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Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages.

15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

Standardization of Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation, Sudnasak Churna

1* 1
Nitin kumar , Dr. Kshitij Aggarwal , Dr. Arvind kumar(s)

S D College of Pharmacy and Vocational Studies, Muzaffarnagar,(U.P.) (India)

S D College of Pharmacy and Vocational Studies, Muzaffarnagar, AkTU Lucknow (India)

The herbal preparations standardization method is an important part to obtain the quality and
efficacy of the product that considered as the rate-limiting step of the Ayurvedic formulations.
The method comprehensively provides the data for the concentrations used in the formulation. In
this research standardization of sudnasak churna, a polyherbal medicine was done and their anti-
inflammatory action was determined. The preparation was done as per the formulary of
ayurvedic polyherbal in India. The organoleptic properties, physical properties, and
physiological characters were used for the standardization of marketed and in-house ayurvedic
medicinal preparations. The accurate and exact parameters were used to evaluate the churna
property and compare it with the reference standards for control and quality assurance in the
pharmaceutical labs.
Keywords: Physico-chemical, Polyherbal Formulation, Standardization, anti-inflammatory.

The herbal drug standardization method is quite deep and wide. There is so much to study and
several contradictory theories were subjected to herbal medicines and their relation with human
physiology and mental function. [1]The research aims to standardize the herbal formulations and
nutraceuticals for deep knowledge of main herbs present in India and majorly use in the
Ayurvedic formulations for important work. In India herbs used are in a wide range for
medicinal purpose and their formulations are very important. India comes as a wider country for
playing an important role in producing and standardizing the therapeutic effects in the ayurvedic
formulations. India is exploring more in the field of herbal medicinal plants and this can be
achieved only by evaluation and analysis of herbal products by using a modern procedure of
standardization. [2]
WHO also mentioned the importance of medicinal plants in the field of public health care that
directly helps in the nation's development and origin of the guidelines for supporting the state
members for formulating national policies in the traditional medicine field for studying the
potential uses including evaluation, safety, and efficacy. [3]
The present work concerns the latest guidelines mentioned below including Good Manufacturing
Practices (GMP) for preparing the Ayurvedic formulations. Standardization guidelines need to be
followed for herbal formulations explained by international bodies such as the WHO European
Agency for the evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) and the United States Pharmacopeia
(USP) have also been considered. [4]

Table 1.Polyherbalchurna contains following ingredients:

S. No. Common Scientific name Part Used Quantity
name 15251
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

1. Safedbansa Adhatodavasica Dried Leaves 1 Part

2. Chitrak Plumbagozeylanica Dried Root 1 Part

3. Pipli Piper longum Dried Fruits 1 Part

4. Harada Terminaliachebula Dried fruits 1 Part


The physiochemical studies, such as ash value (total), ash soluble in water; LOD (loss on
drying), and water and alcohol extract that is soluble were performed according to the WHO
guidelines. [5] Preliminary phytoconstituents tests were done according to the standard
procedures mentioned. [6].

I. Selection of medicinal plants

Bythe help of local public the plants was identified by local name vernacular and after collecting
accurate scientific identification were done by using the reported papers and literature survey.
II. Collection of drugs
The whole plant or their parts shall be collected and authenticated by
anHemavatiNandanBahyganaGarhwalUnive A Central University, Muzaffarnagar, U.P. of Ref.
No. BOT/GU/Auth. Lett./070 authority in plant taxonomy. The identified and authenticated
species shall be collected in sufficient quantity, dried and powdered for further studies.
III. Preparation of churna
The preliminary churna of polyherbalplants partwas done by various parts of plants and dried in
under the shade for several days and after that churna prepared. Safedbansa (Adhatodavasica),
Chitrak (Plumbagozeylanica), Pipli (Piper longum) and Harada (Terminaliachebula)were used
for preparation of churna.

