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Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 17–22

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Evaluation of mechanical properties of concrete manufactured with fly

ash, bagasse ash and banana fibre
Akshay Dhawan a,⇑, Nakul Gupta a, Rajesh Goyal b, K.K. Saxena c
Department of Civil Engineering, GLA University Mathura 281406, India
Construction and Project Management, NICMAR Delhi NCR, Bahadurgarh 124507, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, GLA University Mathura 281406, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Concrete is the most dynamic engineering material in construction industry because of its strength prop-
Received 17 May 2020 erties as well as its durability. The consumption of raw materials not only depleted natural resources but
Accepted 2 June 2020 also increases the toxic material in the environment by the construction industries. The substitute prod-
Available online 22 July 2020
ucts have been found to save the environment and natural resources up to some extent. In the same con-
text, some usual composition of concrete mix is replaced by industrial/ natural wastes such as Fly Ash,
Keywords: Sugarcane bagasse ash and Banana fibre. The samples were prepared with the different composition
Waste utilization
using different % replacement of cement and sand. Therefore, concrete mix is developed using fly ash (re-
Sugarcane bagasse ash
placing 20% of cement) and partial replacing sand by an industrial waste i.e. Sugarcane bagasse ash (re-
Banana fiber placing 0%,10%,20% of sand) with adding banana fiber (0%,2.5%,5%). Samples were evaluated and
Fly ash compared with standard concrete mix under characteristic compressive strength and flexural strength.
Mechanical properties It was observed that observed that addition of 2.5% of banana fibre in Cement; partially replaced by
20% of Fly Ash, and Sand; partially replaced by 10% of Bagasse Ash is the best Combination which gives
better mechanical properties.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials, Processing & Characterization.

1. Introduction sector and energy generation sector [3].It is estimated that about
0.97 tons of carbon dioxide is released to the environment for
Concrete is a kind of composite material used in constructions the production of 1 ton of cement. Carbon dioxide is one of the cat-
of buildings. The concrete is formed by binding together fluid egories of greenhouse gas and is largely responsible for global
cement, water, sand and aggregates [1]. The most commonly used warming [4]. This prompts us to study the various alternatives to
concrete is the Portland Cement Concrete. One of the main con- cement to make the concrete environment friendly. The usage of
stituents of concrete is cement which is harming the environment waste materials or by products from the manufacturing industries
at a very fast rate. can be used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete without
Cement is a fine grey powdery substance which is made by reducing the desired strength of the concrete.
burning a mixture of clay and lime, and sets hard when it is mixed Fly Ash is one of the pozzolonic materials produced by burning
with water. The manufacturing of cement involves several pro- the coal in thermal power plants. It is also known as pulverised fuel
cesses like crushing, milling and proportioning of lime, silica, alu- ash, hopper ash; chimney ash and constitutes about 80% of total
mina, iron and gypsum. Cement is a binder material which is a ash generated in power plants. Instead of disposing this huge
substance that helps in binding different materials together [2]. amount of fly ash in land, it can be effectively used as a replace-
This property makes it an excellent constituent of concrete. Pro- ment of cement in concrete. Many research and studies has stated
duction of Cement generates high amount of CO2. Cement is the that in concrete fly ash can be replaced about 50–60% of cement.
3rd largest producer of man-made CO2 in the world after transport This type of concrete is known as High Volume Fly Ash Concrete
which produces mixtures that show high workability, high ulti-
mate strength, and high durability. Utilization of fly ash in concrete
⇑ Corresponding author.
minimizes the carbon dioxide emission problems to certain extent
E-mail address: (A. Dhawan).
2214-7853/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials, Processing & Characterization.
18 A. Dhawan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 17–22

