2016 HEFFERNAN Exam 1 and Solutions

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it aS Student Name. GROUP FURTHER MATHEMATICS TRIAL EXAMINATION 1 2016 Reading Time: 15 minutes Weiting time: T hou 30 minutos lon wo students [ Tis eam consis of Sandon A and Sexton. —— J Sesion A contains 24 multiple choice questions from the coe Sewion A is compulsory an is Worth 24 mark Section B begins on page 4 and consis oF 4 module each containing 8 muitple-shoice questions. Yeu should choose 2 of these module and answer every question in each of your ‘hosen modules. Each ofthe module is worth 8 marks Section Bis wort 16 marks ‘There are al of 40 mack valle fer his exam, Students may bring one bound refrotce at the exam, Students may bing into the exam one approved tecmlogy (calculator software) andi Aesved, one seieatifi caleulatar. Caleultor memory ds not raed to be clare. For tspproved computer-based CAS, il fnctionlty may be ness otiarwie stated the diagrams in thiexam ar nt dr o sak, Forma secs canbe found on pages 3 and 32 ofthis exam, An answer sheet appear on page 33 of thi exam, This paper hasbeen prepared independently ofthe Victorian Curren ond Assessment Auorityto provide odiional exam preparation for stent though references have been reprodveed wi permision ofthe Victorian Curriculum and dssesenent Author he publiaion isin no way connected with or endorsed by the Vcorian Curricular and “Assessment Author. © THE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 ‘This Tal Exams licensed on anon transferable bass othe purchasing schoo. 1¢ may be copied y the school which has pechase it This Vicese doesnot permit disrbation or copying of hin Trial Bean by any other pry SECTION A -Core Data analysis Use the following information to answer Questions I and 2 “Thedot plot below shows the number of easses at 14 primary shools aerssaregion, ° oe eeee ° ee eee oe oo i bb wb wo numberof classes Question 1 ‘Themedian umber of assess A 3 mobs © 1s Dias BS Question 2 ‘The mean and standard deviation respectively fortis ata are loses to a n18 “ B cS Db pi BE ‘STHETERFERNANGROUP 016 ——————~Fatir Matis Tal Exam 7 Question ‘The box sot below shows the distribution ofthe time, in minutes that sustomers had vo wait ina queve before speaking with a bank epesentative oF 8 a) time vines) “The shape of this dsibtion i bes desribad AL negatively sewed BL postvly skewed symmetric 1D. negatively skewed with oer. BL positively skewed with outliers . Questions ‘The height (i em) ofa group of students is normally distiuted witha mean of 122 em and «a stndard deviation of 5m. ‘Yasmin sa sudent in this group and just 25% ofthe stents inthis group ae shore than fer ‘Yasin’ eight is A 107m Bem © iisem Do 17em Baten ‘OTHEHERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Partie ai Trad Exam 7 Questions ‘A random sample of propery owners along a highway were asked to provide details relating to their property. Variables the data collected ineladed roperty number (U=resiental 2= commercial 3= other) soning ope Tand area square mete) tesa mumbo of occupants posteoe “These ive variables can be described as eategorcal (nominal rorinal or ume (Ginorete or cominuoes). “Thenumber ofeach ype oF a bei summarized in ble ‘Caegoricl variables ‘Names variables Womint! ‘Ondine Discrete | Continaons 2 “Categorie! varibles ‘Namereal variables ‘Nomina Onda Discrete | Continuous o 2 H 7 ‘Catogorcl variables ‘Numeral variables ‘Nonna! Ordinal Discrete | Continuous 7 2 H “Caagorcl variables ‘Nomen variables Nona ‘Ordinal Discrete | Continuous " 2 ‘Caegorcl variables ‘Norerieal variables ‘Nomina ‘Ordinal Discrete | Continuous ° T 