2016 VCAA Sample Exam 2 and Solutions

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YS, iron cunricuum ‘and ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY VieoranCerffcate of Fdeation ees Pa peers Year | Zaibo FURTHER MATHEMATICS Written examination2 = Samece Day Date QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK Structurgot book. Seow Cow Tamtrof Bier of y 9 Section Modes | Nant Naar ofa oh, ab i» 2 7m Tol 6 Sule @o writ a blue or bck pen * Student are permite o bring ito the examination room: pes, pencils, bighlghers eases sharpeners. one bound refeence, one approve technol salar or softwar) and if ‘ested. one sie aleultoe. Calculator memory DOES NOT ace tobe cleared. For approved ‘computer based CAS, fl functionality maybe use, Students are NO permite to bring ito the examination room: blank sheets of paper andor conection Hue Materials supped + Question sti answer book of 30 pages. + Formula sheet Working space is provided thoughout the book Instructions + Wee your student number in the space provided above on this pags. + Unless others indicated the dagrams ia this book remot dat to sale + Allwriten responses must ein English, ‘Students devies ation roo SECTION A~Core Instructions for Section A Answer all questions in the spaces provided. Wri using blue or black pen "You nced not give numerical answers devia unless nsreted 0 do so. Altrative forms may include, foresample, x, sks or fncons, In Recursion and snancia modeling’, all answers should be rounded to he nearest cet unless aherwise Unless otherwise inated, the diagrams in his bok are not crawn to scale Data analysis Question 1 (Smacks) “The segmented bar car below shows the age distiuton of people in thee countries, Austalis India and Japan, foe the year 2010, BD Syasandove Cy is-64yeas Bh tess percentage pestle ida SECTION A~ Question 1 conics ‘Write down the percentage of poople ia Ausoalia who were aged 0-14 yeas in 2010 mak In 2010 te population of Japan was 128000000, How many people in Japan were aged 65 years and ove in 2010? mark | ‘From the graph on page 2. i appeats that thee is no association elven the percentage of people in the 15-64 age group andthe county in which they ive Explain why. quoting appropriate percentages ro suppor your explanation, | mark SECTION A ~ soins ‘TURN OVER Question 213 marks) “The development index fora county isa whole mumber between 0 and 100, The dot plot below displays the value ofthe developmen indices for 28 cours name m7 oR 1 1% 78% 7 7 79 evelopment index ‘Using the inormation inthe dot pl etme each ofthe lowing 1k, The mode The range b. Write down an appropriate calculation and use itt explain wy the country with a development index 0f 70483 cuter fr this aroup of courte. 2 marks SECTION A soatinnad Levies 26 uma sce2 snr Question 36 arts) | ‘The scatterplot below shows the ymplarow and area (in square kilomtres) of a sample of inner suburbs of | gee | 0000 25000 20000 opniaion 15000 10000 soo oor? 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 rea (en?) “The equation ofthe least squares rgressin line forthe data inthe seaterplt i opnletion = 5330 +2680» nea Write down the espense variable | mak 1, Draw the est squares regression neo ie seatterplat above | ak (da 09 the seater above.) ‘Interpret the slope ofthis least squares egresion lin in arms ofthe variables ney and population, 2 marks SECTION A~ Ques T~sontnued "TURN OVER 4. Wiston san inner suburb thas an ares of 4 kn? and a population of 660, The colton coefficient, i equal 1 0.668, [Calle the residual when he eat squares eeresion