and also fly ash is less expensive compared to Portland cement [5]. Al-Jabri et al. [11]focuses on experiments investigating the
Fly Ash is a non bio-degradable material and is commonly used as a effects of using copper slag as sand in high performance concrete.
substitute of cement for production of concrete. There are two Various samples of concrete were made with different proportion
types of Fly Ash available namely Class C fly ash and Class F fly of copper slag as replacement of sand ranging from 0% to 100%,
ash respectively. Fly ash can be replaced by cement between 15% and various tests were carried out like flexural strength and dura-
and 35% without having any impact on the compressive and flexu- bility, workability, density, compressive strength and tensile
ral strength of concrete[6].Manufacturers of concrete usually limit strength. The results showed that with the increase in percentage
the quantity of fly ash to be around 25 percent or less by weight of copper slag the density and workability of concrete increases.
[7]. More percentage of fly ash in the concrete reduces the slump Moreover, addition of copper slag up to 50%; increases the com-
value and reduces the workability of the mix. pressive strength and tensile strength of concrete but, with further
Nowadays, natural resources are depleting in the entire world increase in copper slag after 50%; concrete strength reduces due to
whereas, at the same time the wastes generating from the indus- increase in free water content. Thus, it is recommended that cop-
tries are increasing at a very fast rate. The sustainable development per slag can be replaced by sand up to 40% for increase in strength
for construction will include the use of non-conventional and inno- of high performance concrete.
vative materials, and recycling of waste materials in order to com- Sales and Lima [12] used sugarcane bagasse ash as a replace-
pensate the depletion of natural resources and to find alternative ment with sand by 20–30% and found greater compressive
ways for conserving the environment. strength than the standard sample. They also reported that the
Now-a-days good sand is not readily available and these replacement of sand in concrete by sugarcane bagasse ash can
resources are also exhausting very rapidly. Demand for manufac- enhance the strength up to30MPa.
tured fine aggregates for making concrete is increasing day by Andreão et al. [13] got an idea about sawdust formed from tim-
day as river sand cannot meet the demands in construction. There- ber industry, which was treated as a waste. Such sawdust bears
fore, it is very important to find some substitute to natural river pozzolanic properties with an index value of 75.9%. Properties of
sand. The sand which is produced by proper machines can be sawdust were comparable with fly ash. They replaced sawdust
proved to be better substitute to river sand. The sand must be of with cement with proportion ranging from 0 to 30%. The of con-
proper gradation and such sand will have few drawbacks and will crete samples with replacement of variable percentage of OPC con-
be more cost efficient. cretes at 5%, 10% and 15% with saw dust and found compressive
Sugarcane is one of the major crops grown in over 110 countries strength as 93%, 78% and 68% of the compressive strength of stan-
and its total production is over 1500 million tons worldwide [8]. In dard samples, respectively. These results showed a great future of
India only, sugarcane production is over 300 million tons per year sawdust ash as a replacement material of cement in concrete
which causes about 10 million tons of sugarcane bagasse ash as a works.
non-usable waste material [8,9]. After extracting of all economical K.R.A.O.M. V [13] experiments on the use of sisal and banana
sugar from sugarcane, around 40–45% fibrous residue is obtained fibre to improve the strength and applications of concrete. The
in the same industry as fuel in boilers for heat generation leaving study reported that the ability to resist cracking and spelling were
behind 8–10% ash as waste, known as sugarcane bagasse ash improved by using Banana Fibre. In this Experiment three different
(SCBA) [10]. The SCBA comprises of high amounts of un-burnt mat- proportions of sisal fibres and banana fibres (0.5%, 1%, 1.5%) having
ter, silicon, aluminum and calcium oxides. But, the ashes which are 30 mm length have been tested in M25 Concrete. In results, com-
obtained directly from the mill are non-reactive because these are pressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength is more
burnt under uncontrolled conditions and at very high tempera- in the fibre reinforced concrete than conventional M25 grade of
tures. Therefore, the ash becomes an industrial waste and poses Concrete.
disposal problems. Therefore, properties of final product is fully Therefore, in the present work, development of mix concrete by
reflected with various processing parameters and their ingredients replacing the cement from industrial waste in variable composi-
[11]. It is important to study the use of SCBA as a partial replace- tions to know the mechanical properties of mix concrete.
ment of fine aggregates in cement concrete because the availability
of natural sand is declining in the last decades as a result of ecolog- 1.1. Materials used
ical and environmental limitations.
Concrete containing hydraulic cement, water, aggregate, and 1.1.1. Cement
discontinuous discrete fibres is known as fibre reinforced concrete. All the concrete mixes were prepared by using ordinary Port-
The important role of fibres is to recover the cracks that get land cement of 43 grade (OPC 43), confirming to IS 8112:2013
develop in the concrete and increase the ductility of concrete ele- [14], as the binder. The cement was manufactured by Ultra Tech
ments, improvement on post cracking behaviour of concrete. It cement. The specific gravity, initial and final setting times were
increase more resistance to impact load, controls plastic shrinkage found in the laboratory testing. Characteristic of the cement binder
cracking and drying shrinkage cracking and lowers the permeabil- is shown in Table 1.
ity of concrete matrix and thus reduce the bleeding of water. The Specific Gravity of cement was 3.15 [15].
fibre increases the toughness property of concrete. A materials
ability to absorb energy and plastically deform without getting Table 1
fractured is known as toughness. It can also be defined as resis- Physical properties of 43 grade ordinary portland cement.
tance to fracture of a material when stressed. Disperse fibres offer
Physical Properties Values of Requirements as per
various advantages of steel bars and wire mesh to reduce shrinkage
OPC used IS8112-1989
cracks [12]. The fibres are less sensitive to corrosion than the rein-
Standard Consistency 28.9% –
forcing steel bars and the fibres can reduce the labour cost of plac-
Initial Setting Time 43 Minutes Minimum of 30 min
ing the bars and wire mesh. The weakness in tension can be Final Setting Time 270 Minutes Maximum of 600 min
overcome by the use of conventional steel bar reinforcement and Specific gravity 3.15 –
to some extent by the inclusion of a sufficient volume of certain Compressive strength in 29 Not less than
N/mm2 at 3 days
fibres. The use of fibres also alters the behaviour of the fibre–ma-
Compressive strength in 39.5 Not less than
trix composite after it has cracked, thereby improving its N/mm2 at 7
A. Dhawan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 17–22 19