3 H ‘STHE HEFFERNAN OROUP 2016 “Funer Ma ial Exam 7 Questions “The histogram below shows the disbuton ofthe numberof care owned por apt for 70 counties: fog seal has beon used opt this distebution frequeney log mmberaf carsowned) ‘The percentage ofthese countries where the muaber of ears onmed per capita is moe than one is losest to A 0% Bm c 4% Dom B36 ‘STHEHERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Further Ma Trial Exam 7 Use te olowing information 1 answer Questions 7 and 8 “The parallel boxpots below sow the distibtion ofthe average dag femperture (iC) {in 2013 foran inland town and. casa town, inland tow 1s verge daylight mperature °C) Question? “The fivestumber summary for the average dig temperature tthe inland town closest AL 16,20,23,26,28 Bl 16,20, 28,26, 32 18723036 38 D. 18,30, 34,36, 38 Bo 22,30,34,36,38 Question 8 ‘Which one ofthe following statements snot rue? “The minimum average daylight temperatures for ech ofthe towns were within S* of ‘oe another in 2015, For more than half ofthe days in 2015, he inland own hada higher average daylight temperature thas the coastal tn "soothe days in 2015 inthe inland town had average daylight temperatures of 30° ‘There was greater variation nthe average daylight emperatre inthe inland town than inthe coal town ‘Average daylight temperatures are on average higher in the coastal own tha the inland tow Peo wp ‘STHE HEFFERNAN GROUP201G Fier Maths Fal Bean Question “The table below shows the wingspan (in cm) and weight (in kg) of ne endangered binds caught by wildlife researchers win as | us | ae | as | at | a | as | is | an weight oo | [fe | ef fs | | oe a ‘The vale of Pearson's poet moment coreaton coef for his dala is loses to A 01 B 046 cons D0” B08 Question 10 ‘A research project ito dena hygiene found «negative coreation between the average time people spent brshing their eth andthe number feats they were fund to have Trea be onslades fom tis that |A. the more time people spend brushing their eet means the les cavities they wil have, 1B. thetime people spend brushing thei tet has no effect onthe numberof cavities they wil have CC. the people who tend to spend morte cleaning the eth tend to have es cats 1B. geting prope to brush cel wah fo longer wl reduce the number 0 sites they have, poopie who brush their tah for longer have more cavities, (THE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 Fietier Mas Trial Exams? Question 11 “The time series pot blow shows the annual umover of company overs decade, sao, * AK a Se 0. 109; Sit Bing S006 Som Sond 3000 2010 BOI S012 013 2014 3013 D016 The time series pot shows 2 decreasing wend Fergie stations snoutlier Structural change reope Question 22 ‘Tho table below shows the amount of data n gigabytes) used each month by a business over ve month prio, Month May Jone say ‘vent | September Data wed ' 652 183 7 613 maa Geigabey | © [two-point moving mean, with ceting is wed to smoot this time sere ‘The smoothed vale forthe amount of daa used by the business n July is A 6s Boer 8 De 741 EB 1s7025 ‘THE HEFFERNAN GROUP 016 Fro at Ta Exams Question 3 “The time series plot below shows the number of people who tend an annual music Fesival vera nine year pid, 000 number attending EHR 2009 2010-3011 2012 2013 2014 2015 016 Fivesmeian smcthing is used to smooth this data The smoothed numberof people the musi festival in 2018 i 2600 210 2760 3000 3500 Question 14 ‘The seasonal indies for hospital admissions areal hospitl in 2014 are shown bow. The index for May is ising, T ‘Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | Miny | tun | Jol | Auz| sep | Ost | Nov | Ose 125] 113 | 102 | 