ie i used predic the population of ‘Wiston fom te re, 1 ark 1 What poosntago ofthe variation in he population of he sububs is explained by the vation in oud your anewer to ane decimal place sar SECTION A ~ contac Question 43 mars) simple of 21 cuter subutbsofthe sme ey. “The seaterplot and abe below show he ppt in housands andthe rein quar kilometres, or a 38 “area (km) | Population | ae : “| 2s a6 73 | se | faseal is} “Be | Seen, foe fs Inthe outer suburbs the relationship bemeen population and arvy is nontinea. ‘log transformation ea be applet the variable rea linesrie the seterpll, 2. Apply the lg wansfermatin tothe deta and determine the equation ofthe last squares regression line that alles the popultion ofan ote sub o be predic om the lgar of sae. ‘Whit the slope ae intercept o ths least squares regression line in he boxes provide below. Round your answers to 80 sigan figures, marks population = * log (oreo) Use the equation ofthe leas squares regression linen part ato pedit the population ofan outer ‘bur with an ares of 9 Round you saswer to the nearest ane thousand people 1 mak SECTIONA~comtnacd ‘TURN OVER Question 5 (4 marks) “Theresa negative association between the variables popularion dens. in people per square Kilomete, tnd ave, n square kilometres, of38 inner suburbs of he same cy Forthi association, ?= 0.161 1 Wite dwn the vale ofthe contin coefcin fer this sscition betwen the vasiables papular densi wera, Round your answer o hice devia places. 1 mak The mean and standard deviation ofthe variables populaion desi and ara foe hese 28 ier suburbs ate shown nthe table blow Pepnttion desig “Area 7 (people per km) (int) Mean #70 3a Standard deviation 1560 16 (One of thes suburbs a popultiondesiy of 3082 psople pr square kilometre 1. Determine the stndard=scoreof his subur'spoplaon desi Rouod your answer to one decimal place Wi Interpret the =-score af this suburb’ population density wih reference tthe mean populetion density mark fi Assome the seas ofthese ner suburbs are approximately normally dstibtad, suburbs ar expected to have an area thats two standard deviations or How many of thes snore above he mca? Round your answer tthe nearest whale nunbee {mak SECTION A contac ‘Question 6(5 arts) “Table | shows the Austalian gros domestic product (GDP) por person, in dollars, a five yaryintrvae | (eu fer he period 1980402005, | rab j a a cor | x00 | wo | ase | 26000 | 200m | sem 36000. | Aco 22000 30000- | DP tas) 2400 0 | aan | wo | 2000 | I915 s0 85 90_vbs zoho aoe 2010 | 4 Conpae te esr pt above yang te GOP arth sere 2000205 ‘ak Brey dese h gees vendita Vac a SECTION A ~ Question 6 conisd TURN OVER lnTable2, the variable year hasbeen rescaled using 1980 =0, 1985 = 5, and soon The new variable Table | Year is] tas | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 Time 0 5 o 5 20 28 cor | 2090 | 2230 | 25000 | 26so0 | s0900 | 33400 1 Usethe variables ime and GDP to write dow the equation ofthe leas squaes repression line that ean be sed to pret GDP from sine. Take te asthe explnainy variable, 2 marks |i. The ent squares regression Hine in par el above has been we to prod the GDP in 2010. mark Explain wy this prodition is unreliable, SECTION A= contd Recursion and Snancial modelling Question 7 masts) | Hugo isa profesional bike rider. ‘The value oF his bike willbe deprecated overtime wing the at ne method af esprciton ‘The value of Hogos bike in dollars, afer years, , canbe modelled sing the revmence ration below 400, se hy 1200 1 Using the recurrence relation write down ealevlatons a show tht the vale of Hugo's bike afer two yeas 8000, | ark Hugo wil sell is bike when ts val reduces to $9600 b, ARerhow many seas Hugo sel is bike? | are Te uit cost metho ean also be use to depreciate the vale of Hugo's bike, ‘Aral forthe value ofthe bike io dollars, afer wavelling hlometresis = 8400-0250 Whats the depreciation ofthe bike pr kilonte? ro Aero years, he value ofthe bike when depreciated by the anit cost method willbe the sme 8 te vale ofthe bike when depreciated by the atte method, 4. How many kilometres hs the bike teaelled afer two years? 