1.1.2. Coarse aggregate Table 3

Crushed angular and graded aggregate were procured from Nar- Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates.

naul, Haryana. The coarse aggregate with a maximum nominal size Sieve Size (mm) Cumulative Percentage Passing
of 20 mm were used for making the concrete. Sieve analysis of the IS 383 – 2016
coarse aggregates was done to determine the fineness modulus. 20 mm 92.84 90–100
Specific gravity was determined using pycnometer test. Table 2 16 mm 64.28 –
and Table 3 indicates the characteristic of these aggregates. 12.5 mm 39.3 –
10 mm 29.66 25–55
4.75 mm 0.9 0–10
1.1.3. Fine aggregate
The Zone 3 graded sand having a specific gravity of 2.6 and fine-
ness modulus of 2.81 is used. The details of the Sieve analysis are
mentioned in the Table 4 and Table 5. Table 4
Physical properties of fine aggregate.

1.1.4. Bagasse ash Physical properties Values

Bagasse Ash is issued as a partial replacement of sand. Bagasse Specific gravity 2.6
Ash was produced by burning the sugarcane bagasse after sun dry- Fineness modulus 2.81
ing for a week in hot summers and then burning it to produce the Water absorption 0.74%
bagasse ash. The chemical composition of Bagasse Ash found is Bulk density (kg/m3) 1662
Free moisture content 0.12%
mentioned in Table 6.

1.1.5. Banana fibre

Table 5
Banana fibre was purchased from professional vendor. Usually,
Sieve analysis of coarse aggregates.
banana fibres collected as by-product in agro based industries are
dried. Banana fibres of diameter 1 mm and length of 40 mm were Sieve Size (mm) Cumulative Percentage Passing
Fine Aggregates IS 383 – 2016
used. Density of banana fibre is 1.35 g/cc. The physical properties
and Chemical properties of the same have been mentioned in 10 mm 100 100
4.75 mm 99.2 90–100
Table 7 and Table 8 respectively.
2.36 mm 95.9 85 – 100
1.18 mm 87.3 75 – 100
1.1.6. Fly ash 600 lm 73.1 60 – 79
Class F fly ash (specific gravity 2.72) is used in the investigation. 300 lm 28.9 12 – 40
150 lm 8.05 0 – 10
The details properties and chemical composition of fly ash as per
ASTM C 311 standard [16] are shown in Table 9.

