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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Occidental Mindoro
_________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: 4 Grade level: 7
Week: 1
MELCs: Demonstrate how places on earth may be located using a Learning Area: Science
coordinate system
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1 At the end of the lesson, Latitude Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to read their
students will be able to: a. Prayer Science SLM – Locating
 discuss the different b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety Places of the Earth, then
reference lines used to protocols accomplish the given
locate places on Earth c. Checking of attendance activities in a separate sheet
 locate a specific place of paper.
using the coordinate
system; and A. Recall a. What I Know, page 1-
 recognize the Ask the learners about their prior knowledge 4
relationship between about coordinate system. b. What’s In, page 5
latitude and the climate c. What’s New, page 5-6
B. Motivation d. What’s More, page 9
of a certain place.
Present a map to the class and instruct the e. Assessment, page 12-
learners to locate specific places using the 14
horizontal lines seen in the map.

C. Discussion of concepts
Present a picture to the class and instruct them to
answer the guide questions.
 How will you define equator in your own
 What are the two poles of the globe?
 Differentiate Northern and Southern
Hemisphere in your own words.
 Are these lines of latitude imaginary or
 Are the lines of latitude parallel to the
equator and to each other or not?
 Does it form circles at the poles?
 Do the lines of latitude meet or not?
 In general, describe the lines of latitude.
Discuss the answers to the questions on the
previous activity.
D. Developing Mastery
Present a diagram and let the learners identify
the latitude and indicate the position of the
numbered points on the globe. Also, instruct
them to complete the following table.

E. Application
Instruct the students to locate the latitude of
some areas here in the Philippines using the
given points on the Philippine Map.

F. Evaluation
Instruct the students to answer the assessment on
the module on page 12-14.
2 Longitude Begin with classroom routine: Ask the learners to read their
a. Prayer Science SLM – Locating
b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety Places of the Earth, then
protocols accomplish the given
c. Checking of attendance activities in a separate sheet
of paper.

A. Recall a. What I Know, page

Let the students complete the table by indicating 16-19
the names of the given latitudes. b. What’s In, page 20
c. What’s New, page 20
B. Motivation d. What’s More, page 22
Present a map to the class and instruct the e. Assessment, page 24-
learners to locate specific places using the 26
vertical lines seen in the map.
C. Discussion of concepts
Present pictures and instruct the students to
describe the longitude lines in the globe to
answer the following questions.
 Are the lines of longitude parallel from
each other?
 Does it form circles at the poles?
 Do the lines of longitude meet or not?
 In general, describe the lines of
Discuss the longitude lines.

D. Developing Mastery
Present a diagram and let the students identify
the longitude of the identified points on the
globe by indicating the number of degrees the
point is from the prime meridian and its direction
from the prime meridian. Also, instruct them to
complete the succeeding table.

E. Application
Let the students locate the latitude and the
longitude of some areas here in the Philippines
using the points given on the Philippine Map.

F. Evaluation
Instruct the students to answer the assessment on
the module on page 24-26.
All the activities in the SLM may be assigned to the learners to accomplish for the Home-Based Activities. The teacher may choose and add relevant activities
that will enrich the Face-to-Face discussions.

Prepared by:
Teacher I Teacher III

Noted by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher III

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