09s 108 | 1.02 | 094 | 079 | os | “The setsonal inde for May's 094 096 ot 126 V0 BeoRe ‘STMETERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Firaher Ma Trial Exam 7 Question 15, ‘The seasonal indices for sales ta plant nursery are shown inthe able below. season | summer | autumn | winter | spring Seasonal eosonal | oss | 105 | oar | 12 Last yar the deseasonalise sles tthe nursery in autumn were $102 000, ‘Theatctual sles tthe nurery in stun ast year were 363 180 $96 226 $102 460 $108 120 $163 200 PROB Question 16 “The quater seasonal indies forthe reve eoleted bya spsting club is shown in Table Abelow. ‘Table, Quarter umber |! a a c Seasonal Seasonal | 12 14 as 06 ‘The quater revenue collected bythe lub last year is shown in Table B below, ‘Table ‘Quarter 1 number |! B a Revente | ipso | 12600 | soon | 3e0 o ‘The revenue ooleted is desensoalised anda least squares epression fn i ited. The equation ofthat Tine i closos lsecuonaised revenue =10200—950% quarter mumber ‘desesuonalied reveme = 10400 (70% quarter manber ‘lzeazonaliedrevome= 15060-2152 gurtr amber seseewonaisedrevemue=|8480-+2530% quarter number PRoRP ‘S THE HEFFERNAN GROUPI016——______Firor Matis Trial Exam Recursion and financial modelling ‘Question 17 Py) =21R, 240 ‘The term P, ofthe sequence generated bythe recurence relation nov, a 36 B60 C1823 aa E3078 Question 18 ‘A tuck i doprecite by seven cents for every kilometre it travel ‘The value ofthe tuck Vn dollars, afer trveling niles is medelled by the rectrrenoe relation Ye=45 000, ¥, 09 ‘Atle forthe vale ofthe tuck, in dlls, fer uaveling ilometes PeoRP Question 19 ‘Which one of the following recurenceelations genertes a sequence whose tes show roth tht ignite linear nor geomet? peop ‘STNERERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Fer Mai Trial Exam 7 Question 20 Anita borrows $1200 at an anual ners rte of 7.29% er annum compounding ment. ‘rule that canbe used to Find, seamount ha An il owes op tele afer oats, is AL y=1.006%12000 B nx12000 © "12000 DA, =h072nx12000 B4,=1072%12000 ‘Question 21 Jae invests $25 000 shat cars 7.8% per annum intrest compounding quate ‘The fective interest ate for Jane's ivesiat i closet A 730% Be 786% 791% D798 E 803% Question 22 “The graph below shows he vale ofan investment over five years. 20 000 1.000 value of westment ‘o 10000 +500 Let V, be the val ofthe investment fer» years {A recurrence elton tha could be used to model this investmeat is A %=10000, B. r,~10000, Cr, =10000, D. — r,=10000, HY, =10000, P2016 «Pi Mans Tal can b Use ae folowing information to answer Questions 23 and 24 ‘Crig borowe $32 000 rat of 8% pr annum, He makes quarterly repayments of $4368.31 fortwo years in wert filly repay the los, ‘An incomplete anorization table ar this loans shown below. 1 ORR) women | goers | Mt | someon 0 0 0.00 00 +32 000.00 [| Koas saa aaa oon 4 436831 ee 16 633.37 sic | cea a eee eT teers con “The reduction in the pincipal ser payment number fours mae is A ssamar 8395651 © $395729 DB. S398241 B seoieaT ‘THE HERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Fiver Matis Trial Exam 7 2 Module Yu cease Ws rode all questions must be mawered Question ‘A solid chocolate reat inthe shape ofa hemisphere on top of seguir coe as shown below Geometry and measurement | | ‘The hemisphere and cone each have a ras of | em andthe cone has a height of 2 em. The volume of choco, in eubic contimetes, in the etfs closest o A ot B42 © 52 DB 63 B84 Question 2 [Avweleome muti inthe shape of segment ofa circle, with ene C2 shown below, ‘The area ofthe matin square metres, is closest to REORP ‘STHEHERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Fuwther