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Bim & Using Reque spatcherr Interface Geati a Servlet which will validate the password entered My the _user ) iF user has entered —" Servier” as Password 5 »then he will be frworded to Another ! | rw pages else he User will Stay on Same index: a poge Aan esr messoge wilt be displayed - E packoges used 2 : { ova- lang java: fo jovax: Servut . http ® O_j @ jovax- sewlet © ® Demo Class used § © Printer iter ® To Exception © Shing = a 6 0b; ed - a ae © Hips o Serv ur xception. . Denne Ce TnierFace used inet © servletRequest” Q® ServletRes ponse Hip Sew Request” @® Hip Serv wr Response © Requer Di pachor _—_|t_defines_an_objecr Hat From the Client and Sends them receives Hquests Ap anyweb Ksource ( HIML) JSPs Sew ere) of the Serves + The Servur Containers Cheatis the Request Dis - pakches object , Which used as Wrapper ty Serves lesource —_Lacatadl at a particule path oF Given by pothiculas name: Methods used 3 @ void _ processRequest Ciitp ServtuRequeste request > “ T itp SewletKesponse__ besponse @® Shing _qerserver En fo C) @_ public Shing nek Context Path C) @ yoid _setConkarTy pe CString” 44 pe) © PrintWriter qerwritie_O: @ Wid _prinkln ~(ctring 5) @ Shin _ JetRovam dem (Shing name > ® doGer (HiipSenilatRequest __Fequest_» HtppServur Re sponse sponse ) + @ Void _dofost (Http SelerRequesté quest >i senlek— Response _Sponse ) © Shing _getfavameter (Shing, EE) © boolean “equ Object a erRequestDispakhes (String path J: (© Request Dispalches q — Lt lehirns a Re ues t Dispatcher objec that “ads as A wrappes for the Kesource locatid’ ak the given path + The Request Dispatches objeck Can be Used “to or to include Fincord a Hequest to the source Can be the tesource ina Ksponse «The _kesource dynamic or Stalfc: void uest bequest _» SerutResponse ks pone )- - © forward (SenrRe — This methed “forwords a kequese’ fom a SévGr on the to anothers psource ( Servier» Tsp, KTML) [+ allods one Servet to do Prliminary Process~ Ceres + jing of a Request and ancthes Ht source po qenesale Response: ‘ @ Void include ca SenvlitReq ust ese 2 ServlatRespo nse sponse I+ Includes Gnkar oF a Resource (itTmL > Sewlur , Tsp a ‘inthe kes ponse- This muthed enables preqrammatic Crver —side jncludles o Ki | Aim ¢ Create a Servet that uses Cookie te Stole the numbes of times a uses has visited Servet Packages used 8 © | java: lang © jaye ite) © yavax: + Servlet ® “vax servlet» http , | © Demo Class_used § © PrintWrite @ LOException ® Shing © HepSevuk © Serv Exception © Objece @_Gekie — !4 ts a Small amount oF Information Sear by a Serve te a web-brmwser > Saved by the brovres” and Lali sent” back tthe Serven . A !Gokie's value Go Uniquely identify a Client » So Gokies at Geemenonty used For £5100 Maa ar FOR EDUCATIONAL Use ,4 siege value and optional aktributss such as A Gmmel A_Gookie _has_a names » path Qod domain a version numbers: TA imum age qual fiers 2» _maximuy 4 2 ThlerFace used $ © CervlerRequest- ® Gervlut Res pone @ Htprvt Request ® Hp Serv wr Res ponse \ mathods used 8 | | @ Void _processRequest (Hip Server Request equest™ > HitpServie Response sponse (®_Shing _qerServer Inf C ublic_ching _getConkex tPath Rehirns the portion oF the Hequsst URE that indicates the Gntext of jhe Hequest_ + The path _strle With a" /" Charadlor @ void _serGonkwType (Shing type) @ Priarw rite erwritin CD 4 |©_ void println ( Sting 3) u I@ Shing getParamwtes (Shing name) 4 |@©_do Gar HitpserviukRequest. Fequest 9 HttpServletResponse —— sponse) - = b a evold de Post ( AttpServlerRequest vast » HHpSewlthes- — Ponse sponse ) re 4 *4 2 *P = FOR EDUCATIONAL USE | @ state String valueOF (int 1) — Tr jehirns the i | Sting _ttpissenkeiben of “the int arqumenk . “(he rece nk = ation fs exachy the one thirned the Tnkegers « LteString rrathed, of one argument J a i rq ure _|@ void _addCookie (Cookie _ Cookie) — It adds the ¢ peciied Cookie te the kesponse + This mukhod Cao [be Calted mmuttiple __times_ to Sek mo than one | Cookies | | 1 I TW® _oekie _ guess On | Garaining al of Ane Cookie object? the client Sent | yoith Yhis vequest This mathod rehurns null fF no | Cookies were _ Senk- aname 0) —— Rehims tw Name oF the | Gokie > The name Cannot be Changed afks Ceation- [ [@_ Shing _getValue Crels the Cusrent value oF |) this Cockle: (GS Static lat parsel.at CString 3) | I ro Static Sing valuedf (int 