with myself at times and am hard on myself.

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari

More on Job Interviews

1) The man studied English and _____ at the university.
2) He found his first job in Japan at a _____.
private language school
community college
3) The man's cooking students wanted to ____.
create new food items
open their own restaurants
practice English with tourists
4) Now, the man works at a Japanese restaurant and at a ____.
language training centre
mental health treatment centre
modern fitness centre
5) The man should be a good candidate for the job because he ____.
specializes in grammar instruction
has experience in psychological advising
has experience in psychological advising

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

• land (verb): find a job

My father was able to land a very good job immediately after he graduated from college.

• impressive (adjective): making a strong impression, great, wonderful

The job offer wasn’t that impressive, so I didn’t take it.

• culinary arts (noun): cooking, the preparation of food for meals

This college offers a great culinary arts program if you are interested.

• tourist spot (noun): a place where tourists visit things of interest such as museums, scenery, or
shopping areas

Inglés Comercial I Docente: Prof. Verónica Ferrari
Hawaii is a fantastic tourist spot if you enjoy surfing.

• fabulous (adjective): great, wonderful

How did you land this fabulous job with so little experience?

• top-notch (adjective): of the best quality

This school’s business program is top-notch, and for this reason, it is hard to get in.

• struggle (with) (verb): try hard to do something

I struggled to find a new job for one year.
How long have you struggled with that terrible work schedule?

• depression (noun): a very sad or hopeless feeling or mental state

My brother has struggled with depression for a long time.

• disorder (noun): a mental condition that is not normal

Some international students struggle with emotional disorders when they live overseas.

• turmoil (noun): a state of confusion

The company has been in serious turmoil since the president quit suddenly.

• transition (noun): a change from one condition to another

The transition from a language program the university can be difficult for some students.

• overwhelming (adjective): a feeling that something is so difficult or confusing that you cannot do it
The job was so overwhelming for James that he only last two weeks in the job.

• bliss (noun): perfect happiness

Running long races isn’t all bliss. There are times when you feel terrible, and you want to quit.


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