Moi Tal Exam 7 2 Question 3 Triangle ABC's shown below where angle ABC equals 8 Tey ‘Theequation that an be used to Find the value of 8 is » cet Deo) Ecole) ston Julie and Peter ly out of Melbourne a 1 304m on Tuesday. They ave in Pais, which is rine hous behind Melbourn, st Sam on Wednesday (Pars ina) ‘Their wavel tine, including stopovers rom Melbourne to Pars was A 9Shoure Be 1sStous © 7Shou D.28hous EHShour Questions Joa ion bearing of 070° frm Paul and 6m frm him. George it some distance de south of Paul “The bearing of Joan om George must be A lessthan O70 B70" exactly C.—_beween 070° and 090° D.110°exactly B. greatertan 110° ‘STHEWERFERNAN GROUP D016 Finer Maris Tra Eas F Question 6 “Tw similar cones of eds 4 em and em are shown belo “The volume ofthe larger cones thee times he volume ofthe smaller cone. ‘The value of ris closes 10 A 08 B19 © 24 D5 B28 Question 7 A regula rectangular pyramid, MNOPY; has a base with eet aC, Also MN =12em, NO=Sem and OY = em as shown blow. » af Tar 9 ‘Theheight CY ofthe pyramid in comimetes, is clases to A 19 Bt © 148 D150 BWW ‘PTWETIEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 —______~"Fiether Mas Tal Exam 7 2s “Thespherebelow represents cart and has radi of 40 kant ante st pat C. The parallels of aide of O° (equator) ad 42° are also shown. “The vertical doted line runs frm he north poet the south poe trough point C. ot ple Point les onthe equator and points and D exch havea latitude of 42S, Points 4 and ie on these meridian of longue. Point D lies ona meridian of longitude that further 160° es. ‘Thedistnc, in lometes, along the parallel of latitude betveen points B and Dis loses to A 3486 B46 C4756, B12 E178 ‘THE HEFFERNAN GROUPING Further Wats ral Eva 26 ‘Module 4: Graphs and relations Question t The equation ofthe line shown onthe graph above is A yexct yarst cyetnn Dsl Boxe Question 2 ‘Theinequaliy tht is sisted bythe point (1.2) is x22 yel me2ys3 2xs3ys10 Sreyed peome ‘STE HIERFERNAN GROUP 016 Farther Was Tal Exam 7 a Questions ‘The aap of y= is shown blow. rd «(| sol ad sq a vd ° oT. + 4s 6 7 8 8 "The pont (415) lies on the graph. The value of is 15 4 no cos BD EO Question 4 The graph blow has a shaded sea which represent the feasible region fra linear programming problem 6 5 EG ‘The minimum vale ofthe bjetve funtion C=3x-—y for his problem i a2 BOS a Dos Boon ‘STHEREFFERNANGROUP2OIG———___Finthor Maths Tred Exam F 2% Questions George has hited avenue fr an event. She commits to # minimum number of 20 people tending for which the verse will charge $1500, Forevery extra person who anonds, ap 10 « maximum of 40 people an atonal $100 will ‘added othe charge ‘The graph below shows the charge , in dlls, er holding the event form peopl co 00 40.3500) 3000 2000} 00 (20.1500) Co a “Thera that could be used a desribe the graph above is [20 Osns20 a 00-500 20 oe eas one dooasestat | FURTHER MATHEMATICS TRIAL EXAMINATION 1 2016 Reading Time: 15 minutes ing time hour 30 minates _ Instructions to stadents This exam conta of Seton A and Seton B, Section A contains 24 multipe-hoicequstons fom the coe Sewion A is compulsory and is wort 24 marks Section B begins on page 4 and consists of4 modules cach conning B multiple-choice auestions. You should choose 2 ofthese maduls ang answer every question in each of your éhoren moles, Esch ofthe modules is worth # marks, Sesion Bis worth 16 mars. “Thee are a tol of 4D ars available fortis exam Stunts may bring one bound reference int te exan. Staencs may bring ito the exam one approved technology aleuatror software) and, if desired, one siete alla, Caller memory dose aa sed to be cleared. For