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BOGOTÁ MARCH 24, 2021.


VISION GLOBAL BUSINESS, SAS, with address at Calle 45 # 9 - 42, Edificio Palermo 45 office 102
Bogotá Colombia with NIT number 901060590 - 9. Legally represented by Mr. CRISTHIAN ALEXANDER
SÁNCHEZ CARDONA, with citizenship card 1,127,954,940 who holds the position of General Manager of
the VGB Business Group.

Our technical proposal in a general way is about the regularization of the management of the different
Sanitary Landfills present in each of the localities where we can present our service.

To do this, a research study will first be carried out in each locality in order to know the following variables:

1) Volume of Urban Solid Waste that is generated per Day based on Metric Tons / Day.
2) Evaluation of existing Sanitary Landfills in terms of their management, use and generation of products
and by-products.
3) Current available capacity, useful life time, level of contamination to the environment, possibility of
growth, present and future environmental impacts, maintaining current management, among others.
4) Agroecological, geological, water, environmental and social evaluation of possible places for the
installation of new Sanitary Landfills managed from scratch with the sustainable and environmentally
friendly methodology that our proposal wishes to present.
5) Calculations of the requirements of infrastructure, equipment, machinery, labor, payment of taxes and
patents of each location and any other cost associated with the management of the Sanitary Landfills.
6) Carrying out the Technical Project for the management or Installation of one or several completely new
Sanitary Landfills in the localities solely in charge of the disposal of Solid Urban Waste.
7) Carrying out the Technical Project for the management of one or several completely new Sanitary
Landfills in the localities that will be dedicated to the use of the biogas produced for the generation of


NIT. 901 060590 -9
Cl. 45 # 9 – 42 Of. 102 Ed. Palermo 45
(+57) 350 5789149
This first stage of work will be carried out in each locality established for the implementation of the project
(s) as well as in its surroundings in 3 phases, which are the following:

First Phase:

Face-to-face evaluation of the aforementioned conditions through a multidisciplinary team appointed by

the company, which will carry out each activity accompanied by members of the government and the
communities directly involved.
Duration: 2 Months for a maximum of 2 Sanitary Landfills.

Second Phase:

Preparation of the Technical Report of the Evaluation of the Sanitary Landfills and possible places for the
establishment of the new Sanitary Landfills.
Duration: 2 Months for a maximum of 2 Sanitary Landfills.

Third Phase:

Preparation of the Technical Project for the Installation of Sanitary Landfills for the Management of Urban
Solid Waste and the use of the biogas generated to obtain Electric Power.
Duration: 2 Months for a maximum of 2 Sanitary Landfills.

This first stage must be financed by the investor (s) or the local government to obtain the necessary
information, which will serve as the basis for the preparation and calculation of the project (s) that will be
presented for subsequent installation.

It is important to mention that it is completely impossible for us to establish a general and final proposal
with all the economic calculations of your requirements without having first carried out this series of
activities. Is to guarantee first-hand all the processes related to the collection, sweeping, cleaning,
ornament and environmental health of the communities where the Sanitary Landfills will be established.

Later, once the aforementioned activities are consolidated and the start of methane production by the
Sanitary Landfill (approximately after 6 months), the construction of a power plant using the burning of the
methane produced as fuel.

Said electricity will be sent to the community's distribution network or to any locality (neighborhood, sector
or urbanization), which is designated.

Once the maximum level of each stratum of the landfill plots has been reached, grass will be sown and
solar panels will be installed to increase the electricity generation capacity.


NIT. 901 060590 -9
Cl. 45 # 9 – 42 Of. 102 Ed. Palermo 45
(+57) 350 5789149
This is part of our concept of sustainable management and energy production of our proposal ...

If you agree with the parameters presented in this first stage, with the due business agreement for their
realization, we can then move on to the next stage ...


Eng. Carlos David Indriago

Project Manager VGB
Carlos Indriago Ingeniero Venezuela

Cristhian Sánchez Cardona

Ceo Vision Global Business
NIT 901060590-9
Phone: +57 3503789149
Cl. 45 # 9-42, Comuna Chapinero, Edifcio Palermo office 102, Bogotá


NIT. 901 060590 -9
Cl. 45 # 9 – 42 Of. 102 Ed. Palermo 45
(+57) 350 5789149

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