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QUESTION BANK (2022-2023)

CLASS – IX (Science-Biology)

Mark Q’s
1. Who discovered the cell ?
(a) Robert Hooke (b) Leeuwenhoek (c) R. Brown (d) T. Schwann
2. Who discovered nucleus in cell ?
(a) Robert Hooke (b) Leeuwenhoek (c) R. Brown (d) T. Schwann
3. Who coined the term protoplasm ?
(a) Robert Hooke (b) Leeuwenhoek (c) R. Brown (d) Pukinje
4. What is protoplasm ?
(a) Unit of life (b) Cell organelle of fluid substance of cell (d) Cytoplasm
5. Which of these statement is true about the cell ?
(a) All organism are made up of cell (b) Cell is the basic unit of life
(c) Cell is responsible for different metabolic function (d) All of above
6. Which of these scientists formulated cell theory ?
(a) Schleiden & Schwann (b) R. Virchow (c) R. Koch (d) A.V. Leeuwenhoek
7. Which scientists was first to explain that new cells arise from pre-existing cells.
(a) A. V. Leeuwenhoek (b) M. Schleiden (c) R. Virchow (d) T. Schwann
8. Which of the following substance is known as cellular waste ?
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) CO2 (d) None of the
9. The movements a substance from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower
concentration is called as _______.
(a) Osmosis (b) diffusion (c) Excretion of CO2 (d) All of above
10. Why cell membrane is known as selectively permeable membrane ?
11. What is means by diffusion ?
12. Define Osmosis.
13. Which of the following is the main constituent of cell wall ?
(a) Protein (b) Lipids (c) Lipoproteins (d) Cellulose
14. Which of the following is outer most covering of plant cell ?
(a) Cell membrane (b) Plasma membrane (c) Cell wall (d) Cellulose
15. Choose the correct set of statements from the following:-
Statement 1 : Cell wall lies outside the plasma mem brane
Statement 2 : Cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose
Statement 3 : Cellulose is a complex substance a provides structural strength to plants.
Statement 4 : Cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane
(a) Statement 1 & 3 (b) Statement 1 & 2
(c) Statement 3 & 4 (d) All statement are correct
16. What is mean by plasmolysis ?
17. What is the reason behind structural strength of plant cells
18. Cell will swell up -
(a) the concentration of water molecules in cell in higher than concentration of water molecules in
surrounding medium
(b) concentration of water molecules in surrounding medium is higher than water molecules
concentration in cell.
(c) concentration of water molecules is some in the cell and in the surrounding medium.
(d) concentration of water molecules does not matter
19. Chromosomes are made up of
(a) DNA (b) Protein (c) DNA & protein (d) RNA
20. Which of these options are not a function of ribosomes ?
(i) it helps in manufactures of molecules
(ii) it helps in manufactures of enzymes
(iii) it helps in manufacture of hormones
(iv) it helps in manufacture of starch molecules
(a) i & ii (b) ii & iii (c) iii & iv (d) iv & i
21. Find out the false sentence :
(a) Nucleus is divided with formation of agronomist
(c) Nucleus, mitochondria and plasmid have DNA, hence they are able make their own structural
(c) Mitochondria is set to be powerhouse of cell as ATP is generated is them
(d) Cytoplasm is called as protoplasm and lipids which are essential
22. Proteins for building the cell membrane are manufactured by
(a) RER (b) .GA (c) PM (d) Mitochondria
23. Undefined nuclear region of prokaryotes is also known as:
(a) Nucleus (b) Nucleous (c) Nuclear Acid (d) Nucleoid
24. Which out of the following is not a function of vacuole:
(a) Storage (b) Provide turgidity
(c) Rigidity to cell waste excretion (d) Locomotion
25. Amoeba acquires food through a process as termed
(a) exocytosis (b) endotoxins
(c) plasmolysis (d) exocytosis and endocytosis
26. Cell wall of which one of these is not made up of cellulose ?
(a) Bacteria (b) Hydrilla (c) Mango tree (d) Cactus
27. Silver nitrate solution is used to study
(a) RER (b) GA (c) Nucleus (d) Mitochondria

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