approved computer-based CAS, fl functionality maybe used Unless otherwise stated the ditarams i his exam are nt dav o sale Formula shees canbe found on pages 3Tand 32 ofthis exam, | ‘An answer sheet pearson pege 33 ofthis ext, his paper has ben prepared independent ofthe Victorian Currin and Assessment Authority 1 prove adidonal exam preparation for students, dhowgh references have Been ica with permission ofthe Vistorian Curiclum and Astsanent suahory, the ‘ublication i inno wey connected with or endorsed bythe Vetrian Cureuun and ‘Assessment Authority (© THE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 ‘This Teal Exam is icensed on no rarsferable bass othe purchasing schoo. t may be copied by the school which has purchase it. This license doos not permit diseibution or copying of he Trial Exam by any aber pry SECTION A - Core Data analysis {sete lowing information to answer Question 1 and 2 ‘The dot plot below shows the mmber of lasses at primary schools aroes region umber of clases ws Question 1 aS ‘The median number of eases VL Fan sole 8 2 & is Oot art Dias wee Bob Ss we Question? ‘The mean and standard deviation respectively for this data ae closest to ‘OTHE HEFFERNAN GROUP A016 Questions ‘The box plot below shows the distribution ofthe time, in minutes, that customers had to wat ima queve before speaking witha bank representative we CONES as a) time (minutes) ‘The shape of this dsibuton is best desribed as negatively skewed pestvely skewed Symmetc a = © Do mute shoved vith eats (ED pes showed witht ‘Question 4 ‘The heights in em) ofa group of students is noel distributed with a mean of 122 em and 4 standard deviation of in ‘Yasmin sa sudent in his group and just 2.59% ofthe stants in hs group ave shri than ber ‘Yas’ igi arte a torem t = Ben tsen B titen EO em ‘STHE HEFFERNAN GROUPI016 Fir Matis Trial Exam T Questions A random sample of property owners along highway were asked to provide det relating {o ther property: Varables nthe daa collected included ‘property mimber = RV. 3708 soning pe (I= residential 2 commerial 3=athes) = em non ad area square metes) — r2Ie 2 wna number of occupants = ay. hase = posteade = C5, non m0 ‘These five variables can be described as categorical (nominal or ordinal) or numerical (Gisrete or entinucus, SET attendee © (esas —] rasa et | [oe | ae eT ae a comme : Tea tin | “pose ea , ieee | tar pee | ca : Sear eo ae eer pee | ee ‘S THE HERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Farther Mais Trad Exam T Questions ‘The histogeam bolo shows the dgtbuton ofthe numberof care owned por capita Fr 70. coumtrin. A log cae as been sed opt this distribution, ad equeney 35 20 15 0 05 00 05 10 log; o(rumBerofcarsowned) The percentage ofthese counties where the munber of care owned per capita more han one is closest to ree A Om 2 fe Pet © # a 2% a. > Sm ‘DTHE HEFFERNAN GROUPDOIG Further Mae Trial Ea 7 se the ollowing information to answer Questions 7 and 8 “The parallel boxplts below show the distribution ofthe average daylight temperature (i °C) in 2015 for aniland tova an a costal town, fF i os a. eta own iho Bas aL svelte daylight temperture CC) Question 7 ‘Te fvemumber summary fr the average dplighttemperatre atte inland town i closest AL 16,20,23,26,28 16,20, 23,26, 32 An oothar vs shil a park 18,22, 30,36, 38 a 18, 30, 34, 36, 38 ote 22, 30,34, 36,38, She ninimum Vela Questions Which one of the following statment is mt tue? ‘A. Themininum avrge dash tempers french towns were win Sof «/ cnet nadia ate ee eee 3% ine ote is in ijnlnonm a igo / ‘temperature than the coastal town, (V3 4 moe chee cite dys in 2013 nthe nan on hd average alg temperatures 