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Look st the photo on the left, How old do you think eis? LUsten and repeat the numbers Look at the photo and guess the answers to ‘hese questions. Listen and check your answers. 1 How old is Sam naw? 2 What his Favourite colour? 23 tsspaghett his Favourte food now? Read the quiz Ustenagainand ‘choose Sams answers Workin pairs. Ask and answer the ‘quiz questions. Tell the class. ina was your fvourte alow? ke yal ‘Answer the questions about you - then we can find your new friend! [El sam wants to tag his family in hie photo. Match some ‘ofthese words withthe people in the photo (&-F). ‘water dad/father_grandtather/grandad randmether/grandma grandparents mun/motne [Ed Rood Sa’ post. Find the name of sch person in the phat, > Hes ash cy ay te ty ove shoo bat mat =m Die he camer, cours ‘This my mum, Caen, andi is my dod, Je. She's thaty-aven and hol forty. Heres my brshor Oscar He ‘we. eam my ltr Her nares Moly She's ic Our yr ‘amily name's Gates, We're rom London, Horo are my grandmoter and randiater, El and Jit ones. Theyefity-rine and sty-two are thoy love ‘comput games! tenes possessive adjectives We use possessive adjactves before nouns, to show [you he she it we they } | my your is her its our their Her name's Molly Ou family name is Gates El read the grammar box. Complete the sentences ‘with possessive adjectives, 1 imsam, familys from London. 2 This sy mum, name's Caren. 3 Thisis my dad, 4d and lare my grandparents, rare is ones family Emme te ‘more numbers 0 2 a 3040 ten twenty twenty-three thity forty so 87 © 7 ‘ity —fyeseven sty seventy a 90 9 100 eighty ninety ninety-nine one hundred 4 Read the language box. Listen and repeat. Ten write each persons age In numbers. Carmen 64 iil Joe Molly Oscar Carmen is 37 fs to be— present simple: positive and negative Wie use tobe to tak about people and ther age rationality or where they come from Frm not thirteen, You arent my bro He tne eleven, lam twelve years od =m You are my friend. = You're Helsten = He's Sheis eight. = She's Ieientbod Thay arent seventy Ieie my favourite. = te Wie are cousin ney are sixty [ll Rea the grammar tox. Complete the text lth these words. You can ue the word more than once. Heres my photo of my aunt and uncle tn my cousins and the dog: Thay rom Londen. Thera ‘rom Manchester Myunci’sname*_.__.__ andy BN andmy aunts names Jae, She my dad’ sister. Toy ae mari, ry cousins, Joo and Tom. “very oid he's only five. IDE ss tsten and check your answers. Find each person Inthe photo and saya sentence about them. 7 Can you say the alphabet in English? Listen and practise. A= CDE cde i Hid h i Sam and his new online frend are ona video cll for ‘the rst time, Guess the things they talk about LUsten and check your answers. Listen tothe girl’ names again. Write the Fetters you hear Work in pais and spell your fst name and family name. Your partner writes the letters they hear. ie use tbe in questions to ask about people and their age nationality or where they come from. 7 ead the grammar box. Complete the questions with sor Ave. Then askand answer the questions. 1 aunnunan SAMS i6t@ron the video cal?” ‘the is sisters? the wins twelve? the twins birthday in May? no RS no rst wxy wxy ‘can you say the menths in English? UUsten and practise Months ¥ a March April May 5 August september October Listen and match the names (1-6) with the birthdays (A-G). There L ‘sone birthday you do not need, Tdratie A tst May 2 uy B 2nd December 3 May aed uy 4 Daisy ath Apri 5 ban sth October 6 sack F 22ndFebruary 6 31st August ~) |We use name + (apostrophe) +s to show 3 person's favourite things or things people have. Read the grammor box. Workin pales. Ask and answer ‘questions about yur birthday Tel the class. ‘When's your birthday? | Its Sth May. ‘Ale’ birthday isthe ith of May. [Find your country on the map. Whats the name of your countey in English? {0 you know people in other countries? Find the countries. on the map. Write sentences about each person's TB) wete these countries inthe correct places (1-10) on the map. —_—— nationality Ue there words. Workin pars. Where are the people in the photos from? Usethe - _ countries in Ex 12 to help you a 1 afsfromT. 