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SUMMARY Practice: Combine the words and phrases to make complete sentences.

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add some words. For example, since you are reporting / summarizing, you can say: He says that he …….
Use correct VERB TENSES and VERB FORMS! The first sentence is provided for you.

In his TED Talk “Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent,”
Safwat Saleem says that he finally managed to overcome his fear of talking in front of people
when he understood how we define what “normal” is. He says that he stuttered all his life. As
a child, he was afraid of talking in front of people.

1. stutter all his life

He stuttered all his life.
He had a stutter all his life.
2. be afraid of talking as a child in front of people
As a child, he was afraid of talking in front of people.
3. work later for animated character as a visual artist do voice-over
He worked as a visual artist for animated character, and later he did voice over.
4. make sound normal try to edit video voice
He tried to make his voice sound normal be edit his videos.
5. make fun people accent still
The people still make fun his accent.
6. sound do not normal
My voice did not sound normal.
7. an example give Ancient writers do not mention some colors
He gives an example of ancient writers who did not mention some colors in their writings.
8. cannot make do not see the color blue invisible
They couldn’t see the color blue. It was invisible to them, until they could make it
9. similarly think a narrator a foreign accent people not normal
Similarly, the people thought that it is not normal to have a narrator with a foreign accent.
10. define based on people expectations what is normal
The definition of what is normal is based on people’s expectations.
11. most people normal believe what they can relate to
Most people believe that “normal” is what they can relate to.
12. most people normal believe is good
Most people believe that normal is good.
13. preexisting notions of normal accept should not

14. minorities part of normal be just as the sky blue

15. challenge decide definition of normal speak up

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