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Assessment Task 1

SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

Written Test

Assessment Submission details:

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● Your Name
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Achieving Competence:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

● Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task

● Correctly address all of the submission instructions
● Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
● Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

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SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Assessment Activity 1
Performance objective:

You need to answer the entire questions using information given to you from class and from your course

Assessment description:

You must provide a response to all questions in assessment Questions section.

Assessment Questions:

Checkpoint 1
Question 1: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to the WHS framework are true or false?
True False

1. The TH&E industry have a very low workplace injury rate F

2. WHS processes and policies have a negative financial impact on a business F

3. WHS processes assist in reducing the numbers of workplace injuries T

4. Businesses have a duty of care for their staff T

5. Regulations exist on a federal and state level to provide a consistent set of WHS laws T

Question 2: List 2 examples for staff which are protected through an employer’s duty of care outlined in the WHS

The 2 examples for staff which are protected through an employer’s duty of care outlined in the WHS laws are:-

1. All workers who are directed by a supervisor of the business

2. All workers that are engaged by the business

Question 3: What is meant by “primary duty of Care”? What would this require?
The primary duty of care means that a business has the primary responsibility for the health and
safety of workers and others influenced by its work. All businesses must ensure, so far as is
reasonably practicable, the health and safety of: its workers. any other workers who are influenced or
directed by the business.

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SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Assessment Activity 1
Question 4: List 2 examples for WHS obligations of workers?
The 2 examples for WHS obligations of workers are:-
1. take reasonable care for their own health and safety
2. cooperate with anything the employer does to comply with OHS requirements

Question 5: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to a business’ WHS obligations are true or false?
True False
1. TH&E businesses must form a WHS committee to deal with WHS laws F

2. TH&E businesses must provide clear WHS objectives

3. TH&E businesses must request involvement of WHS bodies such as WorkCover F
as much as possible
4. Poor wording of company WHS policies is not allowed
5. Best practices involve command and control rules to implement WHS in the F
6. A business must consult workers when identifying hazards
7. A business must allow workers to contribute to decision making in WHS matters
Question 6: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS policies and SOPs are true or false?
True False
1. Severe penalties can be applied to individuals and businesses that breach WHS T
2. Businesses must provide clear WHS policies and procedures T

3. Business policies may address alcohol, drugs and bomb threats T

4. SOPs are an effective way of supporting WHS policies in the workplace T

5. An SOP should be developed for jobs that require a high level of skill T

Checkpoint 2
Question 7: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to management’s WHS responsibilities are true or
True False
1. As Manager it is your responsibility to have knowledge on the relevant WHS T
legislation and issues in your workplace.
2. Managers are responsible for communicating WHS information to employees, T
colleagues and superiors.
3. Effective communication of WHS policies and codes of practice is only important F
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SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Assessment Activity 1
to managers.
4. WHS documentation should be kept in an accessible location close to the area T
of operation.
5. Employees who do not speak English, or who have other difficulties with F
communication must find their own way to interpret WHS information.
6. When creating, sharing and storing documentation, you should try to minimise T
the use of printed materials
Question 8: List 5 examples of WHS documentation that should be readily accessible in a workplace?
1. WHS Policy
2. Emergency Plan
3. Management Plan
4. Audit Schedule
5. Training Plan

Question 9: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS training and records are true or false?
True False

1. Businesses have a duty to conduct regular training to ensure safe operations T

2. Refresher training for WHS needs should be conducted every two years F

3. WHS requirements should feature on business meetings agenda to ensure workers T

4. WHS policies must be explained to new workers within a fortnight of starting in the F
5. Risk assessment is necessary and results must be filed in risk assessment register T
6. Lists of plant and equipment must include maintenance and inspection schedules
7. Hazardous substances should be recorded in an inventory T

Question 10: What important WHS information should a TH&E business provide as part of an induction? What
environmental considerations are required?

The induction documents play an important part of communicating WHS. The overall WHS policy of the business
should be given to the new employees as part of their induction, e.g. in the staff handbook, along with emergency
procedures and contact details. Other information that must be conveyed to staff include the location of safety
equipment such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits, as well as information about emergency response contacts
such as 000 signage in high risk areas. When creating, sharing and storing documentation, you should try to
minimise the use of printed materials and maximise electronic transmission and filing of all documents in order to
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SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Assessment Activity 1
reduce waste.

