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NARRATOR : The King is very rich. He spends all day in front of the mirror,

KING : This is a beautiful coat . I love new clothes.

NARRATOR : All the people must agree with the King.

KING : Isn’t my coat lovely?

COURTIER1 : Oh, yes, Your Majesty, It’s beautiful.

COURTIER2 : Ermmm… It ‘s ok.

KING : Get out ! And don’t come back!

NARRATOR : One day , two men arrive.

TAILOR 1 : We can make wonderful fabric.

TAILOR2 : But only clever people can see it.

NARRATOR : The King wants to speak to them.

KING : You must make some fabric for me.

TAILOR 2 : Yes, Your Majesty, We can start right away.

TAILOR 1 : But we need silk and we also need gold.

NARRATOR : The King gives them silk and gold. The men pretend ro work very hard.

TAILOR 2 : We are so clever ! We are rich now !

TAILOR 1 : Yes, And we don’t do anything!

NARRATOR : The King wants to see the fabric but He is worried.

KING : Only clever people can see the fabric …. What about me ? I have an idea .

NARRATOR : The King sends his old minister to the men.

MINISTER : Oh,,no! I can’t see the fabric.

NARRATOR : The minister tries and tries , But he sees nothing . That’s because There 's nothing there!

MINISTER : I can’t see the fabric . Am I so stupid ? I can’t say that to the King.

NARRATOR : Them en are waiting for an answer .

TAILOR1 : Well ?

TAILOR 2 : Yes, What do you think ?

MINISITER : Wow ! It …. It is beautiful . It’s very pretty!

NARRATOR : A lot of people visit the palace to see the fabric. They can’t see anything, But they say

COURTIER3 : The fabric is wonderful.

LADY : Yes, It is, Isn’t it?

NARRATOR : Soon, all the people in the city talk about the king’s fabric.

COURTIER 4 : Do you know about the king’s fabric?

COURTIER5 : Of course, It costs a fortune!

NARRATOR : Al last, the kings asks to see it . But he can’t see anything.

TAILOR 2 : Your Majesty , What do you think ?

KING : This is terrible . Am I so stupid ? No one must know.

NARRATOR : The King must answer.

MINISTER : Well , Your Majesty ?

KING : The fabric is beautiful . I am very pleased. Now you must make a suit for me.

NARRATOR : The king’s people are very pleased , too.

KING : I want to wear the new suit at the next parade.

MINISTER : Excellent idea, Your Majesty!

NARRATOR : The next day, the two men pretend to make the suit.

TAILOR 2 : The king’s new suit must be beautiful !

TAILOR 1 : Of course!

NARRATOR : The men pretend to cut and sew.

MINISTER : Is it ready?

TAILOR 2 : Yes, The king’s new suit is ready.

NARRATOR : The King and his people come to the men’s room.

TAILOR 2 : This is your new suit.

NARRATOR : No one sees anything , but they don’t say anything. They din’t want to look stupid.

TAILOR 1 : Now, Your Majesty , please take off your clothes.

TAILOR 2 : We can help you puto n your new suit.

NARRATOR : The King takes off his clothes and the men help him.

COURTIER 1 : Oh, It’s beautiful.

MINISTER : Yes, It’s very pretty!

NARRATOR : The kinf looks in the mirror. He is very pleased.

KING : Ok, I’m ready. Let’s go to the parade!

NARRATOR : All the people in the city are watching the parade. They want to see the king’s new suit.
Suddenly , a Little boy shouts.

BOY : Hey ! The King isn’t wearing anything!

NARRATOR : The boy is right .All the people laugh at the King.

KING : Oops ! I guess I am a fool, after all.

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