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*TM 9-273


No. 9-273 WASHINGTON 25, D.C., 19 Januarry1962


Paragraphs Pages
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------- 1-2 3
Section I. Friction -------------------------------- 3-8 5
II. Lubrication theory -------------------------- - 9-13 9
Section I. Types of bearings -------------------------------------------------------- 14-17 13
II. Lubrication of bearings ___________________-______________________________ 18-19 18
Section I. Manufacture of lubricants and properties ---------------------------------- 20-24 21
II. Care and use of lubricants ------------------------------------------------ 25-30 23
CHAPTER 5. LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT -------------------------------------------- 31-36 29
Section I. Engine lubrication -------------------------------------------------------- 37-45 39
II. A ccessories -------------------------------------------------------------- 46-49 49
Section I. Clutches ---------------------------------------------------------------- 50-51 59
II. Transmissions, differentials, and drive shafts ------------------------------ 52-54 61
Section I. Braking ---------- __-__------------______________--_--------------------- 55-56 71
II. Steering and suspensions -------------------------------------------------- 57-58 72
CHAPTER 9. ARTILLERY MATERIEL ------------------------------------------------ 59-69 81
10, MISSILES -------------------------------------------------------------- 70-71 93
11. FIRE CONTROL AND DETECTING EQUIPMENT ---------------------- 72-78 95
12. SMALL ARMS MATERIEL ---------------------------------------------- 79-82 103
13. WEATHER CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------ 83-89 105
14. OTHER USES OF LUBRICANTS --------------------------------------- 90-94 123
APPENDIX. REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 125.
INDEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ 127

*This manual supersedes TM 9-2835, 11 May 1949; TB 9-2835-1, 18 December 1951, including Changes No.
1, 20 August 1952; and TB 9-2835-13, 17 July 1952.
TM 9-273


1. Purpose (5) The properties of lubricants are

This manual is published to give informa-
(6) The reasons for additives to lubri-
tion on lubrication to Ordnance personnel.
cants are shown.
Since lubrication is basic to the Department of
(7) Nonpetroleum lubricants are dis-
the Army Preventive Maintenance program, es-
sential concepts are given to show the necessity closed.
(8) Material on the specialized lubrica-
for proper lubrication of Ordnance materiel.
tion of new equipment such as radar,
missiles, and instruments has been
2. Scope added.
a. Chapters 2 through 4 discuss the ele- (9) Lubrication information on small
ments of friction, lubrication, bearing surfaces, arms and artillery has been
and the manufacture and properties of lubri- expanded.
cants. Chapter 5 deals with the equipment (10) New material, in keeping with the
used to lubricate, while chapters 6 through 12 advances of automotive equipment,
discuss the lubrication of typical Ordnance has been added.
materiel. Pertinent technical manuals and lu- (11) New forms of lubrication orders are
brication orders should be consulted for specif- shown and discussed.
ic materiel. In chapters 13 through 15, the (12) Additional references are made.
effect of weather on lubrication, extended uses (13) Several subjects, appearing in TM 9-
of lubrication materials, and Department of 2835, not relative to lubrication, have
the Army publications, pertinent to lubrica- been omitted.
tion, are presented.
b. The appendix contains a list of current (14) Some references, because of obsoles-
cence, have been eliminated.
references, including supply manuals, techni-
cal manuals, forms, and other available publi- (15) Materials, no longer used, are not
cations applicable to lubrication. discussed.
c. This manual differs from TM 9-2835, 11 d,. Any errors or omissions will be for-
May 1949, as follows: warded on DA Form 2028 direct to the Com-
(1) New ideas on friction and lubrication manding Officer, Raritan Arsenal, ATTN:
theories have been added. ORDJR-OPRA, Metuchen, N. J.
(2) Additions on the materials, construc- Note. Specifications and standards used by the
tion, and lubrication of bearings have Department of the Army are listed in the Depart-
been made. ment of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards,
which is comprised of three separate parts: Part I,
(3) Lubricants, used by Ordnance, have Straight Alphabetical Listing; Part II, Numerical
been tabulated. Listing; and Part III, Federal Supply Classification
(4) The manufacture of lubricants has Listing. Copies of specifications and standards may be
been added. requisitioned in accordance with this Index.

TM 9-273



3. General brakes are applied, the friction between the

Lubrication is the act of applying lubricants surfaces of brake drums, which are attached to
and lubrication substances which are capable vehicle wheels, and the surfaces of linings on
of reducing friction between moving mechani- the brake shoes, which are fastened to the
cal parts. Since modern materials are designed axle housings, retards movement of the
to utilize lubrication for obtaining proper wheels. When a clutch is engaged, the fric-
functioning, it is a most vital type of preven- tional drag existing between the driving sur-
tive maintenance. face and the driven surface prevents these sur-
faces from slipping and makes them move to-
gether as a unit. Friction absorbs power and
4. Nature of Friction
generates heat in proportion to the amount of
Natural laws say that bodies will remain at effort required to overcome it. When a sled
rest or in motion unless acted upon by forces is drawn over a dry pavement, friction occurs
large enough to change these conditions. Con- between the runners and the ground. The
sider a block of steel at rest on a concrete drag is apparent. The sled runners will be
floor. It will not move until forces greater warm, indicating that heat has been generated.
than those which hold it at rest influence it.
Natural forces acting on the block are gravity
and friction. Gravity is measured by the
weight or mass of the block acting downward.
Friction is a force acting between the contact-
ing surfaces of the block and the floor. It is
a direct result of the surface conditions of the
block and the floor. If these surfaces are UNEVEN SURFACES
smooth or rough, hard or soft, wet or dry, the
amount of friction will change.
RA PD 85937

5. Definition of Friction
Figure 1. Magnified view of two surfaces in contact.
a. All surfaces, no matter how smooth they
may appear to the unaided eye, when suffi- b. Coefficients or factors of friction be-
ciently magnified are rough and uneven (fig. tween surfaces have been determined for
1). Friction is the resistance to relative mot
many materials. The larger these coefficients
tion between two bodies in contact. This re-
sistance or drag between the surfaces of bodies are, the larger is the force of friction between
in contact retards or prevents them from mov- surfaces that must be overcome. Some typical
ing in relation to one another. When vehicle values are shown in table I.

TM 9-273

Table 1. Coefficients of Friction(Siding) figure 2 which shows a man exerting himself

to start a body in motion, but another man
Materials Dry Greasy pushing it easily after it is once in motion. The
force of friction always acts in the opposite di-
Hard steel on hard steel 0.42 0.09
Hard steel on babbit 0.35 0.07 rection to the motion and always reduces the
Mild steel on mild steel 0.57 0.12 effectiveness of the force moving the body.
Mild steel on phosphor bronze 0.34 0.17 Its magnitude is dependent upon the weight
Brass on mild steel 0.53 0.12 of the body and the coefficient of friction for
Glass on glass 0.40 0.09
the two surfaces in contact. Frictional force is
Cast iron on cast iron 0.35 0.07
Bronze on cast iron 0.22 0.07 not influenced by area dimensions. A brick
Laminated plastic on steel 0.35 0.05 building block sliding on its small flat end
will require the same force to move it as if it
were sliding on its large flat side.
6. Types of Friction
b. Sliding Friction. Sliding friction (fig.
a. Friction of Rest and Friction of Motion. 3) results when the surface of one solid body
Before any body at rest can be moved, suffi- is moved on the surface of another solid body.
cient force must be applied to overcome its c. Rolling Friction. Rolling friction (fig.
inertia and the friction between it and the 4) results when a curved body such as a cyl-
surface with which it is in contact. This is inder or sphere rolls upon a flat or curved
static friction or friction of rest. After the surface. In his early existence, man discovered
body is once in motion it can be kept in mo- that if rollers or wheels were used, a consider-
tion by expending sufficient energy to over- able part of the force necessary to move ob-
come the friction between it and the surface jects against sliding friction was eliminated;
with which it is in contact. This is kinetic thus rolling friction was utilized to save labor.
friction or friction of motion. Static friction d. Fluid Friction. Man also discovered in
which must be overcome to put any body in his early existence that the force required to
motion, is greater than knietic friction, which overcome fluid friction (fig. 5) was less than
must be overcome to keep the body in motion the force required to move the same body if
after it is started. This fact is illustrated in either sliding or rolling friction had to be



RA PD 85938

Figure 2. Frictionof rest and friction of motion.

TM 9-273
overcome. Fluid friction is the resistance to 7. Cohesion and Adhesion
motion set up by the (cohesive) action be-
tween particles of a fluid and the (adhesive) a. Cohesion and Adhesion Defined. Cohe-
action of those particles to the medium which sion is the molecular attraction between like
is tending to move the fluid. For example, if particles throughout a body or the force that
a paddle is used to stir a fluid, the cohesive holds any substance or body together. Adhe-
force between the molecules of the fluid will sion is the molecular attraction existing be-
tend to hold the molecules together and thus
tween surfaces of bodies in contact or the force
prevent the motion of the fluid. At the same
which causes unlike materials to stick together.
time, the adhesive force of the molecules of
the fluid will cause the fluid to adhere or From the standpoint of lubricants, adhesion
stick to the paddle and thus create friction be- is the property of a lubricant that causes it to
tween the paddle and the fluid. stick or adhere to the parts lubricated, while

IS __Z
__ ,_ -
-a( _ _ _

FACTOR = 0.6
ORD A765
Figure S. Sliding friction.


Figure 4. Rolling friction.

TM 9-273

_ lb

_ 9:"":--FRICTIO _--
- _;>==_=W~~~~~~ON
-- ATE~R

FACTOR = 0.0001
ORD A767

Figure5. Flid friction.

cohesion is the property which holds a lubri- amount of heat. Rolling friction consumes a
cant together and resists a breakdown of the lesser amount of power and produces a lesser
lubricant under pressure. amount of heat. Fluid friction consumes the
b. Varying Degrees of Cohesion and Adhe- least amount of power and produces the least
sion. Cohesion and adhesion are possessed by amount of heat.
different materials in widely varying degree.
In general, solid bodies are highly cohesive
but only slightly adhesive. Fluids, on the
other hand, are quite highly adhesive but only
slightly cohesive. Generally a material hav-
ing one of these properties to a high degree
will possess the other property to a relatively
low degree. The adhesive property of fluids
varies greatly (fig. 6). If mercury, which is OIL
highly cohesive and slightly adhesive, is MERCURY "f" c WATER
poured over a sloping iron plate, it will run Mercury will not adhere to iron because of its
low adhesive and high cohesive properties. Water
off in drops without adhering to the plate. will adhere to metal, but has relatively low
adhesive and cohesive properties, Oil will adhere
Water, which has relatively low cohesive and to metal more than either mercury or water, because
it possessesrelatively higher adhesive as well
as cohesive properties.
adhesive properties, will not spread out over
RA PD 85942
or adhere to the plate to any great extent and
will run off rapidly. Oil, which has higher
cohesive and adhesive properties than water, Figure 6. Adhesive properties of fluids vary greatly.
will adhere to the plate, spread out over it to
a considerable extent, and will run off slowly. b. Any fluid when placed between two sur-
faces tends to keep the two surfaces apart and
8. Relation of Friction, Cohesion, Adhesion, to change any sliding friction between them
and Lubrication into fluid friction. This is because all liquids
a. Friction always consumes power and pro- are noncompressible. The liquids will fill all
duces heat. The amount of power consumed of the cavities of the rubbing surfaces (fig. 1)
and heat produced varies with the conditions and will not be reduced in volume by the
under which the friction is produced or oc- forces holding the surfaces together. When
qurs. Sfiding friction consumes the greatest two such surfaces are kept apart by such a
amotlA'of power and produces the greatest fluid film, they are said to be lubricated.

TM 9-273

c. The extent to which lubrication reduces tion; and second, the amount of pressure be-
the friction between two surfaces is governed tween the two surfaces. To insure lubrication,
by two factors: first, the selection of the fluid the layer of fluid must be kept intact, and the
which has the best proportion of cohesive and greater the pressure the more difficult this
adhesive properties for the particular applica- becomes.


9. Langmuir Theory of Lubrication

a. It is agreed generally that the Langmuir
theory offers the best and simplest explanation
concerning the possible behavior of a lubricat-
ing oil film. According to this theory, a film
of oil capable of maintaining a full fluid film
between two surfaces in motion is composed
of many layers of oil molecules (fig. 7).
Under conditions of full fluid film lubrication,
the Iqyers of globules next to the surfaces adhere
b. When two surfaces separated by an oil to these surfaces, while the intermediate globules
split up" into layers and slide on each other
film are set in motion, the oil film "splits up"
RA PD 103986
into layers of these molecules. One layer
slides across the surface of another and in so
Figure 7. Theory of an oil film.
doing sets the next layer in motion. The
layers closest to the surfaces adhere to them,
while the intermediate layers cohere to each MOVING SURFACE

other (fig. 8).

c. The Langmuir theory also offers an ex-
cellent explanation of the varying degrees of
lubrication that may appear between two sur-
faces in motion. Engineers usually recognize /JM
three degrees of lubrication. The condition il- LUBRICANT
RA PD 85944
lustrated in figure 9, where there is metal con-
tact and practically no lubrication present, usu-
ally is considered to be "insufficient lubrica- Figure 8. Action of an oil film between two
moving surfaces.
tion." A very thin film of lubricant usually
is considered "partial lubrication" (fig. 9)
(sometimes called "boundary lubrication") al- 10. Oil Film and Wedge Theory
though many bearings operate satisfactorily in a. We have considered flat surfaces only up
this region under certain conditions. "Suffi- to this point. When we apply the same prin-
cient lubrication" (fig. 9) or "full fluid film ciples to shafts and bearings, we see a differ-
lubrication" denotes that enough oil is present ent type of action taking place.
to establish and maintain a full fluid film be- b. The oil film and wedge theory explains
tween the two moving surfaces. These three the action of an oil film between a shaft and
degrees of lubrication can be likened to the its bearing. According to this theory, oil
layers of molecules present; for example, full molecules adhering to the surface of a rotating
fluid film can be visualized as five or more shaft are carried along by the motion of the
layers; partial film as three layers; and the in- shaft. These molecules drag along the adja-
sufficient film as less than three layers (fig. cent layer of molecules by the force of cohe-
9). sion. At the same time, the weight of the load
TM 9-273








RA PD 85946

Figure 10. Oil firn and wedge theory.


Figure 9. Insufficient, partial, and sufficient


on the shaft forces the shaft down into the oil HIGH PRESSUREAREA HIGH PRESSUREAREA HIGH PRESSUREAREA
film near the bottom of the bearing. This
pressure action narrows the clearance at the RA PD 85947A
lower side of the bearing, causing some of
the layers of molecules to be "squeezed" or
"wedged" into this space. This wedging ac- Figure 11. Speed of rotationdetermines the high-
and low-pressure areas.
tion lifts the shaft from the bearing and thus
establishes the full fluid lubricating film (fig.
1 1. Viscosity
10). The wedging action of the oil film in a
bearing creates high- and low-pressure areas, The degree of cohesion betwen the mole-
the oil supply being introduced at the low- cules of an oil determines its grade or viscos-
pressure area (fig. 11). The positions of the ity. The molecules of the more viscous or heavy
low- and high-pressure areas vary somewhat oils are bound together more firmly than the
with the speed of rotation. molecules of the less viscous, lighter oils. The

TM 9-273
behavoir of oils of different viscosities in a a. Rubbing Speed. The properties of a
simple shaft and bearing can be illustrated by lubricant must be such that it will stick to the
the following: Too heavy an oil may be visual- bearing surfaces and support the load at op-
ized as an oil in which the molecules are so erating speeds. More adhesiveness is required
large that they cannot wedge themselves be- to make the lubricant adhere to bearing sur-
tween the rotating journal and bearing sur- faces at high rubbing speeds than at low
face. Too light an oil may be visualized as an speeds. At low rubbing speeds less adhesion
oil in which the molecules are either so small is required but, due to the decrease in wedg-
that they cannot individually sustain the loads ing action, greater cohesion is necessary to pre-
imposed on them, or the force of cohesion be- vent the lubricating film from being squeezed
tween the molecules is not strong enough to hold out from between the bearing surfaces.
them together in great enough masses to col- b. Clearance Between Bearing Surfaces.
lectively support the load. The correct oil is Other conditions being the same, greater clear-
that oil which is made up of molecules of the ance between bearing surfaces requires higher
right size and cohesiveness to prevent the viscosity and cohesiveness in the lubricant to
shaft, in its rotary motion, from breaking insure maintenance of the lubricating film.
through the molecular layers of the oil film The greater the clearance the greater must be
(fig. 12). the resistance of the lubricant against being
pounded out with the resultant destruction of
*~~~~: * : the lubricating film.
c. Bearing Load. Other conditions being
000 the same, the greater the unit load on a bear-
Xff)';>01~ ~~~~~-i
~ ffkS S ing the higher the viscosity of the lubricant
should be to maintain the lubricating film.
TOO HEAVY TOO LIGHT CORRECT The cohesion must be sufficient to prevent a
it cov't 9,In Ifhei Ov hIs t- qht t1, the,
breakdown of the lubricating film. A lubri-
by glrfin Fr j
.rret or tI h
~it - t s p a T
r t I
-C-ot n-4crdIt d
Hf h,
,,> *q
cant which initially is too viscous (cohesive)
-,pfrf~er v I~}~tcatpd X .) o e
for a given condition of load and speed will
RA PD 85948 absorb more power, convert the power to heat,
and thereby automatically reduce its own vis-
Figure 12. Effect of viscosity. cosity to a lower value. Such reduction is at
the expense of higher operating temperature
and shorter lubricant life. The load in terms
12. Fundamental Factors Influencing of pressure per square inch of bearing area is
Selection of Proper Grade of Lubricant calculated by a rather simple formula. Actual-
There are factors which influence the selec- ly the projected bearing area can be visualized
tion of the proper grade of lubricant for any as the shadow which the shaft would cast if a
normal bearing operated under normal con- light were held directly above it. The impor-
ditions: rubbing speed (generally in linear tance of the calculation of unit pressures may
feet per minute); the clearance between bear- be illustrated by visualizing a heavy flywheel
ing surfaces; the load in terms of pressure per mounted on a shaft and the shaft in turn
unit of bearing area (generally pounds per mounted upon sharp knife-edge bearings at each
square inch). Obviously there may be in- end. It is obvious that the force of weight and
numerable variations or combinations of these motion in such a shaft would cut either the
conditions; depending upon factors of outside shaft or the bearings, depending upon which
origin; for instance, high or low temperatures was the softer.
from outside the bearing, heat generated within d. Clearance of Shafts. The amount of
the bearing, presence of moisture or abrasive clearance between a. shaft and bearing surface
dust, presence of contaminating substances, etc. is primarily governed by the operating speed
All these conditions are taken into considera- of the shaft. Here are three general rules cov-
tion in selecting the grade of lubricant. ering this point-
TM 9-273

(1) High shaft speed demands closer Lubrication reduces the amount of wear by
clearances and close bearing clear- providing a fluid barrier between rubbing sur-
ances require lower viscosity faces. Lubrication is the means of changing
lubricants. "dry friction" to "fluid friction."
(2) Medium shaft speeds allow moderate b. Lubricants must have the qualities to-
clearances and moderate clearances
(1) Remain fluid under heat and cold.
warrant medium viscosity lubricants.
(3) Low shaft speeds permit large clear- (2) Remain stable under loads.
ances and large clearances call for (3) Be noninflammable.
higher viscosity lubricants. (4) Leave no residues.
(5) Transfer heat.
13. Summary Modern lubricants will have these qualities.
a. Friction is a force which counteracts a Intelligent use of these qualities will prevent
driving force. It is present in all mechanisms. wear of equipment and keep equipment com-
It can be greatly reduced by lubrication. bat ready.
TM 9-273



14. General friction. They may be defined broadly as bear-
a. Machine Bearings. Strictly speaking, the ings which have rolling contact between their
word "bearing" has many applications and, surfaces.
from the standpoint of mechanics, may be ap-
plied to anything that supports a load. How- 15. Friction-type Bearings
ever, this text will be concerned only with a. General. Friction-type bearings (those
those bearings which support or confine the which have sliding contact between their sur-
motion of sliding, rotating, and oscillating faces) may be broadly grouped into three clas-
parts in those mechanisms known as machines. sifications: first, journal bearings, which sup-
Machine bearings generally are referred to or port and confine a rotating or oscillating shaft;
may be classified in two major groups, namely: second, guide bearings, which guide the longi-
friction-type bearings and antifriction-type tudinal motion of a shaft or other part; and
bearings. third, thrust bearings, which restrict the mo-
tion of or support a rotating shaft or other
FRICTION part longitudinally.
b. Journal Bearings. Journal bearings, in
turn, may be subdivided into different styles
or types, the most common of which are solid
bearings, half bearings, two-part or split bear-
In friction type beorings, orne body slides over the
surface of onother and if unlubricoted, sliding
ings, and multipart bearings.
friction is developed In anti-friction bearings,
the surfaces are separated by balls or rollers, and
(1) Solid bearings. A typical solid style
rolling friction is developed
journal bearing (A, fig. 14) applica-
RA PD 103988
tion is the piston pin bearing, more
commonly called a bushing, in the
Figure 13. Friction-and antifriction-type bearings. small end of an engine connecting
rod. Solid bearings can be used only
b. Friction-type Bearings. Friction-type where it is possible to slip them over
bearings (fig. 13) may be defined broadly as the end of the shaft with which they
those bearings which have sliding contact be- operate. Solid bearings frequently
tween their surfaces. In these bearings, one are pressed into the part to which
body slides or moves on the surface of another they are applied. Solid bearings due
and sliding friction is developed if the rub- to their construction, offer a smooth
bing surfaces are not lubricated. internal surface not to be found in a
c. Antifriction-type Bearings. Antifriction- multipart bearing and this smooth in-
type bearings (fig. 13) are so-called because ner surface minimizes the danger of
their design takes advantage of the fact that interrupting the oil film. Solid bear-
less energy is required to overcome rolling ings also can be made quite rigid,
friction than is required to overcome sliding due to the absence of either bolts or

TM 9-273

If the construction of the machine to

which a split bearing is applied calls
for fairly frequent adjustment during
its service life, shims may be pro-
vided to reduce the clearance of the
bearing. Modern automotive bearings
are precision-built and when they are
worn, they are replaced rather than
(4) Multipart bearings Multipart bear-
ings (F, fig. 14) of the friction type

Air 0s I\
are used chiefly in heavy industrial
machinery. Their application
largely where the loads are either
great to be carried economically by
a split bearing, or where the direc-

tion of the load would place its bur-

C SPLIT-TYPE 0. SPLIT-TYPE COMBINATION den upon the parting line of a split
bearing. The parting lines of multi-
part bearings can be so arranged
around the circumference of a journal
0*077 as to cause the least possible interfer-
ence with oil film and wedge forma-
tion. This means that the parting
likes will be kept away from the
0 high-pressure point of the oil film
and wedge.
E. HALFBEARING r. MULTIPARTBEARING (5) Guide bearings. Guide bearings (B,
RA PD 859S4 fig. 14), as the name implies, are
used for guiding the longitudinal
Figure 14. Various friction-type bearings. motion of a shaft or other part. Per-
haps the best illustrations of a guide
clamps which may either work loose bearing are the valve guides and the
or permit flexing. cylinders in the internal combustion
(2) Half bearings. Perhaps the most com- engine. The crosshead of a locomo-
mon application of the half bearing tive or the slides controlling the re-
(E, fig. 14) in equipment is on the coil of a gun are other common
journal or axle of a railroad car. forms of guide bearings.
These bearings are easy to install and
replace. Where the load is exerted (6) Th.rust bearings. Thrust bearings are
only in one direction, they obviously bearings which are used to limit mo-
are less costly than a full bearing of tion of, or support a shaft or other
any type. rotating part longitudinally. Thrust
(3) Split bearings. Split-type journal bearings sometimes are combined
bearings (C, fig. 14) are used more functionally with journal bearings
frequently than any other friction- (D, fig. 14). That is to say, a jour-
type bearing. A good example is the nal bearing often is flanged at one
connecting rod crankpin bearing. or both ends, and these flanges bear-
The split bearing can be made adjust- ing against the end of the box absorb
able in order to compensate for wear. the thrust and prevent end motion of

TM 9-273
the journal; an example is the bear- These properties are required in applications
ing on the crankshaft of an automo- where the bearing must stand heavy loads and
bile engine. Another example is a resist wear. Bronze bushings are use to sup-
shaft with a collar bearing against port piston pins, water pump shafts, and dis-
the end of a bearing to prevent end tributor shafts.
d. Copper-lead and Cadmium-Silver. Cop-
per-lead and cadmium-silver alloys were de-
16. Materials of Bearings veloped as bearing material for automobile
a. General. The complete subject of bear- connecting rod bearings. Both of these alloys
ing materials involves metallurgy and machine are capable of withstanding high load pres-
design problems. These subjects are broad sures. They are susceptible to oxidation by
enough to warrant extensive study. This man- the corrosive elements in crankcase oils. For
ual will be concerned only with the simple this reason special oils are specified for use
fundamentals. In general, however, it is well with these alloys. Some engine bearings, oper-
established that good bearing lubrication prac- ating at high speeds, will be subject to 2,000
tice must take into consideration the kind of pounds per square inch load and at 300 ° F.
material used. Thin linings of the above alloys wear very well
under these conditions.
b. Babbitt. Babbitt, as originally made, was
composed of fixed proportions of copper, tin, e. Synthetic Bearing Materials. Fiber or syn-
and antimony. However, many changes in the thetic bearings are made by impregnating a
original proportions have been made. In fact, cloth or paper base with a resinous compound
any soft metal lining containing lead, tin, or under high temperature and pressure. Bear-
antimony is called "Babbitt." The importance ings made of these fibrous materials are adapt-
of a babbitt-lined bearing lies in the fact that able to a wide variety of speed and load con-
a shaft will run with less friction and less ditions. These bearings wear well, require
power loss if the bearing is lined with a metal little lubrication, have high antifriction charac-
softer than the shaft itself. Compare the first teristics and are not generally corroded. Where
two items listed in table I. A soft metal of it is important to have good electrical insula-
this description is sometimes called an anti- tion, such as electric motors, synthetic bearings
friction metal. In general, the tin in the bab- are commonly used.
bitt formula gives the metal its stability and f. Bearing Finishes. The finish and surface
ability to resist corrosion and oxidation. The of a bearing has considerable influence on the
lead makes it more ductile and smooth. Anti- characteristics of the bearing. To have high
mony and copper provide a rigidity which antifriction qualities, the bearing surface
gives the alloy mechanical strength. should be as smooth as possible. It is always
c. Bronze. An older form of a bearing al- desirable to have a mirror-finish. The finish
loy is bronze. The term bronze should be ap- of the bearing has a definite fundamental ef-
plied only to those alloys of copper in which fect upon: first, the unlubricated friction fac-
tin is the predominating quantity. Bronze tor of the bearing; and second, the formation
bearings were used to support the moving and maintenance of the proper film and
parts of crude machinery long before the in- wedge.
dustrial era. It was used as a bearing material g. Oilless Bearings. Oilless or self-lubri-
because of primary requirements that a bearing cating bearings are used in inaccessible places
should be softer than the shaft it supports. or where the presence of oil is undesirable. A
Bronze does not have the high antifriction number of types have been developed, some
value of babbitt. Although it is prepared in of the more common being bronze with grap-
many forms of alloys, the best known type is ite inserts, graphite impregnated with some
called phosphor bronze. Phosphor bronze has bearing metal such as white alloy or bronze,
very high tensile strength and toughness. wood impregnated with oil, wax, paraffin, or

TM 9-273

some such substance, and hard wood rein- and failure of the complete bearing follows.
forced with babbitt metal, the wood shell be- b. Roller Bearings. Rollers, which may be
ing impregnated with lubricant. The various cylindrical, tapered, shaped (as hour glass),
types are manufactured under different trade and needle are the general types of roller
names. bearings. All are used in different applica-
tions of radial loads. The shaped and tapered
17. Antifriction-type Bearings rollers may also be used as end thrust bear-
a. General, Antifriction-type bearings are ings. Needle bearings are used for supporting
those which have rolling contact between their slow speed shafts.
surfaces. They may be classified as roller c. Ball Bearings. This type of antifriction
bearings or ball bearings according to shape of bearing has universal use. It is used to sup-
the rolling elements. Both roller and ball port end thrust as well as radial loads. Shaft
bearings are made in different types, some be- speeds of slow motion to very high revolutions
ing arranged to carry both radial and thrust per minute can be accommodated.
loads. In these bearings, the balls or rollers d. Materials and Contruction. Antifriction
generally are assembled between two rings or bearings are made of hardened steel. The
races, the contacting faces of which are shaped rollers and balls are generally separated from
to fit the balls or rollers. The basic differ- each other. They roll on hardened steel races.
ence between ball- and roller-type bearings is Because they are manufactured to close toler-
that a ball at any given instant carries the load ances, dirt and grit will damage the polished
on two tiny spots diametrically opposite while surfaces of the bearings, causing severe dam-
a roller carries the load on two narrow lines age. Seals, both mechanical and those formed
(fig. 15). For high-speed, small, light loads, by grease, help to keep these elements from
ball bearings are generally most suitable. For the internal parts of the bearing. Figure 16
low-speed, large, heavy loads, roller bearings shows some typical antifriction bearings.
are usually the only satisfactory choice. Theo-
retically, the area of the spot or line of contact
is infinitesimal. Practically, the area of con-
tact depends on how much the material, out of
which the bearing parts are made, will distort
under the applied load. Obviously, bearings
must be made of hard materials because if the
distortion under load is appreciable, the re-
sulting friction will defeat the purpose of the SPOTCONTACT LINE'CONTACT LINE CONTACT

bearings. Bearings, with small highly loaded The load on o boll bearing it any given instant
is carried on a 'spot" of contoct; while that of
contact areas, must be lubricated carefully if a roller beoring is carried on a line" of contact
In both cases the theoretical oreo of contact is
at any given instant .
infinitesinmaol . .e
they are to have the antifriction properties KAr uIar t

they are designed to provide. If improperly lu-

bricated, the highly polished surfaces of the Figure 15. Load carrying areas of ball and
balls and rollers soon will crack, check, or pit, roller bearings.
TM 9-273

T. i__ X..--
7 Z
.X:'¼ 0 01.).fOD. CORNER






\> -- si~
RETAINING' .1111.11111111ROLLERS7


RA PD 252749A

Figure 16. Types of antifriction bearings.

