HW2 Problem

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Applied Electronics HW#2

*P2.1. Reduce each of the networks shown in Figure P2.1 to a single equivalent resistance by combining
resistances in series and parallel.

P2.14. The heating element of an electric cook top has two resistive elements, R1 = 57.6 Ω and R2 = 115.2
Ω, that can be operated separately, in series, or in parallel from voltages of either 120 V or 240 V. For the
lowest power, R1 is in series with R2, and the combination is operated from 120 V. What is the lowest
power? For the highest power, how should the elements be operated? What power results? List three more
modes of operation and the resulting power for each.

*P2.24. Find the voltages v1 and v2 for the circuit shown in Figure P2.24 by combining resistances in series
and parallel.

P2.27. Find the voltage v and the currents i1 and i2 for the circuit shown in Figure P2.27.
P2.30. Consider the circuit shown in Figure P2.30. Find the values of v1, v2, and vab.

P2.31. Solve for the values of i1, i2, and the powers for the sources in Figure P2.31. Is the current source
absorbing energy or delivering energy? Is the voltage source absorbing energy or delivering it?

*P2.49. Solve for the node voltages shown in Figure P2.49. Then, find the value of is.

P2.52. Determine the value of i1 in Figure P2.52 using node voltages to solve the circuit. Select the location
of the reference node to minimize
*P2.56. Solve for the values of the node voltages shown in Figure P2.56. Then, find the value of ix.

P2.68. Solve for the power delivered by the voltage source in Figure P2.68, using the mesh current method.

P2.73. Use mesh-current analysis to find the values of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.29. First, select iA clockwise
around the left-hand mesh and iB clockwise around the right-hand mesh. After solving for the mesh currents,
iA and iB, determine the values of i1 and i2.

P2.74. Use mesh-current analysis to find the values of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.28. First, select iA clockwise
around the left-hand mesh and iB clockwise around the right-hand mesh. After solving for the mesh currents,
iA and iB, determine the values of i1 and i2.
P2.75. The circuit shown in Figure P2.75 is the dc equivalent of a simple residential power distribution
system. Each of the resistances labeled R1 and R2 represents various parallel-connected loads, such as lights
or devices plugged into outlets that nominally operate at 120 V, while R3 represents a load, such as the
heating element in an oven that nominally operates at 240 V. The resistances labeled Rw represent the
resistances of wires. Rn represents the “neutral” wire. a. Use mesh-current analysis to determine the voltage
magnitude for each load. b. Now suppose that due to a fault in the wiring at the distribution panel, the
neutral wire becomes an open circuit. Again compute the voltages across the loads and comment on the
probable outcome for a sensitive device such as a computer or plasma television that is part of the 15-Ω load

*P2.80. Find the Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits for the two-terminal circuit shown in Figure

P2.88. Find the Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits for the circuit shown in Figure P2.88.
P2.90. Find the maximum power that can be delivered to a resistive load by the circuit shown in Figure
P2.82. For what value of load resistance is the power maximum?

*P2.94. Use superposition to find the current i in Figure P2.94. First, zero the current source and find the
value iv caused by the voltage source alone. Then, zero the voltage source and find the value ic caused by
the current source alone. Finally, add the results algebraically.

P2.101. Device A shown in Figure P2.101 has v = 3i for i ≥ 0 and v = 0 for i < 0.
a. Solve for v with the 2-A source active and the 1-A source zeroed.
b. Solve for v with 1-A source active and the 2-A source zeroed.
c. Solve for v with both sources active. Why doesn’t superposition apply?

P2.102. The Wheatstone bridge shown in Figure 2.66 is balanced with R1 = 10 kΩ, R3 = 3419 Ω, and R2 =
1 kΩ. Find Rx. b. Repeat if R2 is 100 kΩ and the other values are unchanged.
*P2.103. The Wheatstone bridge shown in Figure 2.66 has vs = 10 V, R1 = 10 kΩ, R2 = 10 kΩ, and Rx =
5932 Ω. The detector can be modeled as a 5-kΩ resistance. a. What value of R3 is required to balance the
bridge? b. Suppose that R3 is 1 Ω higher than the value found in part (a). Find the current through the
detector. [Hint: Find the Thévenin equivalent for the circuit with the detector removed. Then, place the
detector across the Thévenin equivalent and solve for the current.] Comment.

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