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Agora Seminars, in connection to PAF Summer University 10 - 19 August

A new set of Agora Seminars will take place in connection to PAF Summer University. After a successful spring session it is time to take on new challenges with three fresh kick ass seminar hosts venturing into notions of political activism, upgraded Marxist thinking, biopolitics of war and nally to the cross-roads between the public and institutional. The set up is simply and the usual 5- 6 hour per day, no images, and for the rest we offer you PAF's all energetic opportunities and self-organized magic. We start up at 15.00 on the 10 August. 10 - 12 August: Nina Power Nina Power is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Roehampton University, London. In '09 she published One Dimensional Woman opening up for a new discourses around feminism, economy and politics. Her direct and sometimes militant style brings speed to thought closing in on action. Since December '10 she is strongly active in relation to new policies in respect of education in the UK. Nina Power has been editor of bunches of book and writes for among other publications European Philosophy, atomism, pedagogy, art and politics, and magazines such as New Statesman, New Humanist, Cabinet, Radical Philosophy and The Philosophers' Magazine. Nina Power is fast, forward and no forgiveness. 13 - 15 August: Julian Reid Julian Reid is Professor at University of Lapland, Finland and the author of several books most recently The Liberal Way of War (with Michael Dillon), The Biopolitics of the War on Terror and forthcoming a volume on Deleuze and fascism in relation to securitisation, war and aesthetic. The war-machine is back but in a new costume. Julian Reid brings Foucault up to speed remixed with Clausewitz on acid hallucinating rocket science over actors network. 17 - 19 August: Simon Sheikh Simon Sheikh is an independent curator, writer and critic based in Berlin. He has published numerous books with a particular interest in the transformation of institutions since wwII and notions of public space, not rarely connected. His writing on institutional critique and it's gentrication gained great interest from the art-world as well as his more recent writing published by e-ux journal. His writings can also be found in such periodicals as Afterall, AnArchitectur, Springerin and Texte zur Kunst.

Follow the seminar before and on a distance on For further information Mrten Spngberg -, Jan Ritsema - See also One restriction for attending these workshops: To be attended from beginning to end. No shopping. Besides these organised activities: You can also give a lecture yourself. You can also propose a workshop, reading, viewing, work in progress or anything else you would exchange You can also not do either one of them and just attend the activities. Stay is 14 euros per night. Food (obligatory) 18 euro per full day (only until the 15th). Together 32 euro per day. You can stay longer or shorter. We have a shortage of accommodation for the Nina Power seminar but are about to organize alternatives. This is due to overlap with Summer University 5- 15 August. From january 2010 we also introduce a membership fee, of 12 euros per person, valuable one full year, and every resident has to sign a paper for security and liability reasons. Send me an email to reserve. Not so many rooms left. PAF thanks the Kulturstiftung ALLIANZ (Munich), mychoreograph and Choreography As Expended Practice

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