Question 11: Provide 2 examples of documentation required for each of the following categories?
Risk Assessment – Local Risk Register Risk Assessment Forms

Induction and Training – Induction Register Training Needs Register

Inspection – Workplace Inspection Register List of Plant and Equipment

Reporting – Hazard/Incident/Injury Reports Register Corrective Actions Record

Hazardous Substances – Safety Data Sheet Register Hazardous Substances Inventory

Management – Minutes of meetings Safety Data Sheet Register

Question 12: List 5 pieces of information which must be included in a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?
1. Product name
2. Correct storage conditions
3. Flammability
4. Potential hazards
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SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Assessment Activity 1
5. First Aid measures

Checkpoint 3
Question 13: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS consultation are true or false?
True False

1. Businesses have a duty to engage consultants for WHS purposes T

2. Consultation about WHS can increase productivity T

3. Consultation has to include the adequacy of facilities and workers welfare T T

4. WHS committees or workers’ representatives are often part of a consultative WHS T

5. WHS committees are used to force employers into WHS compliance F

Question 14: List 5 examples for occasions when consultation must occur?

1.when identifying hazards and assessing risks to health and safety arising from work.
2.where there is a change to the system of work.
3.when making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for worker welfare.
4.when making decisions about ways to eliminate or minimise risks.

Question 15: List 2 examples of required employer provisions for a WHS committee?
Provide access to premises after work hours for meetings.
Provide necessary facilities.

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Assessment Activity 1
Question 16: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS planning are true or false?
True False

1. Systematic approaches should be used to define WHS roles and duties T

2. Competent employees assist in minimising risks and must follow processes as T

part of their responsibilities

3. Injury prevention planning must be done after a serious accident has occurred F

4. Managers have to monitor staff in WHS matters T

5. Communicating WHS matters clearly is part of WHS legislation T

Question 17: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to methods of consulting with employees are true
or false?
True False

1. A WHS committee can only investigate WHS issues within 6 months T

2. Employees must be paid for the time taken to attend to WHS committee tasks T

3. Managers should encourage staff participation in WHS and verify that outcomes T
are compliant with relevant legislation
4. Surveys and feedback are a simple means to gather staff input towards WHS T

5. Any dangerous tasks should be included in the business’ SOPs F

Question 18: How can you coordinate participation in WHS issues? Provide 4 examples?

Consultation is a two-way process between you and your workers where you: - talk to each other about
health and safety matters - listen to their concerns and raise your concerns - seek and share views and
information, and - consider what your workers say before you make decisions.

Company Notice Boards.
Emails and Internal Intranet Systems.
Registers – Incident/Accident Registers.
Daily Pre-Start Meetings.

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Assessment Activity 1
Question 19: What are the requirements for recording and following up on WHS suggestions from staff? How can
this be done?
There are a variety of methods to help you sustain your record keeping practices when it comes to Work
Health and Safety or WHS. You might be starting out with a basic hands-on, manual file storage system or you
may be utilising software in day- to-day operations to make things simpler.
Keeping and maintaining accurate WHS records will help you to check the health and safety performance of
your business and allow you to make improvements where necessary. It’s also essential that everyone in your
workplace is aware of the records they need to keep, including knowing how to do this.
In workplace health and safety, the old adage is if it’s not written down, it didn’t happen. Records can be on
physical paper, or electronic. As long as it’s in place and accessible, how you keep records it up to you.

Checkpoint 4
Question 20: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS training requirements are true or false?
True False

1. WHS training is compulsory for staff working with new equipment T

2. WHS training must be carried out whenever new tasks are given, or work practices are F
3. If a new site or premises is opened, then all staff must undergo site inductions and detailed F
safety training specific to the new location
4. Due to the complexities of WHS legislation businesses must involve consultancy firms to T
implement WHS training policies
5. Training for WHS must occur off-site to ensure that workers are not distracted when learning T
new rules
6. Training records must be kept in the training register of the WHS records of the business T
7. Emergency evacuation training is one example of risk minimisation in the workplace T

Question 21: What should you do if a staff member has been identified breaching a policy or procedure? Complete
the sentences from the drop-down menus?

