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1. Fast forward to 2030.

You are now practicing your profession as an SLU Civil

Engineering graduate. Describe yourself as a person and a professional
manifesting in your life each of the SLU core values.
A. As a person and a Civil Engineer who is imbued with the Christian Spirit, I am able to
lead my co-workers and people I meet in the field in knowing God. Also, I am able to live
my life and do my profession while putting into practice the Christian values. Lastly, with
my profession, I am able to help other people, especially those who are unfortunate.
B. As a person and a Civil Engineer who is socially involved, I advocate nationalism and
social justice where I can stand on my principles despite the temptations and corruptions
in my field. I am an Engineer who is socially engaged in community-based projects
aligned with my profession that helps improve the quality of life of people. I am committed
to helping when there are problems addressing religious, political, societal, and
environmental concerns
C. As a person and a Civil Engineer who is professionally competent, I am able to work
under pressure where I can handle constraints that are often outside of my control. I can
communicate effectively and professionally with the people in my field. Also, I am able to
learn and grow from my mistakes, making sure that every project I have is of quality.
D. As a person and a Civil Engineer who is creative and a critical thinker, I am an
innovative person who always thinks of growth in my expertise. I can develop new ideas
in my expertise that can help improve my projects and service. I am resourceful and can
maximize the use of the available products I have.
2.Explain how developing each of the SLU core values in your life is compatible
with learning how to think and act like an entrepreneur. 7 to 10 sentences.
Developing each of the SLU core values, which are Christian Spirit, Socially Involved,
Professionally Competent, and Creative and Critical Thinker, in your life is compatible
with learning how to think and act like an entrepreneur. First, when Christian Spirit inspires
you, you can be ethical as an entrepreneur where you always choose to be righteous,
which can significantly affect your decision-making and communication with your
customers. Second, when you are socially involved as an entrepreneur, you will know
how to interact with diverse people you have business with, where it will be easier to plan
and strategize what is best for your business. You will know your target market and what
products are best for them. Next, when you are Professionally Competent, you will always
be conscious of providing the best quality of your service. As an entrepreneur, you should
be professionally competent so that you are not easy to give up when adversities come,
and you make sure that every service you provide satisfies the customer. Lastly, as an
entrepreneur who is a Creative and Critical thinker, you will be able to generate new ideas
for your business and solutions to problems that can help your business grow and

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