1 mars SECHIONA — sontnued ‘TURN OVER Question 8 (5 marks) Hugo won $5000 ina rnd race, He deposited this mony inca savings account | The value of Hugo's savings after months, 5, an be modelled by the recurrence relation Below: | 525000, 5,4 = 1.008 1. Whatis he annua iaees ate (compounding oath) for Hugo's savings account? 1 mak ‘What would be the valu of Hugo's savings fer 12 months? 1 ma Using itferent invesiment stategy, Hugo couk!depesit $300 into an account earning compound interest atthe rte of 4.2% por annum, compounding monthly, and make aditional payments of $200 ater every ont LetT, be he vo of Hago's investment afer # mont sing hi state “The moot interest rae fortis acount 035%, © i Wete down a rcurence resto. in tems of, and T tht modes the valu of Hugo's investment sing this seg: 1 mak fi, What iste ttl intrest Hugo would have eam after sx months? 2 marks ‘SECTIONA ~ ented Question 94 mars) ego neds buy ane bike He bored 7500 pay forth ike and will be charged interest tthe rate 5.76% per annum, ‘compounding monty Hugo wil fly repay ths loan wth repayment of $430 ech mond 4. How many repayments are required to ily repay this loan? Round your answer tothe netrest whole ube, 1 mk ‘Aller the fifth epayment Hugo inerease his monthly eopaymen otha the len was fly rpai with 2 forthe seven repayments thats, 12 repayment in tea, 1b. 1. Whatisthe minimum vale of Hugo's now monthly repayment? 1 ma I Whatis the vale of te final repeyment requited fo ensure the Ioan is fll repair {2 repayments? 1 ok | | END OF SECTIONA TURN OVER ‘Module 3 Geometry and measurement Question 1 marks) ‘One ofthe field eves at athletiscomipetions the discus “The fl nackings forthe dees event sons of cir hrvsng rng, fl ines nthe boon ine ofthe eld, shown inthe digram brow The shaded sea. onthe dag ithe landing region fore dsc throw boundoy fine [ending region 65m 65m faut ine | f fou tne throwing rng The foul ines met the boundary line at points 4 and 8, 6S rm from the cee ofthe erowing ing The angle Dis 34.92" 4. Whatistholongth ofthe boundary Hine fom point point 5? ‘Write your answer in meres, rounded to 80 decimal places | mar b. Caleulnte he aes of he lang region Round your naw to the nearest square met, 2 marks SECTION B= Mod Teenie’ Question 2(S marks) Danie lives in Mildura (34° S, 142°). He wil yo Sydney (4°, 151° E) and then yon fo Rome (42°N, 12° E)to compete inthe discus event at an intemaiona lets competition In tis question, assume tha the ads of Earth is 6£00 km 4. Find he shorts ret circle distance tothe South Pole from Mildura 4S, 1426) Round youranawer tothe nearest komt, 1 mar 1, The ligh rom Mildura 34", 142° Eto Sydney (38S, 151° tavestang a small cele i. Find the rads ofthis smal cit Round your answer to two dein places 1 mak i. Find the distance the plane travels Between Mildura 33" S, 142°) and Syany (34°, 151°, Round your answer tothe nearest Klomet, 1 a SECTION B Niodule3~ Quevion? contac ‘How long aftr sho sun resin Sydney (34° 8, 181° B)willthe sa ie in Rome (42°N, 12° EP Round your answer to he nearest init | ark 44. Danie’ ight to Rome leaves Sydney amor on Sunday. 