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Chapter 1: Overview of Translation became the 

official version of the Bible

used by Catholics.
A. Etymology of Translation  But in the 21st century, translators
remained in the ‘background,’ silently
The English word translation comes from the Latin
doing what they do best – translating not
“translatio”. “Trans” translates as “across”, while
only ordinary documents but literary
“ferre” means to “to carry or “to bring”, “latio” works, speeches, critical documents,
derives from “latus”, the past participle of “ferre”. breakthrough inventions and discoveries,
Taking these meanings together, our contemporary contracts, presentations, clinical trials,
definition for translation is “carrying across”, or medical diagnoses, court cases and a lot
“bringing across”. In this context, we are referring to more. In fact, translators are essential for
text only. culture, literature, science and knowledge. 

 Translation vs Interpretation Ancient Era

Translation focuses on written content. It requires a

 The Western World regards the Bible translation
high level of accuracy and can take time to produce. from Hebrew to Greek as the first translation work
Interpretation deals with the spoken word and is of great importance.
delivered immediately. It prioritizes understanding
and communication over perfection.  The translation is called
the Septuagint, getting its name from
Five Major Differences Between Interpretation and the 70 individual translators who
Translation separately worked on the translation
in the 3rd century BC. They were
1. Format - Interpretation handles spoken language received by King Ptolemy II and given
in real-time, while translation services are text-based. a feast before they were sent to a house
in Pharos.
2. Delivery - Interpretation takes place on the
Each translator was confined in a cell
spot. The process can occur in person, over the
or more probably a room in the house.
phone, or via video. Translation, on the other
Legend has it that despite working
hand, can happen long after the source text is
alone, each of the 70 translators came
created. This gives translators ample time to utilize
up with identical translations. And
technologies and reference materials to generate
get this, they worked for 72 days to
accurate, high-quality translations.
finish the translation! The translation
was read in front of the king and
3. Accuracy - Interpretation requires a somewhat queen. Each was given a considerable
lower level of accuracy to translation. Interpreters reward before they were sent home.
aim for perfection, but it's challenging to achieve in a
live setting — some of the original speech may be  At that time, the Jews were dispersed in various
left out of the target language, for example. Again, places and they have forgotten their mother tongue,
time is on translators' side when reviewing and Hebrew. Because of this, they needed a new
editing written text for accuracy. version of the Bible. The Septuagint version of the
Bible was used later as the source material for
4. Direction - Interpreters must be fluent in both the translations into Georgian, Armenian, Coptic,
source and target language, as they're required to Latin and several more languages.
translate in both directions instantaneously without
the aid of reference materials. Professional translators  While the translation of the Bible during the 3rd
typically work in one direction: into their own mother century was a major work, discussions about the
tongue. work of human translators to bring across values
among cultures were already done in the 2nd
5. Intangibles - Making metaphors, analogies, and century BC during the time of Terence, a famous
idioms resonate with the target audience is a Roman playwright. He adapted several comedies
challenge that both interpreters and translators face. into Roman from the original Greek works.
On top of this, interpreters must capture tone,
inflections, voice quality, and other unique elements
of the spoken word and then convey these verbal cues  In the 3rd century, it is believed that the ‘sense for
to the audience. sense’ term was made up by St. Jerome. It was
included in the Letter to Pammachius that he
B. History of Translation: East and West wrote. According to records, St. Jerome said that
the translator should translate sensibly instead
of word for word.
Several translators in the past have been hailed
for their work, due in part to the scarcity of
translators and likewise because what they  The same thought was echoed by Roman writer
translated made a huge impact on religion, and philosopher, Cicero. He said that translation
politics, education and other fields. should not be ‘verbum pro verbo’ (word for word)
in his work, “De Oratore” or “On the Orator.” For
 Saint Jerome “the patron saint of him, the translated words should not be counted in
translators” translated the Bible written in weight rather than in coins. Cicero, who was a
Hebrew and Greek into Latin, which Greek-Latin translator, said that the work of the
translator was like an artist’s work.
Translations/Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (EL ELECT 1)
Prepared by: Ms. Dana Theresa V. Dalida
accuracy in the rendering of religions and
philosophical works.
 Another famous translator from antiquity is the
translator, scholar and Buddhist monk,
Kumārajīva. He is famous for translating  Another major translation work during the 15th
Buddhist texts in Sanskrit into Chinese in the 4th century is the free adaptation and/or translation by
century. Among his translations, the most popular Thomas Mallory of ‘Le Morte d’Arthur’ that
is “Diamond Sutra”, which belongs to East Asia’s consists of the tales of King Arthur and the other
Mahayana sutra (Chinese sacred writings) characters such as the Knights of the Round Table,
Merlin, Lancelot and Guinevere.