IV. Preliminary phytochemical study-

The prepared polyherbal formulation was undergoes for qualitative tests for identification of the
constituents present in it such as Carbohydrates, Proteins, Alkaloids, Glycosides, Tannins,
Saponins, Flavanoids Fixed oils, etc . [7-9]


Dilute HCl and polyherbalchurna was mixed and filter the solution. The filtrate received was
further treated with several alkaloidalgvtyy0063, reddish brown colour appearance confirms
reducing sugars presence.


Biuret`s Test:
Copper sulfate solution was added to the polyherbalchurna and then the addition of sodium
hydroxide solution appearance of violet color precipitates confirms the protein in it. 15252
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.


Liebermann Burchard`s Test:
Addition of Conc. H2SO4 to the polyherbalchurna followed by glacial acetic acid and acetic
anhydride, if the appearance of violet color ring occurs at the junctions of liquids and the
aqueous color appears in green confirms the presence of steroids.


Polyherbalchurna and neutral ferric chloride solution was mixed and addition of few drops of
alcohol into it if bluish green or red color appears confirms the phenols presence in the churna.


Lead acetate (10%) solution was treated with the PolyherbalChurna and if white precipitates
forms confirm the tannins present in the churna.


Hydrolyzation of sulphuric acid (10%) with PolyherbalChurna was done then cooling of the
solution and extraction with the diethyl ether then division of solution into 3 parts in separate test
tubes. 1 ml of three different solutions, i.e. diluted sodium carbonate, 0.1 N sodium hydroxide,
and diluted ammonia solutions added to the test tubes respectively. If yellow color appears in
each test tube confirms the presence of flavonoids in it.
Shinoda’s test:
Dissolve the polyherbalchurna in the alcohol, to which magnesium piece was added dropwise
and followed by concentrated HCl, and heating was done. Purple color appearance confirms the
presence of flavonoids.


Little anthrone and polyherbalchurna were mixed in a watch glass by the addition of a drop of
concentrated H2SO4 and paste was formed, where gentle heating was done over the water bath9.
Foam test: Dilution of churna was done with water up to 20 ml and if foam forms in the upper
portion of test tubes confirms the saponin presence
V. Standardization of Polyherbalchurna formulation:
The number of parameters studied was organoleptic properties, Physico-chemical investigations,
determination of pH, Fluorescence analysis, determination of viscosity, density, and Preliminary
phytochemical analysis
a) Organoleptic evaluation:
The Organoleptic charactersconsist of evaluating theformulation by color, odor, and taste. [11]
b) Physico-chemical investigation:
The water soluble extract value, alcohol soluble extractive value,Pet ether soluble extractive
value, Chloroform soluble extractive value, Chloroform soluble extractive value, Total ash value,
Water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash and physical characteristics like bulk density, tapped
density, Carr’s index, Hausner ratio and angle of reposecomes under this evaluation. [12]
i) Determination of Water-soluble Extractive:
Air-dried plant material (around 5 gm) was macerated with the water (100 ml) in a closed flask
and frequent shaking was done initially (up to 6 hr) then allowed to stand for the next 18 hours
separately. Further filtration was done rapidly to prevent water loss and evaporation done for 15253
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