6 Mare a 1020 am, ol time. The fight suv in Rome on Mandy, 7 March 2230 am, Assume the time difrence between Sydney and Rome 10 hous, How long does height tketo ave fom Sydney to Rome? Round your answer to he nearest mints smack ‘SECTION B~ Nodalo3~ conned TURNOVER Question 32 mats) Daniel will competi the intemetite vison of he discus competion, Compstiters in the interedite dvision | sea salle discus than he one aie in the senior division, but of similar shape The total surface area of each | cieus is given blow Intermotiae diseus Senior ict ‘oll setae asa 500 en? ‘ol surge arn 720 mm? ‘By wha valve ean the volume af the intermediate discus be mltilied to give the volume ofthe senior discus? r ‘SECTION B= Modale3~cotiousd Question 42 marks) Danio as guste fr the fra ofthe diss competion ‘On is fst thro, Daniel thew the discus to point a distance of 53.32 m on bering of 57" ‘On is sosond tow from the same pont, Daniel threw the giasus distance af 37.5 m, The second tras lnded at point Bon bearing of 125°, measure fom pol A Determine the distance, inmates, between points A and 8 Round your answer to oe dein! place. SECTION "TURN OVER Module 4~ Graphs and relations Fasano ad Booster are vo toma erties that contain the nents nvogen and phosphors, The amoant of niogen and phosphors in esc kilogram of Fastgrow and Boose is shown in he able below. Thkgof Booster | 1 kg of Fastgrow Nitrogen 0.05 ke 005 ke | ussion1(8 mes) | | Phosphorus O02 kg O06 ‘How many kilograms af phosphors ae in kg of Bost? 1 at 1b. IF 100 Ky of Booster and 400 kg oF Fasgrow ae mised, how many kilograms of ritrogan would be in the mist? mak Aathac is farmer who grows tmstnes quantities of Bostr and Fasigrow to mae his own frie Let be dhe numberof kilograms of Booster in Asch feilsor Hem ] Let be the number of kilograms of Fastqow in Arthurs Frise, | Imequatitis It 4 represent the niogen and phosphons requirements of Arthur's oma fel Inegualiy 220 Inequality? y20 Inequality 3(nivogen) —0.0Se-+0.052 200, Inequalig’ 4 (phosphors) 0.026 +0.06"> 120, ‘Ath’ tomato fll also requis at least 180g ofthe tient potas, Etch ilgram of Booster contains 0.06 kg of pas, Each kilogram of Fasgow contains 0.04 kg of potasians | © tmequatty 5 represents the potassium requirements of Arthur's tomato Fld Woe down Inequality Sin teams of: and 1 a Inguality 5 (potassium) ‘SECTION B= Module ~ Qucstion conned eso Sonne umn ana sa “The ines ha sepreset te boundaries of equalities 3.4 an S ae shown in the graph below oo soo 000 2000 1090: |. Using the graph above wit dam the equtin af line 4 1 mak 1 Onthe graph above, shade the region hat satisies Inequalities 5 1 mak Anse onthe graph one) Anhue would lke to se te least amount of his own Frise o meet the nusint requirements of his {omato Feld an stl sash Ioquaites 1 5. He wil therefore, minimise the total weigh offre, where W= x + “The singin method it be wed to determine the Weight of Booster anc Fasgrow eters he wil | i | 0" iao0" 2660-3000" 4009” 5000 6O0 | 1 € L Wite down the gradient ofthe objexive funeion I= | mark fi, Onthe graph above, raw the lin tht pases through the poin0, 1000) using he gradient fom parte 1 mak (now on the grap ave) Fi, Hence show on the graph above the pins) where the soltion for minimum weight secu. 1 mark (nee one grap above) ‘TURN OVER 54n dened revenue {1084 4(n=2) 2 ae = | - mapelemnon NOT WRITE Drow the et stare ogres Ine onthe weatrplt above, hrs Yak Poe = S32 HOEEOMS (ner on Fie varcles rowel poplvion, 2 aks Dye) Inet the slope ofthis