TM 9-273


18. Friction Bearings or left with sharp or ragged eges. Even when
a. General. There are three important grooves are placed advantageously and are
points to consider in the distribution of oil in of the correct size, grooves with sharp corners
friction bearings: first, the point of lubricant facing the direction of rotation will tend to
introduction; second, the design and location scrape the oil off the journal and destroy the
of the oil grooves; and third, the proper cham- oil film. An oil groove cannot perform its
fering of the corners or edges of any grooves function of more evenly distributing the oil
in the surface of the bearing lining. film in the bearing, unless the corner of the
b. Point of Lubricant Introduction. The groove facing the rotation of the journal is
point at which the lubricant should be intro- chamfered properly. If the journal reverses its
duced is usually in the low-pressure area. direction of rotation, the grooves must be
This point will depend upon the position of chamfered on both edges.
the bearing, the direction of rotation, the
speed of rotation, and other factors. If an at-
tempt is made to introduce the oil into a bear-
ing at the high-pressure point, the pressure of
the oil film wedge may force the oil back out
of the bearing and may result in a failure of
the lubricating film. The correct location of
the point of lubricant introduction must be
considered carefully and circumferentially
placed in a low-pressure area. In the case of
horizontal bearings, the point of introduction
is normally at the top of the bearing circum-
ferentially and in the center of the bearing
longitudinally. Thus, the force of gravity, is
1 0 I e RA PD 85964

used as an aid in carrying the oil down onto

Figure17. Oil-groove patterns in friction-type
the rotating journal. bearings.
c. Oil grooves. Oil grooves (fig. 17) are
simply reservoirs which trap some of the 19. Antifriction Bearings
oil supplied to the bearings. They keep a por-
tion of the oil supply available for the start- a. The continued proper functioning of an
ing and stopping periods when the main sup- antifriction bearing depends largely upon lu-
ply system may not be operating or for a peri- brication. Proper- lubrication with the correct
od when, due to low temperature conditions, materials will prevent most bearing failures.
the viscosity of the oil may be so high as to b. Correct lubrication provides for-
prevent its immediate flow from the supply (1) Protection of polished surfaces from
stream. Oil grooves also aid in offsetting the rust and corrosion.
tendency of the loaded journal to squeeze most (2) Reduction of friction.
of the oil film out of the clearance space. This (3) Removal of heat.
squeezing out of the oil is greater in slow- (4) Sealing against dirt, water, dust, etc.
speed than in high-speed operation, because c. Unit contact pressure in excess of
the greater wedging action of the oil film oc- 300,000 pounds per square inch are quite com-
curring at higher journal speed tends to main- mon in antifriction bearings. Under such pres-
tain an adequate oil film. The location of oil sures the fine line of contact in the case of
grooves in the high-pressure area of a bearing roller bearings, or the small spot of contact in
usually is avoided or held to a minimum. the case of ball bearings, tends to make im-
Oil grooves never should be cut large or deep, practical the formation and maintenance of an

TM 9-273
unbroken oil film. The very limited area of (5) Cleanliness (from grit).
contact in the antifriction-type bearing punc- It is never recommended to use any lubricant
tures the film and the load is directly sup- having a graphite base on antifriction bearings.
ported by the balls and races which are theo- Formation of sludge from such material will
retically in a state of metal-to-metal rolling clog the bearing and cause early damage. See
contact. Because a continuous lubricating film TM 9-214 for information on care and mainte-
does not exist between the areas of contact of nance of antifriction bearings.
the balls or rollers and their adjacent races,
the ability of such balls or rollers to carry e. Oil or grease seals are used to prevent
heavy loads is believed to be due in a ~arge the entrance of dirt, water, etc., the lubricant
measure to the deformation which takes place from seeping out, and the accumulation of dirt
in balls, rollers, or races. Heat is generated by and dust on the outside surfaces of bearing.
this continual deformation or distortion and, Seals are made in different styles, depending
therefore, the action of the lubricant in this upon the operating characteristics of the parts
type of bearing is more of a cooling than of a to be protected. The plain felt seal generally
lubricating nature. is installed in a counterbore in the end of the
d. Choice of lubricants for antifriction bear- bearing and held in place by a snapring. The
ings is between oil or grease. Free flowing leather seal is pressed into a counterbore in
oils are used in bearings where continuous or the end of the bearing. The felt prevents the
easily serviced lubrication can be made. Oils passage of oil or dirt by being compressed
give better cooling conditions than greases and slightly, while the leather seal incorporates a
are preferred lubrication in high speed bear- spring which keeps the leather in contact with
ings. Greases are used where service is infre- the moving part. In both cases the lubricant
quent and where speeds are low with heavy provided for the bearing also lubricates the
loads. Greases also act as better seals against seals, but new seals must be soaked in engine
dirt, water, dust, etc. Whichever type of lu- oil before installation. When pressure lubri-
bricant is used, the following conditions are cators are to be used on bearings equipped
necessary: with seals, relief fittings generally are installed
(1) Good chemical stability. on the bearings to prevent the seals being
(2) Correct viscosity for operating speeds blown out if too much lubricant is injected.
and temperatures. TB 9-255 contains more details on oil and
(3) High film strength. grease seals.
(4) Good adhesive qualities.

TM 9-273



20. General noteworthy that here we see elimination of ele-
Most of the lubricants used by the Army are ments, which if not removed, would freeze out
derivatives of crude petroleums. It is impor- in equipment ix} the field and would greatly
tant that the readers of this manual on lubri- contribute to operating difficulties.
cation learn about the manufacture of oils and d. Solvent Extraction. The deasphalted and
greases. The properties and the qualities of dewaxed liquid now undergoes a selective sol-
the products will be more easily understood. vent treatment. The solvent used in this proc-
ess dissolves the unwanted elements but does
21. Refining not take out the valuable components. At the
end of the process there are two distinct liquid
a. Distillation of Crude. During the distil-
lation of petroleum, many hydrocarbon prod- layers. The top and lighter layer is propane
containing the desirable lubricant elements.
ucts are "boiled off." These are recovered
The lower and heavier layer is the selective
and refined to become fuels, solvents, and
other valuable chemicals. The bottoms or res- solvent containing the undersirable materials.
idue of the still provide the source for lu- The top layer is siphoned into a device by
bricating oils and greases. These bottoms are which the propane is removed.
treated in a lubricating oil plant through sev- e.. Redistillation. The liquid, now contain-
eral processes: ing all the lubricant elements, is very heavy
(1) Deasphalting. and viscous. Lighter fractions must be derived
(2) Dewaxing. from the bulk. This is done by simple distilla-
(3) Solvent extraction. tion methods. The end result is a dozen or so
(4) Redistillation. separate liquids each having a particular
(5) Filtration. viscosity.
b. Deasphalting. The undesirable tars, f. Filtration. Certain undissolved particles
pitches, mineral solids, and slag present in the still remain in the liquids. By excellent filter-
bottoms must be removed. When these bot- ing methods clear, nongritty lubricants are fi-
toms are mixed with quantities of liquid sol- nally produced and stored.
vent, a thinning out (dilution) takes place.
The thinner mixture, having less "body," can- 22. Properties
not hold the undesirable solids in suspension
and they settle to the bottom of the mixing a. Blending, Viscosities of oils have been
tank and are removed. standardized by the Society of Automotive En-
c. Dewaxing. Further additions of propane gineering. Specifications and references are
are made to the desirable naterial in the mix- more easily interpreted by means of this stand-
ing tank. This mixture is pumped into a cool- ardization. An SAE number (in multiples of
ing tower where undersirable waxes crystallize 10, as 10, 20, 30, etc.,) demotes the viscosity
or "freeze out" at 40 ° below zero. The solid of an oil. The lower the number, the lighter the
waxes are then filtered from the liquid. It is oil. The viscosity of an oil is a very important

TM 9-273

property. Viscosity will grade an oil concern- (3) Oxidation of bearings takes place at
ing its applicability for specific conditions. high tempertures. Some lubricants
Heavy oils cannot be used on bearings having contain inhibitors to prevent this.
tight clearances. Light oil cannot be used on These inhibitors are sulfur, chlorine,
gears subject to high loading pressure. The and complex compounds of ammonia
measure of the viscosity of an oil is a good in- in many cases. Prevention of oxida-
dication of one of its properties. tion of the bearings is necessary to
Note. Commerical oil manufactures who supply oil prolong the life of the bearing itself;
for the automotive trade have used lOW, 20W, 30W, also to prevent any oxidized metal
etc., as designations. These mean that the oils have which would form, from oxidizing
been winterized to allow easier starting of vehicles in
cold weather. the lubricant. Oxidation of the lu-
The blending of oils is the process of mixing bricant leads to breakdown and forms
oils of various viscosities to make oils of def- harmful acids. These acids would at-
inite viscosities in conformance to SAE stand- tack the metals and cause a result
ards. Sometimes at the blending process addi- known as galling.
tives are put into oils to make additional or (4) Rust or corrosion products, not only
special, desired properties. have bad effects on bearings, but they
b. Additives. Under certain operating con- plug the valves and controls of hy-
ditions,. lubricants have tendencies to lose their draulic and cooling systems. For this
lubricating qualities. Substances are put into reason most of the fluids used in hy-
lubricants to offset these changes. Definite draulic and cooling systems contain
substances are used for each specific condition. rust inhibitors.
Some of the conditions encountered in lubri- (5) Some engine oils contain solvents
cation and the additives used to reduce these which dissolve "tars and varnishes"
effects are mentioned below. Lubricants, used that are formed when fuel is burned
by the Army, contain certain additives by spec- in the engine. This solvent action
ification and no other additives must be used prevents valve mechanisms from
by operating or maintenance personnel. sticking and reduces the possibilities
(1) Viscosities of lubricants vary with of the "tars and varnishes" from
temperature. Too high a temperature burning to harmful crystalline
makes them too thin to be effective. carbon.
Too low a temperature makes them (6) Certain oils are supplied containing a
difficult to apply and too "set" to be compound which tends to expel and
effective. Chemicals, which have no settle impurities. These impurities
harmful effects on machinery, are gather at the bottom of the crankcase
added to maintain a constant viscosity where they stay out of circulation.
of the oils over wide temperature c. Other Properties.
ranges. Alcohols, glycols, and esters (1) The specific gravity of an oil has little
are the groups used. These same significance to the user. It has no re-
groups are used to extend the tem- lationship to the viscosity. It does
perature range of hydraulic and cool- not indicate whether an oil is light or
ing fluids. heavy. Its basic use is to determine
(2) Some conditions of heat and high the total weight of a volume of oil.
speed reduce lubrication to the point (2) Oil, when new, will be clear. If an
where seizing or binding of metals oil is not clear, it indicates use and
takes place. Finely ground soft met- the darkening is due to oxidiation of
als such as zinc, lead, copper, and the oil or metal, or dirt in suspension.
aluminum are added to retard this (3) The manufacturers of lubricating oils
effect. Other antiseize agents are determine and control other proper-
talc, mica, and graphite. ties that would interfere with the
TM 9-273
proper lubrication of equipment. b. Silicones. This group of synthetics has
Soaping or foaming tendencies are the desired property of near uniform viscosity
controlled. High acid content is re- throughout a wide temperature range. Sili-
duced. Gums and resins are elimi- cones have generally high flash-points and
nated. When the lubricants are pack- very low pour-points. They are used where
aged for use, all harmful factors have there are moderate loads. Their lubricating
been reduced to the limits of latest qualities breakdown under high loads and
knowledge. therefore petroleum products are superior un-
der these conditions. Silicones are also used
23. Greases as antifoam agents in lubricants.
Soaps, in which oils have been suspended, c. Glycols. A great variety of lubricants is
are known as greases. In effect, the soap acts made from different combinations of glycols.
as a sponge to keep the oil in supply to a They have the properties of good viscosity
shaft, a slide, or a rope. Like oils, soaps are ranges and low pour-points. In addition, when
chosen for certain qualities. Some are soft and they are destroyed by heat (500 ° F.), they
water soluble. These make good greases for decompose to gaseous products. There is little
close fitting internal mechanisms where water or no carbon residue formed. These products
cannot reach. Some soaps are hard and water- are used extensively in hydraulic systems be-
proof. These are used to make greases for cause of their ability to remain fluid at low
heavy, external use. temperatures and their resistance to ignite.
d. Esters. This group has low pour-point
24. Nonpetroleum Products and constant viscosity qualities. The lubricat-
ing quality is limited by their being too thin;
a. General. Synthetic lubricants represent so their use is in instruments, hydraulics, and
about 20 percent of the total amount of lu- precision bearings.
bricants presently consumed. Although there is e. Sulfur. This product appears in many
little probability of their taking the entire place compounds finding special use in space vehi-
of petroleum lubricants, certain areas of U. S. cles and missiles. When sulfur is compounded
Army lubrication require their use. Synthetics with various organic lubricants, products are
are generally more expensive than conventional formed which are resistant to breakdown by
lubricants, and, while some characteristics are oxidation. Molybdenum disulfide is directed
highly needed, others are limiting factors in as a lubricant in several parts of missile
their use. mechanisms.


25. Standardization of Materials manufacturers. All branches of the Army are
The present lubrication program of the now using these standardized lubricants.
United States Army has been set up for the
preservation of the life of materiel. Several 26. Instructions
all-purpose lubricants have been developed to Proper application of lubricants and servic-
reduce the number of products necessary. The ing materials is just as important as their
approved lubricants are limited to those grades quality and availability. Therefore, published
and types essential to provide proper lubri- instructions are revised and supplemented as
cation under all anticipated operation condi- advances are made through field experience in
development of better lubrication and servic-
tions. Definite names and symbols result in ing methods. It is important that operating
unformity of products, containers, and mark- and maintenance personnel obtain and always
ings, when material is supplied by different use the latest instructions issued.

TM 9-273

27. Containers b. In spite of the care taken in the prepara-

a. Standard Sizes. Standard sizes for oil tion and shipping of oils, water is often found
containers are as follows: 5-cc bottle, 2-ounce, to be present. Exposure in an open can, even
4-ounce, 1-pint, 1-quart, 1-gallon, and 5-gallon if the top is covered with a cloth, will result
cans; and 55-gallon drums. The standard size in the accumulation of moisture from the air.
for grease containers are as follows: plastic Condenstion in a container partly filled with
container to fit rifle butt, 8-ounce tube; 1- oil, or pouring from one container to another
pound and 5-pound cans; 25-pound pail; and which has moisture on its inner walls, results
100-pound and 400-pound drums. in moisture being carried into the mechanisms.
b. Storage. Whenever possible, containers c. It is advisable that organization command-
should be stored where they will not be ex- ers test oils on hand for water content. If a
posed to the weather. If, however, they are clean bottle (1-pint size) is filled with agitated
stored in the open, they should be covered oil and allowed to settle, any water will col-
with tarpaulins and all precautions made to lect at the bottom. If oil does show water, the
keep sand, dirt, etc., from entering the con- oil should not be used. It should be turned
tainers. The markings on the cans properly back for reclaiming and new oil used.
identify the contents when shipped. If con-
tainers and contents are interchanged, great 30. Types and Uses
care should be given to see that the identities
a. General. There are many types of lu-
are not mixed or lost. Oversights in this area
bricants available to users of equipment. Some
could lead to making equipment inoperable if
types have been designed to withstand unusual
the wrong lubricant happened to be used.
temperatures, climate, and field conditions.
Other types have been developed for heavy
28. Cleanliness loads. Further, there are types for cleaning
Cleanliness of lubricant at the point of use and preserving. Practically any lubricant will
is dependent upon cleanliness in storage and lubricate anywhere. Conditions and experience
handling. When dispensing lubricant, wipe however, have directed the best possible lubri-
all dirt, moisture, and dust from around the cants for specific applications.
openings or fittings. All containers must be b. Automotive and Artillery Grease (GAA).
closed tight when not in use. Some oils and Automotive and artillery grease (GAA) has
greases will absorb water to such an extent been added to the supply system for lubrica-
that their usefulness is reduced. Dirt and dust tion of all automotive and artillery materiel
will cause severe wear and damage to bearings under all conditions of service where ambient
and surfaces. Oil lines and valves will plug temperatures range from -65 ° F. to + 125° F.
and become useless with an accumulation of This grease is to be used in all auto-
dirt. Unclean oil will cause a filter to become motive and artillery applications requiring
clogged long before its normal replacement lubricating grease, including chassis points,
time. Lubricating guns, crankcase plugs, filter wheel bearings, and universal joints. It is capa-
caps, gages, dipsticks, etc., should never be ble of providing a high degree of rust preven-
placed on the ground. tion and should be used as a storage corro-
sion-preventive for all classes of antifriction
29. Moisture bearings, except sealed and shielded bearings,
a. It is important that no water be intro- and those used in fire control instruments for
duced into a mechanism that uses oil as the which aircraft and instruments lubricating
water greatly increases the rate of corrosion. grease (GL) is prescribed for all temperatures.
Such corrosion will interfere with the functions Automotive and industrial lubricating grease
of the mechanism and reduce its normal serv- (WP) (QMC issue) will be used for lubri-
iceable life. cating water pump bearings; ball and roller

TM 9-273

bearing lubricant (BR) (QMC issue) will be e. Requisitioning Automotive and Artillery
used for rotating, sliding, or roller bearing Grease (GAA).
surfaces, such as clutch pilot bearings, where
constant or intermittent extremely high tem- (1) Any existing stocks of the superseded
peratures are developed in operation. greases (c above) are to be expended
c. Replacement of Greases. Automotive and for use in the Zone of Interior be-
artillery grease (GAA) replaces the following fore the automotive and artillery
greases which were used by the Department of grease (GAA) is issued. However,
the Army: equipment being processed for ship-
General purpose lubricating grease No. ment to, or operated in, arctic areas
2 (WB) (QMC issue). and/or FECOM is to be lubricated
General purpose lubricating grease No. 1 with GAA grease. Automotive and
(CG-1) (Automotive and industrial artillery grease (GAA) is available
lubricating grease) (QMC issue). through normal quartermaster supply
General purpose lubricating grease No. 0 channels.
(CG-O) (QMC issue). (2) Requisitions submitted for automotive
Ordnance Corps lubricating grease No. 0 and artillery grease (GAA) for use in
(OG-O) (QMC issue). the Zone of Interior will contain a
Ordnance Corps lubricating grease No. notation as to the intended applica-
00 (OG-OO) (QMC issue). tion so that if the grease is not avail-
d. Lubricating with Automotive and Artil- able, the Quartermaster General will
lery Grease (GAA),. It is extremely important supply a proper alternate grease with-
that all components, particularly antifriction out undue delay.
bearings, be cleaned and washed thoroughly
to remove all traces of previously used lubri- (3) Typical lubricant materials are listed
cants prior to lubricating with automotive and in table II. For the complete list
artillery grease (GAA) for operation in ex- of lubricants, refer to Department of
treme cold and/or heat. Disassembly of all the Army Supply Manual 10-1-C4-
components is justified in order to assure that 1, which is the Army designation of
they are properly cleaned before initial appli-
cation of automotive and artillery grease Department of Defense Section C4-1
(GAA). Components may be cleaned by use of the Federal Supply Catalog. In
of volatile mineral spirits or dry-cleaning sol- any conflict between table II and De-
vent or by production cleaning methods in re- partment of the Army Supply Manual
build shops, as required. 10-1-C4-1, the latter will govern.

Table II. Typical Lubricants

Material Symbol [ Characteristic Usual Application

Aircraft …----------------- CSG Gbod viscosity range __ High speed machinery.
Aircraft and instrument __ Temperatures -65 ° F. All bearing surfaces. Headscrews, worn
to 200°F. gears ball and roller bearings. Limited
at high unit loads.
Automotive and artillery __ GAA Temperatures -65 ° F. Automotive and artillery equipment.
to 125°F.
Ball and roller bearing ---- BR High temperatures Antifriction bearings. Rotating shafts.
and loads. Sliding surfaces.

TM 9-273

Table II. Typical Lubricants-Continued

Material Symbol Characteristic Usual Application

Gear -------------------- GLG High temperature _ On gears or sliding bearings under hot
General ------------------ CG Semisolid ------------- Automotive lubrication fittings. Not to be
used on ball bearings.
Rifle ----------- _--------- RH Resists water. Prevents Moving parts of rifles and machine guns.
Silicone ------------------ High temperature. High temperature antifriction bearings.
Antiseize. Threads of optical instruments.
Special ------------------ GM High temperature _ Ball bearings.
Water pump ------------- WP Hard and waterproof _ Packing grease for water seals. Not above
C astor ------------------- Viscous, vegetable Rubber connectors. Storage of natural
oil. rubber. Some shock absorbers.
Chain-rope ___--________ CW Viscous, tacky _______ On chains, wire ropes, and cables to pro-
tect from weather, water, etc.
Clock and watch ---------- OCW Resistant to gumming Clocks, watches, transits, timing devices.
and corrosion.
Conditioning -------------- Gum and varnish To clean crankcases and oil systems.
C utting ------------------ ML Cutting tool coolant.
Engine -- _-_------------- OE Heavy duty ---------- Crankcases and transmissions.
Engine --------------- -_-- PE Rust preventative _ Automotive engine storage and shipment.
Engine ------------------ OES Good viscosity range __ To be used in subzero weather in crank-
General ------------------ Highly refined ------- All purpose oil for bearings at usual loads
and conditions.
General purpose --------- OGP Low evaporation. Rust General application under usual loads and
prevention. conditions.
Instrument --------------- OAI Synthetic base. Low Aircraft and ground electronic instru-
evaporation. ments.
Insulating ---------.----- OT Transformers, capacitors, reactors.
Kerosene ________________ Light, not permanent _ Rust-removing, freeing threads, to dilute
or thin oils.
Lard --------..- __-------- OL Thread-cutting lubricant.
Light -_------------------ LO No additives --------- Sighting and fire-control instruments,
office equipment, small machines.
Light recoil -------------- RL Special viscosity Recoil mechanisms.
Lineseed ----------- ------ Sticky --------------- Rifle stocks. Tool handles.
Variable resistor _________ OP Very thin ------------ Instrument use where prescribed.
Preservative ------------- PL Has rust inhibitor ---- General preservative and lubricant.
Preservative special ... PL Spec Low temperature ----- For prevention of rust at low tempera-
tures. Frequent lubrication.
Railway ------ _----------- OC Highly refined ------- Railway locomotive, cars, gun carriages.
Special recoil ____________ RS Great viscosity Recoil mechanisms-some hydraulic
stability. systems.
Steam cylinder ----------- OSM Pure-no additives ___ Noncondensing steam engines.
Vacuum ----------------- Vacuum treated ___- _ Use with vacuum pumps.

TM 9-273

Table I. Typical Lubricants-Continued

Material Symbol Characteristic Usual Application

Castor oil ---------------- Low pour point -_---- Houdaille rotary shock absorbers.
Hydraulic fluid ----------- HB Nonpetroleum -.----- . In systems with natural rubber seals.
Hydraulic fluid ----------- HBA Low temperature -----. For subzero temperature operation.
Hydraulic fluid ----------- OH Petroleum base .------ Hydraulic systems but not brake systems.
Hydraulic fluid ----------- OHA Low temperature .---- Low temperature operation.
Hydraulic fluid Petroleum base Preservative and flushing oil for hydrau-
preservative. containing lic systems.
Shock absorber fluid ------ SAH Nonmineral oil ------ _ Use only in Houde shock absorbers above
-20° F.
Corrosion preventatives _ CH Nondrying petroleum Long term storage of metal parts.
Corrosion preventatives . CM Applied hot. Long term storage of metal parts.
Corrosion preventatives . CL Film moist. Long term storage of metal parts.
Corrosion preventatives . AXS Can be sprayed as film Long term storage and shipment/of metal
dry to touch. parts.
Molybdenum disulfide ---- -------- Antioxidation ......... Mechanisms of missiles.
Permanent antifreeze ----- -- - Contains rust Used as antifreeze in radiators in sub-
inhibitor. freezing temperatures.
Silicone. ____. Nonpetroleum --------
................ Gaskets, O-rings, certain hydraulic fit-
TM 9-273


31. General where it is likely to become dirty.

a. General. Standardization of lubricants (5) Keep lubricants in clean containers
not only reduces the number of items to be and in places where they will not ac-
stocked, but also the amount of equipment cumulate dirt, water, or other
necessary to apply them. Lubricating equip- contamination.
ment is designed to reduce the possibility of 32. Oil Pumps
contamination when transferring the lubricant
from its container to another container or a a. Oil Barrel Pump. An oil barrel pump is
used to dispense oil directly from a barrel into
mechanism. The equipment itself also must
measures or other containers. The lower end
be cleaned before and after use as a further
means of preventing contanmination of the lu- of the pump has two sizes of threads, so the
bricant. Lubricating equipment and accessories pump can be screwed into either the end open-
ing or the bunghole of a barrel. The intake
are furnished in standardized sets.
b. Cleanliness. The great need for extreme or suction pipe telescopes in order to reach to
cleanliness in handling lubricants and lubri- the bottom of barrel or drum up to 50-gallon
cating equipment cannot be overstressed be- capacity. The shaft of the operating handle
has a gear on the inner end which engages
cause introduction of dirt or other contami-
teeth cut in the side of the piston rod, giving
nants may cause materiel failure at most inop-
sufficient mechanical advantage to permit the
portune times, as for example in battle. Lu-
pumping of heavy oils. An adjustable stop
bricant containers will be kept covered when
screw acting on the end of the piston rod per-
not in use and in places where they will not
mits adjustment to pump 1 quart per stroke,
collect dirt, water, or other contamination. Oil
and a spring-operated drip return tube auto-
measures and grease guns should not be laid
matically swings under the discharge nozzle
on the ground. Be sure lubricating fittings
and returns any overflow or drip to the barrel.
are cleaned properly before using oil-cans, oil
Great care must be used to insure that the
guns, or grease guns. Never put a grease
pump and, particularly, the intake pipe and at-
coupler onto a damaged lubricating fitting or
taching threads are absolutely clean before the
pull a coupler straight off a fitting. The fol-
pump is installed in a barrel; use cleaning
lowing points must be remembered:
solvent if necessary. The most frequent diffi-
(1) Dirt may be a cause of malfunction- culty is loss of prime. This usually can be
ing of equipment. overcome by moving the pump handle rapidly
(2) Dirt from equipment may contami- back and forth through a small arc, keeping
nate the lubricant and case malfunc- the drip return tube in place under the dis-
tioning of the materiel to which it is charge nozzel. If this does not remedy the trou-
applied. ble and the intake pipe, intake pipe packing
(3) When not in use, keep equipment in nut, operating shaft packing nut, and tie rods
a clean place. are tight and do not leak, disassemble the
(4) When in use, equipment should not pump by removing the tie rods. Inspect,
be laid on the ground or other places clean, and replace interior parts, as necessary.

TM 9-273

b. Recoil Oil Pump. The recoil oil pump coupler or fitting, a defective fitting, or worn
(fig. 18) is used to pump oil into recoil cylin- coupler jaws. Remove dirt with dry-cleaning
ders at a pressure of several hundred pounds solvent, Replace defective fittings. Worn
per square inch. The pump consists of a base coupler jaws may be reversed (or replaced if
or reservoir withia lever-operated, high-pres- worn on both ends).
sure, plunger pump built into the top or b. Oil Cups and Fittings. Lubricating de-
cover, and serves to pump oil from the reser- vices for oil are generally of the screw or drive
voir into the recoil mechanism. type with ball, spring, or hinged covers (fig.

/7: :d

34. Oil Guns

Oil guns vary in type and size depending
upon their uses for either high- or low-pres-
sure operation. They are all of the cylinder
and piston type and may have one cup leather
for pressure operation only, or may have two
cup leathers, back to back, allowing both pres-
sure and suction operation. Low-pressure guns
for introducing considerable quantities of oil
into inaccessible lubrication points, emptying
or filling housings, etc., operate by hand pres-
sure only on the end of the piston or follower
rod and are filled by suction. A bucket pump
gun (fig. 21) used for dispensing variable re-
sistor oils at low pressure consists of a hous-
ing or reservoir with a cover incorporating a
RA PD 90008
plunger pump operated by the long lever. Oil
guns require little servicing aside from regular
and thorough cleaning and the replacement of
Figure18. Recoil oil pump. follower cup washers when necessary.
33. Lubricating Devices 35. Grease Guns
a. Lubricating Fittings and Couplers. Ma- a. General. Grease guns are furnished in
teriel formerly was equipped with a variety of various styles and types depending upon the
fittings for the lubrication of bearing surfaces, use to which they are put. Housings, such as
but these required a variety of lubricating automotive housings and rear ends, ordinarily
guns, adapters, and equipment. A new fit- are replenished from a low-pressure, hand-op-
ting and coupler were adopted as standard in erated, bucket-type gun with a capacity of 25
1943. Lubricating guns were modified accord- to 50 pounds of lubricant. The greater part
ingly, and the new type of fittings were in- of the bearings on which lubricating fittings
stalled on existing materiel. The new type of are installed/are lubricated with high-pressure
fitting (fig. 19) is a modification of the hy- guns of either the hand-operated or air-oper-
draulic or push-type fitting but is more sturdy, ated types.
easier to clean, provides a better seal against b. Low-Pressure GunA. Figure 22 shows
dirt, and allows a freer and faster lubricant two low-pressure guns; one a hand lever-op-
flow. The old and new hydraulic-type fittings erated gun with a capacity of about 1 pound;
and old and new hydraulic-type couplers may the other a floor type with a lever-operated
be operated interchangeably. If leakage is en- pump of such size that a standard 25-pound
countered between a coupler and the lubri- pail may be set inside the container and the
cating fitting, it may be caused by dirt on the lubricant pumped directly from it, or 50
TM 9-273

i. i-.
d 0




ca 9a
1 0 It

.d wlh
w LA
I-. Gut:


w he






Pa z


TM 9-273




iL iOWV OIL CUP PD 90010

Figure 20. Oil and grease CUp8.

pounds of lubricant may be poured directly ated by movement of the hand knob, this op-
into the container. Pumps are of the plunger eration forcing lubricant out of the coupler
type with few moving parts and about the under high pressure. In the other gun the
only cause of improper operation is dirt under plunger is operated by pushing forward on
the intake valve at the end of the pump tube. the handle while the coupler is on the lubri-
Proper handling of the lubricant should pre- cation fitting, this operation moving the
vent entrance of dirt but, if failure occurs, the pump cylinder and pumping grease out through
pump must be disassembled and thoroughly the coupler. In both types a faster and more
cleaned and inspected. The lubricant in the positive prime is assured by a spring-operated
container also must be checked and discarded follower. These guns develop pressures up to
if found to contain any dirt. The hand gun 5,000 pounds per square inch and cause little
may be filled by connecting the filler fitting trouble if only clean lubricant is used. In fill-
to the discharge nozzle of the floor gun, or ing, use care to prevent air pockets as they
may be filled by hand by unscrewing the bar- cause irregular action. If gun fails to operate
rel from the head, inserting it in the lubri- or to develop the correct pressure, remove the
cant, and pulling back on the follower rod. ball check in front of the piston, clean thor-
In hand-filling, use care to prevent formation oughly, and check for defective parts.
of air pockets in the lubricant as these will in-
d. High-pressure Guns. High-pressures lu-
terfere with the proper operation of the pump.
c. Push-type Guns. Push-type lubrication brication guns (fig. 24) now are furnished in
guns (fig. 23) are used in the lubrication of two types, hand-operated guns and air-oper-
artillery, fire control instruments, motorcycles, ated guns. Both are of the floor type with the
and automotive vehicles. Although made in pump on a removable cover and with the con-
various styles, they operate on the same princi- tainer of such size and construction that a
ple. In the K-type gun, the plunger is oper- standard 25-pound pail may be set in and the

TM 9-273

- '_IC
'. ^ .

