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1 MART 2020 / SOSYAL 1 MART 2020 / SAĞLIK

1. Archaeological sites can develop ---- great or small 4. Chickenpox is caused by the varicella zoster virüs
amounts of time and space, and ---- large or small and is transmitted through contact ---- an infected
actions of humans and nature. person, and if you have never had chickenpox or
been immunised ---- it, you can still get it in your
A) in / above lifetime.

B) over / through A) by/ under

C) for / on B) on / in

D) from / at C) at / about

E) along / beyond D) with / against

2. The Enlightenment was a period characterised by E) from / towards

a decline ---- religious authority and the replacement
of the medieval focus on the next world by a greater 5. If salt consumption is high, the body retains water
emphasis ---- mankind’ s place in this world. to dilute the high concentrations of sodium, which in
turn increases the volume of blood ---- the
A) off / to bloodstream and puts more pressure ---- the heart
and blood vessels.
B) for / at
A) over/ by
C) from / with
B) in / on
D) about /by
C) at / about
E) in / upon
D) from/along
3. Most theories of development attempt to define
the social, economic, or political conditions ---- which E) to / for
humans are able to live ---- dignity and fulfilment.
6. The nervous system directs the functions of the
A) for / onto body, both voluntary and involuntary, ---- an
intricate network of specialised cells called neurons
B) through / from
which convey information ---- the form of
C) around / across electrochemical messages.

D) under / with A) with / around

E) above / along B) for / at

C) from / to

D) along / on

E) through / in
1 MART 2020 / FEN 3 KASIM 2019 / SOSYAL

7. The Enlightenment period saw astronomical 10.The biological basis ---- variations in human
observatories grow ---- size, and number, ---- a intelligence is not well understood, but research in
growing emphasis on the housing of larger
neuroscience, psychology, and other fields has begun
to yield insights ---- what may underpin such
A) by / over
B) for / through

C) beyond / to A) through / to
B) in / about
D) from / at
C) of / by
E) in / with
D) for / into
8. The boiling point of a liquid substance is the E) at / from
temperature ---- which the vapour pressure of the
liquid equals the external pressure ---- the liquid.
11. The tension in Britain ----- modernism and the
A) of / by
bourgeois theatre that had surfaced before the First
B) among /off World War was not resolved ----- after the Second.

C) at / on
A) between / until
D) for / with
B) among / by
E) in / under C) from / over
9. After 13 years in Saturn’s orbit, the Cassini D) towards / with
spacecraft ended its mission in September 2017 ---- E) through / for
making a planned dive ---- the planet’s atmosphere.

A) after / with
12. Venice's vibrant commerce, ---- its peak during
B) about / over
the early to middle years of the Renaissance, brought
C) in / at traders from --- the known world to the port city.
D) by / into
A) about / on
E) from / through
B) through / along
C) at / around
D) in / beyond
E) with / off
3 KASIM 2019 / SAĞLIK 3 KASIM 2019 / FEN

13. Excessive bleeding is the most common cause of 16. Temperament is an emotional trait that is
anaemia, and the speed --- which blood loss occurs relatively stable ---- the life span, and is at least ----
has a significant effect --- the severity of symptoms. some degree, influenced by biology.

A) to /over A) over / to
B) with / on B) into / at
C) for / in C) through /on
D) from / around D) with / of
E) about /at E) about / from

14. Patients recovering ---- amputations often report 17. ----- the 20th century, the discovery of extrasolar
that ---- healing, they feel pain or itching from the planets made a great contribution to the existing
lost limb. efforts in the search -----extraterrestrial intelligence.

A) to / in A) Over / at
B) at / on B) Within / about
C) from / during C) Throughout / under
D) for / with D) During / for
E) of / about E) With / above

15.Water sources ---- factories may contain 18. The arrival of the printing press had a profound
numerous bacteria and parasites that can cause effect ----- Renaissance Europe and introduced an
illness ---- contact or consumption. era of mass communication ----many different
A) in / for
B) of / at A) upon / at
C) from / against B) among / from
D) around /with C) on /in
E) along / about D) by / with
E) to / through
1 MART 2020 / SOSYAL
4. When first introduced, gasoline-powered vehicles
1. Many supermarkets place high-demand items such remarkably impacted the delivery of newspapers ----
as milk in the back of the store ---- consumers will they could be distributed throughout cities and rural
need to walk through the entire store and perhaps areas to more readers more quickly.
purchase extra items.
A) unless
A) before
B) because
B) so that
C) before
C) as if
D) just as
D) until
E) although
E) as soon as

5. ---- the ancient Greeks did not invent the style of

2. ---- access to technology resources was previously sandals, they created many types of them such as
cited as the most challenging obstacle for teachers, leather ones.
the lack of time to learn new programmes and to
infuse them in their teaching is currenty seen as a A) As
major challenge.
B) Even though
A) Since
C) If
B) Whereas
D) Once
C) In case
E) Given that
D) As if

E) Whenever
6. In 2000, the total value of goods and sevices
3. There are about 30 species of coffee, ---- only two exchanged between countries ---- international trade
species provide most of the world market with was roughly $6.9 trillion.
A) contrary to
A) as
B) instead of
B) or
C) on behalf of
C) otherwise
D) rahter than
D) so
E) as a result of
E) but
7. ---- print media which enables adults to have some 11. ---- there are numerous dimensions to hearing,
control over the kinds of information children could audiologists most commonly measure hearing loss in
access, visual media signals the end to such control. terms of sound intensity.