 During the 5th century onwards, very few

translations of works in the Latin language were The Rise of The West
available in common languages because Latin was
the popular language. Alfred the Great, who was  The advancement in the printing process and the
the king of England during the 9th century, growth of the middle class during the 16th century
commissioned the Latin to English translation of further developed translation as the demand for
The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius and new literary materials increased. This is the period
Ecclesiastical History by Bede. The translations when an English scholar named William Tyndale
contributed to the development of English prose led a group to work on the initial Tudor
during the time of King Alfred the Great. translation of the New Testament in 1525. It was
also the first time that the portion of the Bible was
 The foundations of the modern Spanish directly translated from Greek and Hebrew texts
language was established with the help of a into English. After finishing the translation of the
group of translators from the Escuela de New Testament, Tyndale was able to translate half
Traductores de Toledo or the Toledo School of of the Old Testament before he was given a death
Translators in the 12th and 13th centuries. Several penalty because he possessed an English version
of them came from different parts of Europe to of the Scripture without a license. One of his
work on the translations of important medical, assistants finished translating the Old Testament,
scientific, religious and philosophical works into which was mass produced later.
Castilian and Latin from Hebrew, Greek and
Arabic. During the reign of King Alfonso X of  Theology professor Martin Luther produced
Castile in the 13th century, the translators from a German translation of the Bible, and in the
the school were tasked to translate works into process claimed that only in the translator’s own
Castilian, a revised form that led to the language can one achieve a satisfactory translation.
beginning of the Spanish language. What he professed became the standard for two
centuries and his translation of the Bible into
German played a big hand in the contemporary
 During the 13th century, Roger Bacon, an English German language’s development.
linguist, determined that a translator must be
fully knowledgeable in the source and target  The Bible was likewise translated into Polish by
languages to be able to produce an accurate Jakub Wujek in 1535. The English version of the
translation. At the same time, he already Bible, known as King James Bible and the other
established that the translator should also be a translated versions had a long-lasting effect on the
subject matter expert. That’s how old the concept culture, language and religion of the countries
is. where it was used. The critical differences in the
translation of some of the passages and words in
the Bible based on the translation somehow
 In the 14th century, the first translation of the Bible played a role in the division of Christianity in
from Latin to English was done by John Wycliffe. the West into Protestantism and Roman
It was also during this century that Geoffrey Catholicism.
Chaucer, an author, poet and translator, translated
the works of Boethius from Latin into English and Early Modern Era
the French work, ‘Roman de la Rose’ into English.
 ‘Don Quixote’ creator Cervantes commented that
He also did many translations of works by Italian
most of the translations during his time can be
authors into English. In fact, he founded a tradition
compared to looking at the reverse side of the
grounded on adaptations and translations of Italian
Flemish tapestry, meaning you can still see the
and Latin literary works.
primary figures but they are obliterated by the loose
woven threads.
 Gemistus Pletho (Plethon), a Byzantine scholar
from Constantinople went to Florence to  English translator and poet, John Dryden, tried to
reintroduced the philosophy of Plato. He translate Virgil’s work in the way the Roman poet
influenced Cosimo de Medici into founding the would write it if he was from England. However, he
Platonic Academy, which was headed by Marsilio said it was not necessary to imitate the conciseness
Ficino, an Italian translator and scholar. The and subtlety of Virgil. It was an opposing view to
Platonic Academy translated all the works of Plato, what Alexander Pope, an English poet and translator,
Plotinus’ ‘Enneads’ and several other works into believed. Pope was known for the translation of
Latin. The works of Ficino and Erasmus of Homer’s Iliad. He said that the translator does not
Rotterdam, who translated a new version of the have the license to alter the original. He explained
Bible’s New Testament in Latin, helped develop that it is like drawing from life, where the features
translation work further, as readers demand more and alignments should not be changed.