ast ques represon “hee iS on aceate of ACES senate — ‘SECTIONA Qaciion 3~ cnt 4 Wiston nan ine sub. has nae 4 anand popution of 60, ‘The certo neice seq 100.668, 1. Cates the eid whe the est gure regen Hines wet pedi the population of isn fom tears ak 4% Ws percentage ofthe varton a the pputin ofthe sours isexplined by he vari in Round your anowerto ae deine place te Be eet eee ‘SECTION A= sone ay Pe ena sy = Es a Cy Fa Cc rs Question 46 ies) The catrplt and ble Below show the popular, in snes, ad the anon guar lomets, ample of outer abut of he ame Lists te ‘Aree tko¥)]| Papen evoasncs) is (owns) Inch cater subs he eltonshi ewe popu andre sno ‘log atomsin can be aptiedt the aiabe are ona hetero he lng siomaton othe daa determine the equation of he east squares sgesion le ‘tt allows the population aan eter mbit epee fom be login fs es ‘Wie th slap anita of hie ee eure repression ie in th bose provided Below gues Tana ree] tame Round ura ia 2, Usetne ogtin ofthe et cures grein lie in par. pet he population ofan outer sr wth am are a 90 SADA NS, veae) bmesd) tou ur tnoe ees g us re Vom _Rapeledsa = ine + (199 2ta5a0) o14761 3 Question (4 mats) “Thue a pave scion poplin cs in people prune ome soar, losquae Kline, f 3 ie stb fie sane a For thin y | ite dwa te value ofthe contin cofciet or this secon beeen te vrei IN Careless coelbereat = (regesie ote oe ce inay OMe b. Torna an snd vii fhe bs ppl doi are res Ff Sam ibs wesborn a elev Pi Fotos oe | < riper |_—_ ‘ | ds Pi wn 7 M # Fa Pa population densty of 382 people pe square lower Roun aur answer ut fi. lterprt the sero this subut’s popultion ny with referee tote deny 1a PO hen ha 4 Asnamethe ress of seiner sibs se sproxinately nvmaly sib Howe mony’ of thes 8 abr are expected ove a re hati sand deviations or Round oor ansverto he pene hae rab ‘SECTION A sons easy a = = = S Fs C Es Qvcation (Ss) Table | shows the Australian gost domestic product (GDP) per person, in lsat ve ysl itera (Gen forte pera 1960205, = n00t 0000 £ oP btn 280 0 2000 | -20000- | Moderate posbis lieor ‘SECTION A= Quaton 6 cons ‘In Tobe 2. the varisle ear bon sale using 1980 0,185 = 5, and so on The ew variable Tae? tear ves [1990 | 199s | 2000 | ams \useal aor | 2000 | 2230 | aso00 0300 | 3530 ~, er Canclencney) te vrsbles ins ad GB wo wit dow he equation of the least squares repression ie Lan eglst ee edo peedil GDP tom ne. Take ne the explana varale 2 asks | GBC a2e005 + S24 (ime) aus paste She ca ieilet each is there Des ey w rE ra = e Cs Fa co rs SECTION A coninost Recursion and financal modeling westin 7 (4s) ago ia profesional bike ide “The vake his ike willbe deceit over de sing the Sat ale method of depreciation, ‘The vale of Hogs bikin dollars fern years, Van be modeled using the reaence retin bel =O, Tey 0 1g snc ai, i devas ni Oa eva of ag Be sere | Mex a Pt. J | Z Jaz Bt 4 vs ied = ® BIR gs ws en ive er 36, = ll Hugo sel his bike? marc BEM 2 Aero oy yoni as s = 11a 2 toe = se atban a Lter et yee - no cn also be ws depeit the vale of Hobie, foc fe ike. in ols oer travelling Kone is ¥,=1400-0.250 Whats the depesiaion ofthe ie per lamer? I Praren fone D che orees Ate ovo yet the va fhe ike when depres yeu at meta wil ethe sae asthe {al ote bike when deprechted by he at ate meod DN ana ha 4. How many klometes tase ike ave ser to yee? 1 ak ‘SECTION A= sons Question 8(5 as) ago won $500 narod race. He eps his money it svigs acount The ale of Hugo's ving er ont, Scan be mele bythe resurenc eto elon S)=5000, 5, =10085, zal inert compounding noth fr Hage ving sso? ‘a . eer ay 5 Hugo's invest afer mont ig ti