1) — Tt jetwns the | String iesentethon of “the ink argument . The Hprerent- ation fs exacHy the one thurned Y the Totegerss ae String Faned| of one argument» 7 ans a \ @ void addCookie (Cookie Cookie) —— I+ adds +he peciied Cookie +> the |esponse + This rathod Can be Called muttiple times tp sek” mot than one Cookie: ®@_cookie C7 qerCookies Cc) ——_It_tehirns_an_aroray Coataining all of the Cookie object? the Client Sent with nis yequast: This outhod rehirns null fF no Cookies were Senk- erName C) —— Rehirns the Mame of the Gokie = The name Cannot be Changed @fkx Ceation- ® String getValue C) — Grels the “Cusrent value oF this Cookie: ©@_Staie tne passedar CC ng 8) FOR EDUCATIONAL USE. [ Peach cal 2c Aim @ CGeati a Servlet demonstrating the use OF Session Grtakion And deshuction « Algo Check whether the uses has visited this poge First’ time or has Nisited eorlies also Using cessiong - = packages used § pees ee © java: lang 7 i | ® jave-to ®_jJavax + Servlet @ _javax » Sérulk. http | © Demo © _jovo-uti] —— This packoqe Contains the Gollechons Frome®ork > Collection of Claris ,event model , dale , time Facilities and util Claspeé etc: Classes used § @ Prinkwriter ® LOException @_Shing @® Object © SUF EKception FOR EDUCATIONAL USE | I ff |_ © pera g I_@D —= The _java-util Date “Class _eprients dala [and ae in jevar Tr prides Gooshuctors and matheds | to deal with “det and time in _javo--with milliscceond ; J i Precision || Thtesface used % | l@ Sere Request I © Seniuk Response Http SewurRequest ‘® Http SevvleFResponse 2 Request Dis parch ers HitpSession — __ The _jntesface Provider a woy + | ae a uses caress mor than one Page request |_Or visit to a web ote and Shoe information | abour the user. : I+ allows Serv lat to view & mani putecte \nfrmation test 2 Sesion and Bind Objects A Sessions ratlowing {User _in formation ersist CNS MULH ple | Goonectians: f o- e ses fratheds - | © void procew Rea SEC Hilp Servier Req uest= quest > Http Serviek Response Hes ponse > 4 f =) FOR Ener GQ) Banter ® String getServetEnfo C) g void serConkentTy p e (String type) | Shin getCookeet Fath © © ae geeWri ler ¢) © void _printta (Shing 5) _@ Sting gerParamitio™ (Shing name ) © deGe (itipServturrequese yequest 5 Http Servlat” Res pone sponse >) @) dofost (_HtipSerler Request request 5 Hitpservlet Reg ponse Hsponse ») @ _tWttpSession getSession (boolean Geale ) —— Rehirns | the Gurren PaipSessi on associated) with this quest > Lor if thee is no Cwwrent Session and Crate is hue, | Rhirns Q new Session’ LE Crate is false & the Kequest has ne valid HtpSession , this method rhirng yuu 7 [o) | FOR EDUCATIONAL USE I | ff I > ® Prochical 4a. |_Aim 4 Develop a_Simple JSP appticakion to dis play Value [obtained feomn the Use OF inkinstc objects ‘oF Various type « | ° Packages used 3 © java- lang @ java Sewer ® Java. Servlak-hitp J Classes used © Object @ Print rite @_HipServut- Interface used $ @_ Servis Request ® Server Response @ Ht Servier Request @_HipServurRequest: ® HitpSerrion FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Methods used & é @ Shing getMethod ©) —— !* kehirns the name of the HTTP rAttod yor Which this Fequest yoas made e4- GET, PLT 5 Post - : @ Sting ger Query Shing © —— _Renrns the query shag thar is Contained’ n> the Yequast URL afte the path - TWs wil Rhire NULL TF the URL doen't have a query |_Sting. f @ Shing _gerContetPathO ® Shing _gerRequast REC) —— Ruturns the part of this Lyequest's” URE From the protocol name _up to the Swsy Shing in dhe First line of the Tre Kqust iQ + —+ i © Sting gerPathT if O—— Returns any extra path in Form - alion asrotiatid with the RL the Clie Cent When tt mode this request: Thetitra path information fUows the | Serv le Path but precedes the Query Shing and States with a" /" character i ~ @_ ink quStatus () —— I+ gets the Curent” status Code oF “this Hsponce. e-q- + 100-199 8 Unformational Hs ponses + 200-299 8 Successful _ sponses + 300- 353 3 Reditection messages 1 too7u9g_¢ Client rns Ks ponses Geesas) ) + $00 - 599 Servers SHIRES ESE ATES \ 3 52 ESD 2 Returns the Ochuad Fes Side used for_-the kesPonce . 