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The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.

Postgraduate Certificate Course

Welcome Message
Dear Teacher/ Participant,
Centre for Educational Professional Development on behalf of The City School welcomes you to
be part of Postgraduate Certificate Course in Advanced Professional Studies.
This face-to-face taught course is specifically designed to equip TCS teachers with the right
knowledge, skills and understanding to enhance classroom practices. The four modules
organise learning from a personal perspective to an organisational one with learners at the
heart of this process.
The course facilitates your learning through lectures, videos, activities, reading and discussions
in all four modules. The content delivery is designed to model expected classroom practices
providing you with concrete experiences to adapt in your teaching accordingly. Your learning
progress will be gauged through self, peer, and course tutor assessment both formally and
informally. The constructive feedback will facilitate you in keeping pace with the expected
To ensure relevance of content, references will be made to TCS Teacher Competencies; a desired
benchmark for TCS teacher.
PGCC comprises four modules
1. Preparing for Professional Development
2. Teaching for Effective Learning
3. Assessment and Evaluation
4. School Improvement

It is expected that all participants will collaborate and cooperate with their fellow teachers and
course tutors; record their learning progress in a reflective journal, study prescribed materials,
present their thoughts and ideas to peers formally and informally to facilitate group learning.
For successful completion of the course, the participants are required to present their learning
in two formal assignments at different stages of application of their knowledge, skills and
The following pages of the handbook will provide you the expectations and details of the course
to ensure a productive learning experience.

Happy Learning!

Ms. Irum Yousuf Sikandar

Head - CEPD

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Welcome Message........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Course Descriptor............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Module 1: Preparing for Professional Development......................................................................................... 4
Module 2: Teaching for Effective Learning............................................................................................................ 5
Module 3: Assessment and Evaluation.................................................................................................................... 6
Module 4: School Improvement................................................................................................................................. 7
Course Assessment:........................................................................................................................................................ 8

Academic Writing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Course Descriptor
Post Graduate Certificate Course (PGCC) is 96 hours face-to-face course followed by two work-
based assignments providing evidence of learning. Course is spread across 16 days with 7
working hours each day.
96 hours are broken down into four modules as follows

Module No of Days No of Hours

Preparing for Professional Development 3 18
Teaching for Effective Learning 5 30
Assessment and Evaluation 3 18
School Improvement 5 30
16 days 96 hours

Each course day comprises 4 sessions, each of 90 minutes duration, followed by tea and lunch

No of Hours

Independent Research & work-based Learning

(Monthly report writing on Action plan implementation for Assignment 1 & 2) 24 hours
4 hours/month

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Module 1: Preparing for Professional

Module Aim:
This module aims to encourage the growth of schoolteachers as independent learners
who are capable of taking responsibility for their development and learning, as well as
playing a developmental and training role with their peers/school colleagues.

Module Outcomes:

By the end of the module participants will be enabled to:

 analyse their own learning and developmental needs in the light of their past
experiences and their present organizational roles and context.
 enhance their own skills as learners; be able to advise colleagues and pupils on
study skills.
 Plan and prioritise actions for personal professional development .

Module Outline:
 TCS Teacher Competencies and self-analysis
 Learning Styles
 Experiential learning
 Reflection
 Study Skills: reading and note-taking skills, writing styles and skills; inferences and
arguments; listening skills; writing skills
 Issues in personal organization and time-management

Participants will undertake a reflective review of their learning needs and developmental
objectives. This will include a provisional set of action points for personal professional
development as an assignment report of 3000 words to be submitted after 30 days of course

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Module 2: Teaching for Effective Learning

Module Aim:
This module is aimed to develop a deeper understanding of classroom events and
processes through studying a variety of teaching models based on different educational
theories. This will prepare teachers for action research in their classrooms to effectively
facilitate students’ learning experiences.

Module Outcomes:
Participants will be able to:
 develop classroom practice skills which contribute to effective teaching.
 apply knowledge of learning theories to teaching practices to enhance student
 display a critical understanding of factors which contribute to purposeful and
positive order in the classroom.
 analyse different models of learning to adapt teaching practices for different needs
of learners.
 develop an appreciation of learning and teaching styles, particularly those which
include active learning.

