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Lesson Self-Concept Inventory: Exploring One’s

Strengths & Limitations


What I Need to Know

Self-disclosure for adolescence may not be easy because of the tendency

to be conscious and fear of being judged or rejected. This lesson will help
encourage the learners to feel at ease , practice honesty on how they see
themselves , open to accept their strength and limitations and ready to
change what is needed to be changed into a better self.

What I Know


Direction: Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self –concept inventory in
your journal. Give yourself a rating using the scale 0= Very Weak; 1= weak; 2 =somewhat weak or
somewhat strong ; 3=strong ; 4 = very strong.
1. I have a strong sex appeal.
2. I am proud of my physical figure.
3. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
4. I exude with charm and poise.
5. I am easy to get along with.
6. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
8. I am lovable and easy to love.
9. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.
10. I am intelligent.
11. I have special talents and abilities.
12. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgements.
13. I can be trusted in any transaction.
14. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty feeling.
15. I have integrity and good reputation.
16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating.
17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
18. I talk in a persuasive manner that can easily get people to accept what I say.
19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
20. I am a good listener.
21. I am emotionally stable and remain calm when faced with trouble.
22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
23. I feel and act with confidence.
24. I am a mature person.

SCORING : Write your score opposite each number and get the sub-total.
1. 5. 9.
2. 6. 10.
3. 7. 11.
4. 8. 12.
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
13. 17. 21.
14. 18. 22.
15. 19. 23.
16. 20. 24.
Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal
How do you perceive yourself?
Look at the results of your self-concept inventory and answer the following
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16 or somewhat
weak (score of 10- 13) and very weak (below 10)

2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as
your strength? What are these?

Example: A lady can say “I am ugly “ yet others consider her very charming . Or conversely,
one can have an illusion of saying “I am very intelligent and competent” when most of
his ideas sound unreasonable or illogical to most of the people. There is indeed a big
difference between what you see yourself (real self-image) and what is projected in
the eyes of the others (your social image)
3. How realistic is your self-image?

4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?

What’s New


Imagine yourself looking into a mirror. What do you see? Do you see your
ideal self or your actual self? Your ideal self is the self that you aspire to be. It is the
one that you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor or some
other worldly figure. Your actual self, however, is the one that you actually see. It is
the self that has characteristics that you were nurtured or, in some cases, born to
The actual self and the ideal self are two broad categories of self-concept. Self-
concept refers to your awareness of yourself. It is the construct that negotiates these

two selves. In other words, it connotes first identification of the ideal self as separate
from others, and second, it encompasses all the behaviors evaluated in the actual self
that you engage in to reach the ideal self.
The actual self is built on self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is derived from
social interactions that provide insight into how others react to you. The actual
self is who we actually are. It is how we think, feel, look and act. The actual self
can be seen by others, but because we have no way of truly knowing how others
view us, the actual self- is our self-image.

Self-knowledge- understanding of oneself or one's own motives or character.

If I know who you are I am about to embark on a journey towards self-

and what you want, discovery and self-development. I am going to focus
you have a better on developing in me first and foremost a knowledge
chance of finding and and understanding of myself. I am now taking the first
keeping healthy step towards developing my potentials.
relationships. When
you are able to
Self-knowledge and
understand and
understanding can
accept yourself, your
positively affect how
strengths, flaws,
you communicate with
talents, and goals, this
others. If you know
will help you focus on
what makes you upset
what you want out of
or what makes you
happy, then you are
better able to
communicate that to

What is It

Self- concept and self-knowledge helped us to see better who we are. Let us further study on
Personality traits which are simply actions, behavior and attitude. Personality is a stable, organized
collection of psychological traits and mechanisms in the human being that influences his or her
interactions with and modifications to the psychological, social and physical environment surrounding
them. "According to American psychologists Randy Larsen and David Buss.

Openness - People who like to learn new things and enjoy new experiences usually score high in
Conscientiousness - People that have a high degree of conscientiousness are reliable and prompt.
Extraversion - Extraverts get their energy from interacting with others, while introverts get their
energy from within themselves.
Agreeableness - These individuals are friendly, cooperative, and compassionate. People with low
agreeableness may be more distant.
Neuroticism - Neuroticism is also sometimes called Emotional Stability. This dimension relates to
one’s emotional stability and degree of negative emotions. People that score high on neuroticism
often experience emotional instability and negative emotions.
Developmental Activity

Now that you are aware of yourself and have a knowledge of yourself, at this point, read the notes
below then you may start answering the activity. This test is based on the Five Factor model of
personality, the most widely accepted theory of personality today. The Five Factor model scores people
based on five broad dimensions of personality:

• Openness to Experience - How much do you enjoy abstract ideas and artistic expression?
• Conscientiousness - How much do you put off immediate gratification in order to achieve
• long-term goals?
• Extraversion - How much do you turn to the outside world for stimulation and excitement?
• Agreeableness - How much do you put others ahead of yourself?
• Neuroticism - How likely are you to bounce back from stressful events?

What I Have Learned

Identify what model of personality traits is being described below.

1. Enjoy learning new things

2. Reliable and prompt
3. Imaginative and insightful
4. Energetic, talkative, assertive
5. Friendly and cooperative

6. Going through new experiences
7. Kind, affectionate, sympathetic
8. Methodic, and thorough
9. Being moody and tense
10. Organized

What’s More


It seems that you are very excited to be familiar with your personality traits. So
some questions for you to answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. What makes you a good friend?

a. my awesome advice e. my silliness
b. my sharing f. my confidentiality
c. my love and concern g. if none, please identify loyalty

2. What do you look for in your own friends?

a. humor e. drive
b. depth f. sincerity
c. kindness g. availability
d. guts h. I’m not sure

3. Which of these pieces of advice is the most important?

a. If at first you don’t succeed, try again
b. the only thing you have to fear is fear itself
c. True happiness is something that gets spread around
d. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
e. Love all, trust few, do wrong to none
f. Treat others how you want to be treated

4. Which would you like to prevent from happening in your life?

a. Laziness d. Loneliness
b. Selfishness e. Dishonesty
c. Boredom f. Apathy

5. Have you ever broken a promise?

a. I wouldn’t know or remember d. No way
b. I’ve tried not to e. Unfortunately, yes
c. I don’t make promises I can’t keep f. Only because I had to

6. Is regret a natural part of life?

a. Yes d. I don’t believe in having regrets
b. No e. It can be avoided
c. It’s not natural, we facilitate it!

7. You find a lost item on a street, what do you do with it?
a. I bring to the police/lost and found d. I’m not sure
b. I probably leave it there e. I look for the owner
c. It depends on what the item is

8. What makes a person cultured?

a. Meeting new, different people d. Exploring or travelling
b. Books, arts, music, etc e. Contributing to society in creative
c. Something else

9. Why do you travel to foreign places?

a. To explore and get an exciting story of it
b. For leisure with friends and family
c. For work and educational purposes
d. To understand different societies
e. To maybe learn something about myself
f. None of these

Additional Activities


Write your answers below.

1. How do find the lesson? What have you discovered in yourself?

2. As you reflect on the ups and downs of your life, what maybe the greatest lesson you
can learn from them?

3. What do you really want to achieve in life?

4. As you end this lesson, what are the things you are grateful for, as well as the people
that made your life extra special?

5. How would you bring this in prayer as you talk to God?

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