Tarvi Backstory

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Tarvi Baeshly - Order Cleric - Scribe Background

Finding a small opalescent rock or a brightly colored damp uncataloged mushroom can make Tarvi's
entire day a celebration. Inquisitive and cynical with a quick smile that spreads across his face when the
surprises of the unknown and the ridiculousness of life present him with a new experience. An experience
to order and understand. Grounded in Stern faith in logic even if the complexities and abstract
explanations of said logic at times escape him. Tarvi spent his childhood being curious at the expense of
his parent's daily exasperation attempts to explain things to satisfy his endless curiosity. His parents were
ever patient and they found an avenue for his constant desire to understand the world around him and
enrolled him in the Hall of the Principles of Mind, an institution that furthers the understanding of the
reality that surrounds us all and with campuses in most major cities.

Tarvi's parents were resident performers of the Blooming Stage, a theatre company that had stages in
several major towns. The Baeshly family travelled a great deal but always thought of their home
being(DM DECIDE TOWN). Periodically, the entire family would move and Tarvi would get the chance to
learn about the world from an entirely new cast of friends his parent's company always provided. Silly,
obscene, pontificating artists, actors, and bards that entertained his notions to always question their
abilities in the craft, to act, and sing and to step outside of reality and be something they weren't. This
gave Tarvi a lust to know the reality of the stories they told in song and and the places the stages were
decorated as in plays. Tarvi can enjoy the fantasy of the unreal but has little patience for Chaotic damage
that unbounded ignorance and evil can cause and as part of his orders tennants is required to work to
organize any avenue of chaos he finds his feet walking down.

Tarvi has achieved the first level of seniority in his Order. Brother, this provides him access to all of the
institution's research facilities and libraries that are not considered special use cases or under the purview
of a Chapter Sect. Chapter Sects are specialized agents, cohorts, or divisions that work in edge cases
study and fieldwork for the Hall of Principles of the mind. Upon a successful promotion, he will be moved
from Brother Tarvi Baeshly to a senior position, Prior Tarvi Baeshly, which comes with access to Chapter
sects info and usually a formal mission.

Tarvi’s goal / Challenges : to get promoted so he has access to Chapter Sects libraries that deal with the Gyrus,
Afteron - Craylax of Divination and an aspect of the Universe known as the Fissure. He has run afoul a few times
of the Enchanters Guild Operations group the “Scarlet Cadre” in his quest to find out more about a project they are
working on called “The Expanse” but right now his knowledge is limited of the subject but wishes to unlock doors of
wisdom and knowledge on the subject, to which he knows not where the keys are. Find missing people from
Witchlight, locate condensed Twilight.

Mother: Steema Baeshly Father: Orin Baeshly Direct Superior at Hall of the Principles of Mind: Rector Caden Talzoz

A friend from Principles of Mind: Wizard - Brother Investigator Maylan Saams

A rival: Chester Sooring - A Brother in the order of Noble Blood, looks to undermine Tarvi's upward mobility through his
connections and wealth.

Worships: Oghma [<---- link](pronounced: /ˈoʊggmɑː/ OGG-mah[22][19]), also known as The Lord of Knowledge

Tarvi’s Mission: Rector Caden Talzoz sent him to investigate the Witchlight Carnival as there have been
accusations leveled against it as a nefarious trap where people go missing from the Material plane.

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