I'~ t
to j~L
tY Ai, LUO 2i

- II
i t l"1 I

i RA PD 90013

Figure 22. Low-pressure, hand-operated

lubricating guns.

( oughly cleaned with dry-cleaning solvent, and

inspected for defective parts.

____/ - Pa.;t P
36. Miscellaneous Equipment
a. General. Aside from the various types of
RA PD 90012
lubricating equipment previously covered,
there also are available miscellaneous appli-
Figure 21. Typical oil guns.
ances necessary or useful in handling oils and
greases. They include wheel-bearing lubri-
lubricant pumped directly from it, or 50 pounds
cators, spray oilers, engine cleaners, oilers, oil
of lubricant may be placed directly in the con-
measures, hydraulic brake fillers, funnels, oil
tainer. The hand-operated gun is very similar spouts, drain pans, lubrication fitting tools,
to the low-pressure gun previously described and tool boxes.
except that the pump plunger is smaller, with
the result that the volume of lubricant pumped b. Wheel-bearing Lubricators. The lubrica-
is smaller but the pressure is much higher. tor (fig. 26) is used to renew the lubricant in
The only variation in the air-operated gun is antifriction bearings of vehicle wheels or other
that compressed air is used as the source of such items. The bearing is put into the cone-
power in place of hand power. Aside from shaped opening over the center spindle and
the valves of the air motor which are to be held in place by the thumb nut threaded onto
grease-lubricated by removing the plug near the outside of the spindle. Grease forced from
the bottom of the cover plate, there is little of a gun through the lubricating fitting on top
the mechanism in either gun that is liable to of the hollow spindle passes through holes in
cause trouble unless dirt is allowed to get into the spindle into the inside of the bearing and
the lubricant. Guns should be inspected at into the spaces between the balls or rollers,
least once a month. If a gun fails to operate carrying the old grease out of the bearing
properly, it should be disassembled, thor- ahead of it.

TM 9-273

justment of a screw on top of the handle. The

adjustments should be such that little of the
fluid is atomized.
e. Oilers. Oilers are furnished in several
T~~ sizes and types (figs. 25 and 26). Pressure to
eject the oil is secured either by a push-but-
tom or by a lever- or trigger-operated pump.
Few failures to operate should be encountered,
but oilers should be cleaned and inspected
f.. Oil Measures. Oil measures are supplied
in a variety of styles and types. The most
commonly used measures are of 400-cc, 1-liter,
AA PD 103990 1-quart, 2-quart, 4-quart, and 8-quart
Figure 23. Typical push-type lUrieeating guns. g. Hydraulic Brake Fillers. There are two
types of fillers for hydraulic brake systems.
The lever-operated type is sirfiilar to the lever-
operated oiler, except that a flexible tube is
used in place of the spout and is used to re-
plenish the fluid in the master cylinder (fig.
i( 2%
l 25). The lever operates a plunger-type pump
that draws the fluid from the reservoir and
forces it out the nozzle. The parts should be
thoroughly cleaned and inspected at regular
intervals. The pressure-feed filler (fig. 26)
consists of an airtight tank or reservoir,
mounted on casters, and equipped with a hose
and fittings to attach the hose to the filler
opening of the master cylinder. The reservoir
~ is partially filled with hydraulic brake fluid,
RA PD 90015 the rest of the spaces being filled with com-
pressed air. When the hose is connected to
the filler opening of the master cylinder and
Figure 24. Pressure lubricating guns. the valve in the hose is opened, the entire
f. 25 . hydraulic part of the brake system is subjected
c. Spray Oiler. The spray oiler
(fiog s25)ay to the pressure of the compressed air in the
a trigger-operated pump type use
Dirt in thaye filler reservoir and the brakes may be bled by
ing oil. Its capacity is 1 quart. Dirt in the
le will
cause one operator without the necessity of pumping
pump valves or in the spray nozzzle will cause
improper operation. Only clean oil should be the brake pedal. Any hydraulic brake fluid
used and the parts should be cle aned and in- withdrawn from the brake system by bleeding
spected at regular intervals. is replaced from the supply in the filler
d. Engine Cleaner. The engine cleaner (fig reservoir.
25) is air operated and may be u sed with var- h. Funnels. Funnels are furnished in a
ious fluids. Compressed air di scharges the considerable variety of shapes, styles, and sizes.
fluid under pressure and the lon g nozzle per- They are made of copper, galvanized iron,
mits small inaccessible places to be reached. and tin plates; with and without strainers; and
The fluid discharged is regulate( d by adjust- with various types of fixed or removable
ment at the nozzle, and the air pr^essure by ad- spouts.

TM 9-273

i. Can Spout. The spout (fig. 25) is k. Lubrication Fitting Tool. The lubri-
equipped with a steel cutter and is used to cation fitting tool (fig. 19) consists of a tap,
open and pour oil from 1- and 5-quart cans. die, wrench, and remover combined in one tool
With the can standing on end, the guide and is used in connection with the removal and
is placed against the side of the can and the replacement of lubricating fittings. The
cutter is pushed down into the top of the can wrench has a portion of one side removed so
just inside the corner bead. The cutter and that angle fittings may be installed or removed
guide hold the spout in place so that the oil without damage. The tap is used to recut dam-
can be poured without leakage or loss. aged threads before installing fittings, the die
j,. Drain Pan. The drain pan (fig. 26) is to recut damaged threads on fittings, and the
used to catch the oil drained from engine remover to remove broken fittings on which
crankcases, transmissions, axle housings, and the wrench cannot be used.
other such points, and has a capacity of about 1. Tool Box. The tool box (fig. 26) of steel
4 gallons. It is equipped with end handles for with hinged covers and tray is supplied to
lifting when filled, and also with a long
handle by means of which it can be withdrawn furnish a convenient clean place to keep and
from beneath the vehicles after the oil has carry hand-lubricating guns and other equip-
drained. ment when not in use.

TM 9-273

m 01
7- 0





II I j


TM 9-273

M TYPE (1l ';r DqA- N'A TEEL TOOL .

RA PD 90017
Figure 26. Typical miscellaneous lubricating equipment.

TM 9-273



37. General oil is distributed to the various scattered lubri-
a. Heat. An internal combustion engine is cation points. Several different methods or
one which gets its power by the combustion of systems are used to transfer the oil from the
fuel in its cylinders. The energy of the fuel is reservoir to the lubrication points and, while
converted to heat and the heat energy is in turn these are more or less similar, they employ dif-
converted by the engine into mechanical ener- ferent mechanical methods to obtain the de-
gy. Approximately one-third of the energy of sired results. The systems known as splash,
the fuel is obtained. Two-thirds of the energy dip, gravity, and pressure circulation are treat-
of the fuel is lost through heat which has not ed in b through e below.
been turned into mechanical energy. The dissi- b. Splash Lubricating System. Splash lubri-
pation of this large quantity of heat becomes a cation is the simplest system commonly used for
matter of basic importance to lubrication. the distribution of lubricating oil to the various
b. Heat Dispersion. Lubrication is directly bearings (fig. 27). The moving parts of the
connected with the method used for cooling an mechanism (generally the connecting rods) dip
engine. The oil in the crankcase is used to into or strike the oil and splash it into the vari-
conduct heat from the hot cylinders and pis- ous parts requiring lubrication. Bearings which
tons. The oil must be cooled to keep its effec- the splash will not reach generally are connect-
tiveness. This is done by restoring to a large ed to small pockets or reservoirs by oil lines or
reservoir or by cooling through radiators. A grooves. The splash fills the pockets or reser-
large amount of heat is transfered from the voirs and the oil flows by gravity to the bear-
cylinder walls by circulating water. In some ings. In systems of this kind, lubrication con-
engines, considerable volumes of fast-moving sists in maintaining the oil in the reservoir at
air remove heat from the cylinder walls. the indicated level and changing it at required
c. Oxidation Problem. The oil being ap- intervals. In most engines the connecting rods
plied to cylinder walls and piston rings is sub- dip into troughs instead of into the main reser-
ject to high pressures and temperatures. These voir, the troughs being installed at such a
conditions tend to deteriorate the oils and de- height that the connecting rods give the cor-
stroy their lubricating values. There has been a rect amount of splash when the troughs are
continued demand for stable oil as the pressures filled with oil. The troughs are kept filled to
and temperatures of engines advanced. the overflow point by a pump drawing oil
from the main reservoir, the overflow return-
38. Lubricating Systems ing to the reservoir automatically. In this man-
a. General. At the present time, most of the ner, the splash is kept constant during normal
internal combustion engines used in automo- variations of the quantity of oil in the main
tive materiel incorporate, or are provided with, reservoir. Most modern engines do not rely on
a centralized reservoir or container from which the splash system alone.

TM 9-273



A splash system uses the force of o moving port PRESSURE

to splash into and spray oil onto the ports to be
lubricated A splash circulating system uses a
rotating part to pick up and deliver oil to a
trough which is, in turn, connected to the
part to be lubricated. A dip feed system is one
wherein the gears that ore submerged in the
lubricant carry o supply of lubricant to the
teeth of the adjacent gears.
RA PD 85961

Figure 27. Splash and dip methods of oil


c. Dip Lubricating System. In dip lubrica-

tion (fig. 27), some rotating parts, such as a
gear or a wheel, is partially submerged in oil. FULL PRESSURE
A gravity system employs the force of gravity to
The oil adheres to it as it rotates and is carried SPLASHSYSTEM
deliver oil from on elevated container to the
bearing A pressure system employs a constant
directly to the surfaces to be lubricated. Typi- flow pump to force oil from a supply container to
the bearings A force feed system employs
cal examples are timing gears or chains. variable flow pumps of the plunger type which force
the oil contained in the pump body to the bearing
It often is used in combination with other oil in measured quantities

circulating systems.
RA PD 85962
d. Gravity CirculationLubrication. The grav-
ity circulation system (fig. 28) is similar to Figure 28. Types of lubrication systems.
the systems of splash, splash circulation, and
dip, in that it does not use a pump as the culates it under pressure to the various lubrica-
source of oil pressure. As the name implies, ad- tion points on the machine. If all moving parts
vantage is taken of the natural laws of gravity or bearings are supplied, the system also may
to conduct oil from an elevated source of sup- be referred to as a full-pressure lubrication sys-
ply to the various parts to be lubricated. This system. The speeds and loads handled by the
usually is accomplished by having a supply bearings in modern internal combustion en-
tank located well above the level of the bear- gines demand positive delivery of the oil under
ings to be lubricated. From this tank, oil is considerable pressures to most of the moving
conducted through various lines, etc, to the parts, and the pressure circulation lubrication
desired points, some type of metering arrange- system is the method in most common use at
ments to give the desired rate of flow being the present time. On in-line engines, the oil
generally incorporated. Sometimes such a sys- reservoir generally is located in the bottom of
tem is accompanied by a recovery unit which is the crankcase and all unused oil drains back in-
simply a sump or reservoir where the surplus to it by gravity. This lubricating method is
or used oil is collected after having performed known as the wet sump system.
its lubricating function. From this sump, the
oil can be returned to the elevated reservoir by 39. Oil Pumps
means of a pump. a. General. The gear pump, the vane pump,
e. Pressure CirculationSystem. In a pres- and the plunger'pump (fig. 29) are three gen-
sure circulation system, a pump draws the oil eral types of pumps in common use on automo-
from the supply container or reservoir and cir- tive materiel. The oil pump of an engine

TM 9-273

generally is located in the lower part of the vanes are forced outward by springs which
crankcase where it is constantly submerged in hold them in contact with the pump body at all
oil and primed ready to start pumping on the times. Oil, drawn in after one of the vanes
first turn of the engine. When used on a dry through the entrance, is trapped by the follow-
sump engine to transfer oil which collects in the ing vane. As a vane is rotated to the opposite
sump to the oil reservoir, the pumps are re- side of the pump, the space between the impel-
quired to maintain only sufficient pressure to ler and the pump body becomes smaller. This
overcome the friction in the pipe conducting pushes the vane into the rotor against spring
the oil back to the reservoir. When used for pressure and forces the trapped oil out through
pressure lubrication, pumps are usually of such the outlet. While one space is emptying, the
capacity that they will maintain an oil pressure other is filling.
of from 15 to 80 pounds per square inch on the d. Plunger Pumps. A plunger pump (fig.
bearings and circulate the entire crankcase ca- 29) is generally a cam-driven, single-cylinder
pacity from 5 to 10 times per minute under nor- pump and is operated by the camshaft. The
mal operating conditions. Pumps are built with plunger or piston is held against the cam by a
either a bypass or pressure relief valve as shown spring. The plunger is pushed into the cylinder
in the gear pump, or one is provided in the oil on its pressure stroke by the rise of the cam,
line (fig. 29). This construction not only pre- and is returned to the suction stroke by the
vents excessive pressures in the lubrication sys- spring which causes the plunger to follow the
tem but also allows the pump to be built with drop of the cam. Spring-loaded check valves
sufficient overcapacity to maintain proper oil are used to control the flow of oil. The plung-
pressure even though the bearings or the pump er type pump is used mostly in splash lubrica-
may become considerably worn. tion systems where it acts as an oil circulator
b. Gear Pumps. A gear pump (fig. 29) con- pumping oil from the oil pan to the oil troughs.
sists of two meshed gears housed in the pump
body, one gear driving the other. As the gears 40. Oil Lbever Indicators
revolve and a tooth moves out of a space on the The dipstick is the simplest and most com-
inlet side of the pump, oil enters this space and mon method of determining the amount of oil
is carried around to the outlet side of the pump. in a crankcase or reservoir. The dipstick con-
Here a tooth again enters the tooth space dis- sists of a graduated rod which is suspended
placing the oil and forcing it out of the pump into the oil pan or reservoir. In order to ob-
outlet. The capacity of such a pump is deter- tain a clear reading, the dipstick should be
mined by the size of the gears, the fit of the withdrawn, wipea off, reinserted carefully, and
gears in the body of the pump, and the speed again withdrawn. A correct reading cannot be
of rotation of the gears. If the gears do not obtained if a dipstick is withdrawn while an en-
mesh with each other or fit the body of the gine is running, nor immediately after the
pump closely, the oil will leak past the gears engine is stopped. Sufficient time must
back to the inlet side of the pump and pressure be allowed for the moving oil to drain back
and capacity will be lost. If a gear pump is into the reservoir. Some model engines call for
disassembled completely or drained, it may be a check while running at idle. Individual lu-
necessary to prime the pump before again put- brication orders show correct methods.
ting it into operation, particularly if the pump
is located above the level of the oil in the res- 41. Pressure Gages
ervor. A pressure gage (fig. 30) is used to indicate
c. Vane Pumps. A vane pump (fig. 29) whether the lubrication system is in operation.
consists of a cylindrical impeller which is set It is mounted on the instrument panel and cali-
"off center" so that it almost touches one side brated in pounds per square inch. Most pres-
of the pump housing. The impeller is not ec- sure gages are actuated by the pressure of the
centric, but the vanes which are set into it have air trapped above the oil in a very small tube
eccentric motion. As the impeller turns, the connecting the gage to the lubricating system.

TM 9-273


z 0~~~
##, oa

.,.,1~~~~~~~~L zl- <

ui L @
.t-L ; O ;'' F . v R .U

/ DD °
-o c,~~~~~~ .

':Z: ~~~~

I 5 X ,¥ 0
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Z0 <

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I e I 0Z
_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I -, I- N,~

\ t /ZaS! ~~~~~>
'"" O

TM 9-273

The gage consists of a flat metal tube bent into

the shape of three-quarters of a circle. One end
of the tube is fixed to the gage case and is con-
nected by a tube to the lubrication system, while
the other end is sealed and linked to the sector
of a gear meshing with a pinion on the pointer
shaft. As pressure increases in the circular
tube, it straightens slightly and turns the gear
sector. This in turn rotates the pinion, pointer
shaft, and pointer which indicates the pressure
on the dial. Electrically operated warning lights
for indicating oil pressures are used in combat RA PD 395600
vehicles. Thes lights register only abnormal
pressures; too high or too low. Figure 31. Oil, filter.

oil taken into the pump comes from the sur-

face. This prevents the pump from drawing
oil from the bottom of the oil pan where dirt,
2 v= GGEAE R SECTOR water, and sludge are likely to collect.
b. Oil Cleaners (Filters),. The oil cleaner or
filter is placed in the oil line above the pump
(fig. 38). It filters the oil and removes most of
the impurities that have been picked up by the
oil as it has circulated through the engine.
Some filters, called full-flow filters, are de-
signed to handle the full output of the oil cir-
JTUBE FROM culating pump, and all of the oil passes through
| ~RA
PD 85968
them before being distributed to the engine
parts. Other types divert only a small quantity
Figure 30. Construction of a pressuregage. of the oil each time it is circulated and, after
filtering it, return it directly to the oil pan. A
42. Temperature Gages typical oil filter is shown in figure 33. The fil-
Occasionally, on heavy-duty engines, oil tem- tering element consists of an arrangement of
perature gages are provided. This type gage is screens and a filtering material capable of re-
operated by the vapor pressure caused by the taining impurities as the oil is forced through.
expansion of a fluid contained in a bulb im- For this reason, most filters are provided with
mersed in the crankcase oil. As the tempera- relief or bypass valves which allow the oil to
ture of the oil increases, the fluid vaporizes flow around the filter when the back-pressure
and the pressure operates a gage calibrated caused by clogging is greater than the tension
for temperature on the instrument panel. of the relief-valve spring. Some filters must be
replaced after they are clogged; in others, the
43. Oil Filtering Devices filter element can be removed and cleaned.
a, Strainers. Most manufacturers of in-line c. Replacement of Cartridges. The frequen-
and V-type engines put at least one oil strainer cy of replacement of the filter cartridge in the
or screen in the lubrication system (figs. 31 and removable element type depends upon a great
32). This is usually a fine-mesh bronze screen many factors, including atmospheric conditions,
located so that all oil entering the pump from the presence of dust and dirt in the air, the me-
the oil pan must flow through it. The strainer chanical condition of the engine the tempera-
will usually be hinged to the oil pump inlet so ture and loads under which the engine is
that it floats on top of the oil. Thus, all operated, and the efficiency of the filtering

TM 9-273

medium itself. Barring accident disk-type fil- placeable elements should be replaced periodi-
ters have a practically indefinite life, but the cally, where prescribed, or oftener if they
handle of hand-operated filters should be become plugged or show signs of grit or sludge
given two or three complete turns periodically on the filtering elements. Specific instructions
where prescribed by applicable lubrication or- given in the pertinent lubrication order or
der and technical manual. Other filters or re- technical manual for any item of materiel










Figure 32. Lubrication system of engine.

TM 9-273
should be followed. Prescribed periodic filter It provides a more positive means of control-
service includes checking the oil filter connect- ling oil temperature than does cooling by radia-
ing lines for clogging, draining accumulated tion of heat from the oil-pan walls. The
sedment, and replacement of dirty filter car- cooling unit is made up of a core and a housing.
tridges. For all practical purposes, the value The core through which the oil circulates is of
of the oil filter is more dependent upon the cellular or bellows construction, and is built to
cartridge being replaced when required than expose as much of the oil as possible to the
upon the specific efficiency of the filtering coolant which circulates through the housing.
element itself. The replacement of the renew- The cooler is attached to the engine so that the
able-type filter element is extremely important oil will flow through the cooler after passing
if the use of filters is to be fully justified, through the pump. The oil leaves, cooled by
because if the element is allowed to remain the liquid in the cooling system, and enters the
after its useful life has expired, a false sense oil passages to the engine parts.
of security is imparted to the operator. How-
ever, the life of a filter unit is difficult to de-
termine in terms of specific miles or hours
because of the innumerable variables which
influence cartridge life. In any event, when
a filter cartridge has accumulated enough con-
taminating materials to reduce its efficiency,
it should be replaced. A fact seldom appreci-
ated is that the more efficient a filter element
is, the more frequently it may require replace-
ment. In other words, a fine filter will remove
more contaminants from a liquid in a given
time than will a coarse filter.

EiL s ~ ~ CVE


E l i l F~~~~~OIL INLET

RA PD 314028

Figure 34. Oil temperature cooler.

b. Radiator-type Oil Cooler. The types of
oil cooler used with some combat vehicles con-
OIL OUTLET RA PD 85969A sist of a radiator through which air is circulate
by movement of the vehicle or by the cooling
Figure 33. Oil filter with removable filtering fan. Oil from the engine is passed through
element. this radiator and back to the engine and to the
oil supply. This radiator acts only to cool the
44. Oil Cooling oil and does not function as a regulator. Some
a. Engine Oil Cooler. The oil cooler is used coolers can moderate-both engine and transmis-
to prevent the oil temperature from rising too sion oils if they have separate cores for each.
high in hot weather. The cooler (fig. 34) Figure 35 shows the flow of oil through a
makes use of the liquid in the cooling system. typical cooling system.
TM 9-273

TM 9-273
c.. Crankcase Ventilators. Gasoline vapor crankcase breather which is mounted
and steam are harmful if they are allowed to on top of the valve cover. This
remain in the crankcase oil. Steam will con- breather also serves as a filler point
dense and mix with the' oil to form a sludge. for adding oil to the engine In op-
Gasoline vapor will condense and dilute the oil. eration, air is taken through the shut-
There are two methods of removing these va- off valve (which is open when the
pors from the crankcase. The first, or nonpos- ventilating system is operating),
itive, method consists of a breather tube which through the filter, and into the valve
depends on the flow of air past its open end to compartment. From there it passes
remove the vapors. The second, or positive, down into the crankcase and is with
method utilizes engine intake manifold pres- drawn from the crankcase through a
sure to circulate air through the crankcase. tube connected between the crankcase
(1) Breather tube. One end of the and the intake manifold. This sec-
breather tube opens into the crank- ond arrangement is in general use in
case above the oil level; the other end waterproofed vehicles. In connection
extends down under the vehicle where with crankcase ventilation, an engine
there is sufficient airstream to create should be operated at a coolant tem-
a low pressure at the open end of the perature in excess of 140 ° F. so that
tube (fig. 36). The pressure differ- the vapors in the crankcase will stay
ential between the crankcase and the in a gaseous state, and those that are
open end of the tube is sufficient to already condensed will be vaporized
force any vapors out of the crankcase. and rise above the oil, where they can
Some breather tubes are placed so be removed.
that air from the cooling fans will
flow through the tube and create a 45. Crankcase Lubrication
pressure differential.
(2) Positive method. In the positive meth- a. Drain Intervals. Crankcase drain inter-
od, air is drawn through the engine vals for engines are prescribed by pertinent lu-
by intake manifold vacuum; that is, brication orders for each item of equipment. It
the intake manifold vacuum draws air will be noted that drain intervals prescribed are
through the crankcase so that vapors for normal operating conditions and may be
are swept out of the crankcase. The reduced by one-third to one-half when operat-
air may follow either of two paths. In ing under unusual conditions which will cause
one, air is drawn directly into the excessive sludge or undesirable elements in the
crankcase through a filter or crank- engine oil. Unusual conditions are excessively
case breather (fig. 37) similar to a high or low operating temperature, prolonged
carburetor air cleaner. After circula- periods of high speed, continued operation in
ting through the crankcase and pick- sand or dust, immersion in water, or exposure
ing up vapors, the air is forced to moisture which may contaminate or quickly
upward and out of the engine through destroy the lubricating and protective qualities
an opening into the valve cover. It is of the lubricant.
then drawn through a tube connected b. Changing Crankcase Oil. Drain crank-
to the intake manifold. This tube has a case oil when engine and oil are at operating
restriction to regulate the amount of temperature. If the engine oil and the filter
vapor being drawn into the manifold, element indicate the presence of an unusual
and thus minimizes the effect of the amount of engine sludge, water, or rust, the
vapor on the fuel-air ratio of the mix- crankcase is to be flushed with an engine-con-
ture being delivered to the manifold ditioning oil.
by the carburetor. In the second path, (1) Remove filter cover, discard element,
air enters through a filter in the and install cover.

TM 9-273

(2) Fill crankcase to low mark with an en- (5) Remove oil filter cover and wipe in-
gine-conditioning oil. Run engine for terior of filter housing clean, then
30 minutes at a fast idle with engine install new filter element. Be sure
temperature held to 185 ° F. gasket is in serviceable condition.
(3) Just prior to stopping engine, return (6) Fill crankcase with the prescribed oil.
to normal idle for 1 minute. Repeat Refer to applicable technical manual
operation three times. or lubrication order for crankcase ca-
(4) Stop engine and drain oil. pacity.



Figure 37. Position crankcase ventilation.


RA PD 183848

Figure 36. Crankcase breather tube.

TM 9-273
46. Air Cleaners and Breathers their primary purpose, but they
Air cleaners generally use oil and therefore nevertheless dissipate and appreciable
are serviced at the same time and by the same amount of heat. Additional heat is
personnel who do the lubrication work. Air, if lost through the exhaust. There must
not filtered, will carry dirt and dust into the be careful control over the amount of
cylinders with resulting abrasive action to cylin- heat dissipated because thermal effi-
der walls, pistons, and other parts. Air clean- ciency is proportional to the operat-
ers are generally the oil-bath type (fig. 38). ing temperature of the engine. For
In these devices, a reservoir of oil is provided liquid-cooled engines, the ideal op-
and the incoming air is brought into contact erating temperature is just below the
with the surface of the oil. As the incoming air boiling point of the coolant used if
strikes the surface of the oil, the heavier parti- this temperature is not so high that it
cles of dust are deposited in the bath. The air breaks down the lubricant.
reverses its direction and picks up minute parti- (2) Cooling systems usually are classified
cles of oil which it deposits, together with as liquid or air. Diesel and gasoline
remaining lighter particles of dust, on a filter engine cooling systems are similar me-
through which it passes before entering the en- chanically; however, the diesel gen-
gine. Some engines are equipped with dry-type erates less heat and it is not necessary
air cleaners. These filters may be cleaned by that the cooling capacity of its cooling
gently tapping the cartridge and blowing off system be as large as that of a gasoline
with compressed air. engine. Diesel engines usually have
the same size radiators as gasoline en-
gines, but the speed and size of the
47. Coolants, Pumps, and Fans fans are reduced.
a. Need for Cooling. All internal combus- b. Coolants. Water is the most widely used
tion engines are equipped with some type of coolant for liquid-cooled engines. It should be
cooling system because of the high tempera- clear and soft. Water is usually available, it
tures they generate during operation. High costs practically nothing, and its boiling point
temperature is necessary since it results in the falls within the range of efficient operating
high gas pressures which act on the head of the temperatures. The main objection to the use of
piston. Without high temperature, power can- water is that it has a high freezing point and
not be produced efficiently. However, it is not cannot be used alone at temperatures below
possible to use all of the heat of combustion 32 ° F. Ethylene glycol is used in some liquid-
without producing harmful results. There is no cooled aircraft engines where the cooling sys-
accurate method of measuring the temperature tem is sealed. Its advantages are that it does
in the combustion chamber during the burning not evaporate in use, has a higher boiling point
of fuel, but it has been determined to be about than water, does not require renewal unless lost
twice the temperature at which iron melts. through leakage. TB ORD 651 covers the use
Therefore, if nothing is done to cool the engine of approved antifreeze compounds for military
during operation, valves will burn and warp, vehicles.
lubricating oil will break down, pistons and c. Additives.
bearings will overheat, and pistons will seize (1) When a vehicle is operated where the
in the cylinders. atmospheric temperatures fall below
(1) Heat created by combustion must be 32 ° F., an antifreeze solution must be
dissipated by the cooling system. added if water is used as the cooling
Other important, but often over- liquid. The solution in common use
looked, mediums of cooling an inter- is ethylene glycol, prepared for use
nal combustion engine are the fuel and called arctic compound. Ethylene
and the lubricant. Cooling is not glycol (antifreeze compound) has a

TM 9-273


Figuwre 38. Air cleaner.

high boiling point, does not evaporate freezing point with increasing concen-
in use, is noncorrosive, has no odor, tration. For instance, methyl alchol
and gives complete protection when freezes at -144 ° F., while ethyl alco-
used in the proper amount. The max- hol freezes at-174° F.
imum protection from freezing is ob- (2) The cooling system must be free of
tained from a solution of 40-percent rust and scale in order to maintain its
water and 60-percent ethylene glycol efficiency. The use of inhibitors or
antifreeze compound. This mixture rust preventatives will reduce or pre-
gives protection at temperatures as vent corrosion and the formation of
low as -65 ° F. A higher concentra- scale. Inhibitors are not cleaners and
tion of ethylene glycol antifreeze com- do not remove rust or scale already
pound will only raise the freezing formed; they are merely added to the
point of the solution. If 100-percent cooling liquid to arrest further rust or
ethylene glycol antifreeze compound corrosion. Most commercial anti-
is used, the freezing point is about freeze solutions contain an inhibitor.
10 ° F. Other antifreeze solutions, If water alone is used as the coolant,
however, do not show this increase of an inhibitor should be added.