around 25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a tarred flat bottom shallow flask that was previously
dried at 1050C and weighed. The water-soluble extract value was calculated by taking the air-
dried drug as a reference. [13]
ii) Determination of Ethanol-soluble Extractive:
Air-dried plant material (around 5 gm) was macerated with the ethanol (100 ml) in a closed flask
and frequent shaking was done initially (up to 6 hr) then allow to stand for the next 18 hours
separately. Further filtration was done rapidly to prevent ethanol loss and evaporation done for
around 25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a tarred flat bottom shallow flask that was previously
dried at 1050C and weighed. Ethanol soluble extractive value was calculated taking the air-dried
drug as reference. [14]
iii) Determination of Chloroform-solubleExtractive:
Air-dried plant material (around 5 gm) was macerated with the chloroform (100 ml) in a closed
flask and frequent shaking was done initially ( up to 6 hr) then allow to stand for the next 18
hours separately. Further filtration was done rapidly to prevent chloroform loss and evaporation
done for around 25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a tarred flat bottom shallow flask that was
previously dried at 1050C and weighed. Chloroform soluble extractive value was calculated
taking the air-dried drug as reference. [15]
iv) Determination of Pet ether-soluble Extractive:
Air-dried plant material (around 5 gm) was macerated with the Pet ether (100 ml) in a closed
flask and frequent shaking was done initially ( up to 6 hr) then allow to stand for the next 18
hours separately. Further filtration was done rapidly to prevent Pet ether loss and evaporation
done for around 25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a tarred flat bottom shallow flask that was
previously dried at 1050C and weighed. pet ether soluble extractive value was calculated taking
the air-dried drug as reference. [16]
v) Determination of Total Ash:
Dried powder of around 2-3 g was weighed accurately in tarred platinum or silica dish that was
earlier ignited and weighted. Scattering of powder drug on the dish bottom and incineration was
done by gradually increasing the heat that might not exceeds the dull red heat until free from the
carbon cooling down the ash and weighing was done. If carbon-free ash is not obtained via using
this method, exhaust the charred mass along with hot water and collection of the residue on the
ashless filter paper incinerates the residue and filter paper addition of filtrate and evaporation to
the dryness and ignition at low temperature. Calculation of % ash was done by taking air-dried
drugs as a reference. [17]

Total Ash value of the sample = 100 (z – x) %

z = weight of the dish + ash (after complete incineration)
x = weight of the empty dish
y = weight of the drug taken

vi) Acid insoluble ash:

25 ml of 2M HCl was boiled with ash for 5 minutes and collection of insoluble matter in a
Gooch crucible or the ashless filter washing was done with the hot water and then ignition and
cooling done in the desiccator for weighing. The percentage of acid-insoluble ash was calculated
with reference to the air-dried drug. [18] 15254
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

vii) Water soluble ash:

25 ml of water was boiled with ash for 5 minute and collection of insoluble matter in a sintered
glass crucible or the ashless filter washing was done with the hot water and then ignition for 15
minutes at a temperature not rising more than 450 °c and subtraction of the weight of the residue
in mg from the weight of total ash. The content was calculated with reference to the air-dried
drug in mg/g. [18]
viii) Determination of pH:
pH was determined by using polyherbal solution (1%) in distilled water and by using a systronic
digital pH meter [19].
ix) Fluorescence analysis:
1mg of polyherbalchurna was taken for fluorescence analysis on the glass slide and treating the
churna with numerous samples such as FeCl3, Conc.HCl, HNO3, K2Cr2O7, NaOH, AgNO3,
Conc.H2SO4,Conc. HNO3, Br2 water, 5% H2O2, CCl4, Methanol, CH3COOH, Xylene, NH3,
I2 for determining the fluorescence character presence under the ultra-violet lamp. [20]
x) Determination of viscosity, surface tension and density:
Density, surface tension and viscosity were determined by using the aqueous solution (1%) of
polyherbalchurna. [21]
xi) Determination of Viscosity:
Ostwardvisometer was used for determining the viscosity of polyherbal formulation (1%).The
determination done for required time needed to the liquid flows due to gravity between the two
marks via vertically capillary tube. Viscosity calculated by comparing with the time of flow of
liquid (known viscosity, i.e. water). The viscosity of the sample liquid η1 is calculated with the
help of below mentioned equation [21]

P1 t1 × η2
η1 =
P2 t2
P1 = unknown liquid denesity
t1 = time of the flow ( unknown liquid)
P2= density (known liquid (density of water =0.9971g/ml))
t2= time of the flow (known liquid)
η2 = viscosity (known liquid (water =0.8937cps))

xii) Density Evaluation:

The density of polyherbalchurna (1%) is determined by using specific gravity bottle. The empty
bottle weighted first then weighted again by filling liquid for determining specific gravity. The
calculation done by determining the difference between weights is divided by the equal volume
of water to give the specific gravity of liquid . The following equation is used for determination.