2. Methods Table 6
Sugarcane bagasse ash components
and their mass in percentage.
2.1. Mix preparation
Component Mass (%)
The concrete mix is designed as per standard of IS 10262 – 2019 SiO2 71.9
for the conventional concrete. A polycarboxylic based admixture Al2O3 6.7
Brocrete C800 is used as a super plasticiser. The dosage of this Fe2O3 5.8
CaO 3.8
admixture which is added during the manufacture of concrete is K2O 2.7
taken as 0.92% by weight of cementatious content. M20 grade of MgO 2.2
concrete was adopted and the w/c ratio of 0.423 was initially con- Na2O 1.5
sidered for the design mix. The quantity of the ingredients and the Loss of Ignition 3.5
mix proportion obtained after the design mix. Quantity of ingredi-
ents and mix proportion for 1 m3 of concrete are mentioned in
Table 10.
Table 7
Physical properties of banana fibre.
2.2. Specimen casting
Properties Value

Concrete mix of M20 was manufactured through mix design in Width or Diameter (in mm) 80 to 250
the ratio of 1:1.6:3.1 and tested for compressive strength and flex- Density (g/cc) 1.35
Tenacity (MN/m2) 539 to 754
ural strength. Thereafter, 9 different samples of 6 cubes each were
Elastic Modulus (GN/m2) 9 to 16
cast. The size of the cube is 150 mm  150 mm  150 mm. The fly

Table 2
Physical properties of coarse aggregate.
Table 8
Physical Properties Values Chemical properties of banana fibre.
Specific gravity 2.6
Constituents Percentage (%)
Fineness Modulus 2.72
Water Absorption (%) 0.5% Cellulose 55
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1585 Lignin 18
Free moisture content (%) 0.2% Extractives 8
Aggregate Impact value (%) 11.1 Moisture 12
Aggregate Crushing value (%) 25.22 Ashes 9
20 A. Dhawan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 17–22

Table 9 2.5% of the banana fibre, the strength improves by about 6 percent
. Chemical compositions (wt.%) of fly ash used and thereafter decreases when we add 5% of the banana fibre in
in this study.
Sample 3.
Oxides Fly ash The ultimate strength of the concrete was developed in Sample
Silica (SiO2) 50.50 no. 5 when Cement was displaced by 20% of fly ash and sand was
Alumina (Al2O3) 26.57 replaced by 10 percent of sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA). 2.5% of the
Calcium oxide (CaO) 2.13 banana fibre was also added to Sample 5 to gives its optimum
Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) 13.77
Potassium oxide (K2O) 0.77
result. The strength of Sample no. 5 was approximately 14 percent
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 1.54 better than the conventional concrete. Sample 6 displayed the
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.45 reduction in strength upon adding 5% banana fibre [19].
Phosporus pentoxide (P2O5) 1.00 As is showcased in the graph, Sample 7 displays reduction in the
Sulphuric anhydride (SO3) 0.41
strength when Cement is displaced by 20 Percent of cement, Sand
Loss on ignition (LOI) 0.60
is replaced with 20% SBA and no banana fibre is added. The
strength further decreases by 11% and 20%, with the addition of
banana fibre in the proportion of 2.5% and 5% respectively, as is dis-
Table 10
Quantity of ingredients and mix proportion for 1 m3 of concrete. played from sample 8 and sample 9 [20]. The 91 days strength also
showed more or less similar results.
Ingredient Quantity Actual W/C ratio Mix Proportion
This increase in the strength of the sample 5 mix with increas-
Cement 310.82 kg 0.423 1: 1.6: 3.10 ing SBA and addition of banana fiber percentage is due to the
Fine Aggregate 497.32 kg
improved compactness of the concrete. As the SBA content is
Coarse Aggregate 983.44 kg
Water Content 132.47 kg
increased the voids in the concrete gets filled, thereby leading to
Super plasticizer 2.86 kg a more dense composition. Once the voids get completely filled
with the fines of SBA and Banana Fiber, any further increase in
the % fines leads to the lessening of the strength. This reduction
ash replacement of cement was kept at 20 percent while sugarcane is primarily due to the increased inter-particle friction. Hence by
bagasse ash was used to replace sand in the range of 0–20 percent addition of 2.5% of banana fibre in Cement; partially replaced by
at the interval of 10 percent. The banana fibre was added in the 20% of Fly Ash, and Sand; partially replaced by 10% of sugarcane
range of 0–5 percent at the interim dosage of 2.5%. The cubes were bagasse ash was found to be most optimum and can be effectively
tested after 28 days and 91 days of curing [17]. used in place of normal concreting work.
Similarly, 9 samples of 3 beam each of size
700 mm  150 mm  150 mm were cast and cured for 28 days.
The beams are casted for testing flexural strength. Table11 repre- 3.2. Flexural strength
sents the proportions of each of the ingredients of the mix of each
of the samples. 9 samples of 3 beam each of size 700 mm * 150 mm * 150 mm
were cast and cured for 28 days. All the beams were tested after
28 days of curing using three point loading method in universal
3. Results & discussions testing machine. The flexural strength values were obtained by
putting the load values, obtained from the UTM, in the flexure
3.1. Compressive strength equation. The testing was done as per the Indian standard code
IS: 516-1959. The deflection values were also recorded using a
Suitable PC based admixture named Brocrete C-800 was added gauge. Table 14 and Fig. 2 represents the results of flexural
to improve the workability of the concrete mix of M20. All the cube strength and deflection values respectively.
samples were tested in compression testing machine under a grad- From Fig. 2, it is evident that the strength of Sample 2 and Sam-
ually applied load of 140 kg/cm2/minute. Test of 3 set of cubes of ple 5 is increased by almost 10% and 22% respectively as compared
each sample were conducted after 28 and 91 days of curing respec- to the conventional mix. Further, the flexure strength of Sample 3,
tively. The testing was done as per the Indian standard code IS: Sample 8 and Sample 9 got reduced by around 5%, 13% and 18%
516-1959 [18]. The results obtained are as shown.Fig. 1. and Table respectively as compared to conventional mix. The maximum
12&Table 13 deflection among all the samples occurred for Sample 5 mix and
It is evident from the graph that Sample 1, wherein 20% of the the value obtained in the dial gauge was 5.4 mm. Therefore, a com-
cement was displaced by fly ash, the compressive strength hap- bination of 20% fly ash, 10% SBA and 2.5% banana fiber yielded
pens to be almost the same. Sample 2 indicates that after adding maximum flexural strength in the concrete. Similar results on flex-