Module Outline:

 Defining learning
 Learning theories
 Conditions for learning
 Identifying and analyzing teaching styles and skills
 Classroom management
 Strategies for differentiation
 Classroom communication: exposition, explanation, questioning, responding
 Technology as a teaching resource
 Self-evaluation and reflective practice

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Module 3: Assessment and Evaluation

Module Aim:
This module is aimed to develop teacher’s knowledge and understanding of assessment
processes and how it contributes to student learning.

Module Outcomes:
Participants will be able to
 identity aspects of curriculum design in schools.
 evaluate different lesson models for comprehensive planning.
 differentiate between types of assessment.
 record and report feedback effectively.
 develop classroom assessment practices aligned with learning outcomes.

Module Outline:
 Aims and Objectives.
 Lesson planning.
 Assessing Students.
 Assessment paradigms: the purposes of assessment.
 Assessment purposes: characteristics of good assessment.
 Recording and reporting.
 Planning, delivering, and analyzing a mini lesson.

Participants will plan a lesson and will present it to their peers on Day 3 of the Module. 1

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Module 4: School Improvement

Module Aim:
To assist participants in the processes of devising and managing systematic self-
evaluation for school improvement.
Module Outcomes:
Participants will be able to:
 identify factors for school effectiveness
 systematically apply a range of evaluation tools
 use evaluation findings to inform decision-making in the school
 engage in professional enquiry
 plan a programme for school improvement

Module Outline:
 Factors for school effectiveness
 Conditions for school improvement 
 School Improvement planning cycle
 School Improvement Framework
 Identifying priorities
 Managing change

Participants will identify the improvement needs of their respective schools, prioritise,
and develop an action plan and present it to peers on Day 5 of this Module. 1

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Course Assessment:
Participants will be assessed formatively during the course and summatively at the end
of the course as follows.
During the course:
 Learning logs
 Discussions
 Presentations
 Participation

Post course:

 Participants will undertake a reflective review of their learning needs and

developmental objectives. This will include a provisional set of action points for
personal professional development as an assignment report of 1500 words to be
submitted after 30 days of course completion. (This is a minor assignment based on
Modules 1, 2 and 3)

 Participants will undertake a review of improvement priorities in their school and in

consultation with SLT, draw up an action plan for improvement. This will contribute
to an assignment report of 3500 words to be submitted after 180 days of course
completion. (This is a major assignment based on Module 4)

Days to remember:

 1st Assignment submission: 30 days after the course.

 2nd Assignment submission: 180 days after the course.

 Urdu and Islamiyat teachers can submit assignments in typed Urdu.
 Assignment should reflect your learning than success of your action plan.
 There are only two chances for submission of each assignment.
 Assignment is marked either SATISFACTORY or NOT YET SATISFACTORY.
 NOT YET SATISFACTORY or no submission will result in qualification incomplete.


TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Academic Writing
Writing an academic report appears to be a daunting task because it demands a certain
level of knowledge, skills, preparation, time, and creativity.  But how can you achieve
the projected level of writing prowess and proficiency? There is no simple rule, but it
depends on different types of requirements, and each comes with a highly specific set of
rules and features. However, some aspects of writing may remain the same regardless
of the format. In this section, we will share the basics of academic writing specifically for
writing assignment reports for Post Graduate Certificate Course (PGCC) at TCS.
Layout and format:
The first piece of advice is fairly simple – obey the rules and follow the guidelines as
requested by CEPD for academic writing. These requirements cover a wide range of
technical elements such as fonts, word counts, alignment, and so on. Following these
guidelines, to avoid getting penalized for amateurish blunders.
Font: Arial/ Calibri/ Times New Roman
Page size: A4
Page layout: Portrait
Alignment: left (2.54 cm)
Line spacing: 1.5
Footer: PGCC/2022/assignment no. /participant’s name
Page number: Right aligned – Page X of Y (X= current page and Y=Total number of pages)
Submission format: PDF