6 Sam and Melly are from 2 Diego fom a [Bs 1 tisten and answer the questions 2 Wiles fromthe 7 nus trom. Nees 8 Obs fromn game on 4 Alyona and nessa ae fram 9 Anna's from ‘Workin pairs Close your book Your § 10 Ryan's fom partner asks questions about the people in 5 efans rom P the photos Ie ufrom Australia? Novhe st Starter Welcome to my world UNIT CHECK Wordlist Numbers date) other 1 one srandttherfranda(n aera) 2 two syandmatherfgandmao) oe Ss orandparents Dist! imenbyfist basket 4 four rumen 20=20nd twenty second birthday) 5 the parents) 222234} twentythid Bue (od) a ster) 24=24th/twentyfourth, _camera(n) 7 seven fee ae at) 8 ooh asia Countries and chose 9 ne January) fationattes er 10 ten February o) BES frei HeUEA> computer game) 11 eleven March (9), on og in) 12 tebe rae PERI Asratn susraton tvs fo 20 twenty has food 23 twentythee dene) focal) 20 thirty ae areen oc) 40 fry August) hob 50 iy oe tometann (0) ST fftyseven Detnber fn) triers eraish—Nomewor 60 sixty Nnwemnber (0) Mexico> Mexican horse (n) eats come) MO re xe yourom 80 eighty ondnatmumbers [oer nigerian =n) 90 ninety cerns name (2) A riety sine Polond-»Poisn photography 100. one hundred a ‘ed (oa) aa PM Rn Shon aunt) Sth ath ‘ sot brother fn) 6 = 6th/ sith Spein-> Spanish spost(n) cau) th seventh rurtoy-ortrky ing (0) iy * a ‘team (n) ow od) Practice eres Hh Workin pars. Find tingsin the worst that are EJ ite the nationalities frm the wordt inthe Important for you Why are these tings important? corect groupe Deere —— an/dan se ‘month 2 3 an ordinal sumer 4 apeison 5 1 2 country or nationality Twelve Im twelve May: My dacs birthday is in May EI} s.2 Listen and write the sentences you hear. 1.Come in VOCABULARY 1 Power up Hb wt clor re tes tings in your room? © bed covers curtains oor mie walls ere roar Match the tings inthe photos (AL) with these words. ‘above behind between in infronto near neste fn” opposte “under tin dock cushions desk lamp laptop mirror noticeboard pices shelf (sees) TW wardrobe El}: Listen and check your answers {isten again and repeat. iLook atthe words in Ex 2. Which things ‘aren your room? Make alist. Look at your ist rom 8x4, What colour are ‘these things in your room? Talla partner. prepositions of place [Bi took at pictues 1-10. Make a sentence about each plcture with these words Picture 1:-The cat Inthe bag. aban 1a “ths Ay Workin pairs. Give yours from &x4 to your partner, Ask and answer questions Bout the things In his/her room, aaa ‘A: What's in my picture? — | Look a the pictures. What can you soy bout the room Use pictures to help you understand he questions, ad the story and anew 41 How many eildren ace there? 2 Whatare their names? 23 Where are they? J Read the story again. Complete the sentences with one, Wo or th words In each gap Picture A Today Joanna years ot 1 Her ‘Sinan ezcape room. Picture 8 2 Theres amessage in 3 Theresa Under th be. 4 Theres forthe box. 5 The mati the for. 6 Thereisa, Under the mat. Each ofthese words describes an object inthe story. Write the objects. birthday 3 big 4 special Spec in your opinion, Joanna's ps What other parties are far? awa’ twee oy ena Kae re ter ay pay. Hep hy, Tape emerson Ha so om wna bate gore iu: Yoni Bayne Sit ‘Naw yt pte tte bog show oy ow ne? ‘Ben: Here's the box ick! But i's ackes Kate: And hee’ sorathing red A red pcre onthe wal ..h a ey beh The key for he box dere bed Jo: Whats isi? Open Ben Besant ty a ence message Under bean he er, etor Yas, thce doo iste etc dot We cut 1.Come in GRAMMAR leas the grammar box below Choo the correct words to complete the sentences 1 There's (There are a white desk in Taras room. 2 There srt | aren ain in my room. 3 There nt | are any pictures in your room 4 There's / There are some cushions in Feds room, Pier ear there isithere are (+ somelany) Wie use chere'sthere n+ aan + noun to say where something We use there are + some +nounfthere arent-+ any + noun to say were two or more things a + Theres amessagein the bin ‘There are some instructions on the table = Thereisnt a key on the table. ‘There arent any papers onthe bed. 2 tethere another door? Yes theres. No, there ft ‘Are there any papers inthe bin? Yes, there are. No, there arent ADIE 12 watch ortsten. choose the sentences you hear. 1 There arent any clothes inthe cupboard near the door. 2 There's bed next tothe window. 