TM 9-273

d. Flow of the Coolant. A simple liquid The coolant flows from the cylinder
cooling system consists of a radiator, coolant block up into the cylinder head
pump, piping, fan, thermostat, and a system of through passages called water trans-
jackets and passages in the-cylinder head and fer ports. A tight seal at the ports be-
cylinder block through which the coolant circu- tween the cylinder head and block is
lates. Some engines are equipped with a water very important. The watertight seal
distribution tube inside the cooling passages at the ports, as well as the gastight
that directs additional coolant to the points seal at the combustion-chamber open-
where temperatures are highest. Cooling of ings, is obtained with one large gasket
the engine parts is accomplished by keeping the called the cylinder-head gasket. It
coolant circulating and in contact with the met- has two functions to perform: it must
al surfaces to be cooled. The pump draws the seal the extreme pressures of combus-
coolant from the bottom of the radiator, forces tion within the cylinders and, at the
it through the jackets and passages, and ejects same time, maintain a tight seal in the
it into the upper tank on top of the radiator coolant joints at the water transfer
(fig. 39). The coolant passes through a set of ports.
tubes to the bottom of the radiator and again f. Radiator. Radiators for automotive vehi-
is circulated through the engine by the action cles using liquid-cooled systems consist of two
of the pump. A fan draws air over the outside tanks (fig. 39) with a core between them to
of the tubes in the radiator and cools the liquid form the radiating element. The upper tank
as it flows downward. It should be noted that contains an outside pipe called the radiatorin-
the liquid is pumped through the radiator from let and usually has a coolant baffle inside and
the top down. The reason for this direction of above or at the inlet opening. The radiator fil-
flow is that thermosiphon action aids the pump ler neck is generally attached to the upper part
to circulate the coolant. This simply means of the upper tank and has an outlet to the over-
that as the coolant is heated in the jackets of flow pipe. The lower tank also has a pipe
the engine, it expands, becomes lighter, and opening (radiator outlet).
flows upward to the top of the radiator. As (1) The upper tank collects incoming
cooling then takes place in the radiator tubes, coolant and distributes it across the
the coolant contracts, becomes heavier, and top of the radiator core. The baffle in
sinks to the bottom. This desirable thermosi- the tank assists in distributing the
phon action cannot take place if the level of the coolant to the water tubes and also
coolant is permitted to become low. prevents coolant from being thrown
e. Engine Water Jacket. out of the radiator. The overflow
(1) The water passages in the cylinder pipe provides an opening from the
block and cylinder head form the en- radiator for escape of coolant or
gine water jacket (fig. 39). In the cyl- steam that otherwise might cause ex-
inder block, the water jacket com- cessive pressure, which would rupture
pletely surrounds all cylinders along the thin metal walls of the radiator.
their full length. Within the jacket, The lower tank collects coolant flow-
narrow water passages are provided ing from the core and discharges it
between cylinders for coolant circula- through the radiator outlet.
tion. In addition, water passages are (2) Some liquid-cooling systems have tu-
provided around the valve seats and bular radiator cores which consists of
other hot parts of the cylinder block. a large number of vertical water tubes
(2) In the cylinder head, the water jacket and many horizontal air fins around
covers the combustion chambers at the the tubes. Water passages in the
top of the cylinders and contains tubes are narrow, and the tubes are
water passages around the valve seats made of thin metal. The core divides
when they are located in the head. the coolant into very thin columns or

TM 9-273


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i -Am

TM 9-273

ribbons, thus exposing a large ra- h. Fan and Shroud. The fan circulates a
diating surface to the volume of liquid large volume of air through the radiator core.
to be cooled. In addition to removing heat from the radiator,
g. Water Pump. All modern cooling sys- this flow of air also provides some direct air
tems have water pumps to circulate the coolant. cooling of the engine. Military vehicles are
The pump (fig. 40), usually located on the often equipped with a funnel-like structure
front or side of the engine block, receives cool- (shroud) around and behind the fan. The
ant from the lower tank and forces it through shroud directs the flow of air for most effective
the water jacket into the upper tank. The pump cooling.
is a centrifugal type and has an impeller with i. Thermostat. The water pump starts the
blades, which force the coolant outward as the coolant circulating through the system as soon
impeller rotates. The pump and fan usually are as the engine is started, no matter how low the
driven from a common V-belt which is driven temperature, so a thermostat must be installed
by a pulley at the front end of the crankshaft. to insure quick warmup and to prevent over-
Advantages of the centrifugal pump are that it cooling in cold weather. A thermostat regulates
is inexpensive, circulates great quantities of engine temperature by automatically control-
liquid for its size, and is not clogged easily by ling the amount of coolant flowing from the
small particles of dirt. Another advantage is engine block to the radiator core.
that it permits limited circulation by thermosi- (1) The thermostat is merely a heat-op-
phon action even if the engine is not running. erated unit which controls a valve
Some water pumps are not lubricated, while between the water jacket and the ra-
others take GAA grease quarterly or every 750 diator. A typical thermostat (fig. 41)
miles. consists of a flexible-metal bellows
attached to a valve. The sealed bel-
lows, which is expandable, is filled
with a highly volatile liquid such as
ether. When the liquid is cold, the
bellows chamber is contracted and the
valve is closed (fig. 42). When heat-
ed, the liquid is vaporized and ex-
pands the chamber. As the chamber
expands, the valve opens (fig. 43).
When the engine is cold, the thermo-
stat is closed and the coolant is recir-
culated through the water jacket
without entering the radiator. As the
engine warms up, the valve slowly
opens and some of the coolant begins
to flow through the radiator, where
it is cooled. Other types include a
sealed copper bellows containing only
air; another is bimetallic and for its
AH operation depends upon the differ-
ence in coefficients of expansion of
the two metals.
(2) The thermostat is located between the
water jacket and the radiator, usually
in the housing of the cylinder-head-
water-outlet elbow (fig. 39). It
Figure 40. Water pump. should be constructed so that, if it

TM 9-273

fails to function properly, it will fail moved would allow some of the coolant to over-
in the open position, allowing free flow into the pipe and be lost. The pressure
circulation of water through the en- cap serves to prevent overflow loss of coolant
gine. during normal operation. It also allows a cer-
(3) Some military vehicles are equipped tain amount of pressure to develop within the
with air inlet screens or shutters. system, which raises the boiling point of the
They have no direct connection with coolant and permits the engine to operate at
the cooling system and are primarily higher temperatures without coolant overflow
for protection. However, they may be from boiling. The cap contains two spring-
used to supplement or replace the ac- loaded valves, normally closed, which seal the
tion of a thermostat, and are operated system. The larger is the pressure valve and
either by hand or automatically by a the smaller is the vacuum valve. The pressure
thermostatic device. The shutters re- valve acts as a safety valve to relieve extra pres-
strict the flow of cool air through the sure within the system; the vacuum valve opens
radiator when the coolant is below a only when the pressure within the cooling sys-
predetermined temperature. When tem drops below the outside air pressure as the
the coolant reaches the proper tem- engine cools off. Higher outside pressure then
perature, the shutters start to open. forces the vacuum valve to open, allowing air to
j. Pressure Radiator Cap. Some cooling sys- enter the system by way of the overflow pipe.
tems are sealed and use a pressure radiator cap
(figs. 44 and 45) to close off the overflow-pipe
opening. If the overflow pipe were open, the RDIATOR f:RLLER

surging movement of the coolant as the vehicle


:: G:S00000C:ASK



RA PD 183842

Figure 41. Thermostat. Figure 42. Thermostat closed.

TM 9-273
a tube to the overflow tank. The pressure cap
on the overflow tank controls the pressure with-
wI __ in the system in the same manner as described
in j above. The plain cap on the radiator ef-
fectively seals the radiator opening so that the
only vent to the atmosphere is through the cap
on the overflow tank. When the coolant cools
off, it contracts and the pressure in the upper
part of the radiator drops below atmospheric.
The pressure in the overflow tank, which is
maintained above atmospheric by the pressure
cap, forces the liquid to return to the radiator
to be recirculated through the engine.

48. Starters, Generators, Distributors,

and Magnetos
a. General. Starters, generators, distribu-
tors, and magnetos must be lubricated accord-
ing to pertinent lubrication orders. Care must
be taken not to overlubricate them as they are
electrical devices. Excess oil or grease is liable
to find its way into windings, onto contact
points, brushes, etc., which would cause insula-
tion deterioration, short circuits, excessive arc:,
ENGINE WAR-VLV OPENEDBY ing or sparking at brushes, etc.
THROUGH TE ENGINE AND THE RADIATOR b. Starters. Starters operate only intermit-
RA PO 183843 tently and then only for short periods. They
are generally equipped with oilless bearings.
Some, however, are equipped with snap-top oil
Figure 48. Thermostat open. cups for one or both armature bearings and
some for heavy duty are equipped with ball
k. Overflow Tank, When the cooling sys- bearings. When equipped with oil cups, start-
tem is equipped with an overflow tank, the
ers occasionally should receive a few drops of
pressure cap is placed on the tank instead of on
oil where directed in lubrication orders or tech-
the radiator, and a plain cap is used on the nical manuals. Ball bearings used on starters
radiator. Overflow, or surge, tanks are special ordinarily are packed with grease and require
equipment for operation in hot or dry country.
no lubrication between rebuilds.
The coolant expands as it is heated and con-
tracts as it cools; consequently, the level of the c. Generators. There are two common types
coolant in the radiator is constantly changing as of bearing arrangements in generators (fig.
the engine operating temperature changes. 46)-ball bearings at both ends of the arma-
This condition is further aggravated when the ture, and a ball bearing at the drive end and a
temperature becomes high enough to change the plain bronze bushed bearing at commutator
water to steam. The expansion is much greater end. This bushing is lubricated by means of
and the pressure is also increased. The over- an oil cup on the commutator end of the gen-
flow tank makes it possible to keep the radiator erator. Generators should be inspected to de-
full at all times. Overflow from the radiator, termine whether lubrication service is required.
caused by the expansion or surging of steam Where the oil cup is present on the commutator
vapor within the cooling system, passes through end of the generator, it should be filled with 6

TM 9-273

PIPE RA PD 183844

Figure 44. Preessure radiatorcap.

to 8 drops of oil where prescribed by the lubri- e, Magnetos. Ball bearings are used on
cation order. Oil of the same grade used in the shafts of most magnetos and generally are oil-
engine generally is used for lubrication regard- lubricated through snap cover oilers. Some
less of the type of bearings. Do not overlubri- magnetos also incorporate an oil-saturated wick
cate oil cups in generators. which maintains lubrication on the breaker
d. Distributors. Distributors (fig. 47) com- cam. As with other electrical devices, care must
monly use plain bronze bearings lubricated by be taken that overlubrication does not occur, as
a single grease cup. A turn clockwise will force
this may cause short circuit and other troubles.
grease into the shaft bearing. The cap should
be checked and kept filled with GAA grease. The lubrication instructions given in pertinent
The felt in the top of the cam beneath the rotor lubrication orders and technical manuals
should be lubricated with oil. Care must be should be followed carefully.
taken not to overlubricate the felt as this will
cause carbon deposits and short circuiting of 49. Miscellaneous
the distributor points. The breaker cam must
Other parts of an engine require lubrication
be wiped lightly with grease where directed in
pertinent lubrication orders or technical man- to keep them in working order. Some of these
uals. areas are-

TM 9-273

Figure 45. Overflow tank and pressure cap.

a. Governors. Most governors are of the ages, levers, rods, flexible wires, etc., are al-
centrifugal type and incorporate plain friction- ways found on any engine. These have various
type or ball bearings. These bearings general- connections and guides where friction can
ly are oil lubricated, the oil being automatically occur. Such parts must be lubricated with oil
furnished from the engine crankcase. or grease following instructions in the pertinent
b. Linkages. A number of controls link- lubrication orders or technical manuals.

TM 9-273

Figure 46. Cross section of typicaJ generator.

FigurX ~7. T t yia disftiuoPD 103998A

Figure 47. Typical distributor.

TM 9-273



50. General rapidly as the power-driven fan. The same ac-

tion takes place in the fluid clutch except that
Automotive clutches depend upon friction oil instead of air transmits the power. The
for their operation, whether it is solid friction only parts of a fluid clutch (fig. 49) requir-
as in a plate clutch, or fluid friction as in fluid ing lubrication are the bearings upon which
couplings. A clutch provides a means of con- the driving and driven shafts rotate. These
necting and disconnecting the engine from the bearings are oiled by the clutch oil.
drive system. c. Torque Converters. The torque conver-
ter (fig. 50) acts as both a clutch and a trans-
51. Types of Clutches mission. It uses fluid as a medium for trans-
a,. Dry Clutches. The clutch assembly (fig. mitting motion and power. The converter con-
48) is made of two faces, one which is at- sists of four major parts; a centrifugal pump
tached to the engine and one which is applied driven by the engine, a coaxial three-stage ro-
to the drive system. These faces may be ma- tor attached to the output shaft of the engine,
chined cast-iron or they may be covered with a hydraulic housing, and reactor blades at-
some suitable frictionable material. In either tached to the inside of the housing. Oil is forced
case no lubrication is required between the against the blades of the rotor (fig. 50) caus-
faces. Lubrication is needed in the pilot bear- ing it to rotate in the same direction as the
ing, yoke, and release bearing so that the pump. Reversing blades on the rotor change
driven face will move freely into and out of the direction of the oil after it has delivered
contact with the driving face when the clutch its energy. The oil re-enters the pump with its
pedal is released or depressed. motion corrected. The torque converter re-
b. Fluid Clutches. The principle of this quires oil of very high stability because violent
type of drive is illustrated by the action of two churning action at high temperatures takes
electric fans facing each other, one with the place. Generally, a cooling radiator is required
power on and one with the power off. As the to keep the oil within safe operating tempera-
speed of the power-driven fan increases, the tures. Pertinent lubrication orders must be
flow of air transmits power to the motionless followed when servicing a torque converter.
fan and it begins to rotate. The free-running The bearings are self-lubricated by the fluid
fan gains speed until it is rotating almost as being used.

TM 9-273






RA PD 53237

Figure 48. Single plate dry clutch.



RA PD 183931

Figure49. Fluid clutch disassembled.

TM 9-273



Figure 50. Torque converter showing rotors, housing, and reactors.


52. Transmissions the oil between trips through the transmis-
sions. Figures 51 and 52 show various trans-
The more common devices used in transmis- missions. Figure 51 is a cross section of a se-
sions and which require lubrication are rotat- lective gear transmission and shows the various
ing and sliding friction-type bearings, ball parts and surfaces to be lubricated. Parts to
bearings, roller bearings, tapered roller bear- be lubricated include plain friction-type bear-
ings, thrust bearings, splines, synchronizing ings both rotating and sliding, splined shafts,
clutches, gear teeth, shifting yokes, oil pumps, gear faces, ball bearings, straight roller bear-
etc. Lubrication of all the bearing surfaces in ings, tapered roller bearings, etc. Figure 52
a transmission generally is accomplished by shows a synchromesh tank transmission incor-
making the lower part of the transmission porating five speeds forward and reverse, and
housing a reservoir into which certain of the an oil pump (not shown) furnishing pressure
gears dip, the remainder of the bearing sur- circulation of oil to the gears on the upper or
faces being lubricated by the dip or splash sys- driving shaft which is above the level of the
tems or a combination of these. Some trans- oil in the bottom of the housing. Although
missions, particularly those for tanks or other not shown in the illustration of this transmis-
heavy unit, combine the dip and pressure cir- sion, all the change gears mounted on the
culation systems, lubricating oil being de- driving and driven shafts run on tapered bear-
livered to certain bearing surfaces by the dip ings. Oil from the pump enters the hollow
system and to others by an oil pump built into driving shaft, flows out through the roller
the transmission. Most transmissions which in- bearings, runs over the gear teeth, and falls
corporate a pressure circulation system for oil back into the bottom of the housing. Some
also make use of an auxiliary radiator to cool units provide for cooling the oil before it goes
TM 9-273
to the bearings. With the lubrication system Lubrication of these systems is done periodi-
of the transmission in operation, enough oil cally (semiannually or each 1,000 miles) by
finds its way onto the friction surfaces of the draining, cleaning, and refilling with oil
transmission to keep them properly lubricated. (OE). Daily checks of the oil level is
Transmissions for vehicles equipped with aux- required.
iliary units such as winches, cranes, etc., re-
quiring power drive generally are so con-
53. Universal Joints
structed as to allow power takeoff. Surfaces to
be lubricated in the power takeoff are of the a. Universal Joints for Drive Shafts. Basi-
same types as in the transmission and are lu- cally the universal joint in most common use
bricated by the dip system from oil in the trans- (fig. 53) consists of two U-shaped yokes fas-
mission housing. Since the construction of tened to the ends of the shafts or parts that
transmission is so varied, the lubrication in- are to be connected. A cross-shaped piece, lo-
structions in pertinent lubrication orders and cated within these yokes, has four trunnions
technical manuals should be followed care- fitted into bearings on the yokes. At the pres-
fully. Special attention should be given to ent time, these bearings are generally of the
checking the oil levels, proper draining and needle type. A lubricating fitting and relief
flushing, and cleaning of magnetic drain valve generally are incorporated. One of the
plugs. Many types of tracked vehicles use yokes often includes a slip joint which takes
a cross-drive transmission system in which a care of slight variations in length necessary be-
torque converter, a lock up clutch, and a plane- cause of movement of the axles or wheels.
tary geared transmission are combined to The lubricant for this slip joint is the same as
transmit power to track-driving sprockets. for the universal joint. On some slip joints, it



RA PO 109104

Figure 51. Cross section of typical five-speed transmission.

TM 9-273
of manufacturer's plates. At time or rebuild
or removal from vehicle, the manufacturer's in-
struction plate should be defaced.
c. Universal Joints For Front Wheels. The
use of front wheels for driving as well as
steering purposes made necessary a universal
joint in which the angular velocity of the
driven shaft was not affected by the angle of
drive. Several joints of the constant velocity
type have been developed (fig. 54). Front
wheel universals are usually inclosed by parts
of the axle and although the surfaces to be
lubricated vary, they are usually lubricated
with GAA grease. Instructions in pertinent
Figure 52. Synchromesh tank transmission lubrication orders or technical manuals must
incorporatingpressure circulationsystem. be followed. It is important that universal
joints and splines be lubricated adequately.
Not only is the full power of the engine
carried through these small joints, but when
the vehicle is going down hill using the en-
gine as a brake the stress is reversed. The
housings are not to be filled above the inspec-
tion plug hole. Grease expands as the tem-
perature increases if too much lubricant has
been added, the pressure may rupture the
grease seals due to the heat of operation.
Lubricate in accordance with instructions in
pertinent lubrication order and technical

Figure 53. Typical universal joint with slip joint. 54. Driving Gears, Differentials, and
Associated Mechanisms
is necessary to remove a plug and install a lu- a. General. Most of the lubrication of these
brication fitting to lubricate the joint. The lu- mechanisms concerns gears of various types
bricating fitting must be removed and the orig- and the shafts or bearings on which they ro-
inal plug installed after lubrication. A change tate. In practically all cases, the housings serve
of fittings might be sufficient to throw the as reservoirs for the oil and lubrication is by
shaft out of balance and cause serious the dip system. The lubricating oil must be
vibration. changed at regular intervals as specified in
b. Universal Joints For Propeller Shafts. pertinent lubrication orders and technical man-
Propeller shaft universal joints on some uals. This should be done directly after the
vehicle has been operated for a considerable
wheeled vehicles may still carry manufacturer's
period, at which time the oil is comparatively
instruction plates which specify the lubricant to warm and fluid. Compressed air should not
be used for the lubrication of universal joints. be used to hurry the draining of a reservoir,
This instruction may be in contradiction to the for this may result in oil seals being blown
lubricant prescribed by the applicable lubrica- with possible leakage of oil onto the brakes or
tion order and therefore must be ignored. In- other parts. A reservoir must not be filled
above the oil level specified. Particular care
structions on applicable lubrication orders will
is necessary in cold weather as the thick lu-
be followed regardless of contrary instructions bricant may pile up at the end of the filling
TM 9-273



RA PD '83957

Figure 54. Constant velocity universal shaft sectional view.

nozzle and give an incorrect indication of the pinions and the cage operate intermittently
amount of lubricant introduced. and then only at low speeds. They are gener-
b. Driving Gears. Driving gears may be ally friction-type bearings for both the radial
divided into the following classification: and thrust loads, and sometimes incorporate a
straight bevel gears, spiral gears, hypoid thrust washer of bronze or some other such
gears, and worm gears. There are other types bearing material (fig. 56). The drive gears
of driving gears but in general the above are and the antifriction bearings of the cage, how-
the main types. Hypoid gears present a partic- ever, require careful lubrication. The oil in
ular problem due to the fact that rolling ac- the housing must be kept at the correct level
tion and considerable sliding action are com- and pertinent lubrication orders and technical
bined. It is necessary, therefore, that a spe- manuals must be followed in regard to check-
cial lubricant be used with hypoid gears. In ing, draining, and replenishing.
general, driving gears as well as their antifric-
d. Driving Axles. The inner ends of nearly
tion bearings are lubricated by the dip system.
all driving axles used on automotive materiel
Operating temperatures normally are low and
are splined to the differential side gears, and
a lubricant of comparatively heavy body gener-
such lubrication, as is necessary, is furnished
ally is used.
by the oil in the axle housing. The outer ends
c. Differentials. A differential (fig. 55) is of the driving axles are splined or keyed and,
the mechanism by which the torque on the two except for those of the semifloating type, carry
driving axles is equalized. The bearing sur- none of the weight of the vehicle and have no
faces of a differential requiring lubrication are bearings. An axle of the semifloating type
the antifriction bearings on which the differ- carries the weight of the vehicle on its outer
ential cage rotates, the teeth of the differential end and has an antifriction bearing installed
between the driving axle and the outer end of
pinions and side gears, and the bearings of the the axle housing. This bearing carries a com-
differential pinions in the cage. All of those bined radial and thrust load, and secures the
bearing surfaces are lubricated by the dip sys- axle in place longitudinally in the housing.
tem from oil held in the bottom of the hous- Such an antifriction bearing generally is lu-
ing. The bearings between the differential bricated either through a lubricating fitting or

TM 9-273

because friction resulting from the braking ac-

tion in steering results in considerable heat.

Cooling is done by dipping the contacting sur-

faces of the ferrous metal drum and the fric-
tion lining of the brake bands into the lubri-
cant in the bottom of the housing. The oil
DIFFERENTIAL fl JC) lubricates the friction surfaces and cools the
4HRUST WASHI drum and bands. It is general practice to use
I_ r '1 an oil pump to circulate the oil from the bot-
tom of the housing through a radiator or
cooler to dissipate the excess heat. In some
vehicles the transmission is often included in
AXLE SHAFi the same oil circulation system.
f. Final Drives. On tanks or other slow
N moving vehicles, another speed reduction often
~/ s AXLE Hou~.IN~'
'~i~:~$ is incorporated as a final drive between the
driving axle coming from the differential and
RA PO i09V¢! the final drive shaft. The parts to be lubri-
cated in such a drive (fig. 58) generally con-
Figure 55. Drive gears and differential. sist of antifriction bearings carrying both
thrust and radial load and a set of gears. Lu-
by removing and repacking with grease where brication is by the dip or splash systems from
directed in pertinent lubrication order and oil held in the bottom of the housing.
technical manual. g. Transfer Case. A transfer case consists of
e. Controlled Differentials. Controlled dif- a housing inclosing a series of gears by means
ferentials (fig. 57) are used in full track lay- of which power is transferred from the main
ing vehicles and, not only automatically equal- drive line to any auxiliary units that may re-
ize the torque applied to the two tracks, al- quire power for their operation. Transfer cases
lowing them to travel at different speeds to provide for the operation of front wheel
compensate for slippage, irregular ground, drives, pulleys, hydraulic pumps, winches,
etc., but provide a means for steering. Steer- cranes, dual rear axles, and other mechanisms.
ing is accomplished by two brakes by means of Figure 59 shows a typical transfer case incor-
which resistance may be applied to either side, porating high- and low-speed driving ranges,
resulting in the slowing of the track on that drive to front axle, and drive to the rear axle.
side. Although the gears are of a different In general, transfer mechanisms are similar to
type and greater in number, the lubrication transmissions in principle, surfaces to be lu-
problems of the more common forms of con- bricated, and lubrication problems, and nearly
trolled differentials are practically the same. always are lubricated by the dip system from
Steering brakes must be lubricated and cooled oil held in the bottom of the housing.

TM 9-273



RA PD 316833

Figure 56. Differentialwith half of cage removed to show construction.

TM 9-273


'\ f

LI - I - - ', -- I co

,L....~~ i I

- - 4 _

A¸ ~,,'"
RA PD 109107

Figure 57. Partialsection of a controlled differentialand final drive with steering


TM 9-273


X W: M tT000 :T art: t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

PD 183966

Figure 58. Final drive cross-sectionalview.

TM 9-273



RA PD 109105

Figure 59. Cross section of a typical transfer case.

TM 9-273


Section I. BRAKING
55. General steel. It is circular and is tightly se-
Friction does not always act to our disad- cured to a rotating member such as a
vantage. In our discussion on clutches it was shaft or a wheel.
shown that friction can be used to transmit (2) Brakeshoes. The stationary member
consists of a metal form on which
power. Braking action, too, is the advantage-
ceramic or asbestos material is fas-
ous use of friction to retard or stop a motion.
tened. The lining or facing has the
In defining friction we said that it is the re-
ability to absorb and dissipate heat
sistance to relative motion between two sur-
without bonding or seizing to the
faces in contact. In automotive braking we
bring a stationary surface into contact with a
moving surface. This supplies the necessary (3) Plates. Brakes designed with plates
are used when larger surfaces are re-
factor-relative motion-to create the resistive
quired. The facings on the plates are
force-friction. The moving surface will sur-
the same materials as those used on
render its motion to friction. While the basic
the shoes.
duty of automotive equipment is movement, it
(4) Linkages. The cables and anchor bear-
is equally important to stop the motion; some-
ings require a periodic lubrication
times very quickly. The braking action of ve-
with general purpose oil.
hicles must be equal to the action of the en-
gines and driving mechanisms. In cases of
emergency it must be far greater. It is possible 56. Hydraulic Systems
to accelerate a 100-horsepower vehicle in 36 a, General. The pressure applied to the
seconds to 80 miles per hour. By full applica- brake pedal is transmitted by a liquid to the
tion of braking, the same vehicle can be wheel cylinders. This is possible because a
stopped in 4.5 seconds. Thus, we can see that liquid cannot be compressed and a confined
the braking power is 8 times the engine power. liquid transmits a force equally in all
a,. Braking Mechanisms. All braking sys- directions.
tems have basic parts: they are rotating or mov- b. Operations. The brake pedal, when
ing parts, stationary parts, and means to bring pushed down, moves the piston in the master
them together. One means of contacting the cylinder, forcing the liquid from the cylinder
moving parts and the stationary parts is done through tubes to the wheel cylinder. The
by hydraulics. This manual is concerned with fluid pushes against pistons in the wheel cyl-
lubricants and hydraulic liquids so only this inders forcing them to activate a linkage
system will be discussed. which brings the shoes in contact with the
b. Brakedums, Shoes, and Plates. drums.
(1) Brakedrums. The rotating part of a c. Fluid. The liquid used for hydraulic
brake system is made of cast iron or braking is called brake fluid. It is generally

TM 9-273

a mixture of an alcohol and a vegetable oil. the master cylinder or if fluid leaks anywhere.
The combination will not evaporate or freeze Since air seriously effects braking efficiency,
at temperatures encountered in year-round op-
the hydraulic system should be bled whenever
eration of vehicles.
d. Bleeding. Air will enter the hydraulic brakes are adjusted. The fluid in the master
brake system if the fluid level is too low in cylinder should be maintained at full level.


57. Steering and Wheel Bearing between the balls or rollers by hand
Mechanisms or with a packer and must not be just
smeared on the outside. Great care
a. General, This paragraph will discuss the must be exercised to see that dirt,
lubrication of the various wheel bearings, grit, lint, or other contaminants are
steering gears, linkages, tracks, track rollers, not introduced into the bearings. If
driving sprockets, idlers, bogie wheels, bearings are not to be installed im-
springs, spring shackles, shock absorbers, in- mediately, they should be wrapped
dividually sprung front wheels, etc., on which in clean oilproof paper to protect
many vehicles are suspended and transported. them from dirt. Before installing re-
Detailed instructions for any particular vehicle packed bearings, grease retainers
are given in pertinent lubrication orders and should be checked to see that they
technical manuals; instructions contained there- are in proper condition and replaced
in must be followed. if necessary. The old-time method
b. Front Wheel Bearings. Front wheel packing the hub cap with grease and
bearings (fig. 60) of the automotive vehicles using it as a grease cup is not to be
of today are of the antifriction type carrying used under any circumstances, as this
both radial and thrust loads. It is necessary procedure may rupture the grease
that the wheel bearings be packed with a seal and result in grease-soaked brake
grease that will give proper lubrication over linings. Coat the spindle and inside
considerable mileage, and the grease must be of the hub with a thin layer of grease
of such a type that it will cling to the bearings, (not over 1/16 inch) to prevent
stay in, and not creep out onto the brakes. rusting.
Most wheel bearing lubricants are a short (2) Adjustment of bearings after lubrica-
fiber sodium soap product having a high melt- tion. A necessary part of the task of
ing point, a minimum tendency to separate or lubricating front wheel bearings is
creep, yet sufficient tackiness to cling to the their proper adjustment after repack-
balls or rollers under the centrifugal force de- ing. The adjusting nut should be
veloped in the bearings at high speeds. drawn up until the wheel binds
(1) Lubrication procedure. In lubricating slightly and then backed off so that
front wheel bearings, the wheel is the wheel will turn freely. The
removed, all old grease is washed amount the nut should be backed off
out of the bearings with dry-cleaning depends upon the pitch of the thread,
solvent, and the bearings dried. In the type of bearing, etc., but explicit
drying bearings, with compressed air, directions will be found in the per-
it is possible to damage the bearings tinent technical manual. Some bear-
and also cause rusting if the air con- ings give better service if correctly
tains moisture. See TM 9-214 for preloaded. Adjustment is quite criti-
methods of drying with compressed cal and, while it is necessary to draw
air. In packing bearings, the lubri- the adjusting nut up tight enough to
cant must be introduced carefully seat the cones, cups, etc., firmly, care

TM 9-273





lEA 6
RAPD 3100376

RA PD 310089 Figure 61. Sectional view rear wheel bearing.