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Assignment 1
Section Mandatory Not required
Title Page Title: Font size: 24 Page number
Course title:14 Page borders
Assignment number: 14 Illustrations/
Participant name: 14 images
Employee Number: 14
School name: 14
School Leader’s name: 14
Date of submission: 14
Tutor name: 14
Line Spacing: 2
Declaration form Declaration form provided to
Acknowledgements Maximum 100 words Page number
Font size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Table of contents Titles of assignment section with page Page number
Font size: 12
Line spacing: 2
Section 1: My professional Separate page Page borders
context Title: Font size 24
 My professional context Professional context: 200 words Page borders
 My strengths and Areas Strengths and areas for improvement:
for Improvement as a 200words
professional Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Section 2: Personal Action Separate page Page borders
Plan Title: Font size: 24
Personal Action Plan Wordcount: 500 words Page borders
Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Intext citation: (author surname,
publication year, and page number)
Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Section 3: Personal Action Separate page Page borders
Plan Progress Title: Font size: 24
Personal Action plan Wordcount: 500 words Page borders
Progress supported by Heading: font size 14
academic literature Second heading: font size 12 underline
evidences Body text: font size 12
Intext citation: (author surname,
publication year, and page number if

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

direct quote being used.)

Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Section 4: References Heading: font size 14 Page borders
Body text: font size 12
Numbering: 1, 2, 3……… in alphabetical
order of last name of author
(One Autor) Last name, First Initial.
(Year published). Title. edition. City:
(two authors) Last name, First initial.
and Last name, First initial. (Year
published). Title. edition. City:
(more than four authors) Last name,
First initial. et al. (Year published).
Title. edition. City: Publisher.
Appendices (optional) Heading: font size 14 Low quality images
Photos, tables, figures, and illustrations Unnecessary
with numbers as appeared in general images/ tables,
text. Description figures, documents,
Photos, tables, figures, documents, and and illustrations.
illustrations should have a brief
description/ source underneath.

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Assignment 2
Section Mandatory Not required
Title Page Course Title: Font size: 24 Page number
Assignment number: 14 Page borders
Participant name: 14 Illustrations/
Employee Number: 14 images
School name: 14
School Leader’s name: 14
Date of submission: 14
Tutor name: 14
Line Spacing: 2
Declaration form Declaration form provided to
Acknowledgements Maximum 100 words Page number
Font size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Table of contents Titles of assignment section with page Page number
Font size: 12
Line spacing: 2
Section 1: My Professional Separate page Page borders
context Title: Font size 24
 My professional context Word count: 400 words Page borders
 My strengths and Areas Heading: font size 14
for Improvement as a Second heading: font size 12 underline
professional Body text: font size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Section 2: My Action Plan Separate page Page borders
Title: Font size 24
Rationale Word count: 200 words Page borders
Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Audit Section Word count: 500 words Page borders
Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Actions Section Word count: 800 words
Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Figures and illustrations added should

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

be number and description

Evaluation section Word count: 800 words
Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Results and Word count: 500 words
Recommendations Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Summary Word count: 200 words
Heading: font size 14
Second heading: font size 12 underline
Body text: font size 12
Line spacing: 1.5
Figures and illustrations added should
be number and description
Section 4: References Heading: font size 14 Page borders
Body text: font size 12
Numbering: 1, 2, 3……… in alphabetical
order of the last name of author
(One Autor) Last name, First Initial.
(Year published). Title. edition. City:
(two authors) Last name, First initial.
and Last name, First initial. (Year
published). Title. edition. City:
(more than four authors) Last name,
First initial. et al. (Year published).
Title. edition. City: Publisher.
Appendices Heading: font size 14 Low quality images
Photos, tables, figures, and illustrations Unnecessary
with number as appeared in general images/ tables,
text. Description figures, documents,
Photos, tables, figures, documents, and and illustrations.
illustrations should have brief
description/ source underneath.

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Language, Grammar and Syntax.

Pre-writing: It is an essential step for any formal writing therefore time and energy spent during
this phase will benefit the final draft. Use the reflection logs and assignment planning
worksheets to recall your learning and how it has contributed to your personal and professional
Writing: ’Since both assignments are focused on personal knowledge and learning, they often
include the use of first-person pronouns (I, me, and my). Use passive forms of sentences to avoid
excessive use of I, me and my.
Keep focus on the section’s content requirements. Present content as three-part structure:
a. Introduction: The first segment is all about presenting the subject and telling the
reader what to expect from it. (10-15% of word count)
b. Body: This is where you do your best to elaborate on content, give an overview of
your learning from actions and reading presenting the evidence to confirm as per
guidelines. (65-75% of word count)
c. Conclusion: The end part serves as a brief summary of your findings and you should
use it to remind the reader of all the major conclusions of your learning. (15 to 20%
of word count)

Keep the reader in mind while writing and remind yourself that you are not writing for yourself.
This is particularly important in academic writing because you are addressing highly educated
colleagues proficient with the subject. Use the language that you know will make the readers
satisfied. Do not forget to use the corresponding vocabulary because it is the only natural thing
to do. However, it is recommended to simplify the language whenever possible to keep things
easier for the readers. Keep in mind that academic writing is not about plot twists and unusual
stories. The simpler it is, the better it looks in the eyes of a typical reader.