30° ormet OQ at aoe ey ate ae eT 2, Tareas gaan nc eg Big enpate nieid ann te Cot tom. chen we ss & ‘Average yiiompinres ae cn avrg igh ncaa than he inndiown piemm ty nyiee _ aah ‘STHERERFERNAN GROUP 2016 Fier Mas ral Exam T Question ‘The table below shows the wingspan nem) and weight in kg) of ne endangered beds caught by wildlife researcher wean is | is fas | 6 | a | 7 | a | oe | oo weight i Toe valu of Pero’ s product moment sonelaton een fr this dat closet to aa cas a 06 = ons 079 a ~ Ge Doe CORRES Question 10 i Ceo Foe A esearch pao into dental hygiene found negative correlation between the average time people spent brushing their teath an te numberof cavities they were fund to have Itean be ‘Soncluded fom this thar ‘A. themortine pope spend rushing thsctoth mean the les cae hey wil cha have, 'B. _thetime peopl spend brushing thee eth has no fest they wil ave, cant 6 ‘the people who tend to spend more time cleaning their teeth tend to have less cavities. geting people to bush ther eth fr longer wil reduce the numb of cavities they nv. aren E. _ peop who bush hire orlongerbave more evils. (neg. careers mbes of cavities ‘SS THEWEFFERNAN GROUPING Further Matis Tal Exam 7 Question 11 “The time series plot below shows the annual tumover ofa company over a decade, mp 00 30 fA _ \ a | { we a AE seal itn 2 decetng nd Era fans @ Question 12 ‘The table below shows the amount of dan gigabytes) used each month by a business over {five month period, Month May Sane say August | September Data sed Danae | 652 Bs 7 gi3 m2 me ors ar ‘two-point moving mean, with cetring, is wsed o shoot this ime sri The smoothed value fer the amount of data wed by the butines in July é& ‘THE TERFERNAN GROUP2016 Farther as Trial Exam 7 Question 13, ‘The time series plot below shows the umber of pople who atnd an annal muse fetva over amine year period 4000 3sin 5000 stuning 2000 sto 100 soo ° e 2008 2009 2010 2017 2072 2013 2018 2015 2016, \ = Fveasin acting i edo sot tis data The soothed nab of eople nding he man fsa 20141 Fron BATS Tae 5 1600 @ FH aosa, aves, ax99, 3009, 299 2 ne a Meatiaa 2 low a - e500 : pcos 2699 (e199) Joos WDD ueson te —_ ‘The sosonal indices for hospital admissions at a rural hospital in 2014 are shown blow. The index for May is ising Monte | Jan | Feb | Mor] Ape| mey| Jun | aut | ave ] Sep | oct | Nov | Dee semonal| 15/1413] 102] 095] 1] 1.08 1.02| 094 0.79| 043 | 092 | 1.03 The seasonal index orMayis 19. — 1" A A 09 aes bow © ie 126 L E140 5 ‘THE HEFFERNAN GROUP S016 Farhar Mats Tal Ban T Question 5 The seasonal indices fer sales a plant nursery are shown nthe table below. aon | omnme | ewan | wir | oh Ton mam [os [Ce] on [an Lat yar he dees lesa he urna er 102 60 ‘he alsa enue insur ne e750 ze cota Gyre 0226 fone eed Rye size, dane io ew Siow 20 5163200 : Ack Sous = Sey aes Pere Question 16 = oe Hoa,ss0 18120 ‘The quarterly seasonal indies forthe revenve collected bya sporting club is shown in Table Atal Tabla, Quarter Gummer | 2 3 4 Seasonal Semoral | 12 14 os 06 ‘Thequtely ns alley the cb as er shown Tab kw. reo yee ca]! at Revenue ee 12.600, 5.600, 3840, eo |s { Se Seta fas. DiS Sap es Tested. The ‘ion of hat ine i closest Let ut? D seemntrtrrnnioa1-Sorgmernny SS 8% enna cuesio-icqrwmmte S| BSS © dmemdroms 90-day te 2 Stemtarnnmecitsesspocgaremar 3 = © omanaiooesieeatonmme topoa b a aso, efu ges = Un Oso = ‘DTHE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 oie Maths Ts Exam Recursion and financial modelling Question 17 Puy) = DAR, 440 The tem of e segunes general by fs earns lion oe, Se@ixie) =4s A 38 B67 c 7823 ie waar 2 wn Pre G@inoisy aus ee Question 18 ‘A tuck i depreciated by seven