ʆL =

ʆL = density of unknown liquid 15255
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

w3 = weight of bottle + unknown liquid

w1 = weight of empty bottle
w2 = weight of bottle + water ( density of water=0.9971g/ml)

xiii) Surface tension Evaluation:

The surface tension was determined by using a stalagmometer by the use of the stalagmometric
procedure. stalagmometer device other known names are stactometer or stalagmometer. The
appearance of the device is similar to the capillary glass tube but having a wider middle portion.
The volume of the drop can be determined earlier by designing a stalagmometer. The last end of
the tube is narrowed for forcing the fluids to fall out of the tube in the form of a drop. By
experimenting, the dropping of fluid occurs in a slow manner from tube following vertical path.
The drop that hang in middle of the tube started falling when drop volume reached at its
maximum value and is tottaly depend up on the solution characteristics. [21]

Calculation of surface tension by using the below-mentioned equation:

γL =
ηL1× dH2O

where :
ηH2O = drops of water (Average number)
dL1 = unknown liquid density
γH2O = Water Surface tension
ηL1 = unknown liquid (average number)
dH2O = Water density

xiv)Evaluation of Physical Characteristics

A) Bulk Density
B) The ratio of mass given and bulk volume is bulk density. The bulk density was calculated
by transfer of exact weighted powder in a graduated cylinder with the help of a funnel.
The initial volume was noted down and then the ratio of the occupied weight of volume
was calculated. [20]
Bulk density= w / v0 g/ml
w = powder mass
v0 = untapped volume.
C) Tapped Density
D) Tapped density was determined by transferring the known weight of powder into a
graduated cylinder and tapping was done a particular number of times. The initial volume
before tapping was noted and then after tapping for 10-15 minutes the final volume was
again noted. The density was calculated by the ratio of the mass of the powder to the
tapped volume. [20]
Tapped volume = w/vf g/ml
w = mass of the powder
vf = tapped volume. 15256
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

E) Compressibility Index/ Carr’s Index

This is the propensity of the powder to be compressed depending upon the apparent bulk density
and tapped density. % compressibility of the powder is calculated by using the below formula.
Compressibility index/ Carr’s index = [(V0-Vf)/V0] × 100
% Compressibility/ Carr’s Index = [(Tapped density – Bulk density)]/ Tapped
density] × 100
F) Hausner’s Ratio

For determining flow properties of powder Hausner’s ratio is used. Hausner’s ratio is the ratio of
tapped density to the bulk density of powder. [20]
Hausner’s ratio= Tapped density/bulk density
G) Angle of Repose

H) The angle of repose is defined as the angle between the powder pile surface and the
powder horizontal surface. The powder passes via a funnel and is fixed to the burette at a
height of 4 cm. The graph paper is placed below the funnel of the table and the height and
radius of the pile were measured. The calculation done by using below mentioned
formula. [20]
Angle of repose= tan-1(h/r)
I) Where,
J) h=height of the pile
K) r = radius of the pile.

The polyherbal formulations were prepared as per the Indian Ayurvedic Formulary.[3]The
qualitative test was performed for polyherbal formulation for identification of class of
components such as Carbohydrates, Proteins, Alkaloids, Glycosides, Tannins, Saponins and
Flavanoids and results shown in Table 2. Organoleptic properties of polyherbal formulations are
shown in Table 3. Water soluble, alcohol-soluble extractive values,and ash values (total ash, acid
insoluble ashand water soluble ash) in Table 4. Samples ash value was carried out using the
procedure mentioned in WHO guidelines for plant materials. [4] pH values from 1% W/V
solution revealed that polyherbalformulation is nearly neutral (6.70). In Tables 5 the flourescent
analyses have been presented. The density, viscosity and surface tension of the polyherbal
formulation are shown in Table 6. The physical characteristics like bulk density, tapped density,
Carr’s index, Hausner ratio and angle of repose are shown in Table 7.
The Pharmacognostic properties estabilished for raw materials of polyherbal preparations could
be employed as QC, Standards for identifying and used in the routine analysis. Purity and
potency of raw materials and formulations follows the method for performing QC/QA laboratory
of pharmaceutical house.