Figure 60. Section of typical front wheel bearings levers, links, etc. The most important is the
mechanism at the lower end of the steering
must be taken not to tighten it suffi- column which changes the rotary motion of
ciently to injure the balls or rollers. the steering wheel into the push and pull mo-
c. Rear Wheel Bearings. Rear wheel bear- tion necessary at the steering wheels. There
ings (fig. 61) of automotive materiel are also are four types of these mechanisms in common
of the antifriction type (fig. 63) and gener- use at present; namely, ball bearing, cam and
ally are grease-lubricated. The method of in- lever, worm and roller, and worm and sector,
troducing the lubricant varies according to the each of which will be treated in following
type of axle construction, the most common paragraphs. During the periods when a ve-
method is removing the wheels and packing hicle is moving, all parts of the steering sys-
the bearings manually. When lubrication fit- tem are subject to violent whipping action due
tings are used, the lubrication order for the to the roughness of the terrain being trav-
particular vehicle must be carefully followed, eled, and this introduces shock loads and high
since the application of grease in too great bearing pressures that are liable to pound the
quantities or too frequently may result in the lubricant out from between the bearing sur-
rupture of oil seals forcing grease on the faces leaving the rubbing surfaces bare. For
brakes. In some cases the wheel bearings are this reason, it is necessary that regular and
lubricated automatically from the rear axle, the careful attention be given to lubrication and
maintenance of the lubricant at the proper that the specified lubricants be used. The
level in the rear axle housing being about the lubricant used must have good adhesive qual-
only service necessary. If a drain or vent is in- ity and sufficient fluidity to flow back onto
corporated, and the bearings packed with surfaces from which it has been pounded. A
grease manually, the instructions given for steering gear generally is filled through a hole
front wheel bearings in b above apply. in the upper part of the housing and the lu-
d.. Steering Systems. A steering system bricant used generally is universal gear lubri-
(fig. 62) comprises all mechanisms between cant. Care must be used not to force the lu-
the steering wheel and the connections at the bricant up through the steering column when
ends of the steering arms on the front wheels, filled through a lubricating fitting.
and includes friction and antifriction bearings, (1) Ball bearing type. In a steering gear
gears, cams, worms, ball and socket joints, of the ball bearing type (fig. 63),

TM 9-273

the principle of the nut and screw is the roller and the worm, and the
employed although the parts are antifriction bearings on the worm
known commercially as a ball or shaft. All lubrication is provided by
worm nut and a worm. This con- oil held in the housing. This oil
struction gives the action of a screw should be replenished, drained, and
but substitutes rolling for sliding replaced as directed in pertinent lu-
friction. This type of steering gear brication orders and technical
requires lubrication of friction radial manuals.
and thrust bearings on the shaft, the
rack and gear, the balls transmitting (4) Worm and sector type. Figure 63
motion from the worm to the nut, shows two types of steering gears us-
and the antifriction bearings of the ing a worm and sector. In one type
worm. Lubrication of all bearings is the sector is in the same plane as the
accomplished by filling the housing wormshaft and the teeth are cut on
with lubricant which should be the edge of the sector, while in the
checked, drained, and replaced as di- other type the sector is offset and the
rected in pertinent lubrication orders teeth are cut on its face. In the first
and technical manuals. type the worm varies in diameter,
(2) Cam and lever type, A steering gear while in the second type the worm
of the cam and lever type (fig. 63) is of constant diameter throughout
employs a special cam or worm of its length. The surfaces to be lubri-
variable ratio which engages a cated are gear and worm teeth, plain
tapered stud or studs on a lever friction bearings, and antifriction
mounted on the end of the Pitman or bearings. Methods of lubrication are
steering arm shaft. This type of the same as for other types of steering
steering gear requires the lubrica- gears.
tion of friction-type bearings carrying (5) Hydraulic steering gears. On the
radial and thrust loads, antifriction very large wheeled vehicles, a hy-
bearings on the worm and studs, and draulic aid to steering sometimes is
the rolling or sliding bearing of the incorporated. It consists essentially of
stud or studs against the worm. All an oil reservoir, hydraulic pump
of the bearing surfaces are lubricated driven by the engine, control valve,
by oil contained in the housing. This and double acting hydraulic cylinder.
oil must be replenished, drained, and The piston rod of the hydraulic cyl-
replaced as directed in pertinent lu- inder is connected to an extended
brication orders and technical arm of the lever of a cam and lever
manuals. type steering gear. With the oil
(3) Worn and roller type. A steering pump bperating and the steering
gear of the worm and roller type wheel stationary, the hydraulic pres-
(fig. 63) utilizes a worm or screw sure on the two ends of the piston is
meshing with the edge of a disk- balanced, and no force is exerted on
shaped roller carried on a lever on the the steering lever in either direction.
steering arm shaft. Some heavy-duty While the steering wheel is being
steering gears use two rollers in- turned, the control valve operates to
stead of one to give more bearing create different pressures on the two
area and strength. The surfaces to ends of the piston, and force is ex-
be lubricated are about the same as erted on the steering lever to help
in other steering gears; namely, fric- turn the wheels in the desired direc-
tion-type bearings of the steering tion. As soon as rotation of the steer-
arm shaft and of the roller on its ing wheel stops, the pressure differ-
shaft, sliding and rolling between ential ceases to exist and force no

TM 9-273
longer is exerted on the steering e. Tracks, Track Rollers, Driving Sprockets,
lever. Surfaces to be lubricated in Idlers, and Bogie Wheels. Tracks are used on
the hydraulic system include antifric- vehicles that are expected to negotiate rough,
tion bearings, plain bearings with ro- sandy, wet, or muddy terrain. Many of the
tary and longitudinal motion, oil bearing surfaces, such as those between the
seals, etc., but these are lubricated tracks and the sprockets, idlers, road wheels,
automatically by the oil used in the guides, or other contracting parts, are not lu-
system. The oil supply in the hy- bricated because the lubricant would cause
draulic system reservoir must be re- dirt and grit to stick, work into the lubricated
plenished, drained, and replaced as surfaces, and cause more wear. Other bearings
directed in pertinent lubrication or- on spring seats, road wheel supports, and
ders or technical manuals. rubbing plates, receive no lubrication for the
same reason. Road wheels, track support
FILLER PLUG rollers, and idler wheels or sprockets are
mounted on antifriction bearings equipped
with grease seals, and must be lubricated fre-
quently and carefully on account of the severe
service to which they are subjected. They are
equipped with relief fittings to protect the
grease seals if too much grease is forced into
the bearings. Such bearings generally are lu-
bricated frequently with GAA grease but per-
tinent lubrication orders and technical manuals
should be consulted for specific cases.

58. Suspensions
a. Springs. A majority of the springs used
for supporting antomotive vehicles are of the
leaf type in which a number of flat spring
LUBRICATION FIT TINGS steel strips of varying lengths are assembled
RA PD 85990 together into one unit. To support the load
Figure 62. Schematic layout of a steering system. and cushion against road shock, a spring must
depend upon one or both of two mechanical
principles-friction between the leaves of the

spring and bending of the spring steel itself.
Leaf springs which depend on both bending
and friction are not to be lubricated as oil or

grease will destroy the desired friction be-
tween the leaves and make the riding action
. too soft. Modern passenger cars generally use
helical springs instead of leaf springs (fig.
? ~,~o, ~,, 64). The spring itself needs no lubrication as
it depends entirely on the bending of the steel
to cushion the load. The plain friction-type
En I Ahbearings in the control arms are lubricated
Fira~ with grease through lubrication fittings. Heli-
WORM AND SoCo, ,T- cal springs used on rear axles operate between
RA PD5991 the rear axle and the vehicle frame and need
Figure 6S. Steering gears of various tunes.
nor'~ no lubrication.

TM 9--273

/ FICKh AL .OL2L>L:I (2) Threaded- and U-type shackles. In

'Uf it+Lt ,0 shackles of the threaded type, either
straight or U-shaped (fig. 65), the
bushings are held firmly in the spring
eye and the frame bracket. The bush-
ings are threaded on the inside and
the bolts on the outside, the motion
taking place between these two
threaded surfaces. The bolts are
drilled and have lubricating fittings
through which grease is fed to the
center of the bearings. Straight bolts
RA PD 39466 are held together by two side plates
held in place by draw keys on the
Figure 64. Front wheed suspension using a helical bolts or by a center bolt passing
spring. through the two side plates. On
b. Spring Shackles. One end of the leaf- shackles of the U-type, the bushing
type spring ordinarily is held to the vehicle is threaded outside and inside and
frame by a short shackle. As the bearings in screws onto the bolt and into the
shackles receive severe service and have to op- bracket or spring eye in the same
erate in the presence of considerable dirt, dust, operation.
and grit, lubrication is difficult. The original c. Shock Absorbers. Three types of hydrau-
bolt-type shackle, or a slight modification us- lic shock absorbers are in general use-the
ing pins held in the links by clamp bolts, is double-acting piston type, the single-acting
the most common style used on United piston type, and the direct-acting or telescopic
States Army materiel. The life of the lubricat- type. The operation of all hydraulic shock ab-
ing film in any shackle depends more upon the sorbers makes use of the fact that consider-
conditions under which the vehicle is operated able energy is required to force a fluid
than on design. Dirt, wet weather, hot through a small orifice. Relative motion be-
weather, fording operations, and frequent tween the frame of the vehicle and the axle is
washing all tend to destroy the film faster than transmitted to the shock absorber and causes
would otherwise be the case and make more relative motion between a piston and its cylin-
frequent lubrication necessary. Pertinent lu- der or a vane and its housing, the displaced
brication orders and technical manuals should fluid being forced through a small orifice into
be consulted for specific instructions. Some another section of the absorber. The resist-
shackles use rubber instead of bearings to ab- ance set up in the absorber as the fluid is
sorb the motion. Do not use petroleum oil on forced through the orifice is transmitted back
these units as it will deteriorate the rubber. through the absorber and restricts or damps
If squeaks develop, they can be eliminated the motion between the vehicle frame and the
with water or hydraulic brake fluid. axle. Lubrication of the internal parts is by
(1) Bolt or pin-type shackles. A shackle the operating fluid of the shock absorbers and
of the bolt or pin type (fig. 65) external linkage generally are rubber-bushed
carries two hardened steel bolts or and require no lubrication. Only the fluids
pins which turn in bronze bushings specified in lubrication orders or technical
pressed into the frame bracket and manuals will be used. Different shock-ab-
the eye of the spring. The bolts or sorber fluids should not be mixed. The fill-
pins are drilled and have a lubricat-
ing fitting in one end through which ing of many shock absorbers requires removal,
grease is fed to the center of the this being due to the inaccessibility of the
bearing. filler holes or, in case of telescopic absorbers,

TM 9-273

1: I



-) IIMG SHOWtl B '4 WS
RA PD 104008

Figure 65. Spring shackles of various types.

to construction. The maintaining of fluid lev- (2) Direct-acting shock absorbers (fig.
els in hydraulic shock absorbers is generally 67). Shock absorbers of the direct-
not required of user personnel. Rather, faulty action or telescopic type utilize the
equipment, as determined by excessive operat- same principle (a piston forcing fluid
ing temperatures, is replaced by authorized through a small orifice) as is used in
maintenance personnel. the piston type. However, instead of
(1) Piston-type shock absorbers. Figure the cylinder and piston being incor-
66 shows a section of a double-acting porated in a housing fastened rigidly
shock absorber of the piston type. to the vehicle frame, one part is at-
The bearings to be lubricated are be- tached to the vehicle frame and the
tween the cylinder and piston; the other part to the axle, and the motion
piston and the cam; and the camshaft between the frame and the axle is
and the housing; and the relief transmitted directly to the parts of
valves, springs, and caps. They all the absorber. The parts to be lubri-
involve either sliding or rotary mo- cated are the cylinder, piston, piston
tion of plain friction surfaces and rod, and valves; this is accomplished
are lubricated by the operating fluid. by the operating fluid. The attaching
The single-acting type is practically points usually are rubber-bushed and
the same except that the resistance to need no lubrication. Currently used
motion is in one direction only and direct-acting shock absorbers cannot
the fluid forced through the orifice be refilled and are replaced when they
flows into the reservoir around the become inoperative.
cam. Connections between the oper-
ating arm and the axle are either d. Individually Sprung Front Wheels. In-
rubber-bushed and require no lubri- dividually sprung or suspended front wheels
cation or have lubrication fittings. (fig. 64) are used on some 4 by 2 vehicles and
TM 9-273

IRAND absorber arm and the shaft on the inner end

ILM' PL is part of the shock absorber. The helical
spring requires no lubrication.
ii :, e. Turntable Fifth Wheel. A turntable or
fifth wheel (fig. 68) is used on a tractor truck
PSR5ION to support the front end of the trailer and
CYUN|9ER, to couple the trailer to the truck. Parts to be
ii00~ lubricated included the top of the turntable,
MOUDcoupler pin, locking jaw and guides, parts of
M: ME the kingpin locking device, the supporting
shafts, pickup ramps, and fifth wheel base.'
The bearings are subjected to only slight
movement and are all of the plain friction
Figure66. Double-acting piston-typ e shock type. Engine oil generally is used on the king-
pin locking device and general purpose grease
on M151 1/4-ton 4 by 4 trucks. Theey were de- on the other bearings, but pertinent lubrication
signed primarily to improve ridinig comfort orders or technical manuals must be consulted
and permit one wheel to rise and fall in go- for specific instructions. If the turntable,
ing over obstructions without the a ction being coupler jaws, ramps, or base accumulate grit
transferred directly through a so lid axle to or sand, they should be cleaned and lubricated
the other front wheel. The control Earms or A- thoroughly.
frames are pivoted to vehicle fram e or shock f. Torsion Bars. On heavy tracked vehicles
absorbers and to the steering knuckkle support, suspension is obtained by the use of a linkage
and these plain friction-type bearing ,s are lubri- system involving torsion bars. Lubrication of
cated with grease through lubricat ion fittings these is usually prescribed by the lubrication
as directed in applicable lubricat ion orders. orders to be done at disassembly and
The upper control arm is actually the shock assembly.

RA PD 183989

Figure 67. Direct-acting shock absorber.

TM 9-273


:l_ i: -r ,i;: . z'~ t. FIT/li/ ':>

RA PD 1O911t

Figure 68. Fifth wheel partially disassembled.

TM 9-273


59/ Basic Lubricated Surfaces cation, or a change of lubricant as required by

Artillery uses the same two basic types of temperature changes, requires partial disassem-
bearings, friction and antifriction, that are bly of the materiel. Lubrication of specific
used in other materiel. Such friction bearings items of artillery will be performed in accord-
in artillery as trunnions, hinge pins, shackles, ance with applicable lubrication orders and
pintles, shaft bearings, etc., are essentially technical manuals.
journal bearings. Trunnions are located on
the sides of a weapon; they support its weight 60. Tube or Barrel
and allow it to be elevated or depressed. The bore is cleaned thoroughly and coated
Pintles, of either the pin type or ball and with oil which serves to prevent rust or corro-
socket type, serve as a center or pivot about sion and is not intended to reduce friction. In
which a cannon is traversed and are essentially cases where the sliding surface for guiding the
a form of journal bearing, in some cases sup- tube during recoil and counterrecoil is ma-
porting the entire weight of small caliber chined directly on the outside of the tube, the
weapons. The slide bearings which permit a bearing between the tube and the cradle or
weapon to recoil on its cradle, the circular base cradle liners in most instances is lubricated
ring and racer by means of which large cannon with grease. This type of construction utilizes
are supported and traversed, axle traverse, the a longitudinal key or flat spot to prevent the
pistons and rods in recoil and recuperator tube rotating in the cradle when the gun is
mechanisms, etc., are all essentially guide bear- fired. The sliding surface that is exposed
ings. Antifriction bearings are used in various when the gun is in battery must be protected
places on artillery such as the trunnions breech against rust, and the protecting lubricant col-
block carrier, and base ring of large artillery; lects dirt and dust. This surface must be
the wheels of mobile carriages; and various cleaned carefully and lubricated before firing
places in power-driven elevation and traversing as any dirt or dust on the surface when the
mechanisms. Lubrication may be either by gun is fired may be drawn into the bearing
grease or oil as indicated by pertinent lubrica- surfaces of the cradle. Using organizations of
tion orders. On fixed artillery the rollers, base
weapons are directed in the care of the tube,
ring, and racer are often quite difficult to lu-
bricate, but it is extremely important that either by technical manuals assigned or by as-
proper lubrication be maintained at this point sociated lubrication orders. Basically these or-
because on it may depend the accuracy with ders require that upon immediately after firing,
which the gun is traversed. All of the com- and upon two consecutive days thereafter, the
mon types of gears may be found in the con- bore is thoroughly cleaned with CR. On the
trol mechanisms for artillery. Gears inclosed
third day clean with CR, wipe dry, and lightly
in oiltight cases are protected from dirt and of-
fer no particularly difficult lubrication diffi- coat with oil (PL). Weekly thereafter, when
culties, while exposed gears require frequent not firing, clean with CR, dry and coat with
cleaning and lubrication. In some cases lubri- oil (PL).

TM 9-273

61. Recoil Slide Rails lengthwise with respect to the carriage during
Recoil slide rails serve to guide the motion recoil and counter-recoil. Where a sleigh is
of the tube during recoil and counterrecoil. used (fig. 70), the whole assembly slides in
Two rails (fig. 69) are customarily used and the cradle while the recoil pistons and rods re-
are attached either at the sides of or below the main stationary with the cradle. Where no
tube parallel to the bore. The rails move in sleigh is used, the cannon assembly, together
slide bearings in the cradle, and are lubricated with the recoil pistons and rods, slide directly
with grease. These are lubricated with GAA in the cradle, the recoil and counterrecoil cyl-
grease twice daily during firing. In cases inders being fastened rigidly to the cradle.
where parts of the bearing surfaces of either The surfaces to be lubricated include the slide
the rails or the guide bearings are exposed, bearings between the cradle and the cannon as-
they must be kept thoroughly cleaned and lu- sembly or sleigh, and the slide bearings be-
bricated because any dirt or corrosion on these tween the various surfaces of the cylinders and
exposed surfaces when the piece is operated the surfaces of the pistons and piston rods of
may be drawn into the bearings and cause seri- the recoil and counterrecoil cylinders. Where
ous trouble. springs are used in the counterrecoil or
recuperator cylinders (fig. 70) there is also
62. Breech Mechanism rubbing contact between the springs and the
(fig. 69) cylinders as the springs expand or are com-
The motion between the contacting surfaces pressed. There are also various other parts
of the breech and firing mechanisms is at slow such as valves, rings, seals, etc., which have
speed. Moreover the parts are somewhat ex- friction surfaces, all of which are lubricated by
posed to the atmosphere and powder smoke the recoil oil used in the cylinders. Using
with the result that corrosion is as much a personnel are required to check the recoil cyl-
problem as lubrication. A light film of oil inders for leakage around the piston rods,
works best for lubricating purposes and regu- plugs, and covers and to replenish the hy-
lar cleaning with cleaner (CR) followed by draulic level in the reservoirs when necessary.
lubrication is required to prevent rust or cor- The greatest care must be taken not to use
rosion. On very large breechblocks the hinge any oil in a recoil mechanism except the grade
may be equipped with antifriction bearings and kind prescribed. The specific recoil oil to
which generally are grease-lubricated either by be used with a given weapon is specified in
packing or through lubrication fittings. A the applicable lubrication order and technical
very large breechblock may be closed by com- manual provided for the material. Recoil oil
pressed air cylinders. In such cases the air cyl- should not be transferred from one container
inder and the friction surfaces of the connect- to another unless it is properly marked with
ing pins are oil-lubricated. Lubrication orders the exact name of the oil as listed in SB 38-
call for breech cleaning and protective lubrica- 5-3. Great care must be taken to maintain cor-
tion similar to that for tubes. rect labels on all containers. Recoil oils should
63. Cradle, Sleigh, Recoil, and not be subjected to excessive heat. Containers
Counterrecoil Mechanisms of recoil oil should never be left open. Dirt
The cradle, together with the sleigh when and moisture in recoil oils can cause serious
one is used, permits the cannon to move damage or malfunctioning of mechanisms.

TM 9-273


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TM 9-273




TM 9-273

64. Elevating and Traversing Mechanisms (particularly in cold weather) may restrict
a. Elevation Mechanisms. An elevating mech- the movement of the weapon. Trunnion bear-
anism (fig. 71) consists of devices for elevat- ings, upon which the motion rotates may be
ing and depressing a weapon to an angle and either journal or roller bearing types. Perti-
holding the weapon at the angle during fir- nent weapon manuals and lubrication orders
ing. The devices may be one of the following, will direct the proper lubrication of these bear-
or a combination of these: ings. Some lubrication points of an elevating
mechanism are shown in figure 71, a phantom
(1) Gear train operated by a handwheel. view of the gearing used for elevating a typi-
(2) Hydraulic mechanism controlled by a cal weapon, either by power applied to the
handwheel. power drive gear, or by a handcrank.
(3) Remote-control power-driven mech- b. Traversing Mechanisms. A traversing
anism. mechanism is a device for turning a weapon in
The motions of most bearing surfaces are at a horizontal plane (right or left). The mov-
comparatively low bearing speeds and of com- ing parts may consist of the upper part of the
paratively short duration. The result is that carriage, or the entire carriage, except the
most of the bearings are of the friction type axle. In the case of self-propelled artillery, a
and are lubricated with oil. Antifriction bear- turret may be moved to traverse the piece.
ings and gear teeth are lubricated with grease Traverse mechanisms are typed by two broad
(GAA). Where grease is used, only enough classes-pintle (worm and gear) and ring
should be applied to furnish a proper lubricat- gear. In the pintle type (fig. 72) the weapon
ing surface film on the working parts and to is rotated about a vertical pivot fixed under
protect the metal from corrosion. Excess grease part of the top carriage. The bottom carriage



Figure 71. Elevating mechanism.

TM 9-273

Figure 72. Lower pintle parts.

contains 'the base on which the top carriage ro- chains and chain wheels to secure certain de-
tates. The mechanism consists of a handwheel sired mechanical motions and advantages. The
and shaft which operates a worm and rack or a chains generally are lubricated with oil, and
pinion and rack. The ring gear type consists the antifriction bearings of the chain wheels
mainly of large bearings operating between are lubricated with grease through lubrication
two bearing surfaces, the base ring and the fittings. The leverage adjusting screws also
racer. On tank-type vehicular-mounted weap- are oil-lubricated.
ons, the turret contains the traverse mecha- b. Pneumatic Equilibrators. In a pneumatic
nism. It is extremely important that the bear- equilibrator the surfaces to be lubricated in-
ings and gears are cleaned and lubricated clude the sliding surfaces of the piston, piston
according to technical manuals. The same basic rod, and cylinder as well as the journal-type
principles for lubricating elevating mechanisms bearings of the pins used to attach the equili-
apply to traverse mechanisms. brator to the cradle and carriage. To prevent
leakage of gas between the moving points,
65. Equilibrators seals are incorporated. These seals generally
a., Spring-type Equilibrators. In a spring- are grease-lubricated, this grease providing the
type equilibrator, there are few surfaces to be necessary lubrication for the piston and cylin-
lubricated except the hinge pins, rods, etc., used der. In order to prevent gas leakage this
to connect the spring to the cradle and carri- grease must resist hardening, solidification, or
age, and these generally are oil-lubricated. separation over considerable periods of time
Some springs are inclosed in telescoping tubu- and at such temperatures and pressures as may
lar housings which ordinarily require oil lubri- be encountered. Unless the grease has these
cation of the sliding bearing between the two properties, the proper gas pressure cannot be
tubes. Some spring equilibrators use cable maintained. Lubrication will be done only by

TM 9-273
specially trained personnel after the equili- axles on which the materiel is transported, the
brator has been removed from the piece. The elevating and traversing mechanisms al-
attaching pins and leverage adjusting mecha- ready mentioned, or in the various mechanisms
nism may be oil- or grease-lubricated. The type by which the materiel is converted from firing
of surfaces to be lubricated closely resembles to traveling positions, and vice versa.
that of the hydropneumatic equilibrator (fig. b. Lubrication of Wheel Bearings. At the
73). present time, practically all artillery that is
c. Hydropneumatic Equilibrators. In a hy- moved on roads or cross country on its own
dropneumatic equilibrator (fig. 73), cylinders, wheels is equipped with pneumatic tires and
pistons, and interior mechanisms are lubricated antifriction wheel bearings. Such bearings
by the operating fluid, while the leverage ad- usually are removed, cleaned, and repacked
justing mechanisms and the pins or other de- periodically as indicated on lubrication orders.
vices used to connect the equilibrator to the
Service is the same as prescribed for automo-
cradle and carriage either are grease- or oil-lu-
tive wheel bearings.
bricated. The internal lubrication will be done
only by authorized depot personnel. c. Miscellaneous Items. Many of these items
require practically no lubrication from the
66. Carriage standpoint of preventing friction as the amount
a. General. The bearing surfaces to be lu- of motion and the frequency of movement in-
bricated are incorporated in the wheels or volved may be extremely limited. In such

: '_




Figure 73. Equilibratorof the hydropneumatic type.

TM 9-273

cases the corrosion preventive qualities of the cant specified be maintained at the correct
lubricant become more important than its lu- level, and that the housing be drained and re-
bricating properties. Specific instructions for filled with new oil and disassembled and
lubricating such miscellaneous items as screws, cleaned at specified intervals. Pins, shaft,
jacks, pins, brakes, draw bars, pintle hooks, thrust bearings, slide bearings, exposed gears,
levers, etc., may be found in the pertinent lu- or other points having slow or intermittent
brication orders and technical manuals. motion generally are oil-lubricated, and ex-
posed friction surfaces must be cleaned fre-
67. Hydraulic Speed Gears quently to keep them free from dirt or dust.

On artillery using mechanical power for 69. Cold Weather Lubrication

traversing, elevating, or loading, a hydraulic
speed gear generally is used between the a. Characteristicsof Lubricants.
source and the point of application of the (1) Oils prescribed for use on artillery
power. The speed gear serves to transmit the materiel at high temperatures are de-
rotary power at variable speeds in either direc- signed to maintain adequate body at
tion and without abrupt graduations. The these temperatures, but in some in-
bearing surfaces to be lubricated include jour- stances they become too stiff at low
nal bearings, roller thrust bearings, roller temperatures to permit satisfactory
bearings with radial load, ball and socket bear- operation. As stiffness increases,
ings, universal joints, pistons, cylinders, stuff- more power is required to move sur-
ing boxes, screw and nut, etc. Lubrication for faces of bearings and gears in con-
all of these parts is provided by the hydraulic tact with oil. When solidification oc-
oil which acts as the operating fluid. The oil curs, the moving parts cut a channel
is a special low pourpoint oil with particularly through the oil, leaving the rubbing
high resistance to thickening at low tempera- surfaces dry and unlubricated. Be-
tures and oxidation or sludging in service, but fore friction can develop enough heat
inasmuch as the expansion tank is open to the to liquefy the oil and establish an oil
atmosphere and liable to collect moisture, the film, bearing and gear tooth surfaces
system should be serviced carefully in accord- may score and fail. The effects are
ance with instructions in the applicable lubri- similar when rubbing surfaces are fed
cation order and technical manual. by an oil pump. The stiffened oil
flows too slowly, or not at all, to the
68. Rammers, Fuze Setters, and Other pump inlet, and the oil already in the
Operating Mechanisms feed lines cannot be forced to the
The great increase in the rapidity of opera- bearings. Therefore, heavy oils must
tion of fire control apparatus in many cases be replaced completely below 0 ° F.
with lighter oils which will remain
has made automatic power-driven loading,
aiming, and firing of artillery necessary. This fluid at the lowest expected operat-
has introduced various electric motors, shafts, ing temperatures.
gears, levers, pins, control apparatus, etc., and (2) Grease is a combination of soap and
resulted in numerous additional bearings to be oil, the grade being determined by
lubricated. As a general rule, radial or thrust the percentage of soap and the vis-
bearings on shafts operating at considerable cosity of the oil used. The soap acts
speeds are of the antifriction type and may be as a sponge to hold the oil in place,
either oil- or grease-lubricated. Where practi- thus preventing leakages which might
cable, gear trains and other mechanisms are in- occur if oil alone were used. As the
closed in cases or housings and run in an oil temperature decreases, both the oil
bath. Backlash and clearances are generally and soap stiffen and retard movement
very small and it is important that the lubri- of parts; therefore, in subzero