cents forever kilometre it tavels, ‘The value of thetrck 7 dlls ar vein lomets fs modelled by the recurrence relation M245 000, Yo 7,007 ‘Aral forthe vale ofthe ruck, in dolls, fer wavellng » klometres i AY, asoso- OST BY, 5000-72 \ 500007" ; ee va elesens- 207) - > ® Fo s5000 08 De) ¥,=45000-00% ueeso -91- 29) - S07 . Vas Gs Vo 45000-170 + Nas e090 - 0-974 Question 19 ‘Which one ofthe following ecuseace relations gonertes sequence whose terms show growth thar is nither inca nor geomet? aca ‘STHEHERFERNAN GROUP 3016 Fahor Math Trial Exam 7 Question20 Anita borrows $12 000 at an annul intrest ate of 7.2% pr annum compounding monthly ‘Are that canbe used to find 4, the amount that Anita stil ones. on the lan afer n moms, 42 4 os @® asninennm Wels 2 2s = 0-006 earn © Aster «Bz kode = Lass Dechert Besar 4 Aq 2 oe toss Quen 21 Jane invests $25 000 tat ears 7.8% per anaum itrest compounding guar “The effective iret ate fr Jan's hvetnet i closet 780% yo) Bo fae Ceiteenre (CAs) -1) s19/ DL tom / SN © = (+2. ee a > (0+ dee) -1) ueston 2 - post ‘The graph below shows the value of en avestment over five yar ssn sa 3 og No.7 Wo =1,085 Le Fete tee nee ern i A recurrence relation that could be used to model this investment is ye he AL %y=10000, Yiu =¥,—100 x 22 sansa va eH S2> B. %=10000, eee \ > CC. %=10000, 7, 80997, + Ng 2133 be Psi eictou, = wes we ewe? © veins moun BA a) NE Vs = to? ‘THE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 Further Mais Trial Exam T a Use the following information to answer Questions 23 and 24 Cris toons 2000 ro pane Hemes quirements of $368.31 Fortwo yer in nert flea theloen, ‘elke anoint son ep ne 3 Ty, Jar Pet inert | Redon n Nimer| Pome / cect | Gini | Beene oflom ° @ 00 00 bacos - 1 4368.3) 640, 372831 ane 2 | Saar | see | sama | maces 3 | weasi_|aeoae | 30893 | _a0suoas + | e0a, TG wean 3 | sear | ane | woe | non | sear | asiss | _anieae | easisn | 7_|_ea1 | 1@@ | sic | ome ¢ | sear [se | sme 003 eston 23 ‘The nan oft on arn ony as een mde A. sassm00 & BE Sine Bsns Sas vsti 24 ‘Thereducton in the principal er payment number Furi mad is a Rowerare no. He! Innerest cherne A s3smar B® 355651 = Bx 20,599 86 8395729 ve S3oR2a1 ey eo B ssois27 eee Reduensa et BO ree qases | ‘SD THEHEFFERNAN GROUPS016 Fir Maris Trial Exam 7 Thoma shows th ner afk ae en by Fu employes Al, Bet (8), Cans (2, and Dan (D) 2013, 2014 an 2015, 480d / 3.5.2 4] 203 4132 ]ao 7 rasa} aos “The term 5, represents clement in row and eon fof the mtr, Tho numberof sik sake by Caren 2014 repre by Bos Go Doss Bo ty 7 Question? ‘cnn bn ne andthe fps ig be ming eon nd ‘evening sessions of a shor courseare shown in the table ‘Aten noe a a Tag owes | 768 o 2 Bees en ier 5 ‘The unger f pal etn i ang ssn, Tne strc on nt ombe ated ern sen nn any : v4 a [i] is 3s eo 8 ~ [Ee 34] - iL | «fa iap asf ty ; o if 22h ast vet as 821 B [sr 8 ‘] 2 ash ‘THE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 Fiather Nats Tal Ean 7 Questions Electrical wiring iso be ei et will cnnestine offices. Thy ‘wing beeen trou flees shown ie newark by Lo J etn dollars of ayng this 7 se nd fig jormaton to answer Questions 7 ong {A pistols th completion, nh sor posible in fen sii B.C, E-FandG Thecdssof he diced raph slow ewes te evi ‘Ther completion times, n days, are alzo shown, Wa 4G g7 sun i> “ 7 Question 7 ‘Theactivites which have the genes lot Sete au = dias C CandF c D4 Daae BGP Oeesion ) Asivy can hye coe sin aed ya main of dye a sto $50 per day. Activities asd C ean have each oftheir completion times reduced by a maximum of "aay at cos of S150 per day. In order to achieve the largest redutin inthe time taken 0 complete the