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Reflect on your experience of the religious activity you participated in and supply the
following information:

a. Type of Religious activity: Mass

b. Date and time: January 26, 2021(6:30 pm)
c. Means of Participation: Watching the livestream through my mobile phone
d. Where or which platform?: Youtube Live

2. REFLECTION QUESTION: Reflect on your experience of the religious activity you participated in
and write a short reflection about your experience.

Our pastor's sermon is entitled "How to Regain Rest for the Restless." The title itself caught
my attention as I have been restless these days as I try to keep myself busy with my life. Especially
with the adversity we are experiencing, the pandemic, challenging burdens arise, and days are
overloaded and extra hectic. Personally, I can tell that I am physically, mentally, emotionally, and
socially drained because of the overwhelming responsibilities I confront in my everyday life as a
student, daughter, business partner, and citizen of my community. Being restless with these
obligations, I have lost my sense of tranquility, peace, and quiet; that I was not right or at peace
with God. The message has become an eye-opener that I should come back to Him. The key verse,
Matthew 11:28, reminded me that only God could give me the rest and refreshment I need. He
conveyed that accepting His invitation to run to Him will provide me respite as coming to God,
bringing our weariness, and unburdening ourselves to Him can make our burdens a blessing and
learn to move from fatigue to freshness and from frustration to fruitfulness. It reminded me how
powerful God is and how He will take care of us. Writing this, after hearing the said message, I can
say that this weariness I am experiencing is not for me to carry alone as I have Christ that
strengthens and carry me. I've realized that fulfilling my mission, serving Him, and having
confidence in God can bring me peace and restrengthen my body to continue battling with life.


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