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Часи групи Present (Simple, Continuous, Perfect,

Perfect Continuous)
Present Perfect
Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Continuous


Вправа 1. Зіставте час дієслова та тимчасовий вираз (деякі використовуються двічі):

Look! ever, always, never, seldom, often, now, nowadays, usually, at the moment , yet, already,
just, recently, lately , every day, on Mondays , tonight, today, never, regularly, sometimes, once
a year, once a week, Listen! How long…? for, since, thes days, still, etc

Вправа 2.Розкрийте дужки, щоб отримати Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect
Continuous або Present Perfect.

1. Is Andy here? - I don't know, I … (not see) him today.

2. Where … you … (go)? - To the library.

3. Would you like … (borrow) this magazine? – No, thanks. I … (read) it before.

4. Betty's bus … (arrive) at 5 o'clock. I must go and meet her at the bus station.

5. Have you seen my record book? I … (look) for it all the morning.

6. Mike … (talk) to is friend for an hour already.

7. More and more forests … (disappear) because of fires nowadays. (Часи, рівень 3)

8. How long … you … (work) on this problem?

9. The first lesson … (not finish) at 9.45.

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