pet te Test 2s wl be a $400 B S450 © $750 Dd. $000 B. $1050 ‘THE EFFERNAN GROUPaN6 Fira Mais Tal Exam 7 2 ‘Module 3: Geometry and measurement TF you choose this mod etons mont be answered Question 1 ‘A solid chocolate treats inthe shape ofa hemisphere on op oF a regular cone 2 shown —T 2em | “Thehemisphere and cone each havea radi of I cm and the cone his a height of? em. ‘The volume of chocolate, in cube centimetres, inthe tea is closest moo ee eptere Neone Eeth 42 N = fe 2 Ps oe > D 63 = “Ba 2we Bu . en ee vesion2 sont > ite) ‘Avwsleame ma is inthe shape of segment of cel, with conte C 2 shown below: lst Red aren of & i ‘Thearea ofthe mi in squmemeies ecloetio = Are gh FHT A Ro 4 ® 2 52 ‘STHEHERPERNAN GROUP 206 Farther Nas Trial xan 7 - 5336-4 wads, Questions ‘Trianale 45C is shown below where angle ABC equals 6 ¢ ‘The equation that can bo sed ind he value of He 897 A cos SS Lk mewn? ces Q@= ot+et—b mae G29 Q x0 08 S947 P58 S947 B89 Question 4 Julie and Peter Ay out of Melbourne at 11 30am on Twesdau, They arrive in Pts, which ie ‘Sas hs tind lou an ch Weary arse ‘Their vavel time, including stopovers, Fom Melbouine to Pars was Seren ate Btn Tans Park A 9S hours: ws “ mento eae Wek nf ED Bates revs _ 285 hours el BOE <2 Led Bor = aN beet ES hours onan Beha + BE been be oes =D Joan ion a bearing of 070° from Pau and 6Om from him. Georges some disance due south of Pau “Thebearng of loan rom George must be ED) tessthan ove 070° exactly C.—_ between D7 and 050" DL Tiexactly BL gremtethan Fee ‘DTHE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 q) Fei Mes Wa co Question 6 “Two similar cone of radius 4 cm and om are shown below. “The volume ofthe larger cones tree ties the volume ofthe smaller cone. The vale of ris loset 0 os Lege snet 0 Lt - ° ee 4 a1 nm hans ae ‘eid Yt ran,n one eet © tie mis Bo ‘STHEWERFERNAN GROUP2016 Farther Nas Tal xan? Questions “The sphere below represents earth and has a adie oF 6400 ka ad its cone it pint C. ‘The pall of latitude oF 0 (equator and 2°S are also show, ‘The vertical dated line rns from he north pole the South pole through pont C, rent pole Re pacts of Se ~ soa pole eae ee ia) e Point ies nthe equsto and pins Band D each have late of 4255 Points an Ble on he same meridian o onde. .& Point ies on ameriian of lngitae hats a further 160 east ‘Theditane in kilometres, along the paral! of ltd Between points Band Ds closest to A 3486 eee ge B41 eos 42°2 Blas ae C4756 % ee 13282 bt OS weer? a pe mae cose ne 41ST a PRO af BO Bind en arse 37 ATE Jes eS ’ 0 nae el ‘STWETIEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 Fitter Matis Trial Exam Module 4: Graphs and relations iFyou choose tis module all sons mast be ana Question 1 ‘The equation ofthe line shown onthe graph above is Ayer eet ae © wn : ae vesion2 “Te inequity that is ied by the pot (2) is mea eX pel x42y53 2e43ys10 Seopa Bore ‘STWETERFERNAN GROUP 016 Farther a Trial Exam 7 n Is shown below. = Sh Le ums se bO Question + ‘Te graph Blow has 2 shaded area which represents the fessble gon fo linear propramming problem 6 5 a F a > el oy SO By minimum vue ofthe objective function C'=3x—y for this problem i pe Ca) Cr FEO (OTHE HEFFERNAN GROUP 2016 Far Matis Tra Exam T 28 Questions George his hired avenue for an even. She commit toa minimum number of 20 people sttending for which the vende wil charge 1500. Forevery extra person who attends, up to # maximum of 40 people, an aditonal $100 wi Rey eatos oe ee ea od 3000) vf ton can Gar ae am oe . 20 Cail seonh eH) ee ec eeaee ee Cfo wece ——~ 1500 Osns20 (2) erffeesoo amensee Se eae, Sone “ 100n-500 20

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