TM 9-273
weather, greases which cause mini- materiel for subzero operation, as-
mum drag must be used, as the pres- semblies and mechanisms must be dis-
ence of only a small quantity of a assembled sufficiently to permit com-
heavy grade of grease may freeze plete removal of heavy oil, grease,
bearings and prevent manipulation and foreign matter. Cleaning is done
of the materiel at subzero tempera- most efficiently by washing the parts
tures. All grease prescribed for which have been exposed to powder
warm-weather lubrication must be fouling with rifle-bore cleaner sol-
removed from bearings and gear cases vent cleaning compound (CR) and
and replaced with suitable low-tem- dry-cleaning solvent small other parts,
perature lubricants when subzero using brushes and scrapers where
temperatures are expected. If neces- necessary. Care must be taken not to
sary, the materiel will be disassembled overlook the cleaning of small items
to accomplish this. Once grease has which may appear insignificant. Field
solidified, it cannot be removed from experience has proved that careless
bearings or gear cases without disas- repair and excessive lubrication of
sembling the unit and washing the bearings and other similar parts may
parts with dry-cleaning solvent. Tech- cause malfunctioning or failure of
nical manuals and lubrication orders equipment in subzelro weather.
contain lubrication instructions for
operation below 0 ° F. c. General Subzero Lubricating Instructions.
b. Plans for Winterization. To insure adequate lubrication and satisfactory
(1) Preparation of artillery for low-tem- performance of artillery materiel in cold
perature operation requires disas- weather, the following instructions must be
sembly, repair, cleaning, adjustment, followed when subzero temperatures are
and lubrication, which operations expected:
must be completed before the advent (1.) Bearings.
of cold weather. (a) Ball and roller ~bearings (grease-
(2) When preparing artillery materiel for lubricated). It is impossible to re-
operation in subzero temperatures, it place warm-weather grease in ball
is imperative that parts be alined or roller bearings by forcing in the
properly and that adequate clearances grease prescribed for low tempera-
exist in bearings and mechanisms em- tures. These bearings must be
ploying packings around rotating or removed from the materiel, washed
reciprocating shafts or rods. Improp- thoroughly in dry-cleaning solvent,
er alinement may result in binding dried, and then coated sparingly
which will make the mechanism stiff with the prescribed lubricant. The
of inoperative regardless of the lu- balls or rollers, races, and cages
bricant used. Scored or roughened must be coated lightly, and the
bearings and other rubbing surfaces, bearing housings filled only
such as cams and recoil slides, also enough for the lower balls to dip
interfere with easy action and should into the lubricant.
be smoothed when preparing artillery (b) Ball and roller bearings (oil-lubri-
and fire-control materiel for low- cated). Oil-lubricated ball and
temperature operation. roller bearings preferably will be
(3) Cleanliness is imperative. Rust, dirt, removed and cleaned. If this is im-
gummy oil, and grease in bearing practicable, a thorough flushing
clearances interfere with proper dis- with dry-cleaning solvent, followed
tribution of lubricant, thus causing by application of the prescribed
stiff action, if not complete stoppage, oil, generally will give satisfactory
in subzero weather. In preparing results. Parts and gear cases must
TM 9-273

be thoroughly dry before oil is ap- (b) When gears have been lubricated
plied, as oil will not adhere to a with grease above 0 ° F., it practi-
surface wet with solvent. Oil cally is impossible to wash heavy
sumps and reservoirs will be grease out of a gear case by flush-
drained and filled with prescribed ing. Grease-filled cases, therefore,
oil. The wicks of wick-fed bear- 'will be disassembled, the gears,
ings will be removed, washed in case, and bearings washed clean
dry-cleaning solvent, dried, and with dry-cleaning solvent, and all
saturated with the specified low- parts coated with the lubricant pre-
temperature oil before assembling. scribed for extreme cold weather
(c) Plain journal bearings and bush- operation by the applicable lubri-
ings. It is preferable to disassem- cation order. Use only enough lu-
ble these bearings, remove all bricant for satisfactory lubrication
heavy oil and grease, smooth off when refilling the case.
burs, and test for adequate clear- d. Breech and FiringMechanisms.
ances between the shaft and bear-
ing. If disassembly is imprac- (1) Satisfactory operation depends on ex-
ticable, heavy lubricant usually can treme cleanliness and sparing ap-
be forced from the bearings by plication of oil. Clean all parts, except
thorough flushing with subzero gas check pads, daily with cleaning
lubricant. Reservoirs and wick solvent and dry. Gas check pads
feeds must be cleaned completely will be wiped with a dry cloth and
and refilled to prescribed level coated sparingly with oil. Do not
with the proper oil. use dry-cleaning solvent or bore
(2) Gears. cleaning solution on gas check pad.
(a) Gears inclosed in oiltight gear case Apply oil by wiping the rubbing sur-
will be checked to insure the pre- faces of the firing pin and attendant
scribed lubricant for the expected parts with a clean cloth which has
temperature during operation is been wet with oil and wrung out.
used. If the case does not contain (2) After firing, breech and firing mech-
the prescribed lubricant, drain and anisms on weapons using fixed and
refill to proper level with the prop- semifixed ammunition will be disas-
er lubricant. Do not fill the gear sembled, cleaned with specified clean-
case above the specified level be- ing solvents, dried, and oiled spar-
cause the surplus oil will result in ingly. Mechanisms on weapons using
unnecessary drag on movement of separate-loading ammunition will be
the gears. If no drain or level disassembled, and all parts, except
plug is provided, the gear case will the gas check pad and electrical fir-
be disassembled, the gears and ing mechanisms, cleaned with bore
bearings cleaned with dry-cleaning cleaning solution, dried, and oiled
solvent, dried, slushed with oil, sparingly. The gas check pad will be
and assembled in the case. The wiped with a dry cloth and coated
prescribed lubricant then will be sparingly with oil.
poured into the case until the low- e. Recoil Mechanism.
est gears are dipping. If gears are (1) Refer to pertinent technical manual
inclosed in a case which is not oil- and lubrication order for prescribed
tight, the cover will be removed recoil oils and fluids to be used in
and the gears thoroughly cleaned, cold weather operation. Operation of
smoothed, and coated with oil be- the recoil mechanism will be affected
fore replacing the cover. because of a thickening of the recoil

TM 9-273
oil or fluid. Hydropneumatic mecha- g. Equilibrators. Lubricate equilibrators
nisms also will be affected by the re- with lubricant prescribed in applicable techni-
duction of gas pressure at low tem- cal manuals and lubrication orders. The pis-
peratures. ton rod will be lubricated sparingly and care
(2) Care of recoil mechanisms will be will be taken to prevent the formation of ice
nearly the same during cold weather which would freeze it in position. With pneu-
as it is under normal conditions. Us- matic-type equilibrators it may be necessary to
ing units must maintain careful check adjust nitrogen pressure to provide sufficient
on recoil mechanisms. At times the equalizing action. On those equilibrators
recoil mechanism may not function equipped with a low-temperature control, ad-
normally and the cycle or recoil may justment will be made in accordance with the
take longer than usual. This is temperature scale provided. When tempera-
caused by the oil becoming thick and tures rise above 0° F., adjust gas pressure and
not flowing as readily as in normal low-temperature control to the prescribed
temperatures. As further firing is value.
conducted, the action gradually
warms the recoil oil and thins it so h. Elevating and Traversing Arcs and Hand-
that normal cycle time is obtained. wheel Shafts. Snow frequently will collect on
Do not condemn the recoil mecha- these parts and cake under pressure of the
nism until there is definite proof of gears. Since this will interfere with elevating
malfunction. and traversing, the snow must be removed by
(3) The recoil mechanism may stick un- vigorous brushing with a stiff bristle or wire
less it has been exercised frequently, brush before manipulation of the piece is at-
and sticking may result in severe tempted. After snow is removed, the parts
damage to the weapon when it is should be lubricated immediately to prevent
fired. Intervals of exercise will de- rusting.
pend upon the existing temperature-
the lower the temperature, the more i.. Cradle, Sleigh, Carriage, and Mount.
frequent the exercise. Refer to per- Completely disassemble the cradle, sleigh, car-
tinent technical manuals for methods riage, and mount mechanisms when it is neces-
of exercising. sary. Thoroughly clean all parts, making sure
f. Recoil Slides. Friction between recoil that all rust, dirt, and old lubricant are re-
slides and guides absorbs an appreciable moved before applying prescribed lubricant.
amount of the energy of recoil. Thickened or Relubricate sparingly with cold weather lubri-
congealed lubricant increases this friction, cant as prescribed in applicable lubrication or-
shortens recoil, and retards counterrecoil. To ders and technical manuals.
insure proper recoil and counterrecoil action,
thoroughly clean the slides of summer lubri- j. Brakes. Mechanical brakes will be lubri-
cant; smooth all surfaces; and relubricate them cated carefully. Proper lubrication should be
sparingly with the prescribed lubricant for cold applied to all connections and joints. Wheel
weather operation. When temperatures rise and chocks should be used in preference to setting
remain constantly above 0° F., resume lubrica- the brakes when gun is parked. In lubricat-
tion with products specified in applicable lu- ing the brake, keep lubricant away from inside
brication order or technical manual. Removal of drum or shoe. Brake shoes will be kept as
of subzero lubricants is not necessary. Instead, dry as possible. Make a thorough check of
start applying the lubricant prescribed for brake shoes whenever checking the wheel
temperatures above 0° F. bearings.

TM 9-273


70. General outlined by pertinent lubrication orders. In-

discriminate use of silicone greases can cause
Missiles form a class of weapons in growing
trouble. For example, silicone compounds im-
use by the Army. These devices contain mech-
pregnate themselves into porous metals such as
anisms which require special lubrication and
aluminum and megnesium and become extreme-
lubricants. The missiles, having operating
ly difficult to remove by cleaning solvents.
parts such as rudders, elevons, auxiliary power
Consequently, paint and primer coats will
supplies, bearings, etc., cover a wide range of
not adhere properly to metals whose sur-
points of lubrication. Further, the lubrication
faces are impregnated with silicones. Silicone
must not only insure operating parts at normal
compounds also disperse themselves as films
ground conditions, but the rapid change in
on items being cleaned, thus contaminating
conditions brought about by launching and in-
cleaning equipment, solvents, and other parts.
flight operations, must be considered. Lubri-
cation of the auxiliary equipment (launchers, b. Packings. When O-rings or seals are in-
loaders, transporters) used with the missiles, stalled in flange joints, they are lightly lubri-
is similar to that encountered in automotive cated, normally with the fluid being trans-
and artillery equipment. It is imperative that mitted. Flat gaskets are also treated in the
the technicians refer to pertinent technical same manner. It is very important that only a
manuals and lubrication orders for specific very light coating is applied. In pneumatic
missile equipment before performing mainte- systems, pneumatic grease (GPS) is used.
nance. Each missile system has particular re- c. Threads& Threaded joints, in general, are
quirements. No attempt has been made to lubricated with a mixture of molybdenum di-
compile these requirements into a general dis- sulfide and silicone grease to prevent galling
cussion because of inevitable conflict with au- and seizing.
thorized procedures. d. Internal Mechanisms. Since these mech-
anisms are lubricated at assembly, there is
71. Component Parts little need for further lubrication by user or
a. General. Silicone-type grease is the gen- maintenance personnel. However, should
eral lubricant for many parts of missiles. It is parts be removed for repair or replacement,
selected because (1) of its uniformity of vis- necessary lubrication and hydraulic servicing
cosity during wide temperature range, (2) it according to pertinent technical manuals and
is flame-resistant, (3) it does not cause dete- lubrication orders should be done.
rioration to rubber, (4) it does not oxidize e. External Mechanisms,. Stabilizers, fins,
readily. Sometimes it is mixed with molybde- etc., will have been lubricated prior to troop
num disulfide to lubricate and further protect issue. If inspection shows lack of lubrication,
metal parts from oxidation. Silicone-type however, the hinges, bearings, and exposed
greases must be used with extreme caution. metal parts must be lubricated with silicone-
They must be used only in the specific areas type lubricants.

TM 9-273


72. General facture, it has been found that the prescribed

grease may be too light for use on eyepiece
Fire control equipment used by Ordnance
movements when temperatures are normally
requires a great degree of correctness and
above +32 ° F. This condition would be indi-
completeness. Ordnance fire control materiel
cated by the bleeding of the lubricant into the
is a complex of mechanical and electronic units.
interior of the optical instrument or by failure
Some of the radar detection equipment oper-
Qf the eyepiece movements to remain stationary
ates automatically, continuously, and often un-
during usage after focusing. -In such cases, a
attended in remote areas. The lubrication of
heavier grease may have to be used on such
this equipment must always be correct and
eyepiece movements. When temperatures con-
complete. Over lubrication is undesirable in
some of the delicate electronic gear. Excess or sistently below 0° F. are encountered, such
improper lubricants may "creep" onto optical optical instruments as have been lubricated
with a heavier grease, will be lubricated with
lenses and obscure vision. Excess lubrication
the aircraft and instrument grease. Some op-
may cause binding of delicate mechanisms.
tical instruments have adjustable mounts
which may incorporate journal bearings, screw
73. Optical Instruments and nut mechanisms, ball and socket joints,
a. General. In the optical instruments used etc., which are either oil- or grease- lubricated
in connection with fire control materiel, there as directed in the applicable technical manual.
are practically no friction surfaces except those On account of the length of time between lu-
required for the focusing movements of eye- brication operations, with the resulting chance
pieces. These friction surfaces usually take the for deterioration of the lubricant, these lubri-
form of some type of screw thread, and mo- cation points are inclosed when possible. Flex-
tion is so limited that lubrication is seldom re- ible leather or rubber boots or covers are used
quired. It is necessary, however, to seal such to keep dust away from ball and socket
points to prevent corrosion or the entrance of mechanisms.
dust, grit, or moisture; small quantities of air- b. Condensation and Lubrication. If instru-
craft and instrument grease are used. This ments are brought indoors after having been
grease is prepared especially for fire control outside at low temperatures, the moisture from
systems, sighting equipment, etc. Do not over- the warm air will condense on the cold metal,
lubricate as excess lubricant may creep onto and if the instruments are operated in this
lenses and obscure vision. Other screw threads, condition, the grease and moisture will come
such as those on lens adapters also are sealed into contact. Such a condition will necessitate
with grease in a similar manner. For this rea- removing all the grease and lubricating the in-
son, the lubrication of optical instruments will strument. For this reason, anticondensation
be performed only by authorized personnel af- containers should be used when it is necessary
ter disassembling and cleaning. On some of to bring instruments or other such equipment
the older instruments which are lubricated from a low temperature to room temperature,
with heavier greases at the time of their manu- and instruments when finally sealed should be

TM 9-273

in a room kept at outdoor temperature. Anti- 75. Computers

condensation containers may be specially made
a. General. Computers, which continuously
boxes, G. I. water cans, barracks bags, or any calculate firing data for use against moving
other fairly airtight container with heat-con- targets, are very complicated assemblies con-
ducting walls. These are kept outside so that taining large numbers of both mechanical and
they will remain at prevailing temperatures un- electrical parts of various types and descrip-
til it is desired to bring an instrument in- tions. As a result there are a correspondingly
doors. The instrument is put into the con- large number and variety of friction points to
tainer, the top closed, and the whole brought be lubricated, including plain friction bear-
inside and allowed to come to room tempera- ings, antifriction bearings, thrust bearings,
ture. As the air in the container warms and slide bearings, pins, levers, cams, springs, vari-
expands, the breathing will be outward and able speed drives, worms and worm gears, all
condensation will form on the outside of the types of spur and bevel gears, spiral drives,
container rather than on the instrument. torque amplifiers, motors, etc. A great major-
ity of these parts are comparatively small, bear-
74. Worm 'and Worm Wheel Measuring ing fits are close, back lash has to be elimi-
Movements nated to a great extent, and the parts still have
to operate over a wide range of temperature
Many of the measuring movements incor- and over long periods of time between re-
porated in fire control materiel are accom- builds. The construction of various items of
plished through worm and worm wheel mech- materiel varies so greatly that it will be nec-
anisms. These mechanisms, while varying essary to refer to the pertinent technical man-
widely in physical adaptation, are all practi- ual for lubrication instructions for any specific
cally alike as far as basic principle and friction item. Whenever a unit is taken in for mainte-
surfaces are concerned. In nearly all cases the nance, and it is necessary to remove the cover
bearing surfaces including the contact between plates, the unit should be inspected for nec-
the worm and worm wheel are lubricated essary lubrication. All bearings and points of
sparingly with aircraft and instrument grease sliding friction that are accessible should be
in accordance with instructions in the appli- checked. Ball bearings are greased at the time
cable lubrication order and technical manual. of assembly and ordinarily require no attention
A felt seal is used to prevent entrance of dust until the time of general rebuild, but if the
at the point where the wormshaft comes out grease does show any signs of hardening or
of its housing. This felt must be kept oiled or other deterioration, the bearing should be re-
it may harden, and the friction at this point moved by authorized maintenance personnel,
may cause the felt fibers to bunch up render- cleaned with solvent, dried, and immediately
ing the mechanism inoperative. In some cases lubricated with aircraft and instrument grease.
it may be necessary to partially disassemble Units showing sluggish operation at tempera-
the mechanisms to get oil onto the felts. Only tures below 32° F. should be lubricated spar-
authorized maintenance personnel will disas- ingly. Units which have been in storage for a
semble to clean and lubricate the internal mech- considerable length of time must be com-
anisms of telescope mounts and range quad- pletely disassembled, cleaned, and lubricated.
rants. Bearings, sliding surfaces (grooves in All lubricating operations should be done in
shell guide), hinge joints, and other movable dustfree rooms.
parts should be clean and lubricated' with a b. Variable resistors. surfaces to be lubri-
light coat of grease. The pawls should be cated in variable resistors include not only the
coated with a light oil. Internal parts such as sliding contact between the brushes and the
ball bearings, gears, and the working parts of wires of the resistance cards or coils, but the
the setting crank assembly should be lightly gear teeth and bearings of the driving mech-
greased. anisms as well. Thes parts generally are

TM 9-273
installed in an oiltight housing and sub- 76. Fuze Setters
merged in oil, which serves as both a lubricant
and an insulating medium. Fuze setters are used to adjust or set the
movable rings of a fuze before the projectile is
c. Variable Speed Drives. Variable speed inserted into the gun. They may be hand-op-
drives are made in a number of forms. The erated or completely automatic devices built
conical roller type (fig. 74) incorporates vari- onto the breech end of the cannon and con-
ous types of friction surfaces to be lubricated trolled by a director. As far as lubrication is
including antifriction bearings, ball and socket, concerned, the smaller setters consist essential-
journal bearings, guide bearings, gears, etc. ly of two concentric rings held in a housing in
The mechanism is inclosed in a housing, how- which they can be turned or adjusted by means
ever, and a supply of oil lubricates all of the of knob-operated worms meshing with teeth
surfaces by the dip method. Another and more cut in the outside edges of the rings. Lubri-
common type of variable speed device uses a cation generally is accomplished by inserting
flat circular plate and a cylinder or roller con- oil into the hollow body of the housing
nected by two balls. It is known as the disk through oil screw holes. Larger setters are
and cylinder type. The balls are held in a cage fixed in the desired position and projectiles
and a line through their centers and the axis are put into them for setting the fuze. This
of the cylinder is perpendicular to the surface necessitates a socket to hold and rotate the
of the disk. The balls may be moved radially projectiles and the mechanisms to rotate it. The
across the disk, thus changing either the direc- mechanism customarily includes a gear drive
tion of rotation of the cylinder or its speed for giving the necessary mechanical advantage, and
a given movement of the disk. Both oil and the parts turn on friction- or antifriction-type
grease are used for lubricating drives of this bearings, depending on size. The bearings are
type depending upon the speed of the disk, lubricated as directed in the pertinent techni-
temperatures, etc. Refer to the pertinent tech- cal manual. Other setters include a fuze indi-
nical manual and lubrication order for specific cator which operates as part of the data trans-
insturctions. mission system to keep the gun crew

RA PD 109120

Figure 74. Variable speed drive of the conical roller type.

TM 9-273

constantly informed as to the correct fuze set- cleaned with dry-cleaning solvent.
ting, and some setters on anticraft guns are The cables will be lubricated lightly
controlled entirely by the data transmission with oil or grease.
system. (7) When operating generating units at
low temperatures, they must be run
77. Generating Units for at least 30 minutes. A shorter op-
a. Engines. The greater part of the lubrica- erating period will cause conclensa-
tion of generator units applies to the engines tion of moisture in the crankcase.
which constitute the source of power. These Some of this moisture will combine
engines generally are quite similar to the power with carbon and dirt to form sludge
plants of automotive vehicles, and the lubrica- in the crankcase. This sludge may
tion instructions given in chapters 6 and 13 clog oil lines, the oil filter, or oil
therefore are applicable. holes so that lubrication will be in-
b. Generators. Generator bearings may be sufficient and bearings may fail. Dur-
either of the plain journal or antifriction type ing the period of warmup, the radia-
and may be either grease- or oil-lubricated as tor should be covered to give rapid
directed in pertinent lubrication orders or tech- warmup.
nical manuals.
c. Cold Weather Conditions. If a generat- 78. Radar Equipment
ing unit is winterized properly and is in good
mechanical condition, it will operate down to a. General. Motors, servomechanisms, gear
the lowest sub-zero temperature encountered. trains, instruments, support cables, turntables,
(1) Refer to paragraph 89b for instruc- and hydraulic systems are some of the elements
tions on engine lubrication in extreme in radar equipment that require careful lubri-
cold weather. cation. Wide coverage of lubrication is pre-
(2) All linkages should be lubricated sented in technical manuals for this type of
very lightly with oil or grease so that materiel. While general areas of importance
they will operate easily at low are discussed here, the specific technical man-
temperatures. uals and lubrication orders must be followed
(3) Assemblies on starters must be kept for correct servicing of these equipments. Fig-
clean and free of ice and snow. They ure 75 shows various parts of this equipment
will not be lubricated. requiring lubrication.
(4) The governor linkage should be lu- b, Motors. The bearings of most motors in
bricated lightly and the joints kept radar service are permanently lubricated and
free of ice and snow, or the gover- sealed. They should be checked, however,
nors may not function, causing the when periodic lubrication of other pieces of
engine to "run away" when it is first equipment takes place. Motors or bearings
operated. running hot, evidence of odors or smoke, and
(5) Choke and throttle control wires and leaking seals require immediate maintenance.
knobs may become hard to operate at When motors are repaired for electrical fail-
low temperatures. The wires will be ures, bearings should be cleaned, examined,
removed from their casings and and replaced if necessary. Proper lubrication
smoothed down with aluminum-oxide of the bearings takes place at this time. Some
abrasive cloth or crocus cloth. The motors require periodic oiling. Small amounts
wires and inside of the casings then of light lubricating oil on the shaft bearings
should be cleaned with dry-cleaning at monthly intervals is a general requirement.
solvent and lightly lubricated before Specified maintenance instructions are pre-
assembly. scribed in lubrication orders.
(6) Tachometer drive cables will be re- c. Servomechanisms. These devices are
moved from their sheaths and the ca- manufactured to tolerances of tenths of thou-
ble and the inside of the sheath sandths because ideal accuracy is required in

TM 9-273

_ N



,`"'ON"44 ,
- "N
g ill",
's,10` "
1 ,- n


RA PD 467417

Figure 75. Lubrication points acquisition antenna.

TM 9-273

their function. Backlash and clearances of the heated and swabbed on liberally with a paint
gears are very low. Bearing fits are close. Lu- brush.
brication of such mechanisms is precise and g. Turntables. Bearing plates and the heavy
specialized. Light instrument oil, sparingly ap- rollers that move on them take grease of the
plied, is enough lubrication. Too much oil GL type. Pressure-type fittings are pointed
will cause binding of moving parts. Excessive out in the technical manuals where these lubri-
oil might penetrate electrical insulation or cation areas apply. A dust seal is created by
components and create serious malfunctioning. the grease to protect the inner mechanisms.
Some servomechanisms have components made h. Hydraulic Equipment. Certain elements
of metals which form oxides. This bond be- requiring smooth motion use hydraulics.
tween moving parts interferes with accurate Maintenance of hydraulic systems in radar
motion. In severe cases the oxide will "feeeze" equipment is the same as in other equipments.
parts together making them inoperable. To Leaking seals or irregular consumption of the
prevent oxidation, special lubricating materials hydraulic liquids require immediate mainte-
are prescribed. Whenever servomechanisms are nance. A fluid of the OHC type containing a
involved in lubrication, the specific technical petroleum base with special additives is used.
manuals and lubrication orders must be ac- These fluids have different color dyes added so
curately followed. they may be used where they are required.
d. Gear Trains. Rotating antennae are heavy Th filler caps on the hydraulic reservoirs are
pieces of equipment. Their broad surfaces, ex- painted an identifying color as specified in TB
posed to wind and snow add to the load that ORD 586 to indicate the specific fluid to be
must be supported by operating gears and used. The fluids have a color corresponding
bearings. Lubrication of these parts is gener- to the filler cap.
ally made on a quarterly basis. Liberal use i. Types of Items. Lubrication instructions
of aircraft and instrument grease is prescribed. and references in this manual prescribing lu-
This grease is not effected by high or low bricants to be used on fire control materiel and
temperatures and is quite resistant to water. method of application apply to the following
e. Instruments. This class of equipment, types of such materiel:
like servomechanisms, requires correct lubrica- (1) Boards (correction, deflection, plot-
tion. Special lubricants (G-611) aircraft and ting, etc.).
instrument type, lightly applied on fine gears, (2) Compasses.
small bearings, and switches are necessary. (3) Computing sights.
These lubricants contain antioxidizing com- (4) Directors and computers (mechanical
pounds. Lubrication, as well as general main- and electrical except fire control sys-
tenance of this specialized equipment, is usu- tems T33C, M33C, T33D, and M33D
ally done by instrument experts. and fire control system T38).
f. Cable and Chains. The maintenance of (5) Fuze setters (all types, except com-
support members in radar groups depends bination fuze setter-rammer M20).
upon lubrication. Their guy wires are lightly (6) Motor drives.
swabbed with general OA1 type oil. The prop- (7) Mounts (all types, including adapters
erties of the lubricant are such that it will and holders).
seep through to all the strands. Because it has (8) Optical instruments (all types).
low evaporating qualities, it will remain as a (9) Quadrants (all types, including
protective seal against weather for long peri- clinometers).
ods of time. Working ropes and chains re- (10) Remote and local control system (all
quire heavier lubricants such as CW II. This components except oil gears M3,
viscous, tacky petroleum based lubricant will M6, and M6A1).
cling to the surfaces needing protection. Im-
mersions in water and bad weather conditions (11) Sighting systems.
will not destroy or remove the compound. To (12) Sights (all types).
make its application easy, the oil can be (13) Training instruments (for example,

TM 9-273

stereoscopic trainer M7, machine gun Note. Do not remove fittings used for filling or
trainer M9). draining of insulating, recoil, hydraulic, or variable
resistor oils.
(14) Tripods. 1. Procedure for Removal of Lubrication
j. Aircraft and Instruments Lubricants. Fittingsand Plugging of Holes.
(1) All fire control items listed in i (1) Unscrew threaded-type fittings and
above will be lubricated with aircraft remove drive-type fittings.
and instruments lubricating grease. (2) Plug the holes from which fittings
Refer to Department of the Army have been removed in the following
Supply Manual 10-1-C4-1 (Federal manner:
Supply Catalog, Department of De- (a) Threaded-type fittings. Select the
fense Section, C4-1, all items in proper size pipe plug which, if
FSC group 91, fuels, lubricants, oils, possible, is of the same material as
and waxes). The lubricant will be the material being plugged. Ap-
applied sparingly to provide smooth ply white lead pigment to the
and reasonably free movement, parti- threads of the plug only. Do not
cularly during periods of extreme apply pigment to the tapped hole.
cold. Lubricate when necessary and Screw in the plug, cut off flush,
at time of repair or rebuild. and stake in place. When a pipe
plug is not available, drill and tap
(2) Lubrication of fire control materiel the hole to the next larger size
will be performed only by ordnance (fine thread series) and fabricate a
personnel, with the following excep- threaded plug. Apply pigment as
tions which may be lubricated by the prescribed above, screw in the
using organizations. plug, cut off flush, and stake in
(a) External parts not readily lubri- place.
cated with grease, such as hand- Caution: Drilling, tapping, and
wheel knobs or cranks, hinges, plugging must be performed when
stay brackets, cover fastening de- the instrument is disassembled. Re-
vices, felt washers, and drawer sultant chips and other foreign
rollers. Lubricate as required with matter can then be removed. Do
aircraft instrument lubricating oil. not permit the plug to project into
the instrument. It may interfere
(b) Exposed bearing surfaces such as
and cause damage after assembly.
segments, worms, and lead screws.
(b) Drive-type fittings. Tap hole to
Lubricate with a thin film of air-
accommodate either pipe or straight
craft and instruments lubricating
plug, and proceed as prescribed for
grease. This grease provides for
plugging threaded-type fittings ((a)
both lubrication and protection
against corrosion.
(c) Oil holes. Plug in the same manner
k. Lubrication Fittings no Longer Required. as prescribed for drive-type fittings
Remove all external oil and grease lubricating ((b) above).
fittings which have not previously been re- m. General Maintenance. For general main-
moved from the items listed in i above. Do tenance procedures for fire control materiel,
this at the time of major repair or rebuild. refer to TM 9-254.

TM 9-273


79. General ing sand, dirt, etc., from all other parts with a
stiff brush, they should be oiled lightly. Lin-
The problem of the lubrication of small seed oil should be rubbed into the wooden
arms is rather peculiar because cleaning, pre- parts. Rifle grease should be applied to the
serving, and lubricating are so closely related. lip of the receiver and locking recesses. The
Most of the friction surfaces fall into two gen- camming lugs of the bolt and the camming sur-
eral classes: (1) slide bearings, reversing in- face in the hump of the operating rod should
termittent motion; (2) journal bearings, slow, be greased. Daily examination for rust and
less than 360 degree motion. The result is the removal, if any, is important to the mainte-
that lubrication problems are not severe as long nance of the rifle. The rifle should always be
as the friction surfaces are free from dust, dirt, protected with a light coat of preservative oil.
water, etc. Although oil is used in the bores FM 23-5 covers maintenance details for caliber
and chambers of small arms weapons, it is for .30 rifles M1.
preservative purposes only when the weapon is
not in use. It is always removed before the
81. Machineguns
weapon is fired because it will cause hazard-
ous chamber pressure. Experience has proved Care of machineguns in the lubrication and
that more small arms become unserviceable preservative areas is similar to that of rifles.
through lack of proper maintenance than for Temperature rise due to firing may cause more
any other reason. Lubrication and preservation persistent residues than those encountered
are very important parts of complete mainte- with rifles. A bore brush is used before swab-
nance. Refer to pertinent lubrication orders bing with bore cleaner patches. The gas cylin-
and technical manuals for details. der on some models does not require daily
maintenance because of a built-in cleaning ac-
tion. In hot and dusty areas, lubrication
80. Rifles
should be minimized in order that dust and
The rifle must be cleaned after firing be- grit will not adhere to parts.
cause substances from the primer cause a de-
posit of ash, carbon, and corrosive salts. The 82. Revolvers, Pistols
bore should be swabbed with bore cleaner or
soapy water followed by drying and light oil- The revolver should be cleaned after use
ing. The gas cylinder and chamber should be with bore cleaner or warm soapy water and
oiled lightly using a preservative-type lubri- dried. Moving parts then should be lightly
cant. Oil the face of the bolt and piston of oiled. The stationary metal parts should al-
the operating rod after cleaning. After remov- ways be protected with a rubbed-in oil film.

