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Complete the following sentences with the correct form: Present Simple/Continuous, be going to, may/might or

1. (Two people hiking across a forest) Oh no, look at that broken tree. It ................................................(fall
2. Perhaps, they are at work. So, they ……………………………..(be) busy at the moment.
3. I’m not an expert, not even a lawyer, but I don’t think they ………..................................... (take) Shakira to
trial for plagiarism.
4. Those bags look really heavy. You need help. I .................................... (carry) them for you.
5. If my marks are good, I .................................... (get) a place at university, which is a strong probability.
6. ‘Tell me the truth or I………………………………..(kill) you.
7. A: Don’t forget it’s Jo’s birthday tomorrow.
B: Oh, I didn’t know that. I .................................... (send) her a card this afternoon then.
8. My parents .................................... (leave) for Mexico tomorrow. They have already bought the tickets and
booked a room in a wonderful hotel.
9. Their flight _________________(take off) at 7 tomorrow.
10. A: Sam is about to retire. What’s he going to do then?
B: He has lots of plans For one thing, he................................... (travel) round the world. He’s really
ambitious about it.
11. (at the airport) A: Don’t forget to phone us, Charlie. And never lie to us, please.
B: Don’t worry, mom I .................................... (phone) every day. I promise.
12. I …………………………………………(definitely not go) to that party, my ex will be there.
b. Complete the following table with sentences from the previous activity.


Present Arrangements
Be Prediction with present evidence
to Future plans, intentions, ambitions

Predictions without evidence (what you think, believe, etc.)

Will Decisions at the moment of speaking
In clauses of condition
Certainty (*You may want to use “likely to” as well)
May/Might Degree of probability in the present or future – not
completely certain
Present simple Timetables, schedules, programmes, etc.
Be due to

Lic Prof Romina Rodriguez-2

a. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use WILL or BE GOING TO.

b. Put the verbs given into the future simple, present simple, or present continuous.

c. Future simple or continuous?

Lic Prof Romina Rodriguez-3

 Future simple, continuous & perfect

Lic Prof Romina Rodriguez-4

Key to activities
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1. Is going to fall (prediction with evidence)
2. May/might be (degree of probability)
3. Will pass (will to express opinion, predictions about the future without any evidence)
4. Will carry (offer)
5. Will get (conditionals)
6. Will kill (Threaten)
7. Will send (decisions at the moment of speaking)
8. Are leaving (present continuous for future arrangements)
9. Takes off /is due to take off (scheduled activities)
10. Is going to travel (plans, ambitions for the future)
11. Will phone (promise)
12. Definitely won’t go to the party. (Certainty)
Versions with likely (study/revise the pattern, please) 
 It seems unlikely to go to the party
 It’s unlikely to go to the party.
 I’m not likely/unlikely to go to the party.
 It’s unlikely/seems unlikely that I’ll go to the party (*a less common use)
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