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Introduction to

Where are we now, Bro?
• Old Testament focuses on how
God began to reveal Himself to
His chosen people and to call
them into a special relationship
(a covenant).
– This Old Testament is a
preparation for the coming of the
New Covenant which will be
fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Where are we now, Bro?
• Building on God’s OT revelation,
Christology focuses on Jesus
Christ, who in the Gospels calls
us to enter into direct
relationship with Him as His
disciples and members of His
New People of God, the Church
through encountering Him in the
What do we learn next?
• The whole point of RVE II is not to
know a concept, nor simply an event,
but to “know” a Person: the BIG J—
– engaging in a special kind of theology
(the study of religious faith, practice, and experience;
especially : the study of God and of God's relation to
the world)…we are doing

Christo, what?!*+?

The Etymology
Greek Christos (the Anointed One,
the Messiah) + logos (the word,
study of)
• The “word” or study on the anointed
One, who is set apart (recall two things:
King David the anointed one among his
brothers, son of Jesse; also the special lamb
slaughtered for Passover, pure, set apart for a
special purpose.)
Our Definition
Greek Christos (the Anointed One,
the Messiah) + logos (the word,
study of)
• Christology is a field of study within
Christian theology which is concerned with
the nature of Jesus the Christ, particularly
with how the divine and human are
related in his person.
Why, oh, why?
• Jesus being one true God and man can
tell us something about who our God is
and who we truly are as children of
• Matthew 5:48 (be perfect as God is
perfect): Becoming like Jesus Christ is
not attained only through our own efforts.
It happens when we open ourselves to the
GRACE of Jesus in our lives, and then
try to model and shape our lives on

To be loved by God
and to love like Christ
Say that again, Bro…
1. The whole point of RVE II (and the
climax of the entire Salvation
History!) is the BIG J—Jesus. We
are doing
2. Christos (the Anointed One, the
Messiah) + logos (the word, study
concerned with the nature of Jesus the
Christ, particularly with how the divine
and human are related in His person
Say that again, Bro…
1. Why study Christology?
…Because Jesus being true
God and Man can tell us
something about who our
God is and who we truly are
as children of God.
Two Approaches
There are two ways of approaching

What do you
think is the

study from “above”-- study from “below”--

descending Christology ascending Christology
Descending Christology

• Begins its thinking in heaven and

traces the descent of the Eternal
Word into this world.
– more philosophical approach to
understanding Jesus because it doesn’t
rely heavily on the historical life of Jesus
and finds its scriptural point of view in
the Gospel of John
– This Jesus who lived 2000 years
ago is also the SON OF GOD. The
Ascending Christology
• begins with the historical life of
Jesus and traces His ascent to the
Father. It finds its scriptural point
of view in the synoptic gospels as
they deal more extensively with the
historical life of Jesus
• there was indeed a man called Yeshua
bar Yoseph from Nazaret , just as there
were great men from our Philippine
History known to us today
• As these men were not figments of
our imagination, so is Jesus!
What’s the sense of knowing
the two approaches?
To appreciate better why it
is good to know the two
approaches, let us look
at some heresies about
the nature of
Jesus Christ
Some heresies on the
nature of Jesus Christ:

1. Denial of Christ's human

2. Denial of Christ's divine
Controversy # 1
Denial of Christ's DIVINE nature

Arianism affirmed that

Jesus was divine, but
taught that he was
nevertheless just a created
being, less divine than God
the Father.
Controversy # 2
Denial of Christ's HUMAN nature
Docetism denied the humanity
of Jesus (believing that Jesus'
physical body was only an illusion,
as was his crucifixion; that is, Jesus
only seemed to have a physical body
and to physically die, but in reality he
was a pure spirit, and hence could not
physically die).
The Response of the
The Council of Nicaea rejected these
wrong beliefs.
These controversies are scandalous
because they go against our faith
which tells us that Jesus Christ is the
only Son of the Father, and that He,
despite becoming man (like us,
except in sin) is God Himself.
Jesus is Man AND God
Say that again, Bro…
1. There are two ways of
approaching Christology:
• Ascending (begins with
Jesus’ humanity)
• Descending (begins with
His divinity)
Say that again, Bro…
2. Without an appreciation of BOTH, we
might be mislead by heretical beliefs
such as the controversies of the past
on the nature of Jesus Christ
• Denial of true Divinity of Jesus
Christ (i.e. Arianism)
• Denial of Humanity of Jesus Christ

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