1G No _ buffing [3s used »this WiU tehiro oO. ® void SetG@ntentTy pe (Shing type) SSS okey HD @_int hashCode oO Rehuns the hash Code Value fr the objec on Gling It turns 4 bykes Value db hoshiag algorithm . — Geel T = : © Shing qutd CO) Os getNlaxTnactive Interval Cy) ——— (+ turns the Maximum ime interval, in seconds that the Cerve= Gataines wit keep this Sesion Open behoeen Chienl— Gccerses « Afles this lnteval y the ‘Servier Gataines wil ‘nvalidats the Sesion. —s © Log guration tine O © Long getLast Accessed Time Oo iE Be S Practical +b “Tim? Develop 0 Simple Js P_ application To pass values ‘te anothers with validations (Name ~ fiom ONC _ pas as hobbies — Checkbox emai l-txt gendess - J hat 2 9e = padi bulton) Packages used 6 @ java: lang @_java:to ® Java servlet @® avery hit Classes used & ® pais rit @_String O TspWritir @ Obyedt Thterfaces used % Servlet Req vest ® cerulakResponse (A _HttpServlarRequest © itpSewlakResponse | I fn Methods _used 8 | @ boolean validate (HifpServlu Request: veg vest 5 TspWritinr [out) — This _muthod fs usedy detined mathod used te validate differnt fields such as Textfeld j textbox » Checkbox etc: @ isEmpty —_ boolean is Empty 0 Oe Shing =gitteraptin (Shing Name ) ®~ Shing” CY getpfametirr Valives (String name) 6) privdTn —__ Void Print (Shing) & | Prac. 4c] Aim ® Crate a teqistration and login Tse application te _teqister and aiuthenticat: the user based on, ausernam Gnd “passtord using JDBC Package Used & as java: lang javas 40 Java » Servlet C®LCBE oS : init ava + Servers java “S41 im lasses used 2 © Printwrites WA @ Sting a @_Objed ® HitpServlk- © Drives Managers © CLatexception Interface used 3 CD ServitRequest- OR LtResponse Gonnection ® Stetenent— a Method used © D_ Void prvcers Request (Http Servlur Request sdeq rest» T t Hit Servlet Response response ) @® bid _printto( Sings) & Static Conneckion” gerConn ection (Skiing us! Shing Usernary Shing password ) @® Shing qetfrometin- (Shing _s) @® Statimeak Create Stafanon CD 6 int execuileUp datte (Steng sql) @ Pr paredStatement “prepare Statement (String query) © _seSving — youd - setShring Cine Passamaten’ndex > Shing x) © Seis ring Cint > Shing) | | 67 ee rene a Practical 3a “Rim 2 Cea a Servlet application to uplood and Aownlood 2 Gle- “package used 2 t ©® javario @_ javax -Sevler @ Javoxs Servlets http @) jovax Servt- annotation —~ |t Gatains num bes of annotations thak allows user te use _annotakiens to _dedar Servut , Filters » Listeners A motadata for the dedard Gonponont - Class used 8 Shing Q@ Objeck © File — [+ is an abstyact prsentation of File and lireclyry _pathnames + sew lnkrfaces 4 OS use Suslem -dependent pathname Strings te _name Ailes and dlirecbories ‘ a [@ FienotfoundExeeption —— [+ Signals that an attempt “to open the Glo ‘denotid by a spedfed pathname has aud v 1 t FOR EDUCATIONAL USE, oq Lae ee |G FileOutputSteam — It _is_an ouput Stream foe _ wri tin —T| dda _te a Ble or Bo Tea J pol —T © Io Exception TPO TnputStream — “This is_abstrack clase ond Superclos of alt the Classes Fepresenting as) _inputsheam of bytes “J { t ® OutputSheam — This _abstrack class Fs_Superclass of oll Clases rpisenting cutpurShtam oF by tes © Pinkwriters ServlakException @ Hitpservlke Annotakion — @Multipart Gohg — lt may be Speed 09 Servlet Class indicating thal instances of the Serle expect Hequest that Conform to the rmulkipasrt_ [For acta Mime Type: Pe Thierface_used % © Sewlek Request ® Sew Response n Senllut Req yest ® HitpSerr Res pose E Ie Pare —— This represents a part or form item that — [was ieceived within _routtipas€ | form-date Post request: ay FOR HBUCATIONAL USE Ea -— | Methods_used 3 — |@ void procesRequest: CH — | Response Ketponse ) tpServuiRequest Kequest , Http Senet — |@ void setGonkint Type C Shin type) —la PrinkWritens getwritr C > Sia —T @_void priatto (Shing s > e String getParanetins CShing Name) © Park geiPart CShing names I _Shing getSubmi ted GtEName C) —_It Geb the file name Speated by the dient 4. perurns the Fle name + © InputStream get nputSteam C) —— Gee the Contenk ts the part as ‘dn ‘InputStream + @ abstract fat Had C) —— Read the neat byl of data From the input Sheom . The Value byt is Hehirned as an fat in the range 0-255. @ void _writt (byte Gb) — Wribs” bitingth by les from -the Specied byte areray te this Oulpuk Stream: @ Void doGet (HupSewlerRequest request: » HttpSenlutResponse ! | + } [| Hsponse ) ® void clofost C HitpSenibRequok request » Hitp ServlutResponrt Hs ponse_) I@ Shing _gerStrler nfo CD “3 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE. aCTae

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