.Table-2 Phytochemical screening of polyherbal formulation: Phytoconstituents Nameoftest Results
Mayer’s ,Hager’s Wagner’s and 15257
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

1 Alkaloids Dragendroff’s test All shows positive


2 Glycosides Legal’s test Shows negative

Phyto-sterols Salkowaski and Both shows positive
3 andterpenoids Libermanbuchard test

4 Saponins Foamtest Shows positive

5 Phenolic andTannins Ferric chloride and Lead acetate Ferric chloride shows
positive result and
lead acetate shows
negative result

6 Flavanoids Shinodatest Shows negative result

Molischs, Benedicts and Molishes shows
7 Carbohydrates Fehlings test positive result rest
two shows negative
Biuret, Ninhydrin and Millon’s All shows negative
8 Proteins test response

9 Oils Spot test Positive response

“ +” sign indicates present“–”signindicatesabsent

Table-3 Organoleptic properties of polyherbal formulation:

Color Odor Taste

Dark Brown Characteristic Bitter

Table-4 Physio-chemical characteristic of polyherbal formulation

S. No. Parameter %
1. Watersolubleextractivew/w 43%
2. Alcoholsolubleextractivew/w 28%
3. Chloroformsolubleextractivew/w 16%
4. Petethersolubleextractivevalue w/w 3%
5. Ashcontentw/w 51.39% 15258
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

6. Acidinsolubleash w/w 13.3%

7. Water soluble ash w/w 6.4%

Determination of pH:
pH was evaluated by usingthepolyherbal solution (1%) in the distilled water and pH is
determined by using Systronic Digital pH meter that is 6.70

Table -5 Fluorescence Analysis of PolyherbalFormulation

S. No. Sample Visible/daylight Ultra violetlight
1. Sample+FeCl3 GreenishBlue Green
2. Sample+Conc.HCl Black Slightly Blue
3. Sample+10%HNO3 Dark Green Green
4. Sample+10%K2Cr2O7 GreenishYellow Green
5. Sample+1mNaOH Dark brown Blackishgreen
6. Sample+AgNO3 Yellow Blue
7. Sample+Conc HNO3 Yellow red Green

8. Sample+conH2SO4 Reddishyellow Green

9. Sample+Br2Water Red Greenishblue
10. Sample+5%H2O2 Yellow Green
11. Sample+CCl4 Yellow Green
12. Sample+Methanol Yellow Yellow
13. Sample+CH3COOH Yellow Yellow
14. Sample+Xylene Yellow Yellow
15. Sample+NH3 Brown Green

Table-6 Density, Viscosity and surface tension

S. No. Parameter Values

1. Density(1%) 0.94

2. Viscosity(1%) 1.123cps

3. SurfaceTension(1%) 39.60 dynes/cm 15259
Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN:1583-6258, Vol. 25, Issue 6, 2021, Pages. 15251 - 15261
Received 25 April 2021; Accepted 08 May 2021.

Table-7Determination of Physical Characteristics

S. No. Parameters Ploy herbal formulation

1. Tap density 0.3518

2. Bulk density 0.5621

3. Angle of repose 40.13

4. Hausner ratio 1.2

5. Carr's Index 11.39

The numerous studies such as morphology, pharmacognostic, phytochemical and physio-
chemical studies of the sample were doneBy the above studies we can conclude that the
parameters defined for the standardization of powder formulations (Sudnasakchurna) are
efficient enough to consider for quality control department for ensuring the consistency of the
finished product from batch to batch is maintained.
Literature review concluded that all plants of polyherbalSudnasakchurna formulation exhibited
anti-inflammatory activities. So it was concluded that polyherbalchurna formulationshows strong
effect against anxiety and anxiety relatedbehavior.
More studies need to be done for finding of pharmacological and chemical characters finding to
know the accurate mechanism of action of the formulation for isolating the active principles
responsible for this type of actions.

My heartfelt thanks to Dr. kshitij Aggarwal and Dr. Arvind Kumar for funding myresearch
project and utilization for different instrumentsand equipment in Department of Pharmacognosy
andDepartment of Pharmacology, college of Pharmacy, SD College of Pharmacy and Vocational
studies Muzaffarnagar U.P.
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