A) Due to A) Even if

B) Similar to B) Once

C) Along with C) By the time

D) As a consequence of D) Since

E) In contrast to E) Given that

12. ---- in conventional medicine, people diagnosed

with the same condition will generally be given the
8. In ancient Rome, pearls were ---- rare and same medicine, in homeopathy the remedy given to
expensive ---- they were reserved almost exclusively a patient may depend on a whole host of other
for the noble affluent. factors, such as state of mind and lifestyle.
A) whether / or A) Since
B) as / as B) Now that
C) so / that C) Whereas
D) either / or D) So long as
E) such / that E) Only if

1 MART 2020 / SAĞLIK 13. According to many dieticians, the diet or light
yogurts should be avoided ---- they are sweetened
9. Body mass index has long been used to measure
with aspartame, a chemical whose safety in food is
obesity and health risk, --- it cannot explain why an
overwight person might be healthy or why a
seemingly healthy person might get heart disease or A) so that
B) even if
A) as
C) since
B) thus
D) unless
C) otherwise
E) until
D) for example

E) yet
14. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, a brain
imaging technique that registers blood flow to
10. ---- body cells come in many different shapes and functioning areas of the brain, shows what the brain
sizes, they all share the same basic parts. is doing ---- how it looks.

A) As long as A) as well as

B) Provided that B) in case of

C) Although C) such as

D) Because D) in the absence of

E) Just as E) on behalf of
15. Human longevity climbed in the 20 th century ---- 19. ---- continental islands are part of their nearby
changes in public and advances in medical practice. continental land mass, oceanic islands are the result
of undersea volcanoes or tectonic plate activity
A) contrary to pushing up the sea floor.
B) rather than A) Unless
C) despite B) After
D) except for C) While
E) as a result of D) Because
16. Aesthetic surgery is a modern phenomenon that E) As long as
demands ---- a set of specific technical innovations in
surgery ---- a cultural presupposition that you have
the right to alter your body.
A) as /as 20. Like people, animals can also have reactions to
pollen and other environmental allergens, ---- they
B) the more / the more have different symptoms that we do and should be
treated differently as well.
C) not only / but also
A) as if
D) such / that
B) once
E) no sooner / than
C) but
1 MART 2020 / FEN
D) so
17. ---- the Earth’s long history, scientists divide its
4.5-billion-year existence using the geologic time E) since
scale, which makes this history manageable.
21. The solid core inside the Moon is similar to that
A) Unlike of Earth; ----, the Moon’s core is gradually cooling,
which creates cracks on the surface, in contrast to
B) Except for the Earth’s warming core.

C) On behalf of A) however

D) Because of B) eventually

E) Similar to C) furthermore

18. It takes up to five years ---- a cocoa tree bears D) for instance
fruit, and it then produces around 1,000 beans a
year, but that is only enough for one kilogramme of E) in brief
22. Atmosphere observation includes such well-
A) because known instruments as the thermometer and
barometer - --- less familiar devices such as the
B) unless radiosonde.

C) before A) according to

D) as if B) in terms of

E) as soon as C) with the purpose of

D) owing to

E) as well as
23. According to a study, a common species of wasp 27. When a young child says 'mouses' instead of
appears to be becoming smaller in number ---- the 'mice,’ this is good evidence that the child is learning
ongoing global rise in temperatures. the regular forms of the language and knows how to
A) except for the make plurals ---- he or she has not yet learned
the irregular forms.
B) rather than