TM 9-273


83. General loads) or the inadequacy of preventive mainte-

nance measures taken. Adequate preventive-
a. Military vehicles may be used in almost
maintenance measures will compensate for the
any area on the face of the globe. They are
harmful effects of adverse operating conditions
designed and manufactured for certain average
(weather and terrain).
conditions, and special maintenance operations
are used to cover extreme conditions. Aside d. Recorded world atmospheric temperatures
from vehicle casualties in combat and normal vary from a low of -90 ° F. to a high of
wear, maintenance problems arise chiefly from + 136 ° F. within the limits of continental
the type of service (driver control, engine United States, temperatures of -66 ° to + 135 °
speeds, and engine loads) and the operating F. are on record. There is also sufficiently
conditions (climate, atmospheric contamination wide variation in rainfall, relative humidity,
and terrain). terrain, and dust conditions to enable a fairly
b. Preventive-maintenance procedures are direct comparison with almost any area on the
prescribed in order to secure continuous effi- globe, with the exception of the extremely
cient engine operation and to prolong periods cold arctic regions. Experience obtained from
military vehicle operation in the various areas
between rebuilds. In some areas, conditions
throughout continental United States can be
such as relatively high or low temperatures,
related to almost any set of operating condi-
high humidity, dusty air, steep grades, etc.,
tions that may be encountered in any area
cause engine malfunctions and harmful crank-
throughout the world. The influence of cli-
case contamination. The maintenance of prop-
mate upon engine operation may be considered
er engine adjustments; the regular cleaning
under the following temperature ranges:
and servicing of air cleaners, ventilation sys-
tems, cooling systems, oil filters, etc.; and the (1) Temperatures below 0° F. Severe
following of prescribed engine oil draining cold, requiring special equipment for
procedures are important elements in depend- engine starting and operation.
able engine service. (2) Temperatures between 0 ° and +32 °
F. Winterization kits not prescribed;
c. Lubrication is a most important factor in however, certain precautionary and
engine operation. Operating factors that cause engine warming steps essential.
lubricant deterioration and contamination may
(3) Temperatures between +32 ° and
be divided into five general classifications-
+50 ° F. Moderate cold, requiring
high engine temperatures, low engine temper-
precautionary and engine warming
atures, contamination by dust from the atmos-
steps for vehicles in intermittent
phere, contamination by water from cooling
system leaks or from condensation, and con-
tamination by products of improper fuel com- (4) Temperatures between + 50 ° and
bustion (soots and unburned fuel). These +85 ° F. Ideal operating tempertures.
factors may develop either from the severity (5) Temperatures above +85 ° F. High
of type of service (driver control, speed, and temperature problems.

TM 9-273

84. Engine Operation at High ence of air and particularly where the oil is in
Atmospheric Temperatures contact with metals, oxidation of the oil occurs.
This also results in thickening of the lubricant
a. Cooling System Maintenance. As two
and in the formation of sludges, lacquers, var-
thirds or more of the available energy in a fuel
nishes, and other objectionable oil oxidation
consumed in an internal combustion engine is
products. Oils have been refined from stable
unused and must be dissipated as heat, crank-
case oil temperatures are dependent upon the base stocks and processed to retard oxidation
proper frunction of the engine and the engine and also to prevent the deposition of decompo-
cooling system. Hence, wherever temperatures sition products, fuel soots, and sludge in the
are high or loads are heavy, oil temperatures oil passages, ring grooves, and engine parts.
may become excessive if the engine functions However, all petroleum oils will break down if
poorly or improperly. For this reason, it is es- the temperatures are extreme. Consequently it
pecially important that emphasis be placed on is important that engine adjustment and tem-
the maintenance of clean deposit-free water perature control equipment be maintained prop-
jackets and radiator cores, as well as on the erly and that proper oil drain procedures at
efficient operation of the fan, water pump, specified intervals be followed. As the film of
thermostat, oil cooler, and manifold heat the lubricant becomes thinner, any abrasive ma-
control. terial that may have entered the engine from
the atmosphere, or from the engine itself, will
b. Engine Adjustments. Improper adjust- be more damaging due to the lack of sufficient-
ment of ignition or valve timing or improper ly protective layers of oil.
carburetor fuel mixtures will cause excessive
local temperatures in the upper cylinder area of
the engine. Results of excessive temperatures 85. Accelerated Wear From Dust
in these areas frequently are piston ring stick- a. Dust. Wear from dust will depend upon
ing, varnish deposits on piston skirts and valve the character of the dust particles as well as the
stem, piston scuffing, burned valves, breakdown quantity of dust in the air. Military vehicle op-
of the lubricating oil to form deposits of carbon eration includes a great deal of travel over open
on the under side of the piston head, and gen- fields in dusty areas which makes the problem
eral engine sludging. of control of wear from abrasives a very impor-
c. Engine Loads and Speeds. Excessive tant one. Abrasives from dusty air enter the
speeds or engine lugging (operation in too engine through several channels-the air in-
high a gear) rapidly will increase oil and en- take system, engine breathers, and through con-
gine temperatures. As higher engine speeds tamination of the lubricant during storage or in
also place increased loads on bearings and other the process of adding oil to the crankcase from
working surfaces, greater demands are placed contaminated filling receptacles.
upon the lubricant for adequate lubrication. b. Effect of Th-inned Lubricant. Wear from
The higher temperatures obtained will re- abrasive particles is accelerated whenever the
sult in reduced load carrying ability of the lubricant film becomes thin, either through the
lubricant. Hence, excessive speed or engine thinning effect of high engine temperatures or
lugging are particularly dangerous when atmos- through fuel dilution.
pheric temperatures are high or loads are c. Air Cleaner Maintenance. If air cleaner
heavy, and should be avoided. elements become dirty or the oil level in the
d. Lubricant Deterioration. The most imme- element becomes low, dust particles will be
diate result of heat is the temporary thinning of sucked directly into the combustion chamber.
the oil. Continued exposure to high tempera- Large accumulations of dirt in the air cleaner
tures, however, will result in the evaporation elements will lower filtering efficiency and also
of the more volatile fractions of the oil, leaving will reduce the air supply for combustion with
the oil more viscous in body. Also, in the pres- a resulting loss of engine power. Leaky joints

TM 9-273

in connections or deterioration of the flexible of winterization kits for the starting and opera-
air hose connections between the air cleaner and tion of vehicles. Where operation of a vehicle
the carburetor will provide a direct channel for is intermittent (frequent starts and stops), en-
abrasives into the combustion chamber. Dirt gine temperatures will not be high enough
accumulation on the piston head will accelerate when atmospheric temperatures are below
carbon deposits and reduce heat transfer. Prod- -+ 55 ° F. unless steps are taken to provide ade-
ucts of abrasions, metal particles, and pulver- quate engine temperatures.
ized dirt will be washed down into the crank- b. Wear Accelerated By Cold Sluggish Lu-
case to further circulate and result in abrasion brication. A distinctive characteristic of all
of bearings and journals and the clogging of petroleum lubricating oils is that they become
oil passages. Dust entering the crankcase thick (heavier in viscosity) as their tempera-
through the air induction or breather system ture is reduced, and this means that oil will be
causes initial damage by abrasion of the cylin- pumped more slowly through oil passages and
der walls, pistons, and piston rings. That which will penetrate less readily through small
is absorbed by the crankcase oil is circulated clearances. Sufficiently low temperatures are
to the other bearing surfaces. experienced in many parts of the world to cause
d. Dirty Oil-Handling Receptacle. Loose or oil to congeal. A cold sluggish lubricant places
unserviced breather caps, loose or missing oil a heavy drag on the movement of engine work-
filler pipe caps or bayonet-gage sticks, or the ing parts and this places a heavy load on the
use of dirty filling receptacles are responsible battery, the efficiency of which is very poor at
for a high percentage of engine damage in low temperatures. The sluggish flow of the
dusty or sandy areas. Sand or dirt entering the lubricant to bearings and cylinder regions
crankcase through these channels will be com- means that lubrication must come from what-
posed of both large and small particles. The ever lubricant has remained clinging to these
large particles will be removed by the oil pump parts Vntil further supply is furnished by the
strainers and probably do no appreciable dam- oil pumped through the lubricating system.
age. The fine particles, however, circulate Consequently lubricant films are apt to be in-
through the lubrication system and are a serious adequate and actual metal-to-metal scuffing
threat to bearings and other working surfaces. may occur during the starting of a cold engine.
While the large sand particles found in the c. Water Emulsion Sludges. For every gal-
crankcase oil pan do not themselves directly in- lon of gasoline burned in an engine, more than
dicate engine abrasion, they are evidence that
a gallon of water is formed which, at normal
fine particles probably have been circulating
operating temperatures, will pass off through
and causing serious wear. Do not expect the
the exhaust and the engine ventilation system
oil filters to offer complete protection from
in the form of vapor. However, when cylinder
abrasives for the engine, as most filters operate
walls are cold, this water vapor will condense
on a bypass system and only part of the oil
and run down past the pistons and rings to
passes through the filter on each circulation,
contaminate the crankcase lubricant and to
the balance going directly through the engine
form a back sludge. Crankcase oil pans may be-
lubricating system to bearings, cylinder walls,
come loaded and oil screens plugged (fig. 76).
Valves (fig. 77), valve chambers, and timing
gear cases may become coated to the extent that
86. Cold Weather Problems the lubricant cannot reach the working parts.
a. General. When engine crankcase tem- Water will absorb acid gases formed by com-
peratures are low (below 140 ° F.), engine effi- bustion and cause corrosion and rust.
ciency is very poor and wear and engine deteri- d. Engine Oil Filters. Filters are connected
oration occurs at a faster rate. Atmospheric in the oil system with a bypass, this construc-
temperatures below 0° F. make these problems tion continuously passing to the filter only a
acute and require special provisions in the form small percentage of the oil being pumped. Oil
TM 9-273

RA PD 95424A

Figure 76. Sludge accumulation on (A) oil filter, (B) oil pump strainer, (C)
valve mechanism, and (D) valve cover plate.

e. Combustion Problems. Combustion of

fuel in an internal combustion engine is similar
to the burning of kerosene in a lamp or stove.
If the mixture of fuel and air is too rich (too
large a portion of fuel for air), some of the fuel
will be burned only partially to form soot such
as may be formed on a lamp chimney or on the
bottom of a pan. If the fuel is not vaporized
properly, some of it will not burn at all but
Figure 77. Gum deposits on valve stems.
will drip off the burner. Unburned fuel is the
source of fuel dilution of oil in the crankcase
filters become more loaded or clogged from cold of an engine. Where engine temperatures are
weather type sludges than from abrasives. For inadequate, it is difficult to get proper atomiza-
this reason, filters do not become loaded as tion of the fuel and, consequently, choking
quickly during warm dusty operations as they the carburetor for a richer mixture is neces-
do in cold humid areas when cold weather type sary. This results in abnormal amounts of soot
sludges are more apt to occur. As the resistance being formed which increases carbon deposits
to oil flow through the filter elements is in- on piston heads and permits blowby of soot into
creased by the oil becoming thicker at low the ring area and down into the crankcase lu-
temperatures, very little filtration occurs when bricant. Fuel stricking the cold cylinder walls
engine oil temperatures are low. Consequently condenses and washes down past the rings,
the oil filter cannot be expected to help in carrying the cylinder wall lubricant with it,
keeping the oil clean unless engine operating contaminating and thinning the crankcase lu-
temperatures permit appreciable oil passage bricant.
through the filter elements.

TM 9-273

f. Prevention of Sludge. In order to reduce scribed in applicable technical manu-

cold weather sludge and resulting engine wear als to prevent liquid leaking past the
in automotive engines, it is absolutely essential gaskets.
that the cooling system temperature be raised (5) Many engines cannot be warmed up
to a minimum of +140 ° F. as soon as possible by idling. Therefore, the parctice of
after starting and, so far as practicable, be running engines for prolonged peri-
maintained at + 160 ° to + 180 ° F. at all times ods at idling speeds to warm them
while the engine is operating. The action pre- will be covered by operating person-
scribed below is applicable for all atmospheric nel technical manuals. Start engines
operating temperatures below + 32 ° F. and also with clutch disengaged and maintain
for more moderate temperatures, if difficulty is engine speed at fast idle until the en-
experienced in raising cooling systems to + 140 ° gine is firing evenly on all cylinders
F. and maintaining such temperatures at and running smoothly. As soon as
+ 160 ° F. while the engine is operating. engine will accept a load without fal-
(1) Inspect and test the cooling system tering and oil pressure has reached
thermostats to insure that the valves normal operating range, the vehicle
open and close at specified tempera- will be operated using low gear ratios
tures. These can be checked by re- and low speeds. At no time (except
moving and immersing elements in in emergency conditions) will the en-
water heated to the specified temper- gine be operated at high speeds or
atures. under heavy load until the dash ther-
mometer indicates the engine has
(2) Cover hood louvers with heavy card-
board or other suitable material. This reached the normal operating tem-
is done best from the inside of the perature.
hood. (6) The practice of running engines to
charge batteries or to provide current
(3) Cover radiator cores wholly or par- to operate radios, turrets, guns, etc.
tially in accordance with atmospheric is authorized. Pertinent technical
temperatures. The amount of the ra- manuals point out these cases.
diator core which must be covered in (7) Each crankcase oil change will be
order to obtain the temperatures re- scheduled so as to be performed im-
ferred to in f above will vary with mediately after engine operation and
different vehicles and will have to be while the oil is still hot. Care will be
determined by trial. For temperatures taken to drain the oil completely.
of +32 ° to 0° F., the lower half of (8) Oil filter cases will be drained at re-
the core may need to be covered un- duced intervals when equipped with
less operation at high speed or under drain cocks (or plugs) to remove sedi-
severe load is expected. For opera- ment. It may be necessary to drain
tions between +32 ° and +50° F. filters daily under unusually severe
where operation is intermittent (fre- conditions.
quent stops and starts, excessive (9) When it is known that an engine is
idling, or infrequency of use), cover- badly sludged, the crankcase pan will
ing of the lower quarter of the core be dropped and sludge removed from
may be necessary. Radiator core cov- pan, valve mechanism, and exposed
ering applied for intermittent opera- parts. At the same time, clean oil
tion protection should be removed pump screen thoroughly.
whenever high speed or heavy load (10) When an engine has been operated
operation is anticipated. for an extended period under condi-
(4) Check and tighten cylinder head studs tions where cold engine sludge accu-
with torque indicating wrench as pre- mulations are being experienced and

TM 9-273

a change to high speeds or heavy cated parts. This will cause sludge, corrosion,
loads is anticipated, it is advisable to and accelerated wear. It is imperative that com-
flush with an engine conditioning oil plete lubrication is made as soon as practicable.
to reduce sludge accumulation before This involves draining and drying gear hous-
the vehicle is placed in severe service ings, crankcases, and bearings where water may
where warm engine temperatures are have collected. Complete lubrication of the
expected. The procedures outlined in parts, in accordance with lubrication orders,
paragraph 45b will be used in flush- must then be done. Unpainted metal surfaces
ing: should be wiped dry and preservative type lu-
Note. Such flushing will not prevent further bricants applied.
sludge accumulation but will reduce the
hazard of screen clogging and lubrication
failure from sludge that may be dislodged and 88. Effect of Variation in Climate
put in circulation by warm oil. Upon Engine Conditions
g. Progressive Development of Engine
Depreciation. Figure 78 shows how engine de- a,, General. In order to compare the influ-
preciation develops progressively when preven- ence of weather and, operating conditions on
tive maintenance operations are not performed vehicle engines, several hundred thousand tests
or are ineffective for any reason. were conducted on military vehicles in training
areas throughout the continental United States.
87. Wet Conditions The results of these tests have been broken
In prolonged wet weather, particularly when down and related to prevailing conditions of
traveling over soggy terrain and whenever climate, and figures 79 to 83 inclusive show
fording takes place, water will seep into lubri- average results of operation under varying cli-








F)~ ~ ~ ~~

Figure 78. Progressive development of engine depreciation when preventive

maintenance is ineffective.

TM 9-273
matic conditions with respect to water contami- lubricants prevent the deposition at normal
nation, engine sludging, filter loading, temperatures of sludge-forming constituents.
combustion difficulties, and accelerated wear. However, if crankcase temperatures become
The purpose of these charts is to enable main- cool, water, fuel dilution, and other products
tenance personnel to anticipate problems in of combustion tend to promote precipitation of
maintenance and operation in order to mini- contamination to form engine sludges. In damp
mize harmful effects from unfavorable operat- humid climates the vapor-laden air tends to
ing conditions. accelerate the deposition of such sludges. It
b. Water Accumulation in Crankcase (fig. will be noted that the percent of engines ex-
79). The accumulation of water in appreciable periencing sludge accumulations is about twice
quantities (in excess of 1 percent of the crank- as great in humid areas as in dry areas of
case contents) depends chiefly upon the tem- corresponding temperature conditions.
perature in the crankcase. Temperatures in the
crankcase in excess of + 1600 F. will prevent HUMID CLIMATE r DRY CLIMATE
condensation of water. From figure 79 it will 100
be noted that only a very moderate percentage Of

of vehicles experience water contamination of 80

the lubricant at air temperatures above +50°
F. However, below this temperature the percent , CZ
of engines experiencing water contamination of ;ZS
the crankcase oil approximately doubles for
each 20 degrees decrease in temperature.

100 20 .

W 80 .1

. , 60or RA PD 104003
'- W.
<a 400 __ Figure 80. Prevalence of sludge in crankcase oil.

20PE I d. Ineffective Filtration. It will be noted
from figure 81 that the increase in rate of filter
0 N U loading or the decrease in filtering effective-
0 4
1 1 20 24 28 ness closely parallels the formation of sludge
PERCENT OF VEHICLES (fig. 80). A primary function of the oil filter
is to remove from the crankcase oil sludge-
forming constituents. Therefore, it is natural
RA PD 104002
that the rate of filter loading would correspond
Figure 79. Prevalence of water emulsion in very closely to the rate of occurrence of sludge-
crankcase oil.
forming material. It also will be noted that
relative humidity, as well as temperatures, is an
c. Engine Sludge. From figure 80 it will be
noted that both temperature and relative hu- important element in the rate of filter loading.
midity are important factors in engine sludg- e. Combustion Difficulties, Poor vaporiza-
ing. By far the greatest percentage of sludged tion of the fuel attends vehicle operation at
engines experienced in military operation are temperatures below +50° F. Consequently,
of the cold weather sludge type. Prescribed difficulties in obtaining efficient combustion of
military crankcase lubricants are exceptionally the fuel below this temperature increase rapid-
stable to high temperature oxidation and de- ly as the temperature is lowered. Concurrent
composition. The dispersing properties of these contamination of the lubricating oil by fuel

TM 9-273
operation at temperatures below this
M 1 .00 point.
cL i.- 80
4 (2) Figures 84 and 85 show the effect of
dusty conditions. Abrasives from
.L 60
dusty air enter engines through the
air intake system, engine breathers,
20 and from contaminated oils or oil con-
0 tainers. If air cleaner elements be-
come dirty or the oil level in the
element becomes low, dust particles
III will be sucked directly into the cylin-
ders. Large accumulations of dirt in
the air cleaner elements will lower
RA PD 104004 filtering efficiency and will also re-
duce the air supply for combustion,
Figure 81. Prevalence of ineffective filtration.
resulting in a lowered fuel efficiency.
Products of abrasion, metal particles,
and pulverized dirt will be washed
down the cylinder walls into the
o. crankcase to result in abrasion of
bearings and journals and clogging
of oil passages. Dust and dirt that
VC enters the crankcase directly through
loose or missing breather caps, conta-
minated oils, or misuse of containers,
dipsticks, etc., will pass through the
> oil circulating system, causing accele-
rated wear to parts. While the large
28 particles will be filtered out, and seen
on strainers and filters, the smaller
104005 particles are passed through to do
damage to all surfaces on which oil is
Figure 82. Prevalenceof poor combustion. used.
soot and unburned fuel (fuel dilution) increas-
es at corresponding rates (fig. 82).
f. Accelerated Wear. Two prime causes for
abnormal wear of military vehicle engines are
cold weather starting and dusty operating con- a-
(1) Figure 83 shows the relative rate of LUJ
increase in abnormal wear chiefly due <W
to cold starting of engines in relation >W

to the prevailing air temperature. In

this connection it can be pointed out
that even +80 ° F. is cold for an en-
;4 28
gine. The rate of accelerated wear
during the starting period increases
RA PD 104006
very rapidly below 32 ° F. and it is of
extreme importance that proper Figure 83. Prevalence of abnormal wear due to
warmup procedures be followed for low atmospheric temperatures.
TM 9-273

g. Results of Tests. Charts showing average world outline map (fig. 87) showing corres-
results of tests from vehicles of training organ- ponding temperature zones is provided in order
izations within continental United States are to assist in relating experiences of vehicle op-
shown in figures 84 and 85. The locations of eration in United States to that to be anticipat-
installations from which tests were taken are ed for similar climate in foreign theaters.
indicated on the outline map (fig. 86) on which Table III gives climatic data for representative
zones of average temperatures are shown. A points throughout the world.



WINTER AVERAGES 5 10 15 20 25 30 35













RA PD 95432

Figure 84. Influence of variation in climate upon atomotive engine condition.

TM 9-273


WINTER AVERAGES m 5 10 15 20 25 30 35



- _
_ ' ~~WATER

"_ _i_






RA PD 95432A

Figure 85. Influence of variationsin climate upon automotive engine condition.

TM 9-273


penal RA PD 104007A

Figure 86. Map of the United States showing test points and temperatureszones.
Figures in circles indicate areas discussed in figures 84 and 85.

TM 9-273








TM 9-273

Table III. Climatic Data for Representative Points Throughout the World

Normal temperatures
(degrees F.) Extremes (degrees F.) Annual
January July Max Min

North America:
Fairbanks ------------------------- -11.6 60.0 99 -66 11.87
Nome ----------------------------- 3.4 49.8 84 -47 17.82
Sitka …---.------.------------------ 32.4 54.9 87 -5 87.13
Fort Good Hope ___________________ -22.9 59.6 95 -79 10.45
Halifax ___--______________________ 23.0 64.8 99 -21 55.52
Vancouver ------------------------. 35.6 63.3 92 2 58.65
Winnipeg -------------------------- -3.4 66.6 103 -46 20.37
Central America:
Guatemala ------------ _------------ 63.0 69.2 90 41 51.84
Invigtut ---- _---------------------- 18.5 49.8 86 -21 44.85
Upernivik ------------------------- -7.6 41.0 69 -44 9.00
Iceland Vestmanno --------------------- 34.5 52.5 71 -6 52.91
Chihuahua . . .....................- 55.2 76.2 103 11 15.39
Mexico City ----------------------- 54.2 62.7 92 24 29.38
Vera Cruz ------------------------ 70.6 79.8 96 49 63.74
United States:
Death Valley, Calif ---------------_ 51.6 102.0 134 15 1.49
Denver, Colo --------------------- . 32.0 72.6 105 -29 13.99
Key West, Fla --------------------- 69.9 83.2 100 41 38.36
New Orleans, La ---------.--------. 53.5 80.1 102 7 59.72
New York City, N. Y ______________. 32.1 74.4 102 -14 48.63
Minneapolis, Minn _________________ 13.1 73.2 108 -34 27.31
Portland, Maine ------------------- 23.4 67.8 103 -21 42.05
San Franciso, Calif -.-------------- 49.8 58.9 101 27 20.23
Seattle, Wash --------------------_ 39.5 63.1 98 3 31.80
West Indies:
Havana, Cuba --------------------_ 69.8 79.2 95 50 48.08
South America:
Buenos Aires ---------------------- 74.4 51.2 103 28 37.86
Deseado --------------------------- 61.4 39.0 102 1 7.17
Bolivia, La Paz ------------------------ 53.2 45.3 75 27 22.18
Belem ---------------------------- 79.4 80.2 95 64 93.19
Rio de Janeiro --------------------- 78.4 68.4 102 52 43.25
Chile, Santiago --------.. . .............
69.3 48.1 99 24 14.09
Paraguay, Asuncion ----------.--------. 82.0 65.6 109 33 54.61
Peru, Lima --------------.------------. 73.4 61.2 90 40 1.90
Uruguay, Montivedio -----------------_ 72.4 50.0 109 25 37.99
Venezuela, Caracas -------------------- 65.8 68.9 91 45 32.15
Austria, Vienna _______________________ 31.9 65.8 97 -4 25.37
British Isles:
Glasgow --------------------------- 48.6 58.0 85 7 37.18
London ___________________________ 38.5 63.5 100 4 24.47

TM 9-273

Table III. Climatic Data for Representative Points Throughout the World-Continued

Normal temperatures
(degrees F.) Extremes (degrees F.) Annual
I (inches )
January July Max Min
C_ ·

Bulgaria, Sofia ------------------------- 28.4 69.1 102 -24 24.30
Czechoslovakia, Prague ----------------- 30.0 66.6 95 -14 19.25
Denmark, Copenhagen _________________ 30.5 61.8 90 -13 20.75
Finland, Helsingfors ----------- ----- - 21.4 63.8 88 -23 27.75
Marseilles ------------------------- 44.2 72.0 100 12 22.59
Paris --- _------------------------ 37.8 65.6 101 -14 22.62
Berlin ----...------ ___------------- 30.2 64.4 99 -15 22.88
Hamburg ------------------------- '311.7 62.6 92 -6 28.58
Greece, Athens… _____________..---- 47.6 81.3 109 20 15.48
Hungary, Budapest --------------------- 31.6 70.4 102 -2 25.20
Rome _---------------------------- 45.0 76.1 104 21 35.50
Turin -__-------------------------- 33.2 72.8 96 4 35.49
Nether]ands, Amsterdam --------------- 37.5 63.0 91 4 27.95
Bergen --------------------------- 34.2 57.9 89 5 81.02'
Trondheim - ----------------------- 27.3 57.2 95 -15 31.09
Poland, W arsaw ----------------------- 25.7 65.4 98 -28 22.2].
Portugal, Lisbon ----------------------- 50.9 71.2 103 30 28.87
Romania, Bucharest -------------------- 26.6 73.0 105 -23 23.17
Spain, Madrid ------------------------ 40.4 73.8 112 10 16.48
Sweden, Stockholm --------------------- 26.6 62.6 92 -22 18.64
Switzerland, Zurich --------------------- 31.5 64.8 98 -11 45.17
Turkey, Istanbul ----------------------- 42.4 74.5 100 17 28.8(;
Archangel _--______________________ 58.1 59.5 94 -49 17.21
Baku -----_----------------------- 38.1 77.4 99 8.96
Leningrad ------------------------ 18.3 63.5 97 -39 20.44
Moscow --------------- _- _-------- 12.6 64.4 100 -43 23.49
Yugoslavia, Belgrade ------------------- 33.0 72.2 107 -9 24.3'7
Arabia, Aden ---------- __--------------- 76.2 88.1 109 61 1.93
Chungking ------------------------- 48.4 84.0 111 27 413.36
H ongkong -- ----------------------- 60.2 82.5 97 32 84.27
Shanghai ---------------------.---- 39.8 82.2 103 10 44.95
East Indies, Batavia ------..- _____---_-- 78.7 79.4 96 66 72.13
Bombay -------------.------------- 75.5 81.4 100 56 71.88
Calcutta -------------------------- 66.6 83.6 111 44 61.8:1
Delhi _---------------------------- 59.0 88.0 118 32 27.52
Rangoon ------------ _------------- 76.8 80.6 107 55 98.66
Irag, Bagdad ------------------------- 48.6 94.4 123 19 7.08
Nagasaki ------------------------- 42.8 78.8 98 22 78.55
Tokyo ---------- _------------------ 37.9 76.0 98 15 57.81
Malay State, Singapore ---------------- 79.8 81.4 97 66 95.06
TM 9-273
Table III. Climatic Data for Representative Points Throughout the World-Continued

Normal temperatures
(degrees F.) Extremes (degrees F.) Annual
January July Max Min

Hailar ----------------------- -18.7 69.2 104 -57 11.99
M ukden --------------------------- 8.8 77.2 103 -27 25.97
Philippine Isles, Manila …---------------- 77.2 81.2 101 58 79.61
Bulum ---------------------------- -40.0 52.7 85 -75 8.75
Guriev _______________________ -- 12.2 78.2 1'05 -34 6.35
Krasnovodsk ________________ ------ 37.4 84.0 108 1 4.49
Vladivostok _______________________ 7.3 64.6 96 -22 22.44
Siam, Bangkok ----------------------- 79.2 83.8 106 52 52.36
Tibet, Gyantse ------------------------- 24.4 58.0 85 -20
Turkey, Smyrna ----------------------- 47.0 81.3 111 12 25.65
Algeria, Algiers …______________________ 55.5 77.2 112 28 27.43
British Somaliland, Berberia ------------- 76.8 98.0 117 52 2.38
Egypt, Cairo --------------------------- 55.0 82.8 113 31 1.27
Ethiopia, Adis Ababa ------------------ 59.9 62.0 93 32 49.57
French West Africa:
Dakar ------------------------- 70.4 82.3 104 55 19.60
Timbuctu - ------------------------- 71.2 90.9 122 41 7.68
Libya, Bengazi ------------------------ 56.8 78.0 109 38 10.56
M orocco, Rabat ------------------------- 52.1 71.0 115 34 20.78
Northern Rhodesia:
Livingston ------------------------ 75.7 64.6 103 37 !33.78
Tunisia, Tunis ------------------------- 50.6 79.6 122 28 15.80
Union of South Africa:
Cape Tow n ------------------------ 69.5 54.6 104 3.1 25.01
Adelaide ------------------------------- 73.7 51.8 116 32 21.22
Brisbane ------------------------------- 77.2 58.5 109 36 45.07
Darwin ------------------------------- 83.4 77.8 104 56 61.37
Melbourne ____________________________ 67.4 48.7 1.11 27 25.58
Perth --------------------------------- 73.8 55.2 108 34 34.32
New Zealand:
Wellington ----------------------------- 62.5 47.7 88 29 48.11

89. Cold Weather Lubrication performance or even total failure is to

be avoided.
a. General.
(2) Winterization kits have been develop-
(1) It is a natural tendency for lubricants ed for many vehicles to combat the
to thicken in cold weather, and in ex- added problems of extreme cold
treme cold weather (0 ° to -65 ° F.) weather operation. The kits are de-
they will solidify. (Oil does not signed primarily to overcome the three
freeze hard like ice but solidifies in main difficulties in starting an engine
somewhat the manner of cold butter (thickened engine oil, failure of stor-
or lard.) Obviously, lubricants in age battery to give necessary electrical
this state cannot perform their work. energy, and failh e of fuel to furnish
Extreme care in inspection and serv- a combustible mi ture to the intake
icing by both operating and mainte- manifold) and to maintain engine
nance personnel is required if poor temperatures while operating.
TM 9-273

(3) Refer to applicable lubrication orders moved from the system and subse-
and technical manuals for prescribed quently warmed over a fire.
lubricants and pertinent instructions Caution: Do not get oil too hot.
for extreme cold weather operation. Heat to not more than 180 ° F. Heat
TM 9-207 contains specific informa- only to a point where the bare hand
tion on the operation and maintenance can be inserted without burning-
of ordnance materiel in extreme cold approximately 140 ° F.
b. Engine Lubrication Oils. (d) After it has been determined that
the engine oil is fluid and the nec-
(1) General. Refer to paragraph 86 for
essary precautions taken to insure
cold weather problems concerning lu-
that the fuel and engine electrical
brication of internal combustion en-
systems are in a condition necessary
for engine starting, an attempted
(2) Starting an engine. Before a start is start can be made. As soon as en-
attempted, the engine oil must be gine starts, observe the oil pressure
checked for quantity and fluidity. gage. If oil pressure is not indicat-
Cold weather, by increasing the vis- ed immediately after starting, shut
cosity (thickening) of an oil, will in- down engine and determine the
crease the fluid friction of the oil in cause.
the cylinder walls and bearings to the (3) During operation. Vehicles must be
extent that it is not possible to crank operated with engine temperatures
the engine with the ordinary storage ranging from 140 ° to 180 ° F. Low
battery. The oil must be sufficiently engine operating temperatures result
fluid so that it can be picked up im- in undue wear and failure of engine
mediately and pumped by the engine parts because of the collection of
oil pump. Several methods are em- sludge in the oil (par. 86). Consult
ployed to accomplish this objective the applicable operator's (10 series)
("pumpability") as indicated below. technical manual for normal oil pres-
Caution: Heat applied to the engine sures and observe the oil pressure
coolant will allow for an engine start, gage frequently during operation.
but ordinarily it will not make the oil Shut engine down immediately if in-
in the lines and pan sufficiently fluid dicator needle drops exceptionally
for pumpability. Pumpability must be low, and determine cause. It may be
assured before a start is attempted. a low quantity of oil, oil thickening
due to extreme cold, or failure of oil
(a) A heat exchanger is supplied for pump or lines.
some vehicles, through which the c. Power Train Lubricants. Extreme cold
engine coolant circulates, keeping weather will stiffen and solidify the lubricants
the engine warm when it is not in in the gear cases and the various bearings
operation. Some other vehicles are throughout the power train. Extreme caution
equipped with a standby heater must be observed when placing a vehicle in
having a hot-air duct directed at the motion after a shutdown period, as undue wear
oil pan or an engine compartment or failure will result if lubrication in any or all
heater. of the power train components has congealed.
(b) Heat blast may be applied to the Before friction can develop enough heat to
engine oil pan from an external liquefy the lubricant and establish the film,
source, such as the air heater of the bearing and gear teeth surfaces may score and
auxiliary starting aid (slave) kit. fail. The following instructions are general.
(c) As a last resort, the oil (while fluid Consult pertinent technical manuals for parti-
after vehicle operation) may be re- cular vehicle operation.
TM 9-273

(1) When starting engine, place trans- case in low range, if so equipped.
mission gear shift lever in neutral Drive vehicle 100 yards, being careful
and depress clutch. After engine is not to stall the engine. This will heat
running smoothly, release clutch cau- the lubricants to the point where nor-
tiously and maintain engine at idle mal operation can be expected.
for at least 2 minutes or longer to (3) When preparing a vehicle for a shut-
warm up lubricant in transmission. down period, place transmission and
If the vehicle is equipped with a trans- transfer case selector levers in the
fer case with a selector lever, the neutral position. This will place those
transfer case lubricant may be units in readiness for the next start by
warmed in the same manner by plac- preventing them from freezing in an
ing selector lever in neutral and trans- engaged position.
mission in low gear. d. Other Lubrication Points. For all other
(2) The driver must be extremely careful lubrication points, use lubricants prescribed in
when placing vehicle in motion; place pertinent applicable lubrication orders and
transmission in low gear and transfer technical manuals for subzero operation.

