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Related to expressions of feelings or emotions

Amar que To love that

Gustar que To like that

Apreciar que To appreciate that

Temer que To fear that

Vergüenza de que To be ashamed that

Deplorar que To deplore that

Detestar que To detest that

Sorprenderse que To be surprised that

Estar feliz que To be happy that

Odiar que To hate that

Estar triste que To be sad that

Es extraño que It is strange that

Arrepentirse que To regret that

Lamentar que To be sorry that

Es útil que It is useful that

Es inútil que It is useless that

Es bizarro que It is odd that

Es confuso que It is confusing that

Es gracioso que It is funny that

Llorar que To cry that

Related to expressions of will such as orders, advice or desires

Preferir que To prefer that

Comandar que To order that

Demandar que To ask that

Desear que To desire that

Ordenar que To order that

Prevenir que To prevent that (something from happening)

Evitar que To avoid that

Exigir que To demand that

Es de esperarse que It is to be hoped that

Es esencial que It is essential that

Es importante que It is important that

Es natural que It is natural that

Es necesario que It is necessary that

Es normal que It is normal that

Es tiempo que It is time that

Es urgente que It is urgent that

Es requerido que It is required that

Es mejor que It is better that

Es peor que It is worst that

Restringir que To restrict that

Sugerir que To suggest that

Insistir que To insist that

Querer que To want that

Oponerse que To oppose that

Related to expressions of opinion, possibility or doubt

Aceptar que To accept that

Dudar que To doubt that

Es conveniente que It is convenient that

Es apropiado que It is appropiate that

Es posible que It is possible that

Es dudoso que It is doubtful that

Es imposible que It is impossible that

Es probable que It is probable that

Es improbable que It is improbable that

Es justo que It is fair that

Es evidente que It is evident that

Es obvio que It is obvious that

No es correcto que It is not correct/right that

No es verdad que It is not true that

Puede ser que It may be that

El hecho que The fact that

Negar que To deny that

Suponer que To suppose that

Juzgar que To judge that

Concluir que To conclude that

Negative or interrogatory statements that need the subjunctive

Es que It’s that

Creer que To believe that

Decir que To say that

Esperar que To hope that

Estar seguro que To be sure that

Estar certero que To be certain that

Esta claro que It is clear that

Pensar que To think that

Saber que To know that

En el sentido que To mean that

Encontrar que To find that

Es evidente que It is clear/obvious that

Conjunctive phrases that need the subjunctive

Siempre que Provided that

A menos que Unless

Asumiendo que Assuming that

Suponiendo que Supposing that

Afin que So that

Antes que Before

Aunque Although

De modo que So that

Por miedo que For fear that

Sin que Without

Mientras que While

Sin importar que No matter what

Proveyendo que Provided that

Porque Because

Ahora que Now that

Luego que After that

Sabiendo que Knowing that

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