Proofread and edit: One of the quintessential rules of academic writing is to proofread and edit
every document before submitting it. This is extremely important because any grammar or
spelling mistake, however big or small, may ruin hours and days of hard work. It is always
encouraged to proofread documents manually and also to use at least one editing tool. Any one
of these online proofreading platforms and services can be used for free:

 Microsoft Editor
 Grammarly

Add references properly whenever you rely on someone else’s thoughts and ideas. You must
never forget to add citations and quote other authors because you will get accused of
plagiarism. Besides that, adding references is always a good idea because it makes your work
seem better and more complete. You can add images, illustrations, figures, and tables in text
with figure number and its brief description. If you are not skilled at editing, then these can be
added in Appendix section of assignment with a reference made in text for the appendix
number. The appendix should have a number and description.

It can be difficult to look objectively at your own writing. Your perspective might be positively
or negatively biased—especially if you try to assess your work shortly after finishing it. It is best

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

to leave your work alone for at least a day or two after completing the first draft. Return to it
after a break to evaluate it with fresh eyes; you will spot things you would not have otherwise.
When evaluating your writing at this stage, focus mainly on larger issues such as changes to
your arguments or structure.

 Arguments that are unclear or illogical.

 Areas where information would be better presented in a different order.
 Passages where additional information or explanation is needed.
 Passages that are irrelevant to your overall argument.

Starting with bigger concerns saves you time—there is no point perfecting the grammar of
something you end up cutting out anyway.

Avoid pitfalls: Any academic writing with fixed deadlines requires conviction and self-discipline.
Procrastination emerges as your biggest enemy; however, temporal motivation theory claims
that motivation to work is highest close to deadlines. Remember, that PGCC assignment requires
you to support your learning with evidence-based practices. Therefore, dedicate few hours
every week to consolidate evidence, read and research on your assignment topic and continue
to make notes of your learning.

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

Support Learning with Literature

Following is the list of essential and supplemental reading for each Module.
Essential reading:
Module 1: The Reflective Journal (3rd Edition) by Barbara Bassot.
Module 2: Essential Teaching Skills (2nd edition) by Chris Kyriacou.
Educational Learning Theories (2nd Edition) by Molly Zhou and David Brown.

Module 3: Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind by Manitoba Education,

Citizenship and Youth

Module 4: School Improvement Planning: A Handbook by Education Improvement

Online resource:

Suggested Reading:
1. Cooper, J.M. (2011) Classroom Teaching Skills (9th ed.) Wadsworth: Cengage Learning
2. Hattie, John (2012) Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning.
London: Routledge.
3. Macbeath, J. (1999) Schools Must Speak for Themselves. London: Routledge.
4. Petty, G. (2009). Evidence-based Teaching (2nd ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd.
5. Petty, G. (2009). Teaching Today: A Practical Guide (4th ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson
Thornes Ltd.
6. Pollard, Andrew (2013) Reflective Teaching in Schools (4th ed.). London: Bloomsbury.
7. Schunk, D.H. (2012) Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective (6th ed.). Boston:

Suggested online reading:

1. Education Endowment Foundation

2. Geoff Petty (
3. Visible Learning (
4. Reflective Teaching (
5. Battle for Kids (

Other reading material:

1. TCS Academic Handbook (2019)
2. SIQA Handbook V1.0 (2020)

TCS CEPD will ensure that this learning process is smooth during the entire duration. The
department, tutors, your school leaders, and colleagues will provide continuous guidance

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

The City School – Centre for Educational Professional Development.
Postgraduate Certificate Course

support throughout your learning journey and its positive impact in your school’s learning and
teaching process.
Please feel free to contact CEPD for any query or concern at

Best wishes,

Ms. Irum Yousuf Sikandar

Head – CEPD

TCS/CEPD/PGCC 2022/Handbook/ Participant

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