TM 9-273


90. General are easily applied (by brush or cloth) and

Lubricants, besides their basic purpose to easily removed (by soap and water or mineral
lubricate, have other characteristics which spirits paint thinner). Some lubricants contain
maintenance programs use. Their ability to additional antioxidation compounds. These lu-
conduct heat, to repell water, and to adhere bricants are specified in many technical manual
is valuable. Lubricants are generally available to be used when storing or transporting materi-
and wide application of these qualities is not el. Animal oil (neat's-foot and tallow) are
difficult. used to preserve leather, while vegetable oils
(linseed) preserve wooden articles.
91. Electrical Uses
Certain electrical components use oils as 93. Machine Shop Use
heat transfer agents (transformers and re-
Machines, such as lathes, millers, shapers,
sistors) while others use oils as dielectrics
and screw machines, use lubricants to preserve
(capacitors). When oil is used in transformers
the cutting edges of tool bits. Oils, made from
and resistors it conducts heat away from the
lard, both pure and sulfonated carry away heat
regions where it is generated. The oil is circu-
from the working edges. Generous volumes of
lated by a gravity system or a pump system
oil are applied either manually or by a force
through cooling fins before it is returned to
feed system. Oils are also in general use for
absorb more heat. Figure 88 shows the servic-
quenching metals during heat treating and
ing of an oil-cooled resistor. The electrical
tempering processes.
components use an OT-type oil and they must
be drained and refilled at intervals.
94. Antiseize Compounds
92. Preservation Some screw threads, particularly those in
Lubricants, by nature, have water-repellent light alloys (magnesium and aluminum) have
characteristics and good adhesiveness (stick to a tendency to bind when tightened. To prevent
surfaces). Use is made of these properties to this, lubricants in the silicone and fluorolube
protect metal surfaces from weather and water. classes are used to lightly coat the threads be-
While not as permanent as paints, lubricants fore assembly.

TM 9-273


RA PD 419775

Figure 88. Drainingand filling a resistor.

TM 9-273


1. Publication Indexes
The following indexes should be consulted frequently for the latest changes or revisions of
references given in this appendix and for new publications relating to material covered in
this manual.
Index of Army Motion Pictures, Film Strips, Slides, and DA Pam 108-1
Military Publications:
Index of Administrative Publications ---------------------- DA Pam 310-1
Index of Blank Forms -------------------------------- DA Pam 310-2
Index of Graphic Training Aids and Devices ------------------ DA Pam 310-5
Index of Supply Manuals; Ordnance Corps ----------------- DA Pam 310-29
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins, DA Pam 310-4
Lubrications Orders, and Modification Work Orders.
Index of Training Publications -------------------- DA Pam 310-3

2. Forms
The following form pertains to this materiel:
DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to DA Technical Manuals Parts Lists or Supply Man-
ual 7, 8, or 9 (cut sheet).

3. Other Publications
The following explanatory publications contain information pertinentto this materiel and as-
sociated equipment:
a. General.
Federal Supply Catalog, Department of Defense Section (Petroleum, C4-1
Petroleum-Base Products, and Related Materiel) (Department of
the Army Supply Manual 10-1-C4-1).
Machinegun, 7.62-mm, M60 ---------------------------------- FM 23-67
Military Symbols ---------------------------------------------- FM 21-30/AFM 55-3
Military Terms, Abbreviations, and Symbols:
Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes - ___-- ________--_AR 320-50
Dictionary of United States Army Terms - _-- ____---_-----AR 320-5
Military Training ----------------------------------------- FM 21-5
Safety: Accident Reporting and Records ------------------------ AR 385-40
Techniques of Military Instruction -------------------------- FM 21-6
U. S. Rifle, Caliber .30, M1 .-.......................... FM 23-5
b. Maintenance and Repair.
Description and Application of Oil Seals, Packings and Packing Mate- TB 9-255
rials and Gaskets and Gasket Materials.
General; Fluids for Hydraulic Equipment -_______---____ _ --- -- TM 1-42B2-1-3

TM 9-273

General Maintenance Procedures for Fire Control Materiel -____ -- TM 9-254

General Supply; Winterization Equipment for Automotive Materiel --- SB 9-16
General Use of Aircraft and Electronic Lubricants -______-__-_-__--TM 1-42B-1-7
Grease, Automotive and Artillery, MIL-G-10924 (ORD), Amendments SB 725-9150-1
1, 2, and 3, and MIL-G-10924A.
Inspection, Care and Maintenance of Antifriction Bearings ------- TM 9-214
Inspection and Disposition of lubricants, Specification MIL-L-7808 ---- TM 1-42B2-1-507
Lubricant Fittings ---------- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ----- --- TB 34-9-70
Lubricants, Corrosion Prevention and Antiseize Compounds -___-__-_TM 1-42B-1-6
Lubricants for Use with Automobiles and Commercial Type TB ORD 2300-10/3
Administration Vehicles.
Lubrication of Aircraft Parts Requiring Molybdenum Disulphide TM 1-42B3-1-2
Maintenance Instructions and Procedures for Administrative Vehicles. TM 38-660-2
Materials Used For Cleaning, Preserving, Abrading, and Cementing TM 9-247
Ordnance Materiel, and Related Materials Including Chemicals.
Operation and Maintenance Ordnance Materiel in Extreme Cold TM 9-207
Weather, 0° to-65° F.
Ordnance Lubrication: Discontinuance of Red Paint Markings Around TB 9-265
Lubrication Points.
Petroleum Base Hydraulic Fluids: Characteristics and Uses in Arma- TB ORD 586
ment and Fire Control Mechanisms.
Quality Control of Fuels and Lubricants ------
_ ___. TM 1-42B-1-1
Preventive Maintenance, Supply, Inspection, and Training Procedures TM 9-2810
Tactical Motor Vehicle.
Use of Antifreeze Solutions in Engine Cooling Systems in Operating TB ORD 651

TM 9-273


Paragraphs Page
Accelerated wear:
Cold weather ------------------------------.-------------------------------- 88f 112
D u st --- -- --- -- --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - 85 1 06
A ccessories, engine ------------------------------------------------------------- 46-49 49
Additives, engine cooling -------------------------.---
___________________ - - - - - - 47c 49
Adjustments at high atmospheric temperature, engine ------------.-------------- .84b 106
Adhesion and cohesion __________--____________________________________________ _ 7, 8 7, 8
Air breathers, engine ----------------------------.----------------------------- _ 46 49
Air cleaners, engine:
Description ------------------------------.--------------------------------. 46 49
M aintenance -------------------------------------------------------------- 85c 106
Antifriction-type bearings. (See specific item.)
A ntiseize com pounds ------------------------------------------------------------ 94 123
Artillery basic lubricated surfaces ----------------------------------------------- 59 81
Artillery hydraulic speed gears ---------------------------
_______ ______________ - 67 88
Atmospheric temperatures --------------------------.-- S-------------------------
83d 105
Axles, driving ------------------------------------------------------------------ 54d 64
Antifriction type:
Description ----------------------------------------------------------- 14c, 17a,b,c 13,16
Lubrication ------------------------------------------------------------ 19 18
Materials and construction ---------------------------------------------- 17d 16
Friction type:
Description ------------------------------------------------------------ 14b, 15 13
Lubricatio n ----------------------------------------------------------- 18 18
M ateria ls -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - -- -- -- -- --- -- - -- - --- - -- - - -- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - 16 15
Selection of proper lubricants ----------------------------------------------- 12 11
Subzero lubricating instructions --------------------------------------------- 69c(1) 89
T y p es - -- - --- -- --- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- 14- 17 13
Bogie wheels ____________________________________________________ ___------ ---- 57e 75
Cold-weather lubrication -------------------------------------------------- _ 69j 91
Description ------------------------------------------------------ ------- 55 71
Hydraulic system ___________----_______ -__----------------- 56 71
Braking ------------------- __-- __----___---------___--------------__--------- 55, 56 71
Breech mechanism:
Cold-weather lubrication -------------------------------------------------- 69d
. 90
Description -----------------------------.--------------------------------. 62 82
Cable and chains, radar --------------------------.----------------------------- 78f 100
Can spout, use of -----------------------------.-------------------------------. 36i 35
Care and use of lubricants -----------------------.---------------------------- 25-30
. 23
Cold-w eather lubrication ---------------------------------------------------- 69i 91
Description and lubrication -----------------------.-------------------
_____ 66 87
Changing crankcase oil -------------------------------------------------------- 45b
. 47
Characteristics of lubricants ---------------------------------------------------- 69a 88
Cleaner, engine ------------------------------.------------------- 36d 34

TM 9-273

Paragraphs Page
Lubricants ---------------------------------------------------------------- 28 24
Lubrication equipment ------------------------------------ __-- ____------__- 31b 29
Climatic data for representative points throughout the
world (table III) ------------------------------------------------------------- 88 110
Clutches --------------------------------- _-_-______-------------------------- 50, 51 59
Coefficients of friction (sliding) (table I) -------------------------------------- 5 5
Cohesion -------------------------- __-- _______________--------------__--------- 7,8 7, 8
Cold weather:
Generating unit, winterization -------------------------- .--______-------__ 77c 98
Lubrication -_________________________-___-- _____----------------_--------- 69, 89 88
Problems ------------------------ _-__-- _________--------------_---------- 86 107
Combustion difficulties ------------ __-- __-------------------------------------- 86, 88e 108, 111
Component parts, missiles --------------------------- _----------______--------- 71 93
Computers, fire control ----------------------------------------- - __-- ------ -_ 75 96
Condensation and lubrication, optical instruments ----------------- __-- __-------- 73b 95
Controlled differentials ------------------ __-- __________----------______--------- 54e 65
Coolants, engine -47------------------------------------------------------ 4 49
Cooling system maintenance at high atmospheric temperature -------------------- 84a 106
Counterrecoil mechanism ----------------------- __-- __-------_--------------_- 63 82
Cold-weather lubrication --------------------------------------------------- 69i 91
Lubricating -_________________________________________---------- 63 82
Drain intervals ----------------------------------------------------------- 45a 47
Lubrication --------------------------------------------------------------- 45 47
Ven tilators ---------------------------------------------------------------- 44c 47
D ifferentials ------------------------------------------------------------------ 54c 64
Dip lubricating system -------------------------------------------------------- 38c 40
Dirty oil-handling receptacle .. . ................................................
85d 107
Distrib uto rs ------------------------------------------------------------------- 48d 56
Drain interval, crankcase ------------------------------------------------------ 45a 47
Drain pan ------------------------------------------------------------ __-- 36j 35
Drive shafts, universal joints --------------------------------------------------- 53a 62
Drives, final -__________________________________________--------- 54f 65
Driving axles -_____ ------------------------------ 54d 64
Driving gears ---------------------------------------------------------------- 54b 64
Driving spockets -------------------------------------------------------------- 57e 75
Dry clutches _____--___________________________________________________________ 51a 59
Dust, wear ___________________--______________________________________________ 85a 106
Effect of thinned lubricant ----------------------------------------------------- 85b 106
Effect of variation in climate upon engine conditions ------------------.----- _- 88 110
Electrical uses of lubricants -------------------- __-- __--------------__--------- 91 123
Elevating arc, cold-weather lubrication ------------------------------------------ 69h 91
Elevating mechanism ------------------------------ _----------------------_-- 64a 85
Adjustments at high atmospheric temperature -------------------------------- 846 106
Cleaner ------------------------------- - 36d 34
Cold-weather lubrication oils ----------------------------------------------- 88b 111
Coolants ------------------------------- - 47b 49
Cooling system maintenance at high atmospheric temperatures ---------------- 84a 106
Loads and speeds at high atmospheric temperatures -------------------------- 84c 106
Lubrication ------------------------------------------------------- - __-- 37-45 39
Oil filters, cold weather sludge ---------------------------------------------- 86d 111
Operation at high atmospheric temperature _--------_--------- __------ --- 84 106
Sludge ------------------------------------- _------------- ---
-------- _-- 88 110
Water jacket ---------------------------------------------------------- - 47e 51
(see also specific items).

TM 9-273

Paragraphs Page

Cold-w eather lubrication ---------------------------------------------------- 69g 91
Description --------------------------------------------------------------- 65 86
Equipment, lubrication -------------------------------------------------------- 31-36 29
Esters, nonpetroleum product -------------------------------------------------- 24d 23
External mechanism, missile component parts ------------------------------------ 71e 93
Fans, engine ------------------------------- _----------------------__--------- 47 49
Final drives ------------------------------------------------------------------ 54f 65
Fire control equipment --------------------------------------------------------- 72 95
Firing mechanism, cold-weather lubrication -------------------------------------- 62d 90
F itting tool -- ---- -------------------------------- ---------------------------- 36k 35
Fittings and couplers, lubricating ----------------------.---------------- 33a 30
Flow of cpolant -------------------------------------------------------------- 47d 51
Fluid clutches -----------------------------.-------------------------- 51b
i------- 59
Fluid friction --------------------------------------------------------.------ - 6d 6
Friction and lubrication, fundamentals ____________-____________________________ _ 3-13 5
Friction-type bearings:
Description ---------------------------------------------------------------- 14b, 15 13
Lubrication -----------------------------.--------------------------------- 1,8 18
Front wheels:
Bearing ------------------------------------------------------------------ 57b 72
Universal joints ----------------------------------------------------------- 53e 63
Fundamental factors influencing selection of proper grade of lubricant ------------ 12 11
Fundamentals of friction and lubrication ---------------------------------------- 3-13 5
Funnels --------------------------------- _---------------------______- __ ---
_ 36h 34
Fuze setters:
Descrip tion ----------- --- ------ ---------- ------ --------------------------- 68 88
Fire control _____ _76 - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 97
Gages. (See specific items.)
Gear train , radar ------------------------------------------------------------ 78d 100
Gear pumps, engine ------------------------------------------------------------ 39b 41
Driving --------------------------------------------------------- - __-- 54b 64
Subzero lubricating instructions ----------------------------------- _-- __---- 69c(2) 90
Generating units, fire control -------------------------------------------------- 77 98
Generators -------------------------------------------------------------------- 48c 55
Glycols, nonpetroleum product --------------------------
_________ ______________ 24c 23
Governors -------------------------------------------------------- - ----
-_---- 49a 57
Grades of lubricants. (See Lubricants, grades.)
Gravity circulation lubrication, engine ------------------------------------------ 38d 40
Grease guns --------------------------------.------------------- 35 30
Greases _----______________---------_---____-------__----___- 23 23
Guide bearings, friction type ---------------------------------------------------- 15b(5) 14
Half bearings, friction type ------ -------------------------------------------- - 15b(2) 14
Handwheel shaft, cold-weather lubrication --------------------------------------- 69h 91
Heat dispersion, engine --------------------------------------------------------- 37 39
High atmospheric temperature. (See specific items.)
High-pressure guns ----------------------------------------------------------- 35d 32
Hydraulic brakes fillers ------------------------------------------------------- 36g 34
Hydraulic equipment, radar -------------------------------------------------- 78h 100
Hydraulic speed gears, artillery ------------------------------------------------- 67 88
Hydraulic systems …_-
- - - - - - - - -----------------------------. ...---------- 56 71
Hydropneumatic etuilibrators -------------------------------------------------- 65c 87
Idlers….........................................................................…57e 75
Individually sprung front wheels ----------------------------------------------- _ 58d 77
Ineffective filtration ---------------------------------------------------------- S8d 111
Instrum ents, radar ------------------------------------------------------------ 78e 100
Internal mechanisms, missile component parts ------------------------------------ 71d 93

TM 9-273

Paragraphs Page
Journal bearings, friction-type -------------------------------------------------- 15b 13
Langmuir theory of lubrication ---------------------- _----------__------------ 9 9
Linkages -_________--______________________________________________________-____- 49b 57
Low-pressure guns ------------------------------------------------------------ 35b 30
Care and use ------------------------------------------------------ 25-30 23
Characteristic ------------------------------------------------------------- 69a, 90 88, 123
Cleanliness .--------------------------------------------------------------- 28 24
Containers ---------------------------------------------------------------- 27 24
Deterioration at high atmospheric temperature ------------------------------ 84d 106
Grades (proper):
For clearance between bearing surfaces ---------------------------------- 12b 11
For clearance of shafts ------------------------------------------------ 12d 11
Fundamental factors influencing selection -------------------------------- 12 11
Manufacture -------------------------------------------------------------- 20-24 21
M oistu re ------ ------- ----- ---- -- --------- --- -- --------------------- ------- 29 24
R efining -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 21 21
Typical (table II) -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - 30 24
Lubricating devices ---------------------------------- _--__________------------ 33 30
Lubricating system s, engine ---------------------------------------------------- 38 39
Basic surfaces (artillery) ------------------------ . . ........
59 ............... 81
Cold weather -------------------------------------------------------------- 69 88
Engine ------------------------------------------------------------------- 37-45 39
Engine operation, cold weather conditions -------------------------..... 83c 105
Equipment ---------------------------------------------------------------- 31-36 29
Fundamentals ------------------------------------------------------------- 3-13 5
Oils, cold-weather _____________________------------------ 88b 111
Relation ---------------------------------------------------- 8 8
Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13 12
Theory. (see also specific items).- ------------------------------------------ 9-13 9
Machine bearings ------------------------------------------------------------ 14a 13
Machine shop use of lubricant -------------------------------------------------- 93 123
Machineguns ------------------------------------------------------------------ 81 103
M agnetos --------------------------------------------------------------------- 48e 56
Manual type lubrication orders -______________________________________________ - 96c
Manufacture of lubricants and properties _- .. ...................................
20-24 21
Materials and construction, antifriction-type bearings ---------------------------- 17d 16
Materials of bearings ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 15
Mechanisms. (See specific items.)
Miscellaneous equipment ------------------------------------------------------ 36 33
M issiles - --- ---------- -------- ------ -------- -------------------- ------------ - 7 0 , 71 93
M oisture in lubricants ---------------------------------------------------------- 9 24
M otors, rad ar ------------------------------------------------------------------ 78b 98
Mount, cold-weather lubrication ------------------------------------------------- 69i 91
Multipart bearings, friction-type ------------------------------------------------ 15b (4) 14
Nature of friction -_________________-- 4 5
Need for cooling, engine ----------------------------------------------------- 47a 49
Nonpetroleum products _____________________________________ ------------------ 24 23
Oil barrel pumps --------------------------------------------------------------- 32a 29
Oil cleaners (filters) ----- ----- ------.- __--- - - - - - - - - - - -------- 43b 43
Oil cooler -________ 44a 45
Oil cups and fittings ---------------------------------------------------------- 33b 30
Oil film and wedge theory, lubrication ------------------------------------------ 10 9
Oil filtering devices ---------------- __-- __---------__-------------------------- 43 43
Oil filters, cold-weather sludges ______________________________________---____ 86d 107
TM 9-273
Paragraphs Page
Oil guns ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 30
Oil level indicators, engine ---------------------------------------------------- 40 44
Oil measures …. . ...........---------------------------------------------------
36f 34
Oil pumps .. . ...........------------------------------------------------------
32 29
Oil strainers …. . ........------------------------------------------------------
43a 43
Oilers . . . . . ..---------------------------------------------------------
...----- 36e 34
Oilless bearings --------------- ….....---------------------------------------- - 16g 15
Optical instruments ____-----------------------------------_
...... ------------ 73 95
Overflow tank ..---------------.----------------------------------------
- 47k 55
Oxidation problems, engine ...----.. . . ...............-------------------------
- 37c 39
Packing, missile component parts ...---------.--------------------------------- 71b 93
Pistols… ...... __-- __ __-------
-- _____ _ 82 . ....................
Plans for winterization .--------------. . _--- . .......................-----------
69b 89
Plunger pumps, engine -----
______---_-________________________________________ 39d 41
Pneumatic equilibrators .. .................-------------------------------------
65b 86
Power train lubricants, cold weather -------------------------------------------- 89c 120
Preservation, lubricants ------------------------------------------------------- 92 123
Pressure circulation system, engine ---------------------------------------------- 38e 40
Pressure radiator cap ___________________________--_____________________________ 47j 54
Pressure gages ------------- ______________________________ 41 41
Prevention of sludge, cold weather --------------------------------------------- 86f 109
Preventive-maintenance procedures, weather conditions ----------------------
_- -_-_ 83b 105
Progressive development of engine depreciation __________________________ …------ 86g 110
Propeller shafts, universal joints ___-_______________________________
------------ 53b 63
Proper application of lubricants and servicing materials -_________________________ 26 23
Proper grade of lubricant, fundamental factors influencing selection -------------- 12 11
Properties, lubricants ---------------------------------------------------------- 21 21
Engine --------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 49
G ear --------------------------------------------------------------------- 39b 41
Oil -.. .
_______- ...........................................................
32 29
P lunger ------------------------------------------------------------------ 39d 14
Water -------------------------------------------------------------------- 47g 53
Vane --------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 c 41
Purpose of the manual -1------------------------------------------------------ I 3
Push-type guns --------------------------------------------------------------- 35c 32
Radar equipment ------------------------------------------------------------- 78 98
Radiator --------------------------------------------------------------------- 47f 51
Rammers -------------------------------------------------------------------- 68 88
Rear w heel bearing ------------------------------------------------------------- 57c 73
Recoil mechanism:
Cold-weather lubrication ---------------------------------------------------- 69e 90
Description and lubrication ------------------------------------------------- 63 82
Recoil oil pum p ---------------------------------------------------------------- 32b 30
Recoil slide rails --------------------------------------------------------------- 61 82
Recoil slides, cold-weather lubrication ------------------------------------------- 69f 91
Refining lubricants ----------------------------------------------------------- 21 21
Rifles…------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 103
Replacement of cartridges (filter) ---------------------------------------------- 43c 43
Rest and motion, friction ------------------------------------------------------- 6a 6
Results of tests --------------------------------------------------------------- 88g 113
Revolvers -.------ ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- 82 103
Roller bearings, antifriction-type ------------------------------------------------ 17b 16
Rolling friction --------------------------------------------------------------- 6c 6
Rubbing speed (bearing surfaces), selection of proper lubricant -------------------- 12a 11
Scope of manual --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3
Servomechanism, radar -------------------------------------------------------- 78G 98

TM 9-273
Paragraphs Page

Shock absorbers _________________________________-------------- _58c 76

Shroud…....................................................................... 47 49
Silicones, nonpetroleum product ------------------------------------------------- 24b
. 23
Sleigh, cold-weather lubrication ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- _69i----- ---- ---- 91
Sleigh mechanism ----------------------------.-------------------------------. 63 82
Sliding friction .. .... . . 6 6
Sludge, engine ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ----- 88c 111
Small arms - .----------------------------------------------------------------- - 79 103
Solid bearings, friction-type ---------------------------------------------------- 15b(1) 13
Splash lubricating system, engine ----------------------------------------------- 38b 39
Split bearings, friction-type ............................................-.-.----- 15b(3) 14
Spray oiler --------------------------------------------..-------..........---- 36c 34
Spring shackles ---------------------------------
_____________ ________________ 58b 76
Spring-type equilibrators ----------------------------------------------------- 65a
. 86
Springs _________---_--________________------____________ .... 58a . ....
S tarters - ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- _48
----- ---- ---- --- b 55
Standard size containers ------------------------------------------------------- 27a 24
Standardization of materials --------------------------------------------------- 25 23
Steering mechanism ---------------------------------------------------------- 57
. 72
Steering system -------------------------------------------------------------- . 57d 72
Storage of lubricant containers ------------------------------------------------ 27b 24
S train ers, oil ----------------------------------------------------------------- 43a 43
Subzero lubricating instructions, general ------------------.--------------------- 69c 89
Sulfur, nonpetroleum product -------------------------------------------------- 24e 23
Suspensions _____--_________,___________________________--_______________-_-__ 58 75

'Climatic data for representative points throughout
the world (table III) ---------------------------------------------------- 88 117
Coefficients of friction (sliding) (table I) ---------------------------------- 5 6
Typical lubricants (table II) ----------------------------------------------- 30 25
Tank, overflow --------------------------------------------------------------- 47k 55
Temperature gage ------------------------------------------------------------- 42 43
Thermostat ------------------ ----- ------- ---------------------------- ----- ---- 47i 53
Threads, missile component parts ----------------------------------------------- 71c 93
Thrust bearings, journal bearings, friction-type ---------------------------------- 15b(6) 14
Tool box ----------------------------------------------------------- _ . ........
361 35
T orque converters ----------------------------------------- 51ci------------------- 59
T orsion bars . ----------------------------------------------------------------- 58f 78
Track rollers ... ..............................................................
57e 75
Tracks -------- __________________________________________________________-- 57e 75
Tran sfer case ----------------------------------------------------------------- 54g 65
Transmissions -.---------------------- ________________________-------- 52 61
Traversing arc, cold-weather lubrication ------------------------------------------ 69h 91
Traversing mechanism --------------------------------------------------------- 64b i85
T ube or barrel -- ------------------------------------------------------------- 60 81
Turntable fifth wheel -________________________________________________________ 58e 78
Turntables, radar -- _______________________________________-------------------- 78g 100
Types and uses of lubricants .------------------------------------------------- . 30 24
Types of bearings ------------------------------------------------------------ 14-17 13
Typical lubricants (table II) ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- 30 24
Universal join t ---------------------------------------------------------------- 53 62
Vane pumps, engine .--------------------------------------------------------- . 39c 41
Variable resistors, fire control ------------------------------------------------- 75b 96
Variable speed drives, fire control -...................................----- 75c 97
Vehicles, weather conditions .. . .................................................
83a 105
V iscosity, lubrication ----------------------------------------------------------- 11 10

TM -9-273

Paragraphs Page
Water accumulation in crankcase ---------------------------. . ...............
88b 111
Water emulsion sludges -------------------------------------------------------- 86c 107
Water jacket -_----___________._............................__________________ 47e 51
Water pump -___________
.................................................... _ 47g 53
Wear accelerated by cold sluggish lubrication ------------------------------------ 86b 107
W et conditions ----------------------------------------------------------------- 87 110
Wheel bearing lubricators ------------------------------------------------------ 86b 33
Wheel bearing mechanism ------------------------------------------------------ 57 .72
Winterization, plans ----------------------------------------------------------- 69b 89
Worm and worm wheel measuring movements, fire control .--------------------- 74 96

TM 9-273


General, United States Army,
Official; Chief of Staff.
Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant General.

Active Armt:

DCSLOG (1) Instls (2) except

CNGB (1) Ft Hood (4)
Tech Stf, DA (2) except Ord Comd (2) except
CofOrd (5) OWC (5)
CofT (1) Ord Tk-Autmv Comd (5)
Ord Bd (2) USA Ord Sch (2)
ARADCOM Rgn (2) Ord Sec, GENDEP (2)
OS MIaj Comd (2) Ord Dep (2)
OS Base Comd (1) Ord PG (3)
LOGCOMD (3) ORD Arsenals (2) except
Armies (2) Watertown Arsenal (5)
MDW (1) Watervliet Arsenal (5)
Corps (1) Raritan Arsenal (10)
Div (1) Frankford Arsenal (5)
Ord Gp (2) Springfield Armory (5)
Ord Bn (2) Ord Dist (2)
Ord Co (2) MAAG (1)

NG: State AG (3); units--same as active Army except allowance is one copy to each unit.
USAR: Same as Active Army except allowance is one copy to each unit.
For explanations of abbreviations used, see AR 320-50.

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