13 Therein an Pad on my desk 44 Avtne end of my bedthere’ abig TX 5 There arts of cushions onthe end of ry bed EDI Uisten and repeat Focus on the Fighlighted words 1 Ther alos of eshins 2 There te some books. 3 There abig bed 4 Theres a. i Workin pars. choose picture Aor 8. Write three questions about your picture Isthere alamp next tothe TV? ‘Are there any computer games on the shelves? i Woekin pars. Ask and answer your questions le there a lamp behind the charin Petre 2 TAD Work in pas. Find citferences between pictures A and 8. Inpictre A ther lamp ret tothe TV, but hoctres Speak up Ed workin pales. write two questions about your partner's oom. Ask and answer your ‘questions. IsthereaTVin your room? _ VOCABULARY 2 the home IED: Look at Joe's apartment. Listen to Joe and repeat. find these things n Joe's apartment, Say where they are Tight plawre WW window he chais ae nthe dining oom, Read the language box. Work in pats ‘Ask and answer questions about Joe's partment. Then ask and answer ‘questions about your classroom, How many windows ave there? eee We use How many... v0 ask shout numbers How many bedooms are there? EA took at the picture of the Hill family’s house ‘and fllow the instructions. Complete the sentences. 11 The orange cats inthe ving room. The other 2 are inthe garden. Answer the questions. 3 How many dogs aein the bathroom? u 4 How many children are upstars? Write two sentences about the picture, es game on "Yes/No game Pay in two teams. Team 1 chooses 2 home on this page. Team 2 asks questions to guess the home, Team T can only answer'ys'er'no 1.Come in LISTENING exam ti look fist Fst lok tthe pte. The ete, Power up Then choose the answer describe your home. Tak about these things EADIE +6 took st the pictures inex balcony door garden rooms windows Lsten and choose the correct pleture, A.Borc. “There are two bedrooms anda big ving room — eee ue Biwiorkin pars. ook at the petres in question 1. which picures | have got ‘how houses and which show apartments? ‘We can use have got to tak about part of ; 2 bung oF person. We can so use {ate about elstanships (rth fay ond tend or possessions. + We've got big apartment Ie go etlow wal = tant gt a bacon We havent gota garage. 2 Hage gotta ousce? Have ou gt geden? Yes ita.) No, hast Yes, wehave/ No, wehavent [Bi read the grammar box. Then look at the table. Find Nina and Luke's homes in 62 ‘Write sentences about them, Ninas | takes ‘apartment house x 7 [agerden x Z| yollow wale “ 1 rect mals v | abaleony Lutes house has gota garden, [Ei Workin pats. Ask and answer about Nina ‘and Luke's homes, SPEAKING Power up Bl Workinpes. Practise the conversion. Whats your mobile number? (07987 324 165.1s that right? i weorkin pairs and practise the conversation with your own numbers. Make a note of your partners number and ssethem to check it 2: What's your mable number? A(t the number you hear) Isthat ight? {Show the number to your partner) Yo, thats ight. No, this number wrong, (Correct the number eis wrong.) EAE 1 complete the phone conversation with these questions. Listen and check your answers Have you got your Key? Isitin the plant pot next the wal? Kay: Hi, Mum tm athome, bu the coer shut Mumetm at work? Kay: Es not haven thnkit’s nthe keteen. Mum Umm rs under the mat. Kay: No, ten Kay: No.Oh yes, ve got It now. Thanks, Bye, Mum Se you later Where ae you?” Wheres the spare key? Speak up IIE 2 tisten and write the words you hear. ‘bye hello Hi thanks Jacob: Hel, Mrs Reeves, I's Jacob hee. 1s Rasy there pease? Mum ‘es, of course Justa minute Rosy: Hi? cob? Jacobs! Rosy! Have you gat my raths homewerk Rosy: Your maths homework? rm not sure...h, ys. 1 n my ba! Jacob: Oh good. * Rosy Rosy: Thats OK.» ' Ei Work in small groups. Practise the conversation in Ex 4 Speaking extra [ate a phone callto friend. As if helshe has your English book. Use Ex4 and the sil tp to help you. What words will ou need to change f you calla teacher? skill tip ‘Some words in English ae formal. Some words are informa Use these words with fan rence and hile i thanks. bye Use these words with other people: helo thank you goodbye Bh rctse the conversation in &x 6 wth ferent things and people 1.Come in WRITING Power up. [Il Wich of these things have you got in your room? indaycares_books _chema/concerpars eke Photos postorcs posters By took at Jorge's noticeboard and find these things. Suebsie sey seounby afin aname vgolony2e0or Sreatwebse aboot Start and planet Photo of meond |) ris o OR Spey SreatbelseY Tsism new mobic " number. Remember! A pesteard fm Jeke in Conaderlsce ne see bears in the wi ite fm is ‘Ocean ny tieket ae F My birthe i Soe homme! ot © Answer the questions. 