Percentage proportion of each ingredient for preparation of samples.

Sample Description Cement (%) Fly Ash (%) Sand Baggase Ash% Banana Fiber% Water Coarse Aggregate
Convention Concrete 100 0 100 0 0 100 100
1 80 0 100 0 0 100 100
2 80 20 100 0 2.5 100 100
3 80 20 100 0 5 100 100
4 80 20 90 10 0 100 100
5 80 20 90 10 2.5 100 100
6 80 20 90 10 5 100 100
7 80 20 80 20 0 100 100
8 80 20 80 20 2.5 100 100
9 80 20 80 20 5 100 100
A. Dhawan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 17–22 21

Fig. 1. Compressive strength of concrete.

Table 12
Compressive strength of concrete after 28 days.

Conventional Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9
Characteristic Strength of 24.9 24.16 26.38 23.41 23.85 27.39 24.3 25.72 23.5 19.5
Concrete after 28 days 25 26.85 25.81 20.23 28.79 26.83 27.5 24.86 21.18 20.17
24.8 24.83 25.9 23.8 23.58 28.83 22.61 21.81 21.58 22.92
Mean Strength 24.9 25.28 26.08 22.58 25.40 27.68 24.80 24.13 22.08 20.86

Table 13
Compressive strength of concrete after 91 days.

Conventional Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9
Characteristic Strength of 27.9 27.15 29.38 26.31 26.55 30.69 27.3 28.82 26.5 22.5
Concrete after 91 days 28.06 29.55 28.91 23.33 30.99 29.03 30.4 27.96 23.88 22.97
27.69 27.83 28.7 26.5 26.78 31.63 25.71 24.81 24.28 25.92
Mean Strength 27.88 28.16 28.9 25.38 28.1 30.45 27.8 27.19 24.88 23.79

Table 14
Flexural strength of concrete after 28 days.

Conventional Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6 Sample 7 Sample 8 Sample 9
Mean Strength 24.9 25.28 25.46 22.58 25.40 27.68 24.80 24.13 22.08 20.86
Flexural Strength 3.72 3.92 3.96 3.56 3.9 4.44 3.8 3.75 3.41 3.12
Deflection Values 4.46 4.7 4.79 4.23 4.68 5.46 4.56 4.42 3.98 3.77

Fig. 2. Flexural strength of concrete.

22 A. Dhawan et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 44 (2021) 17–22

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cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.

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