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Name Juan Ortiz Date 09/12/22 Situation #3


Use this worksheet to evaluate each case study. Use one worksheet for each case study.

1. Identify the problem. Katie can’t afford to buy designer clothes, so her solution was asking
her friends if she could borrow their clothes if Katie gave it to them back. However, she
tripped and made hole in the jeans, she doesn’t know if she should tell her parents or tell

2. What are the person’s choices?

a. Katie should tell her parents about her accident that she had with her friends’ jeans. It is
important to be honest and not let things escalate especially when she had been
previously warned about borrowing things.

b. Katie should go to her friend’s house and tell them what happened to their jeans. Telling
her friend can prevent later problems because she is telling them about the issue in that
instant. Her friend could also be a huge factor on what she has to do to repay her for the
damages she did to the pair.

c. She should go to any place where she can get the jeans fixed, there are plenty of places
that can sow things back together including jeans. In many cases sowing things doesn’t
cost a lot and they are able to make it brand new with just finishing touches, her friend
wouldn’t notice if she went to go get it fixed.

d. If Katie can find a job or get money, she should tell her friend about what happened to
them as well as give them money for them to get a newer pair of jeans. One of the safest way
is to get money to be able to pay for the damages, with a family as big as hers, it might be
difficult for her to get money from her parents which the next best thing is to work for the

d. Katie’s last resort would be to keep it hidden from her friend as well as lie to them as if
anything happened to them. There are consequences to this which could include her
friendship, punishment from her parents, and possibly must find a way to pay her back.

3. Gather information: What information should the person gather that would be helpful to
know before making a decision?
a. She should check how much do the jeans cost; in most cases they could be designer but
sometimes they aren’t expensive as their other products. She could be stressing out over a
pair of jeans that are somewhat expensive but not the point where she can’t pay it back.

b. She should figure out if her parents will be willing to help her figure out a way to get the
money to replace the jeans and she should also see if her parents will make the situation
worse for her by grounding her. Her parents can scold her for her mistakes, but they can
also help her on how she should tell her friends, if they have money on their own, if she
needs to work, and if there are any other alternative ways of getting the problem resolved.

c. Is it ethically and morally correcting to lie to her friend and pretend like it wasn’t her fault
the jeans got homes. She needs to see if it is the right decision not only put her friendship on
the line but her relationship with her parents. She should base her decision on morals because
that’s how everyone base their decision on, Katie should know what is right from wrong.

c. Will she have enough money to pay her friend back or will she have to result in finding a
job to get enough money to replace it, she should also look if her friend will want to
accept the money. Money is a major factor to the problem since they are a big family and
Kate doesn’t have enough money or resources to get the situation under control.

4. Consider the outcome. What would be the results of the decision?

a. If Katie decides to tell her parents, not only will she be honest with her parents about
what happened, but there could be a possibly that they will help her figure out how to pay
her friend back. She could get a scolding, but it is a small price to pay for help in her
problem especially since she doesn’t know what to do.

b. If Katie tells her she is also being honest, she can tell her what the situation is instead of
keeping it from her until she finds out. It is always better to tell someone the truth rather
than deep a deeper “hole” on yourself. Regardless of the outcome, she should tell her
friend because she also is learning a valuable lesson, she could lose her friend, but she
would know to not do it again.

c. If she does decide to go to a place where she can get her jeans fixed, she could save
herself the hassle of having to figure out how to tell her friends as well as learn her lesson
to always listen to her parents.

d. If she finds a job, she can have enough money to replace the jeans that she ripped or in
the case where her friends don’t want the jean, she could give them the money so that
they can buy something else.

e If she decides to lie there will be a lot of consequences between her parents who told her it
wasn’t a good idea to borrow other people’s jeans and her friend since she couldn’t keep the
promise of keeping her friends’ pants intact.

5. Make the decision. What should the person do?

I believe that the best option is to tell her friend about what happened with her jeans. In this
situation it wasn’t her fault that she tore the jeans because she tripped, it would be a different
story if she did it on purpose or because she was being careless. I believe that telling her friend
will give more options on what she could do because depending on her friend’s reaction and
decision could impact herself.

6. Evaluate your decision. Why do you think this is the best decision possible?
I believe that this is the best decision because as previously stated, everything depends on the
friend. If her friend is extremely upset about a jean, she will have to change her options on what
she should do. The other decision is also good, but it ultimately comes down to her friend, the
decisions that she makes depends on whether she is going tot ell her friend what happened or
depending on how long she is going to keep it from her. It is also her responsibility to take acre
of this problem because her parents had previously warned her about borrowing other people
stuff especially in their situation where they can’t afford to pay a newer pair.

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