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Eeyore loses a tail and Winnie finds one


to interrupt |ɪntəˈrʌpt|  перебивати

a reward  |rɪˈwɔːd| нагорода

to lick  |lɪk| облизувати

fixedly  |ˈfɪksɪdlɪ| нерухомо, твердо

You are kidding - Ти жартуєш.



Winnie the Pooh

Christopher Robin






Scene 1

Storyteller: It was a nice spring morning. The sun was shining in the blue sky. The
birds were singing merrily, greeting spring. In a thistly corner of the forest, near
the pond, the grey donkey, Eeyore, was standing by himself. He was standing,
thinking about different things. But sometimes he didn’t quite know what he was
thinking about. He was seen in this condition by his friend, Winnie.
Winnie the Pooh: Good morning, Eeyore. What a lovely morning is, is not it? How
are you?

Eeyore: Morning, Winnie. You are right. This morning is really fine. But it seems
to me that something unusual
happens to me.

Winnie the Pooh: Why do you

think so?

Eeyore: I’m not sure, but I do

not feel very well.

Winnie the Pooh: I’m sorry about that. Let’s have a look at you… Hm… What’s
happened to your tail?

Eeyore: What?! What has happened to my tail?

Winnie the Pooh: It isn’t here.

Eeyore: Winnie, you are kidding.

Winnie the Pooh: No, I’m not. You can look around. Each of us has a tail. And
yours isn’t here!

Eeyore: Then what is?

Winnie the Pooh: Nothing.

Eeyore: If you say so, I believe you. That’s why I feel so unusual. But where could
I leave my tail? Don’t you know?

Winnie the Pooh: No, sorry, my friend. You must have left it somewhere.

Eeyore: And somebody must have taken it.

Winnie the Pooh: Eeyore, do not be so sad. I’ll find your tail for you.

Eeyore: Thanks, Winnie, you are a true friend.

Scene 2

Storyteller: So, Winnie the Pooh went off to find Eeyore’s tail. He was walking
through the forest, singing some song. He was full of ideas here he could find
Eeyore’s tail when suddenly he saw Piglet and Rabbit who greeted him.

Piglet: Oh, hello, Winnie.

Rabbit: Hello, dear friend. Will you help us?

Winnie the Pooh: Hello, friends. Help what? What are you doing?

Rabbit: You know, spring has come. And every hostess wants to make his/house
better and nicer than it was in winter.

Piglet: Someone wants to clean the house.

Rabbit: Someone wants to clean the yard.

Piglet: Because as they say: “No pain, no gain”.

Winnie the Pooh: So…

Rabbit: So, I asked our friend Piglet to help me with households. Today he is
helping me. Tomorrow I’ll help him. Do you want to join us?

Winnie the Pooh: Friends, I’d love to. But I’m so busy. I have got a task.

Piglet: What task?

Winnie the Pooh: You know, today I’ve met Eeyore. And he was very upset.

Rabbit: Why?

Winnie the Pooh: Piglet, Rabbit, do you have tails?

Piglet: Of course, we do.

Winnie the Pooh: But our friend Eeyore doesn’t have it.
Rabbit: How can’t an animal have a tail? To my mind, each animal must have a

Winnie the Pooh: I think so too. Maybe, Eeyore has lost it.

Piglet: Where could he leave it?

Winnie the Pooh: I don’t know. So, I promised Eeyore to find his tail.

Rabbit: And what are you going to do? Where are you going?

Winnie the Pooh: I’m going to visit the wise Owl. She knows everything. Maybe,
she knows where Eeyore has left his tail. Would you like to join me?

Piglet: Of course, I’ll go with you.

Rabbit: So do I.

Winnie the Pooh: OK, let’s go.

Scene 3

Storyteller: And three friends went to visit the wise Owl. She lived at the
Chestnuts, and old world residence of great charm, which was grander than
anybody else’s, or seemed so to Bear, because it had both a knocker and a bell

Piglet: Here we are at least.

Rabbit: But what should we do?

Winnie the Pooh: Look here, friends!

Rabbit: I think, Winnie, you should knock and pull the knocker.

Winnie the Pooh: OK. (Calling out in a very loud voice) Owl! I require an answer!
It’s Bear speaking!

Owl: Hello, Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh: Hello, Owl. Aren’t you busy?

Owl: I’m having lunch with Tiger at the moment. I’ve invited him. He is also here.

Tiger: Hello, friends. What are the things going on?

Rabbit: Terrible and sad.

Owl: Why?

Winnie the Pooh: Our friend Eeyore, has lost his tail.

Tiger: Eeyore has lost his tail! I can’t believe it! Are you sure, Winnie?

Winnie the Pooh: Of course, I’m. I’ve seen him today without his tail. And he is so
upset. So, could you very kindly tell me how to find it for him?