C) as a consequence of A) once
B) whether
D) contrary to C) even if
E) in pursuit of D) just as
E) as if
24. Studies have shown that flying animals manage
well ---- due to the fact that they can escape 28. Egyptians built irrigation canals to carry water
predators by taking flight, ---- because flight has
and created a calendar that predicted the annual
supplied them with a number of advantageous
qualities. flooding of the Nile ---- they could maximise food
A) such / that
A) in case
B) the more / the more
B) so that
C) neither / nor C) even if
D) while
D) not only / but also
E) as though
E) as / as
29. In some groups the bonds among members are
strong and enduring due to harmony achieved
3 KASIM 2019/ SOSYAL through close relationships, ---- in other groups
members are loosely linked and lack a sense of
25. Anthropologists may have difficulty in separating 'groupness'.
out the field from astronomy, geology or botany, -----
it is not so obvious how Anthropology may be
distinguished from the many other branches of A) as if
science. B) whereas
C) since
A) although D) just as
B) until E) provided that
C) because
D) just as 30. The ancient Egyptians' fascination with science
E) in case and new technology resulted in inventions ---- the
calendar and door lock, which are still used today.
26. Philosophy occurs in all cultures and daily life, ----
only in Western philosophy is there a distinct way of A) in contrast with
thinking that consists of hypotheses and B) in spite of
generalisations about the natural and human C) such as
worlds. D) regardless of
E) in terms of
A) since
B) so that
C) provided that
D) but
E) otherwise
31. Tokyo is one of the wealthiest, safest, cleanest, 35. ---- most autoimmune diseases individually are
and most creative cities in the world ----- being partly rare, collectively they are among the most common
destroyed and rebuilt twice in the past hundred diseases.
A) despite B) Wheress
B) due to C) Because
C) rather than D) Provided that
D) together with E) As long as
E) unlike
36. ----- the bones that make up the skeleton are
solid, they have a flexible structure and to a large
32. Although the composer Johann Strauss Jr. degree consist of spongy tissues.
immortalised the Danuba River in his famous waltz
entitled On the Beautiful Blue Danube, the Danube A) Although
River is not blue- its waters appear ----- greenish ----- B) Whether
brown. C) Since
D) Once
A) no sooner / than E) If
B) the more / the more
C) as / as 37.Tiny hairs in our inner ears, called cochlear hair
D) either / or cells, are vital to our natural perception of sound,
E) so / that and ---- we lose them, we do not grow them back.

A) by the time
B) as if
33.----- excess sodium increases blood pressure, C) even if
potassium decreases tension in blood vessel walls D) once
and helps keep blood pressure in check. E) unless

A) As if 38. The idea that people with dark skin do not burn is
B) While a misconception, as UV rays have the same damaging
C) Whether effects on them as others, so ----- how fair or dark
D) Therefore you are, you should use sunscreen when outdoors.
E) By the time
A) in the hope of
34. Exercise is recommended by many therapists and B) regardless of
physicians --- it can provide relief and improve C) thanks to
mobility. D) as a consequence of
E) by means of
A) although
B) because
39. ---- the variety of ways celiac disease can
C)even if
manifest itself, it is often not discovered easily.
D) unless
E) until
A) Due to
B) In terms of
C) On behalf of
D) With the help of
E) Similar to
40. The presence of cataracts can mask additional 44. Dogs, which are highly responsive to sensory
eye problems, such as retinal damage, that ---- information, look and listen to interpret their
doctors --- patients are aware of prior to surgery. surroundings, ----- humans do.

A) whether / or A) although
B) the more / the more B) just as
C) so/ that C) only when
D) neither / nor D) unless
E) as / as E) as long as

45. ----- the field of seismology can be divided into

3 KASIM 2019 / FEN studies of the Earth's structure and of seismic
41. ------ all greenhouse gas emissions were stopped sources (earthquakes, explosions, etc.), they are not
tomorrow, the average głobal temperature would fully separable.
still keep rising for the next 30 years.
A) As long as
A) In case B) Because
B) Even if C) Even though
C) Because D) Unless
D) Although E) Once
E) Once
46. Today, people with rare conditions could be
42. Life expectancy at birth is the number of years a diagnosed quicker ----- the advances in technology
newborn infant would live ----- already existing including 3D facial analysis.
patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to
A) except for
stay the same throughout its life.
B) despite
C) as well as
A) if
D) thanks to
B) since
E) unlike
C) in case
D) so that
47. ------ the advancements in Internet service and
E) although
delivery, slow-loading web pages are still

43. Not much progress could be made in chemistry ----

A) By means of
- chemists gained a better understanding of the
B) Instead of
materials they worked with.
C) Despite
D) With the help of
A) as
E) As well as
B) until
C) only when
D) as long as
E) if
48. To test a pet's sensitivity to specific allergens, a PREPOSITION CEVAP ANAHTARI
veterinarian routinely exposes it to these allergens
via ----- a daily serum under the tongue ------a shot 1-B 7-E 13-B
2-E 8-C 14-C
every one to two weeks.
3-D 9-D 15-D
4-B 10-D 16-A
A) such / that 5-B 11-A 17-D
B) so / that 6-E 12-C 18-C
C) the more / the more
D) either /or

1-B 11-A 21-A 31-A 41-B

2-B 12-C 22-E 32-D 42-A
3-E 13-C 23-C 33-B 43-B
4-B 14-A 24-D 34-B 44-B
5-B 15-E 25-C 35-B 45-C
6-E 16-C 26-D 36-A 46-D
7-E 17-D 27-C 37-D 47-C
8-C 18-C 28-B 38-B 48-D
9-E 19-C 29-B 39-A
10-C 20-C 30-C 40-D

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