Translations/Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (EL ELECT 1)

Prepared by: Ms. Dana Theresa V. Dalida
to the source material in
Transparency in Focus context), expressiveness (accessibility of the
 At the latter half of this century, the ideals of translation to the intended audience)
translation were transparency and and elegance (availability of the translation in a
faithfulness. Faithfulness means the extent of the language that the target accepts as educated). Among
translation’s accuracy in rendering the source text the theories, Yan Fu considers expressiveness the
into the target language while considering the context most vital. This is because it allows the delivery of
and features of the original. Transparency in the the content’s meaning to its target audience. In his
translation equates to idiomatic translation or how theory, it meant changing the names into Chinese and
close the text appears as if it was written in the target changing the word order to fit the requirements of
language while conforming to the target language’s the  Chinese language. His theories had a huge effect
idiom, syntax and grammar. on translation work across the globe.

Period of French and American Revolutions End of the 2nd Millennium

 Translation became more prominent and structured in
 German translator, poet, theologian and philosopher, the 20th century, where interpreting the context of the
Johann Gottfried Herder further reaffirmed written text became important. Polish translator
the earlier statement of Martin Luther that a Aniela Zagórska, who translated every work of
translator should translate into his native Joseph Conrad into Polish was given a great advice.
language instead of the other way around. Joseph Conrad was her uncle, and Conrad viewed
translation as an art form that gives translators
 In this century, the concern of many translators choices, which meant interpreting some of the
focused on making reading the translated material text, instead of just translating them.
easier. Accuracy was not yet a big issue for the
translators. If they thought a passage might cause  Jorge Luis Borges of Argentina, who translated the
boredom or they failed to understand a part, they creations of Virginia Woolf, Walt Whitman, Edgar
omitted them. They had the false impression that Allan Poe, Rudyard Kipling, Franz Kafka, Hermann
their translation style is the most proper. Naturally, Hesse, André Gide and William Faulkner into
they believed the source material should conform to Spanish also believed that translation is an art. He
their translation. They were even bold enough to do said that a translator can do improvements on the
translations into languages they barely speak. original work. He also said that they sometimes stray
from the source text. Borges also believed that
 Ignacy Krasicki, an encyclopedist from Poland, contradictory and alternative translations of the same
stated that the translator plays a unique part in source material can be valid.
society. He described that translation work is an art
form and difficult work. He said that translation  Literal translations were confined to scientific,
should only be done by people who are capable of academic, historic and religious materials. They
seeing a better application for translating other recognized interpreting as a special type of
people’s work instead of creating their own. They translation in the past. It was established as a
should put translation at a higher level of service for different discipline in the middle of the 20th century.
their country.
General Purposes of Translation
Start of the Industrial Revolution
 Retrieval of lost information
 Translation in this century is all about style and  Understanding of the Universal Truth
accuracy, with the translation policy centered on  Sharing of beliefs
text. Because it is the Victorian era, bawdy language
was the exception to the rule. Explanations in  Understanding and appreciation of culture
footnotes were also deemed necessary. Translators  Bridging cultural barrier
aimed to tell readers that the text or book they were  Advancement in human achievement
enjoying were translations of foreign originals.  Addressing social needs
 Another exception to the standard is the translation of  Social Empowerment
the ‘The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám’ by Edward
FitzGerald. Surprisingly, although he used very little  Binding nations
from the original poems in Persian, his translations  Neo-culture development
remain the most famous despite the availability of
more accurate and newer translations of the poems.

19th Century Influences

 The 19th century brought about many theories about

translation. For Friedrich Schleiermacher of
Germany, the translation could use two translation
methods: transparency or domestication, which
brings the writer to the readers, and fidelity or
foreignization, which brings the readers to the writer.

 On the other hand, the Chinese translator and scholar

Yan Fu, developed a three-facet translation
theory in 1898, based on his extensive experience in
the English to Chinese translation of social sciences
documents. The theories are faithfulness (being close
Translations/Stylistics and Discourse Analysis (EL ELECT 1)
Prepared by: Ms. Dana Theresa V. Dalida

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