1 Jorge has gota sister What's her name? 2 What's Jorge's favourite fl? 2 What's his mobile number? 4 Sumere are the bears from? 5 How oldis Jorge? 6 Wha iis friend? [El complete the sentences wth about of or rom: Use Jorge's novcebonr to elp You. 4 Here's boot elephants 2 Thats photo iy eandpaeni 3 Thsisapostcar my fviend George 4 angle Book is sty anima fs 5 Thiswebsteis ful ees 6 That menus, imp tovoure ca [FD complete Emme’ profile with fve of these words, Then choose the bes tite, A.Borc. boy Tue fentatc favourie my picwe poser Spain. eles your [A Mp favour footbaler payers 8 My favourite colour Allabout my favourite sport ‘Ihave some _.ikels. fora ‘oatball match," team ieChelees, sa team! + Tike everyone in the team, so don't havea” player. But fn fom fer watching players from ‘my country! + This isa photo of. ‘me in my football kit isa great colourl Plan on [Ei Youate going to create your own profile Think about these questions. Use Jorge's noticeboard to help you, 1. Whos your birthday cad fram? 2 Who in your photos? 3 Whereis your postcard from? 4 What events your ticket fom? 5 Where syour menu fram? Write on Ed Look at Emma's profile in x5. Make your ‘own profile about afew of your favourite ‘things. Use your answers from Ex 6and ‘the useful language to help you. seful language: talking about your favourite things ere are some of my My favourite. is Improve it ED check your speling. Check that capital lettre are in the corect paces. Use the shltip to help you. skill tip Use capital eters: + atthe staraf a sentence + forthe names of people an pl + for days of he wes months, and nationaltes Remember to use afulstop () tthe end SCO) in Tiny house tour [Hi Work in pairs. List five rooms in a house. El watch te cps Annabels house diferent from your Touse Gve two examples EdD) wtch again and answer the questions. Which things does ‘Kanab talk about? + knives + clothes + sts + shaver garden i watch again. Are these statements true (7) or false (F? 1 Annabellites ving na tiny house 2 The kitchen isvery big 2 There ae shelves net to the door, 4 The stars were a present fom her family 5 Annabel doesn't ke reading or taking photos. iwortn pars. Complete the sentences about Annabels house 1 Annabes sofa is 2 Theshehes eee Project [E5 work in pairs. Design a tny house, There are only \What things do you need? Draw you tiny house and tothe class. Explain your ideas. Thereisa 1.Come in UNIT CHECK Wordlist Tings na oom BW otrontor other the ten pas apartment lek) clk oes) mat a) evston nest ed cove) mri) tom 9 is Deny cra) ont 0) eb ei) Ociad) pictures (7) B ercer ‘boring (od) ‘orange (ad) laptop (n) ‘The home box (n) ‘outside (n) shot ol shee ( bakony ar) partyin) ‘mirror (a) pen co ‘chair (n) photo (n} esto) bedioom Cinemajoncetsports inked) oe dng oor) testo) famed) eer downs o) computer ame (0) Hei rag 1) curtain) Prepositions of place aoe L secret (od) srden dest) ec (os) & ato than) doe) tse) Bm bend wen fern) wali) fe eam fr) ars oa window ces ‘stairs (nh ‘house tn} an ops oc) seyin Practice vss the wort tof 140 Complete the questions with ow rf. 1 things that you can see in the classroom now. Se ee es Teneeierds 2 places inthe hore tata wt rooms suertons : '3 small things that you can carry in your school bag. 4 Poa eater es A con Hhwite ee ve sentences bout peopleantnings your and got back schol bug? Inyowrcissoom Ure prepostion of pace in each sentence. : 3 how ot bear asker? My desks near the teacher's dest : 4 you gota blue penn our bag? FEI 19 tisten and write the sentences you hear. 7 a ‘

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