Owl: Well, the customary procedure in such cases is as follows?

Rabbit: What? Sorry, but I don’t understand you. Piglet, have you understood

Piglet: No, I haven’t. Winnie?

Winnie the Pooh: No. Dear Owl, please, explain, what does it mean?

Tiger: It means the thing to do. Am I right, Owl?

Owl: Of course, Tiger. And I think I know what to do.

Winnie the Pooh: What?

Owl: We should write a note that our friend Eeyore has lost his tail. And we’ll put
it up all over the Forest.

Tiger: Sorry for interrupting you, but I think we should give a reward who will
find a tail.

Piglet: Right you are, Tiger. I could give him/her some pots.

Rabbit: And I could give some carrots. I had a good harvest last year.
Winnie the Pooh: And I could give a lick of honey.

Tiger: OK, friends. I agree with you. But who will write a note?Owl, can you?

Owl: Sorry but I can’t do this. I can only read. Look around. Everything which is
written here was done by Christopher Robin. Maybe, we should ask him for help?

Winnie the Pooh: OK.

Scene 4

Storyteller: As soon as our friends wanted to go to Christopher Robin’s house to

ask him for such a great de al, they
saw him nearby. He was singing a

Christopher Robin:

Spring is green.

Summer is bright.

Autumn is yellow.

Winter is white.

(Seeing the animals): Oh, hello, friends. What are you doing here? Are you playing
a game?

Winnie the Pooh: Hello, Christopher Robin. We are having a serious talk.

Christopher Robin: What’s happened?

Owl: Our friend, Eeyore, has lost his tail.

Christopher Robin: It can’t be! But how could he do it?

Tiger: We don’t know. But we really want to help him.

Rabbit: We really want to see his happy smile again.

Piglet: And we have got an idea!

Christopher Robin: What kind of idea is it?

Winnie the Pooh: We wanted you to write a note that…

Owl:… that Eeyore has lost his tail and…

Rabbit:… and if someone finds the tail, he/she will have a reward.

Christopher Robin: Wow! It’s a great idea! You are well done! Come on! Tiger,
Owl, go down and we’ll write a note. (Looking at Winnie)Winnie! Winnie! What
are you looking at so fixedly?

Winnie the Pooh: I’m looking at the bell rope.

Owl: It is very nice, is not it?

Piglet: Yes, it is. I like it.

Rabbit: I like it too.

Winnie the Pooh: It reminds me of something but I can’t think what. Owl, where
did you get it?

Owl: Tiger and I just came across it in the Forest.

Tiger: Yes, it was hanging over a bush.

Owl: And I thought at first that somebody lived there.

Tiger: So, we rang it and nothing happened.

Owl: And then we rang again very loudly and it came off in my hand and …

Tiger:… and as nobody seemed to want it …

Owl:… I took it home.

Christopher Robin: Dear Owl. Somebody did want it.

Owl: Who?

Christopher Robin: Eeyore did. I’m sure that this bell rope is his tail.

Tiger: It can’t be.

Christopher Robin: Tiger, believe me. I’m sure that Eeyore will be happy when he
gets back his tail.

Winnie the Pooh: Wow! We have found Eeyore’s tail. All is well that ends well.

Storyteller: So, with these words friends carried the tail back to Eeyore. Eeyore
was so happy that he was jumping happily for a long time waving his tail. When he
got tired he
his devoted
was happy.
But it’s not the
end of our story
about the funny
Bear who liked honey.
Task 1. True or false.

1. Eeyore was standing near the river.

2. Eeyore felt very well.
3. At first Piglet decided to find Eeyore’s tail.
4. Tiger lost his tail.
5. Three friends went to visit Wise Owl.
6. Christopher Robin has found Eeyore’s tail.

Task 2. Fill in the missing words.

Well, true, yard, gets back, Wise, talk

1. I don’t feel very _______.

2. You are a _____ friend.
3. Someone wants to clean the ________.
4. He is going to visit the _______ Owl.
5. We are having a serious ______.
6. Eeyore will be happy when he ________ his tail.

Task 3. Match two parts of the sentences.

1. The birds were singing households

2. Winnie the Pooh went off to find tail
3. Piglet helps me with kidding
4. Each animal must have a merrily
5. Would you like to Eeyore’s tail
6. You are join me?

Task 4. Put the sentences into the correct order.

__ Eeyore lost a tail.

__ Winnie the Pooh carried the tail back to Eeyore.

__ Three friends went to visit the wise Owl.

__ It was a nice spring morning.

__ Eeyore met Winnie the Pooh that morning.

__ Eeyore’s
were finding
his tail.

__ Winnie
the Pooh
asked their
friends to

__ Eeyore
was standing
near the pond.

__ Winnie
the Pooh
went off to
find Eeyore’s

Task 5. Do the word search.

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