sey uw The soul test efor isaccoun 035%, => oso 5 White down a ecarece rein ints 7. an tnt moet he vale of Hago's & iste sing ts satay i > = = mons ‘e cc Fs What is he total eet go would have cared er sis orth anus fi es ‘SECTION Aeolian ees w — = Ea + ° z o es Qaeston 9 rk} Hugo ess buy ane bie i bowed 57500 py fo te bke ad willbe charged interest tthe rt of .76% per nna, cempounalng nt ago wl ly ep hs lan wh vepayment of 30 each month Wow many repayments are fly epythistoan? OSS SE ‘Round your answer to the nearest whole number: so Art | mark 2? entewsa | Ae a2 5 1. noeieasd =19s0 ely ef ep AE, oh wes monday ‘Ate ihe ith epyeen age nr is month repayment oh he lan was Bly epi with fuer seve payee (Oat 2 epayaens na, PDF cepanaprents i. Wha th minimum vaso Hag's ew nth epyment 1 ak gh: Sind peoust ousing aller < cosenments 4 w2S hese, ele-a50o pnts Wa, EUSgS19-997 Rodi End new Ome. a ia 987 Eu20 ! ery s Qe ey Casnd Te WEAcet | arnt val of eal NS oie cree an ay epider | espe? wate Alter = G regasments Fusf198 ey = Qo measurement Fe Chel. CFS SA chegeeet Module 3 Geometry Question # (mats) (One of he eld eves at ates coopetons ihe du. “The fl muting othe dss event consi fc heing ing, ful lines nd te bay oe fe elt a showa in the diagrams blow The Shaded area on he cay isthe nding elon fra boundary line tring ring The ful lines meth boundary ie at plats and 8, 6 am he cero the towing tng “The angled is 3492" ee 14 Whi the lrg af tbo in frm pin to pit ath Find are sera ‘Wie our answer in mets, rounded a sina ples, mn eS Te Bear = 39-688 Round your onset he eae gue es, 2m Preen, naan ‘SECTION T= Moda 3 —conioad TURN OVER Question 245 mais) Dani ives ia Mira S142"). He wl yt Spey 345,151) and then yon Rome (2"N, 12 E)ta compet inte ds ever ata inert alee conption, Ini qustion asin that he ai of ash 400, Fd the sores re ci othe Soh Bos om Mla AS Roun your raver the nse lore ak * Qeler Ae ciogear et Sac A Gascke The Rom Milaua 34S ye Find he ac of his alc ee ey 1K Findthe dance the plane tree tween Mir 4" S, 42° Band Sy Roved your aver othe net lant, at Pe anna igh Rome ewes Sey spot on Say 6 March at 10.20 am, el ne. The ight ns ame on Mandy? Mat 10a, Asse the ine diterece eters Sy nd ei FM ow ng docs te ig ak to tae om yey Rae? < ‘Round your answer to the nearest minute A mark 2. 10 Arie oi MCerente tnaiuicon Suctesiy Come = (o> bens 2D Suptet, Gt Hach Lo acen = « re hana SECTION T= Modal} ~cotnoed Question 3 (2 mas) Daniel wil conpae athe need division of he deus competion, Competitors in the intemedae division ‘aoa slr daca thane on se othe sie dvs, bt of ilar shape The al sre aren of exh to srt ae 50 By what value cn the volume ofthe inemadie discus be multiplied a give the vole ofthe sexo discs? se Need ae Sed (>) emai > eye) aan 2 jes Orcs = as SECOND Niodale contd ea ¢ = Ea . 5 Fs Cs es Question 42 mas) Daniel ae lied forthe nal of the dicus competition (Os his it to, Daniele the lsc pin 4, sttnce of $3.52 mona bing of 07% ‘Ophir second tow rom these pit, Dn rete sa clita of57 $1 “The second OW Inde t point on a ring Determine the dso. n meus, eceen pols and 8. Round your ansver oon dnl ple te Reker | ad of Module S~ SECTION B— cote "TURN OVER Module 4 Graphs and relations Question (8s) Fro and Bose aro oma elise that ota he iets itogn ao phosphors “The ot of nirogen and phosphors in cachkilogra of Psrow and Boosters show in he be Tego Fastgrow Does 2 How may logan posplare in ig Bose? me Bs cea sous 1. 