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Assessment Activity 1
 The significance of the breach, and the real risk of significant and immediate harm that it created. In some
cases, where businesses have had ‘golden’ safety rules that were created in order to avoid potential
fatalities or serious injury, any breach will justify the termination of employment.
 For other less critical safety rules, as long as there was consistent and universal enforcement of the rule,
and that workers were aware that their employment would be terminated for a breach, then the FWC was
more likely to uphold the decision to terminate employment.
 If the business did not take care to ensure that particular systems in place for safety were made clear,
taught to employees and understood by all, then there is a reluctance to uphold a termination of
employment. For example, if it is unclear whose role it is to respond to particular safety alerts or alarms in
the organisation.

Question 22: List the planning steps involved in Emergency Planning in correct order?

1. Identifying means of escape, assembly area, roll call, search and re-entry procedures. Step 3
2. Training staff. STEP 6
3. Evacuation drills. STEP 7
4. Providing resources. STEP 5
5. Defining the emergency. STEP 1
6. Organising a command structure. STEP 4
7. Establishing warning procedures. STEP 2

Question 23: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to organising a command structure are true or
True False

1. Emergency evacuation procedures are assisted if a clear command structure is in place T

2. Once the emergency services have arrived wardens must hand over all responsibilities to the T
fire chief and police
3. Wardens must ensure that all staff are evacuated safely T

4. The Chief Warden stands in when the Deputy Chief Warden is absent T

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Assessment Activity 1
5. Emergency evacuation training is provided specifically for the role of wardens T

Question 24: Indicate whether the following statements are true or false?
True False

1. Floor plans and maps showing exit points and paths and location of firefighting equipment T
assist with emergency responses.
2. Correct typing techniques can help to avoid Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS). T

3. Manual handling and the use of ladders and stock-moving equipment, such as forklifts is a T
serious WHS consideration
4. Modify the work area or work station layout is not an effective way of controlling manual F
handling risk
5. Ventilation, signage, training and inspection are all important aspects of inert gas safety. T

Checkpoint 5
Question 25: List the steps for hazard management in order?
STEP 1-Find it.
STEP 2-Assess it.
STEP 3- Fix it.
STEP 4-Review it.

Question 26: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to hazard management are true or false?
True False
1. Involve staff in finding hidden hazards T

2. The accident register will show up all hazards that exist in the workplace T

3. Hazards should be risk assessed so that low level risks can be ignored T

4. The hierarchy of controls will provide a guide on dealing with hazards in a logical T
5. Review processes are necessary to gauge the effectiveness of all measures T

Question 27: List the categories of workplace hazards and provide 3 examples for each type?

 Physical hazards – a substance, factor, or event that has the potential to damage others when they come into
touch with it
 Chemical hazards – (non-biological) material capable of endangering human life or health.
 Ergonomic hazards – They are job settings that put the body through a lot of wear and tear and can lead to
 Biological and radiation hazards – refers to biological chemicals that endanger the health of living creatures,
particularly humans.
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Assessment Activity 1
 Psychological hazard – are parts of the workplace and how work is organized that are linked to mental health
issues and/or physical damage or illness?

Question 28: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to hazards are true or false?
True False
1. Protective clothing such as a uniform protects the worker from trips and falls T

2. Light has to be sufficient to allow workers to perform their tasks without T

straining their eyes
3. When working in extreme temperatures workers must be provided with T
protective clothing
4. Hot areas such as a kitchen must have air-conditioning installed T

5. Workstations must be well designed to avoid overcrowding T

Question 29: The TH&E industry uses many chemicals for cleaning and sanitation. List the classifications categories
for chemicals and explain what these may cause?
1. Toxicity – causes poisoning if absorbed
2. Corrosion – causes burns to the skin
3. Irritancy – causes inflammation
4. Flammability – causes burns, explosion or injury when absorbed.

Provide examples of following:

 Direct supervision – Technicians may need direct supervision for performing certain types of procedure
 Informal discussion – Staffs having a casual meeting with the employer without documentation of the meeting.
 Formal discussion – Minutes of the meeting between stakeholders and the staff of the restaurant
 Reviewing documents or paperwork – Auditing of financial records of the restaurant

Checkpoint 6
Question 30: List the steps of the hierarchy of controls used for controlling risks and provide an example for each
1. Use engineering methods

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2. Use administrative controls
3. Introduce personal protective equipment
4. Eliminate the hazard
5. Substitute the hazard 6. Isolate the hazard

Question 31: List 4 methods which can be used for monitoring health and safety?
Safety inspections, sampling, surveys and tours 

Question 32: Describe how each of the monitoring methods you listed above can be used to monitor health and
Safety monitoring is a proactive strategy aimed at preventing accidents and occupational ill health by
identifying deficiencies in procedures, whether management procedures, work practices, systems of
work, compliance with legal requirements or emergency and personal protection arrangements.