1100kg of Bouter ad 00 kg of Fagrow re ied ow may kilos of iagen would en Ais farmer who gro tomsioes He mies gusts of Booster ana Faro o make his own felis numberof kilograms of Boost in Ath’ fli. Let the amber of kilgras o astro in Ath’ elise, Inequalities | 4 represent the nvogen and phosphors requirements of Arr tana fe egal? y20 ange Trequiy 3 nrogen) 084-005) 200 Inequality 4 phosphors) 002+ +006 120 Ahr omat eld ase egues a st 80 yo the muti potas, Each kllogrem of Booserconsins SRE aTpoHN. (< o:cu Uy Crash wo Each ilogum of Fasrow contin0.04 kg ofpotsttm. ve avo eg. aversion [U 5 naga S epost he potssiom eqiemens of Arh’ ors Gel We dow egy nem of 1c leoqly Spousiun) one ee orate % go ‘SECTION B Module 4~ Question conto eee B i Es . S Fs Cy es ey ns DY The ees that ep te ound of nities 3,44 Sere sown inte BMPR sa DX anh vnagney hes = Bsnaity ome Onthe graph above, ane the sen tases nui 5 aa answer on te geph abo) Antico tik tute lat anounof hiown rier ames the nein quant fis Tone lds leas nents | 03. He wil vores thee weight office, whee H+ Thesdingsne method is to be wed t dering he wea of Bacster and Faster ees wil © Wet down he rin ofthe objective tion Wms ik wen D aediot = | Onthe graph above, ro the ine ht pases ough he point (0,100) sing the aan fom parte geen en Sy Lclmwny mere a aever on te sreph bone.) i Hese.shaw on th graph abave te points) wher th slaton fo ini wag nover an he greph abort) Tenia ueegh seers at ocssees) (reas, tees) Geoe.ipen) eet th ete 2 ETION 8 Male dco “TURNOVER Question 2¢¢ mas) [shop oterboupt 100k of Aus osates olin he sop ‘She bought ne omates fo 340 per kilogram, “Te shop owner wl fea leou to her customers bated nthe suber of kgm fo The reene n dllars tht the shop owner receives fom ling he oma is given by he pieces Sa oensa rewnse={iagsdr=2) -Densld Ss le+20e-10) oer 3S) where iste nur af leans of tons ha eastamer bus in one ag. 1 Whatsthe revenue sop owner Be. es Hom eng kg oftmatesin ene bg? sa pas(p2) 2 10 = 434-0 1 Arevem of 54680 received fom sling 12k of tomatoes none ba ‘Sag ha hs the vl 428 in te rvemeeuntion sve shop owner never aks sass | | Fis he maximum nue ofllograns of tataes tats caster ca by none bg, hat he th 4 n= 2 = Sa BE seasn Kae © BD ax eu-rs) ets, sok [END OF QUESTION AND ANSWER BOOK 2 tks ea Pr han has a Further Mathematics formulas Core - Data analysis standardised sore : lowerandwppe fence ina Boxlot lower Q,-15%/0R —vpper Q, +1.5¥/0R leat gure lin of best ft yeetbe, where and a=5-BF reridol value esl value= act valu predicted value sesso ital figure mal index ~ 7 sorlised ire oGa cae Core—Recursion and financial modelling yp Vo” Fstorder liner rcurence elation tay bebe ) asco coe von[(as) +} ‘ompoind interest oan or avesiment Tr, ‘Module 1 - Matrices eterinant of 252 matric ates at {? ~F wtere dta = Peat, ae aie eT ane, fate Module 2 - Networks and decision mathematies Bler's formula va fees? ‘STE HEFFERNAN GROUP “Further Maths Tal Bea 7 2 Module 3 - Geometry and measurement aro ofa tinge Heron ola A= NiGHATEBTAM), whew a= Harb v0) a Ta)" o) “HC cosine ue PAB etek cicomfereoe oF ale, ar Jeng of are rie sre ofa ce - 2 sre ofa stor a volume ofa aphere dap eras ae fee ar volume of cone Lark 3 Yolume fa prim areoftasexeight vole ofa rani Tauot seria Module 4 ~ Graphs and relations rts potas ine | m= =B ution fal ne yemeve ND OP FORMULA HET Mathematics Formula Sheets reproduced by permission; © VCAA 2016. The VCAA ‘does not endorse or make any warranties regarding this study resource. Current ‘and past VCAA VCE® exams and related content can be accessed direcly at ew. veaa viceduan ‘TTHE EFFERNAN GROUP 2016 “Farhar Maths Tal Exam 1

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