A safety inspection is an on-site walk through to identify potential hazards to occupants and
personnel and options for remedial action. Safety inspections are also important for property
insurance issues. A review of safety equipment (Emergency eyewash, shower, fire extinguishers, first
aid kits, etc.) is also completed to verify proper working order


A safety tour is a high profile inspection of a workplace carried out by a group or team including
managers. The tour may be formal, but can also be informal - a walk round looking at points of
interest (usually unscheduled). The group carrying out the tour should include managers from the
area being inspected and possibly worker representatives, safety specialists, occupational health
specialists, engineers and workers from the area. One of the objectives of the tour is to raise the
profile of health and safety and to demonstrate management interest and commitment. Safety
observation tours can also be used to monitor the way that workers are behaving – these are known
as behavioural observations. Once behaviours are observed, feedback (positive and negative) is given
to the worker so that the organisation and operator can learn from the process.
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Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of observations
are taken from a larger population. The methodology used to sample from a larger population
depends on the type of analysis being performed, but it may include simple random sampling or
systematic sampling.

Question 33: If you uncover non-compliant situations or procedures, which of the following actions should you
True False

1. Approach the staff member at the next weekly meeting T

2. Point out what they are doing wrong as well as any safety implications T

3. Show them your written SOP, policy or procedure and how they should follow T
4. Make sure they understand how to do the task safely T

5. Organise training for the staff member if required T

6. Complete any paperwork, e.g. incident report form, near miss form, updated risk T
7. Point out the unsafe action to any manager or staff member that might be T
8. If a staff member continues to not follow safe work practices make a note of it T
and get other staff to do their work.
Question 34: As a manager, what are your duties in investigating accidents or incidents?
1. As a Manager you should take a lead role in assessing and controlling risks and set an example for your
2. Any accident or incident, also known as a near-miss, must be investigated as soon as possible.
3. The purpose of the investigation is to find out the causes of the incident and to make adjustments so that the
incident does not occur again.
4. An investigation should focus on victim impact statements rather than facts and possible solutions to the
5. A complete catalogue of all the steps involved in the investigation should be kept. If the accident is serious
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enough it might warrant an official investigation by the government body.

Checkpoint 7
Question 35: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to security are true or false?
True False

1. Internal security measures include security guards and theft prevention T

2. External security measures include limiting access and electronic security systems T
3. Special events may require measures such as crowd control and CCTV T
4. Restricting access to specific areas protects employees and guests. Visitor passes T
are a simple measure for verifying visitations to the premises
5. Key control is particularly important for areas that hold valuable stock T

Question 36: What are the requirements to ensure and maintain financial security for the following aspects in a
TH&E operation?
Float – This is the term used for the money that is in the IA before trading begins. to have some change available.
Standard amounts are handed out and countersigned by the recipient

Suppliers – Ensure that the delivery tallies with the order, weights and prices are correct and forward the invoices
to the accounts department.

Transfer of money – Safe collection of turnover after main trading periods and handing over to accounts with
correct procedures to verify amounts of cash and credit card payments

Financial transactions – Staff must control correctness of bill. change given and verify credit card details Many
support mechanisms exist such as tills
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Assessment Activity 1
Financial controls – keeps the trading records of accounts receivable and payable, the payroll and performs all
banking transactions For larger corporations they also prepare the overall balance sheets to Inform the
shareholders of the business performance

Question 37: Indicate whether the following statements in regard to security and privacy are true or false?
True False

1. Client details can only be shared with trustworthy customers F

2. Security latches and electronic locks are a common security feature in hotels T

3. Electronic swipe cards prevent access to areas by unauthorised personnel or T

4. Safety deposit boxes are help to protect customer valuables T

5. You are within your rights to ask customers to open their luggage if you suspect T
them of theft

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Assessment Activity 1

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